See what "Lake Nasser" is in other dictionaries. Nubian Lake Sudan or Egyptian Miracle Reservoir - Lake Nasser

Lake Nasser is the largest body of water created by man. Its area is 5120 m², and the maximum width is 40 km. The lake was formed in 1960 when Aswan Dam. To this day, it irrigates and provides electricity to all of Egypt. The lake was named after Egyptian President Gamal Nasser, who ruled the country during the construction of the dam.

Part of the lake in the south is located on the territory of Sudan, in which the reservoir is called - Nubian lake. During the construction of the lake, some historical monuments. Some were able to transfer, for example, Temple of Abu Simbel, built during the reign of Ramesses II, around 1200 BC. Also rescheduled temple of Isis and a temple from Tathis. Under the water were the port and Train Station. To resettle people from flooded areas, a new city had to be built.

Currently in Lake Nasser there are 32 species of fish. Approximately 80,000 tons of fish are caught every year. In addition to fish, this lake contains Nile crocodiles. On coastline there are beautiful sandy beaches with clean water. On Lake Nasser lovers fishing can see the best fishing in the world.

Around reservoirs mostly fishermen live and Bedouins often wander with their camels and sheep. This is almost the only place in the world where such huge areas of water rich in fish are provided only to them. Many animals have chosen this lake. Here, scientists have recorded more than 100 different species of stunning birds. Also in the area of ​​​​the artificial lake there are various types of reptiles and mammals.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, the water level in the Nile rose, and Lake Nasser overflowed its banks, forming several new small lakes. To move between cities and countries on the lake, a ferry operates - crossing this is the only way to get into Sudan from Egypt, apart from planes. After all highways between these two countries there is still no.

Lake Nasser is the largest body of water created by man. Its area is 5120 m², and the maximum width is 40 km. The lake was formed in 1960 when Aswan Dam. To this day, it irrigates and provides electricity to all of Egypt. The lake was named after Egyptian President Gamal Nasser, who ruled the country during the construction of the dam.

Part of the lake in the south is located on the territory of Sudan, in which the reservoir is called - Nubian lake. During the construction of the lake, some historical monuments were flooded. Some were able to transfer, for example, Temple of Abu Simbel, built during the reign of Ramesses II, around 1200 BC. Also rescheduled temple of Isis and a temple from Tathis. Under the water were the port and the railway station. To resettle people from flooded areas, a new city had to be built.

Currently in Lake Nasser there are 32 species of fish. Approximately 80,000 tons of fish are caught every year. In addition to fish, Nile crocodiles are found in this lake. The coastline has beautiful sandy beaches with clear waters. On Lake Nasser, fishing enthusiasts can see the best fishing in the world.

Around reservoirs mostly fishermen live and Bedouins often wander with their camels and sheep. This is almost the only place in the world where such huge areas of water rich in fish are provided only to them. Many animals have chosen this lake. Here, scientists have recorded more than 100 different species of stunning birds. Also in the area of ​​​​the artificial lake there are various types of reptiles and mammals.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, the water level in the Nile rose, and Lake Nasser overflowed its banks, forming several new small lakes. To move between cities and countries on the lake, a ferry operates - crossing this is the only way to get into Sudan from Egypt, apart from planes. After all, there are no roads between these two countries so far.

بحيرة ناصر ‎  /   / 23.16722; 32.78833Coordinates : Nasser reservoir Nasser reservoir A countryEgypt 22x20px Egypt

Length550 km Width35 km Square5250 km² Volume132 km³ coastline length7844 km Greatest depth130 m Average depth25.2 m

Area 5120 km², volume 157 km³, length 500 km, average depth 30 m, maximum - 130 m, maximum width 40 km. It was formed as a result of the construction of the Aswan Dam, built in 1960 with the help of the USSR. Designed for irrigation, harnessing the hydropower potential of the Nile, smoothing hydrological regime and shipping.

The construction of the reservoir required large-scale work to transfer such monuments outside the flood zone. Egyptian antiquity, like Abu Simbel, the temple of Isis (Isis) on the island of Philae, the temple of Tafis.

see also

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  • (English) . NASA Earth Observatory (November 3, 2005). Retrieved October 14, 2009.
  • - Encyclopædia Britannica

An excerpt characterizing Nasser (reservoir)

- Well, what are you! Come inside, it will certainly be more interesting there ... - waving her hand into the depths, the stranger smiled again.
We instantly slipped past her into the “palace”, unable to contain the curiosity rushing out, and already anticipating something very, very “interesting” for sure.
Inside it turned out to be so stunning that Stella and I literally froze in a stupor, opening our mouths like starved one-day-old chicks, unable to utter a word ...
There was no, as they say, “floor” in the palace... Everything that was there hovered in the sparkling silvery air, creating the impression of sparkling infinity. Some fantastic "seats", similar to groups of sparkling dense clouds accumulated in heaps, swaying smoothly, hung in the air, then, condensing, then almost disappearing, as if attracting attention and inviting them to sit down ... Silvery "ice" flowers, glittering and shimmering, they decorated everything around, striking with a variety of shapes and patterns of the finest, almost jewelry-like petals. And somewhere very high in the “ceiling”, blinding with sky-blue light, huge ice “icicles” of incredible beauty hung, turning this fabulous “cave” into a fantastic “ice world”, which seemed to have no end ...
- Come on, my guests, grandfather will be incredibly glad to see you! - smoothly sliding past us, the girl said warmly.
And then I finally understood why she seemed unusual to us - as the stranger moved, a sparkling “tail” of some special blue matter stretched behind her all the time, which shone and twisted like tornadoes around her fragile figure, crumbling behind her. her silver dust...
We did not have time to be surprised at this, when we immediately saw a very tall, gray-haired old man, proudly sitting on a strange, very beautiful chair, as if emphasizing his importance for those who did not understand. He quite calmly watched our approach, not at all surprised and not yet expressing any emotions, except for a warm, friendly smile.

A body of water surrounded by land. The lakes range in size from very large, such as the Caspian Sea and the Great Lakes to North America, to tiny reservoirs of several hundred square meters or even less. The water in them can be fresh, ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

Natural reservoir in a recess earth's surface(lake basin). Lakes feed on atm. precipitation, surface and underground runoff. According to the water balance, lakes are divided into flowing (having a river or rivers flowing from them) and endorheic (not having ... Geographic Encyclopedia

Nasser- (Nasser, Lake) Nasser, a lake, an artificial lake to the south of Aswan, located in the south. Egypt and sowing. Sudan, established in 1960. during the construction of the high-rise Aswan dam on the Nile River; length 500 km. Named after the former Egyptian President Gamal Countries of the world. Dictionary

The Arab Republic of Egypt, Misr, the state in the northeast of Africa and in the Sinai peninsula of Asia. The name Egypt has been known since the 3rd millennium BC. e. It goes back to other Egypt. The black earth is boiling, which contrasted the Nile valley with its fertile soil red earth... Geographic Encyclopedia

EGYPT- (مصر, Egypt) General information The official name of the Arab Republic of Egypt, ARE (arab. جمهورية مصر العربية (Jumhuriyat Misr al Arabiyya), eng. The Arab Republic of Egypt). Located in the northeast of Africa and partly in Asia (Sinai ... ... Encyclopedia of the countries of the world

Reservoir is an artificial reservoir formed, as a rule, in a river valley by water-retaining structures ... Wikipedia

Seti Abu Simbel Lake Resort- (Abu Simbel, Egypt) Hotel category: 4 star hotel Address: Abu Simbe … Hotel catalog

This term has other meanings, see Nile (meanings). Nile Arab. النيل‎‎ Characteristic Length 6,852 km Basin area about 3,400 ... Wikipedia

- (Arabic Misr), the Arab Republic of Egypt (Gumhuriya Misr al Arabiya), a state in the northeast of Africa and on the Sinai Peninsula in Asia. 1001.4 thousand km2. Population 61 million (1996); 98% Egyptians (Arabs of Egypt), as well as Nubians, Berbers ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Contents 1 Africa 1.1 Lakes of Africa 1.2 Reservoirs in Africa ... Wikipedia


  • Abu Simbel Asun and Temples of Nubia, Fabbri Patricia, Maji Giovanna. A modern traveler in Lower Nubia, the legendary kingdom of the "black pharaohs", heading towards Abu Simbel, will inevitably be captivated by the magical and full of contrasts panorama that opens ...
  • Abu Simbel. Aswan and temples of Nubia. New Millennium Books, Giovanna Maggi, Patricia Fabbri. The modern traveler in Lower Nubia, the legendary kingdom of the black pharaohs, heading towards Abu Simbel, will inevitably be captivated by the magical and contrasting panorama that opens before ...

As for the world's largest artificial reservoir, Lake Nasser, then its dimensions are amazing. From the Great Dam, it extends 480 km down to Sudan, reaching a width of 35 km in places. This is a strikingly beautiful piece of Egyptian nature.
The shores of the lake are formed by sand dunes descending down to the water. Jagged granite rocks crowned with caps are scattered in places. white sand, which can easily be mistaken for alpine snow-capped peaks. The sky is unusually clear, cloudless and dark blue. At night, stars shine on it, scattered from one horizon to another. In the absence of people overgrown with reeds lake shores have chosen migratory birds And various kinds wild animals. The bay of the lake is the habitat of the only surviving species of Nile crocodiles in Egypt. In conclusion, it should be noted that 25 species of fish live in the lake, including the huge Nile pike (Lates niloticus). The record catch in Lake Nasser today is 232 kg of fish. The possibility of fishing on the lake attracts visitors from Europe and America. You can sign a contract for a five-day fishing safari or come here from Aswan for one day.
The only man-made buildings on the shores of the lake- a number of ancient temples, carefully transferred from the now flooded lands in the 1960s.
The almost complete absence of roads in the region leads to the fact that only a ship is suitable for exploring the shores of the lake. Today, between the Great Dam in the north and Abu Simbel in the south, tourist liners who make stops at all the monuments along the banks. The duration of the trip on the lake is three to four days.
Wadi el-Sebua is located 140 km south of the Big Dam on the western shore of the lake. The complex was built during the reign of Ramesses II (its name translates as "valley of lions") and now consists of a wide road guarded by sphinxes and a temple. In the 1960s, the temple was moved from its original location, and it so happened that its existence was forgotten. The temple was covered with sand, and attention was paid to it again only in the 1990s, when the first cruise ships began to sail on Lake Nasser. The fact that there is nothing around, except for the desert and the fallen ancient statues of the pharaohs, half covered with sand, makes tourists feel like pioneers.
Dedicated to Amun-Ra and Ra-Horakhti, this temple is another structure dating from the so-called "age of plenty" when Ramesses II ruled. A huge statue of the great pharaoh stands to the left of the entrance, and hundreds of reliefs depicting him adorn the columns that frame the first courtyard.
Approximately 1.5 km to the north are Dhaka temple ruins, a building from the time of the Ptolemies (3rd century BC), especially remarkable for its monumental pylon. Climb the pylon to admire the surrounding landscape.
The oldest of all monuments Lake Nasser- the temple of Amada, which is located 48 km south of Wadi el-Sebua. It was erected during the reign of the 18th dynasty, which preceded the dynasty of Ramesses II. A small building with a very simple layout has retained the color scheme of its wall reliefs.
The only monument that has survived in its original place - Qasr Ibrim - was once built on top of a high cliff, but with the advent of Lake Nasser, the rock turned into an island. Kasr(Arabic for "fortress") was a bastion of pharaohs and Romans; later, in the 7th century, a sandstone church was erected here. To give tourists the opportunity to view the ruins, ships anchor off the coast, but since the fortress is held archaeological excavations, travelers are not allowed on the island itself.

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