What is the difference between unfaithful husbands and unfaithful wives. Adultery: how unfaithful husbands differ from unfaithful wives Unfaithful wife how

Women cheat... Someone is attracted by a thirst for new sensations, others dream of affection and attention, which cannot be expected from a husband, and some ladies simply by virtue of their nature do not know how to be faithful.

This article will be useful to men who suspected something was wrong with the behavior of their spouse. We will talk about how an unfaithful wife behaves and how to convict her of treason.

New Habits

With the advent of a new man, a woman has a number of completely new habits. She begins to make up differently, changes her hairstyle, buys other perfumes, changes her image. Often, unfaithful wives begin to follow the lead of their lovers, listen carefully to their wishes and try their best to please. As a result, appearance and habits begin to change.


Your wife wore the same coat for several years, rarely bought new boots, only occasionally bought blouses and skirts, and then suddenly she was drawn to shopping. There is something to think about. If these changes are not associated with a change in the type of activity or work, then you should pay attention!


It spills out from the subconscious. The wife begins to emotionally withdraw, does not want to talk on familiar topics. Moreover, the feeling of guilt makes her constantly annoyed with her husband: with or without a reason. Sometimes anger and irritability transfers to children.


Previously, the wife constantly cursed, but now she agrees every now and then, she began to cook more and devote a suspiciously lot of time to you? One of two things: either she decided to reconsider your relationship and began to appreciate the family, or in this way she is trying to make amends.


A woman who has found a lover changes her tactics and behavior. She is no longer interested in meeting her husband from work - she is busy reading a newspaper, watching a series, or something else that seems to her more important.

New girlfriends who for some reason never come to visit

Yes, yes, most ladies are just trying to cover up their relationship with their lover. As a result, a mythical friend appears, who takes her with her to the bathhouse, swimming pool, gym, to the movies. Only trips to health centers and pools for some reason do not affect the figure and appearance. In addition, having lied, many women do not even take a change of clothes with them, going supposedly to classes at the gym. Do not be too lazy to check whether your missus has definitely gone to play sports.

Internet and phone calls

Your spouse suddenly began to talk a lot on the phone or hangs out for hours on social networks, although before such “sins” were not noticed for her. It's time to think. Maybe she got someone? And the wife begins to hide the phone so that you do not inadvertently find any number or SMS in it.

being late

This is another sign by which you can find out if everything is as good as before. An unfaithful wife suddenly begins to linger at work, citing constant blockages, lack of time, or unscheduled reports. If this situation continues for more than a month, it is worth considering.

No family is immune from adultery © Shutterstock

Unfaithful men respect and value their marriage. According to M. Hunt, the majority of men who have decided on adultery consider their family life to be quite prosperous. And they are not at all inclined to destroy a family because of such a trifle as their own adultery.

In women, everything is completely different (who would doubt it, right?). Most women decide to commit adultery if they consider their marriage unhappy.

Adultery for men is a vivid sexual adventure. Men crave a purely sensual adventure: they are attracted to another body, in most cases a younger one. Adultery for men is doping to make their blood boil.

Most women look for feeling and friendship in adultery: usually women become attached to a man emotionally, and only then think about physical intimacy. According to a survey conducted by M. Hunt, 81% of women who have lovers put friendship and the trust of a lover in the first place, and sex is given an honorable second place. Note: there are still 19% of women in the world for whom sex comes first.

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In married men, adultery, as a rule, is fleeting. Numerous, but fleeting. Other women beckon men only as sexual partners. They prefer to carry all their mental anguish about career ups and downs and other secrets of their subtle souls to their wives.

A woman goes long enough to her first adultery. She cannot change only with her body and therefore cannot understand the behavior of a man. It is difficult for a woman to understand how a man can not remember the name of the woman with whom he slept a couple of months ago after a corporate party.

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The brand of wine that he drank, the man, you see, remembers! Was his friend at the corporate party - he also remembers! But what was the name of the girl whom he helped to put on a coat, and who then woke up on his shoulder - he does not remember! Unlike cute nuances in sex like her consent to anal sex.

A woman remembers the name of her lover many years after this man left her life.

© Shutterstock

Conclusions? Still, try to accept that the psychology of a man is very different from that of a woman. And, probably, learn to live in the present: if your man is right now, at this moment, next to you and you are happy about it, maybe you shouldn’t arrange interrogations with passion and try to find out the name of the girl that the man sincerely does not remember? A?

According to M. Hunt, the majority of unfaithful husbands consider their marriage quite successful, while the majority of unfaithful wives consider it unhappy. These findings have also been confirmed by other psychologists.

Most men are looking for sexual adventure in adultery: they crave a fresh sensation, a new body (usually younger) - everything that will re-energize their blood.

Most women look for feeling and friendship in adultery: at first, they usually become attached emotionally, not physically. Of the women who have lovers in the service, 81% put friendship and the trust of a lover in the first place, and only in second place was sex.

Married men have extramarital affairs, as a rule, numerous, but short - only for sex.

Women go to their betrayal longer than men.

Usually, a woman can't change only her body and therefore cannot understand the behavior of a man. Can't believe he really doesn't remember the name of the girl he slept with last month after drinking a bottle of wine. He remembers the brand of wine he drank, but whether it was Tanya, Masha or Olya, he does not remember. A woman remembers the name of her lover even after fifteen years. The point is a fundamental difference in the approach to physical intimacy.

Attitude towards family

Does an unfaithful wife want to marry her lover? Various studies have shown that only 13 to 35% of them would do it if the opportunity presented itself. More than half of women would definitely not trade a husband for a lover.

Husbands' commitment to an already existing marriage is even stronger.

As you can see, both husbands and wives mostly want to leave everything as it is at home and have a relationship on the side. Despite the significant difference: a man in treason gives paramount importance to sex, and a woman - to emotions.

Who are they cheating with

Cheating wives are very different from cheating husbands, in particular in that most cheating men try to give preference to single women.

Studies have shown that the vast majority of unfaithful wives cheat only with married men. One of the reasons for this is that a married man is safer, calmer, and will not threaten the existence of her current family.

And one more difference: a woman looks at a man for a very long time before becoming his mistress. The man is more determined.

Why husbands cheat

There are several reasons for this.

1. The wife does not fulfill her duties (bad sex, lack of attention, monotony).

2. Revenge (for humiliation, for treason).

3. Self-affirmation: male pride is amused by the number of sexual victories.

Mom, checking Vovochka's diary, stumbles upon an entry from the teacher: "Behavior - 2, thinks too much about girls and sex."

Mom attributes below: “Maria Ivanovna! If you find a way to fix this, let me know: my husband has the same problems.

4. More thrill, variety of experiences.

5. Long separation from his wife, frequent business trips.

6. Women's initiative: the male code of honor does not allow offending a lady with a refusal, and signing "inability" yourself.

7. To make sure of their sexual capabilities (especially when the wife does not excite desire or reproaches her for “weakness”).

8. As a statement of their independence, freedom.

The evolution of views

Almost all women begin with the idea that they will remain faithful to their husbands. Various surveys and studies show that fidelity in marriage remains an indisputable ideal for brides.

Women in marriage are disappointed that the husband does not provide emotional support, does not give his wife any time or attention, does not express love, does not help with household chores.

Female infidelity is an escape from marital relations that do not suit a woman. She seems to be looking for support. One very good American psychoanalyst said that women outside of marriage do not seek sex, but emotional support, but for this emotional support they are forced to pay with their bodies. Because what kind of man will give emotional support to a woman without putting her to bed, or at least without getting the hope of it?

Causes of infidelity of wives

Dissatisfaction with marriage

Revenge on her husband for his betrayal;

A way to feel loved again;

Feel your importance, increase self-esteem;

Prolong the feeling of youth, "ignite" yourself;

Feel your power over a man;

Experience strong feelings;

Satisfy sexual hunger, if any;

dispel boredom;

To satisfy curiosity;

Change the old husband for a new one;


Predisposition to extramarital affairs

This occurs when a woman:

Considers infidelity justified;

Her mother cheated on her husband;

There is a friend who is cheating on her husband;

She loves her husband less than he loves her;

She is actually the head of the family;

Had rich sexual experience before marriage;

More educated than her husband;

Is at a critical age or in a losing streak;

Experiencing the sudden death of a parent;

In frequent separation from her husband;

Dreaming of a love affair;

Has an old male friend;

Wants independence.

requirements for a lover

The lover must:

Make her feel not only desired, but also loved;

To be the opposite of a husband;

Know how to give compliments

Always listen with attention and empathy;

Approve a woman and encourage her;

Be persistent and courageous.

Sex on the side

Lovers are more active in bed, so they are more likely to awaken passion in a partner.

In marriage, romance is no longer there, but in a relationship with a lover, it is.

Illicit communication is accompanied by fears of being exposed. Studies have also established that the state of anxiety increases sexuality in a person: the greatest sexual arousal appears after passing a certain threshold of anxiety. Therefore, the sex of a lover gives more pleasure and for this reason.

In addition, having crossed the law of integrity, a person feels free from other moral prohibitions, in particular, he becomes more relaxed in sex, which is very important for complete satisfaction.

The family has sex when everything is done. Tiredness from these affairs prevents a woman from getting the maximum pleasure from sex, and monotony for a man, because his wife no longer has the strength for “fantasy”.

Cheating and love

Women have more serious relationships in extramarital affairs than men. Romances of wives usually last longer than novels of husbands.

For unfaithful husbands, sex and love, as a rule, are two different things. Many argue like this: a lover is for sex, love or friendship is for a wife.

It is usually difficult for a woman to separate feeling from sex. They often and painfully think about their connection, worrying about it much more than men.

Girls practically do not recognize sex without love. As they get older, they already admit to the idea that they could sleep with a nice guy without feeling involved.

As the connection develops, men become happier, women become more and more unhappy.


Research shows that unfaithful wives are more burdened by guilt. Husbands, on the other hand, feel they deserve a little sex on the side: they are sure that the need for this is inherent in the very male nature (by the way, a number of publications have recently appeared that justify this thesis from a biological standpoint, which will be discussed below). Therefore, they are less concerned about the need to lie and hide.

In addition, they have more self-confidence and have the moral support of other men. A woman has to hide it from everyone.

They wrote me messages in all networks with the following content:

"I really want to find my beloved, who can be a sexwife. I have money, I have a good job and education, there seems to be enough attention from women, but they do not understand this format of relationships, only prostitutes or women with low OZ agree. Where to look?"

I do not answer questions in a personal, this is understandable. But I was interested in the scope of the phenomenon, although there were always a lot of such men, but only marginals easily recognized such inclinations, the rest rarely. And now decent men from their Facebook page are not afraid to highlight such tastes.

I will not tell you yet where to look for such a woman (or maybe I will partially). Because the main thing is not where to look, but what to do with it further so that the idea does not go sideways. For now, I want to write for women what is the danger of such a relationship for them.

In the view of men who are looking for the perfect sexwife, it should be a beautiful, strong woman, in demand among the best men, who will love them, but sometimes change them, and all this will be, on the one hand, as she herself wants, on the other hand, under his control. This contradiction contains an almost inevitable conflict that always goes sideways to women when a man finds what he is looking for.

This “I can’t find” doesn’t mean that he doesn’t find it, but it means that he finds it and quickly becomes disappointed, sees that he has found something wrong. All are either "prostitutes", or "women with low health", or "do not understand the format."

If a man is really wealthy and outwardly good, for many women with lower health than him, it seems that the offer to become a sexwife is just super. How wonderful: to grab such a man, to receive love, sex and material support from him, and even to walk with others. Stupid women in their crowns believe that this attractive man really could not find anyone like them. What's on the minds of these women? Unknown. They seem to really think that being a whore is an art.

In reality, everything is sadder for them. The man describes his ideal and assures that she is very suitable. In fact, only the external image is suitable, and that one with a stretch, and he draws a completely different character for himself. None of those who happily agree to be a sexwife corresponds to such a character, but a man cannot realize this, since all this concerns the sphere of his unconscious, he does not know why he is attracted to it, he is simply excited by certain images and that's it. He is not a sex scientist to decipher the complex relationship between stimuli and his responses.

Therefore, a woman is faced with the task of “going there, I don’t know where, bringing something, I don’t know what,” which, of course, she cannot cope with.

The very first experiments, as a rule, are quite successful, because the contents of the unconscious man are projected onto the woman. He imagines that she is the one, and he likes everything that happens. She meets someone on the Web and goes on a date, he is waiting for her at home, imagining how she is there, sometimes she throws him messages or pictures in the course of what is happening. He is very excited about this, he feels jealous and at the same time conquered jealousy, free, courageous, insane, devoid of any prejudices. Spontaneity blows him away and of course he is grateful to the woman when she comes. He helps her take a shower like a love slave, he questions her, and no matter what she says: "he was cool" or "he was so-so" and what details he tells, he feels the drive from adrenaline and oxytocin and a whole cocktail of endogenous drugs. Even if she refuses to discuss the details, he feels the adrenaline rush even more because there is a mystery. And if he agrees, there is no less adrenaline, because the details are so dirty and cynical.

Maybe they move on and the lover comes home, and then it's even wilder and more exciting, although there's more room for frustration and disappointment too. It is necessary not to cope with the management on some bend and there will be a bummer.

But even if there is no break in the process, soon the image of a real woman inevitably comes to the place of the projections of the unconscious.

This happens quickly, some a little later, but the later it happens, the worse it is for a woman who has already grown a huge crown, moved the locus and released a lot of glue. And she stuck, deciding that she was loved because she was a sex goddess.

The man, meanwhile, comes out of his drug trip, which had little to do with a real woman, she played only the role of a temporary extra. He looks and thinks: yes, this is an ordinary whore, not very beautiful, rather stupid, self-satisfied and insensitive, imagining that she has something special that distinguishes her from other whores.

He begins to slowly pull the crown off the goddess, and the goddess snaps or cries. She demands to return her throne back, demands to be responsible for all promises and words. He tries to get rid of the snarling and sobbing climber, but she is frightened that she ruined everything and begs her to forgive. He softens and even tries again to plunge into his favorite scary tale about the betrayals of his beloved woman, but it is so difficult for him to imagine his beloved in the place of this rug. Imagination is lacking. It used to be enough, while the real image was vague and did not interfere with fantasizing, but now it is not enough.

And the goddess is driven out, sometimes even beaten, if the plus of the man has grown up a long time ago, but she still does not leave, and the goddess may find herself in a disassembled state with a lopsided picture of the world for a long time. She remembers exactly that they adored her for betrayal, she tries to actively multiply sex-only, but there is less and less male adoration for her, and more and more boorish attitude. She can become a man-hater, accusing all men of despising women for their sexuality, although contempt is not about sexuality, but about sexual promiscuity, sexual promiscuity, and these are radically different things.

That is, an LSG looking for a sexwife can bring quite a lot of problems to a woman if she is able to imagine that she has a diamond cave, not like everyone else, that she is very attractive in such a role, and not just a blank for fetish.

It must be remembered that the sphere of sadomasochistic fantasies concerns the impersonal plane and the unconscious parts of the psyche, especially if the man is not marginal, but is normally integrated into society. A man seems to want to get high in this way, but this has almost nothing to do with his life. In life, he wants to respect himself and his woman, to be confident in her devotion, to see her self-respect and inaccessibility to men, at least those whose HP is lower than his. Therefore, most men with such a deviation cannot find their ideal. They want to connect the unconnected, cram the unpushable, expand the scope but leave the restrictions, be free but maintain control. They are also turned on by some publicity of what is happening, but they strive to keep everything a secret so that it does not damage their career and reputation. How is it to be here?

Some men occasionally manage to find a compromise and recreate something in their lives, resorting to various tricks. But this requires very good boundaries and a very clear understanding of what is going on inside and outside of them.

Who is interested in this topic, you can try to simulate in what cases and under what conditions this is possible. And I'll tell you later. And maybe I'll show you a letter from one such poor thing.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Cheating on your own husband is the most common reason why our conscientious women turn to psychologists. In one case, betrayal is a one-time misunderstanding, in the other, a love triangle (there are many options for the development of events), but regardless of the situation, the woman is faced with the question - what to do next?

Is it worth it to fall at your spouse's feet and beg for forgiveness, or in the name of the family to pretend that nothing happened? What do psychologists say about this topic?

The main reasons for women's betrayal of her husband - are you familiar with them?

Men have a surprisingly simple attitude towards cheating - " not caught - did not change ". And talking about cheating on his wife is practically bad manners. Well, if only as a last resort, when the holes in the family boat cannot be hidden, and there is a desire to annoy the “shameless” friend of life, who is not able to appreciate either the stars or the whole world thrown at her feet.

But what about the weak half of humanity? A rare woman treats infidelity "like a man" - that is, as a normal phenomenon and under the motto "a good leftist strengthens marriage." Usually, women cheat for certain reasons and after hard experience cheating - with remorse, emotional throwing and vows "more - for nothing!".

Why and in what cases does a wife cheat on her husband?

  • The wife is the head of the family
    This situation is not uncommon these days. And it is with such a role in the family that a woman's chances of adultery greatly increase. In this case, there is a change in the places of the "terms", and the wife, changing the traditional worldview, decides that the right to the forbidden fruit belongs to her in fact - "I'm in charge here, and all dissatisfied dependents can go to my mother."
  • Physical dissatisfaction within your bed
    If the sexual relations of the spouses are a “five-minute race” in honor of March 8 (or even more often, but mechanically, for show, under an interesting series or football), then the natural course of events is an involuntary search for someone who can drown out this “hunger”. As a rule, relations with this “someone” become one-time (although, sometimes, they develop into a long-playing romance), and the family collapses.
  • Adultery at work
    And there are options. One is daringly pursued by a colleague, shamelessly wrapping her in a trail of mind-blowing perfume, “accidentally” touching her hand and winking invitingly towards the cafeteria. Sooner or later (if there are prerequisites in the form of problems in the family), the “defense” of the woman falls, and a new client for the anonymous circle “Hello, my name is Alla, I cheated on my husband” is ready. Another option is corporations. Under the influence of alcohol and rushing to the will of emotions, women do a lot of stupid things.
  • Vacation - walk, so walk!
    In some families, oddly enough, it is customary to rest separately. Perhaps to take a break from each other and have time to miss your half. And sometimes it just doesn’t work out to go on vacation together - work keeps. As a result, the wife goes with her girlfriend and ... The sea, a warm evening, a glass of wine, hot tanned lads from another country - and the program "I'm married!" in the head goes into sleep mode.
  • Extreme
    This option can be attributed to dissatisfaction in bed with her husband, but here everything is a little more complicated. Just stability "in bed" is not everything. There are also ladies who are simply bored without “pepper” and experiments. Extreme, exciting from head to toe, is casual sex, sex with the boss in the office, with a colleague on the desktop, with a friend in the toilet of the restaurant, etc. Of course, not all options at once (this is already a very difficult case), but one of them. And repentance with pangs of conscience usually does not happen after such a marathon. If the spouse is able to satisfy all the extreme desires of his half, then the need for treason for her simply disappears.
  • "Heredity"
    There are many exceptions to this rule. But still, it is a proven fact that a girl, in whose eyes her mother regularly changed fans, begins to believe that such behavior is the norm. And going on a spree from your husband (if you really wanted to, the cards lay down and the night is so marvelous) - it's not scary. He still doesn't know anything.
  • Age
    Again, the rule with an exception (one size fits all revenge is impossible). But young wives are still too unstable in what they generally want from life. And a divorce in the case of a small affair usually does not scare them - “well, okay, there are people like you behind me.” Adult women are more stable in relationships. They already know that one of the pillars on which the family rests is trust. And the percentage of adultery in adult women is extremely low. Moreover, the “queue of fans” is getting shorter and shorter every year.
  • long separation
    The husband is in the army, on a business trip, the spouse is a sailor or a truck driver, etc. A woman tired of loneliness (but, of course, faithful) suddenly meets a man who “understands” her and is ready to substitute his strong “friendly” shoulder. A strong shoulder quickly transforms into a hot embrace, into which a woman falls without even thinking. Because I've already forgotten what it's like. Of course, in the morning it will be ashamed. And before the arrival of the spouse, the woman will have time to exhaust herself with remorse so much that she either immediately admits, or by that time she will understand that there is nothing to talk about, in principle. Because "all the same, the husband is the best."
  • Bad example
    Some women get together to cross-stitch. Others discuss global problems and "how to get a child to do homework." The third of the meetings arrange a competition - who has a "brand" handbag, more expensive boots, darker tan and more lovers. There are others, of course, but the third option is the most "senseless and merciless." "Having a lover" for some girls is almost a matter of prestige. Like a nice car or a $2,000 dog. And young girls who have fallen under the influence of such ladies also begin to think that it’s normal to go on a spree from a fool-husband (their “purse with legs”).
  • Revenge and resentment
    powerful factor. This is the most common reason for cheating. "An eye for an eye", treason for treason. Naturally, it is not necessary to talk about the preservation of the family in such a situation. Although it happens that such a mutual shake-up becomes for both spouses the beginning of a new stable life.
  • Husband's inattention
    Every family has a moment of fatigue from each other, or a "moment of crisis". And it depends on both whether they survive this period without shocks or disperse, tired of throwing firewood into the family hearth. As a rule, the scenario is the same: the husband no longer says affectionate words, does not make surprises, does not kiss when leaving at work, he has to be taken by storm in bed, etc. Tired of futile attempts to change the situation, the woman begins to look around. Read also:

Instructions for an unfaithful wife - what to do after cheating on her husband?

For most women own betrayal is a serious test , which is quite difficult to get out of without losing "face".

What to do if the “terrible” did happen - what do experts advise?

  • To confess or not to confess? Before making a choice, ask yourself: do you love your husband? Do you want to continue sailing with him in the same family boat to a happy old age? What is the reason for the betrayal? Will you be able to live as before, given the fact of treason? And how can the situation develop after your confession?
  • If you love your husband, if everything in him suits you, and betrayal is a random episode (under the influence of alcohol, emotions, resentment, etc.), which you do not intend to repeat and which no one will ever know about (this is the main thing), then her husband shouldn't admit it. Because recognition, as a rule, is followed by divorce. Awareness of your guilt, of course, will haunt and torment you, but you have the opportunity to atone for your guilt with an all-consuming love for your spouse and save your family.
  • If there is at least 0.001% that the truth will come out if you were almost caught red-handed, even if a psychologist did not help you get rid of remorse, and confession bursts out of you as soon as you look into your husband's eyes - confess. It is possible that your husband will understand and forgive you. Sometimes betrayal even becomes an excellent occasion - to finally discuss the problems that have accumulated in the family and eliminate all misunderstandings between the spouses. Just do not tell your husband all the intimate details. And convince him that everything happened due to circumstances that did not depend on you (alcohol, eclipse, revenge for that blonde, etc.). And do not forget to add that you understand your stupidity, do not want a divorce, and in general "there is no one better than you."
  • Understand the reasons that pushed you to treason. Maybe it's time to change something in family life? Or is it time for a serious conversation with your husband? Or do you yourself demand more from your spouse than he can give you? Or maybe love just doesn't live in your house anymore? Your decision to be or not to be depends on the clarity of understanding the cause. That is, is it worth forgetting about adultery and returning to her husband's native hands, or is it time to tell him the truth and start a new life without him?

What if your conscience deprives you of sleep, and you feel that if you do not throw this stone from your soul, then it will be easier to drown yourself with it? How to calm your conscience and erase adultery from memory , if you catastrophically do not want to confess to your husband in treason and are afraid of losing him?

  • Work on mistakes
    Take a break from self-eating and analyze your life. If in good company you start dancing on the table with a glass or two and you are drawn to feats, then categorically avoid such companies and alcohol in general. If you lack variety in bed, tell your husband "all the secrets of pleasure after 10 years of marriage." He probably won't mind. If you have all the chic guys at work, and everyone’s eyes are drowning the centuries-old ice, then it’s time to look for another job. Etc.
  • Remember: time heals
    Of course, the sediment will remain, but there is no “delete” button in our memory, so relax, stop sprinkling ashes on your head, accept betrayal as a fait accompli and live on. Still nothing to change. If it gets really bad, go to the priest for confession and do everything so that in the future you don’t even have a desire to change.
  • Occupy Your Head with More Helpful Thoughts
    Find a hobby that helps you disengage from this "embarrassing moment."
  • Try to ignore anything that might remind you of cheating.
    Do not go to the cafe where you sat with the "adult", do not walk those streets and delete all data about him from your phone, address book and computer.
  • Dedicate yourself to your husband and family
    Return often to the time when you first met your spouse (especially return to him when thoughts of that random man come up). Cherish the feeling of love for your husband.
  • If you feel that you are simply torn apart by guilt, do not dump the truth on your husband.
    Take it to someone who will listen to you, understand and bury your secret in a cup of coffee (friend, girlfriend, parents - a close person). Relief is guaranteed to you.

Well, a little about "prevention". As soon as you get on the "slippery path" of the traitor, as soon as the sparks of the future fire of random passion flare up inside you - immediately think about whether you are ready to sacrifice family happiness, the psyche of children and the trust of your husband for an hour (night) of pleasure.

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