Part of the exam on palace coups. Test based on the materials of the exam "Palace coups"

Personalities of the period of palace coups

The period of palace coups is a bright page in the history of Russia. History is made by people. The article provides information about the most famous personalities of this period - statesmen and military figures, leaders of popular uprisings.

At the exam in history there are assignments No. 18-19, in which questions can be given on portraits of famous personalities. It will be necessary either to find out what kind of people they are, or to single out the one who was a contemporary of the ruler referred to in task No. 18. Therefore, look at the faces of these people of that distant era - the era of palace coups. It was they who were contemporaries of Anna Ioannovna, Elizabeth Petrovna, Catherine II. It was thanks to many of them that Russia became a powerful and strong power.



Biron E.I.


Favorite Anna Ioannovna. Significantly influenced foreign and domestic policy. After the death of the Empress, he was removed. Sent to exile. Peter III returned him to Petersburg, under Catherine II he was the Duke of Courland.

(See the historical portrait of Biron on the website: : historical - portrait . en )

Buturlin A.B.


Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in the Seven Years' War in 1760-1761.

From 1762 - Moscow governor-general.

Vorontsov M.I.


Member of the palace coup in 1741. Headed the foreign policy of Russia under Elizaveta Petrovna, senator, chancellor.

Vorontsov R.I.

(1707- 1783)

Statesman, senator, since 1760 - Chairman of the Legislative Commission. His daughter Ekaterina was the favorite of Peter III, so Vorontsov himself was the most influential figure in the reign of Peter III.

Golitsyn D.M.


One of the initiators of the invitation to the throne of Anna Ioannovna and the limitation of her power by the Supreme Privy Council. In 1737 he was deprived of all ranks, imprisoned in the Shlisselburg fortress, where he died.

Golovkin G.I.


In 1726-1730 he was a member of the Supreme Privy Council, an opponent of Menshikov. He destroyed the will of Catherine I, according to which the throne was transferred to the daughters of Peter I, was the initiator of the invitation to the throne of Anna Ioannovna, under her until her death he was the first cabinet minister.

Dashkova E.R.

(1744 – 1810)

The princess, an active participant in the coup of 1762, took part in the creation of the Free Russian Assembly at Moscow University. From 1783 - director of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. From the same 1783 - President of the Russian Academy.

In 1796, Paul I sent her into retirement, then into exile. After his death, she was engaged in charity and scientific activities.

Dolgorukov V.M.


Warlord, prince. Participated in the war with Sweden in 1741-1743, led the capture of the Crimea in 1771, for which he received the title Crimean. From 1780 - commander in chief in Moscow.

Kosciuszko Tadeusz


Leader of the Polish uprising in 1794.

Minikh B.K.


In Russian service since 1713. Under Anna Ioannovna, President of the Military Collegium. He commanded the Russian army in the war with Turkey in 1735-1739. Later he had no political influence.

Orlov A.G.


State and military figure. An active participant in the coup of 1762, one of the influential figures under Catherine II, the Commander-in-Chief of the Fleet in the war with Turkey, won in 1770 at Chesma. Received the title of prince Chesme.

He brought out a breed of Oryol trotters. During the reign of Paul I was abroad, he returned in 1801.

Orlov G.G.

(1734 – 1783)

Military and statesman, favorite of Catherine II, one of the leaders of the coup of 1762. Count, commander of artillery, in 1771 led the suppression of the plague riot in Moscow. Creator and first president Free Economic Society from 1765. From 1775 - retired, went abroad.

Osterman A.I.


In the Russian service since 1703, a member of the Supreme Privy Council, educator and mentor of Peter II. Since 1731 - the actual head of the domestic and foreign policy of Russia. After the coup of 1741, he was exiled to Berezov.

Panin N.I.


Statesman, participant in the coup of 1762 Pavel's tutor, headed the board of foreign affairs in 1763-1781.

Panin P.I.


Military leader, participant in the Seven Years' War and wars with Turkey, in 1774 he led the troops, who suppressed the Pugachev uprising.

Poniatowski Stanislav August (1732-1798)

The last Polish king, ruled in 1764-1795. In politics, he focused on Russia.

Potemkin G.A.


Statesman and military figure, favorite Catherine II. Member of the palace coup in 1762. From 1774 - President of the Military Collegium. Member of the Turkish war of 1768-1774. Suppressed the Pugachev uprising. In 1775 - the initiator of the liquidation of the Zaporizhzhya Sich. In 1783 - achieved accession Crimea to Russia, received the title Tauride. Supervised the creation of the Black Sea Fleet. The commander-in-chief of the army in the war with Turkey in 1787-1791, Suvorov A.V., Kutuzov M.I. were under his command. Ushakov F.F.

Pugachev Emelyan

(? 1740- 1775)

Leader of the Peasants' War, originally from the Cossacks. Under the name of Peter III, he led the uprising of the Yaik Cossacks in August 1773, in September 1774 he was extradited by conspirators, in 1775 he was executed in Moscow on Bolotnaya Square.

(See the historical portrait of Pugachev on the website: : historical - portrait . en )

Razumovsky A.G. (1728-1803)

The last hetman of Ukraine. From 1746-1765 - President of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. He supported Lomonosov M.V., under Catherine II - Member of the State Council.

Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky P.A.

(1725 – 1796)

Outstanding commander. Member of all Russian wars since 1741. One of the organizers of the Russian regular army, the creator of new forms of combat. Outstanding military theorist. His works: "Instructions", 1761; "Rite of Service", 1770; "Thoughts", 1777. They served as military training aids.

Salavat Yulaev


Bashkir national hero, associate of Pugachev. Since 1774 he was taken prisoner and sent to eternal penal servitude.

Saltykov P.S.


A military leader, participated in the war with Poland in 1734, with Sweden in 1741-1743 .. in the Seven Years' War he commanded troops in 1759-1760, won a number of victories. From 1764 - Governor-General of Moscow. Dismissed after the plague riot in 1771.

Suvorov A.V.


Great Russian commander, Count Rymniksky (from 1789), Prince of Italy (from 1799), Generalissimo (from 1799). Participant of the Seven Years' War of 1756-1763 and wars with Turkey under Catherine II, won a number of victories. In 1799 he brilliantly conducted the Swiss and Italian campaigns. Author of military-theoretical works: "The Science of Winning""and" Regimental institution. He did not lose a single battle, his strategy was offensive.

(See the historical portrait of Suvorov A. on the website: : historical - portrait . en )

Ushakov F.F.


Outstanding Russian naval commander, admiral since 1799. Participant in both wars with Turkey under Catherine 2.

Cherkassky A.M.


He was in major government posts under Anna Ioannovna, supported her. And after her death in 1740 he was appointed chancellor.

Shuvalov P.I.


Actual head of government under Elizaveta Petrovna. In the 1950s, he determined the domestic policy of Russia, which was based on the ideas of "enlightened absolutism." The author of many reform projects in the economy and finance, participated in the reorganization of the army.

The material was prepared by Melnikova Vera Alexandrovna

Test on the topic "Palace coups"

1. The beginning of the era of palace coups is connected

a) with the beginning of the reign of Catherine II

b) with the accession to the throne of Elizabeth Petrovna

c) with the beginning of the reign of Peter I

d) with the death of Peter I

2. The era of palace coups in Russia lasted

a) 35 years old

b) 36 years old

c) 37 years old

d) 38 years old

3. Key positions in the Supreme Privy Council had

a) A.D. Menshikov

b) D.M. Golitsyn

c) B.K. Minikh

d) A.I. Osterman

4. The main reason for the frequency and ease of palace coups was

a) the existence of a legal order of succession to the throne

b) strengthening the role of the guard in public affairs

c) no power struggle

d) reducing the role of nobles in public affairs

5. The reign of the daughter of Peter I, Elizabeth Petrovna, continued

a) 5 years

b) 10 years

at the age of 15

d) 20 years old

6. A decree on the right of the monarch to appoint himself a successor from among all his relatives was issued to the board

a) Catherine I

b) Petra I

c) Elizabeth Petrovna

d) Catherine II

7. Conditions had a purpose

a) strengthen the power of absolutism

b) strengthen the positions of the guards at court

c) strengthen the position of the nobility

d) limit the absolute power of the Russian monarch

8. The weakening of the ruling dynasty during the period of palace coups led to

a) intensifying the struggle for power between court factions

b) to the absence of various, including foreign contenders for the throne

c) to strengthen the traditional system of succession to the throne

d) to strengthen the influence of the boyar opposition on the tsar

9. The era of palace coups was completed with the accession

a) Catherine I

b) Elizabeth Petrovna

c) Catherine II

d) Paul I

10. Establish a correspondence between the ruler of Russia and the time of his reign

11. Match the term and definition



A) regent

B) absolutism

B) "supervisors"

D) guard

D) empire

E) favorite

G) condition

1) a privileged military detachment, “loyal servants of the sovereign”, not associated with administrative institutions, who came from among the service nobility and foreigners close to the throne

2) a powerful military power that unites different peoples and territories into a single state

3) an act, sometimes considered as a document of constitutional content, proposed for signing by Empress Anna Ioannovna upon her accession to the throne by members of the Supreme Privy Council

4) a form of government in which absolute sovereignty is vested in the monarch

5) courtier, enjoying the special favor of the monarch, receiving various privileges from him and influencing domestic and foreign policy

6) a temporary ruler during infancy, illness, absence of a monarch.

7) members of the Supreme Privy Council in Russia

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

12. Match the event with the date

For each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second and write it down in the table with the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

13. Arrange in chronological order the time of events

A) the reign of Catherine II

B) the reign of Peter III

C) the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna

D) the reign of Peter II

E) the reign of Catherine I

E) the death of Peter I

G) the reign of Anna Ioannovna

H) reign of Ivan VI Antonovich

14. Name the provisions that were not contained in the conditions presented to Anna Ioannovna

1) don't get married

2) do not start wars and do not make peace

3) the possibility of introducing new taxes

4) the ability to grant estates and villages with serfs

5) assign military ranks only up to colonel

6) transfer command of the guards and troops to the Supreme Privy Council

7) do not encroach on the life, estates and honor of the nobles

8) the right to appoint an heir

Answer: _________________

15. Name the historical figures who were not members of the Supreme Privy Council

1) A.D. Menshikov

2) G.G. Orlov

3) F.M. Apraksin

4) G.I.Golovkin

5) R.I. Vorontsov

6) G.A. Potemkin

7) P.A. Tolstoy

8) M.M.Golitsyn

9) G.A. Spiridov

10) A.I. Osterman

Answer: _________________


1. g

2. in

3. a

4. b

5. g

6 b

7. g

8. a

9. in

14. 3,4,8

Topic training

"RUSSIA in the era of palace coups"

1. Working with chronology

Fill the table.

An attempt to introduce "conditions"

Seven Years' War

The reign of Anna Ioannovna

Reign of Catherine I

Reign of Peter II

Reign of Peter III

The era of palace coups

2. Work with personalities

3. Working with the scheme

Fill in the pedigree table "Russian tsars and emperors of the second halfXVII - first halfXVIII centuries. Underline with a solid line the names of those who occupied the Russian throne, with a dotted line - those who were regent under the minor rulers.


2. "Verkhovniki" __________________________________________________.

3. Favorite _____________________________________________________________.

4. Secularization of the land ____________________________________________.

6. Working with sources

What figures of the era of palace coups and reigns do historians talk about?

A. “The Russians praised her reign: she expressed more power of attorney to them than to the Germans, restored the power of the Senate, abolished the death penalty, had good-natured lovers, a passion for fun and tender poetry.”

B. “Jesters were a necessary accessory of the court ... Among them was one Prince Golitsyn, nicknamed Kvasnik. They decided to marry the fifty-year-old Kvasnik to the court Kalmyk girl Buzheninova, and at this opportunity they decided to have fun for glory ... They came up with the idea to build an Ice House for the newlyweds ... ".

IN. “Her family life began gray and callous with a 17-year-old eternal underage ... He played with his dolls and soldiers ... The real tyrant was "dear aunt" ... She could only send letters to her parents drawn up in the Collegium of Foreign Affairs ... A real, reliable ally in the fight against boredom [she] met in the book."

G. “[He] has not reached the age when the personality of a person is completely determined, and history is hardly entitled to pronounce any sentence about him ... Death befell him at a time when he was in the power of the Dolgorukovs; probably, if he had remained alive, then the Dolgorukovs, through the intrigues of some favorites of happiness, would have suffered the fate of Menshikov.

D. “He got himself a special Holstein guard from any international rabble, but not from his Russian subjects: they were mostly sergeants and corporals of the Prussian army ... Considering the army of Frederick II as a model, [he] tried to learn the manners and habits of the Prussian soldier.”

E. “Russia has come to her senses. Russian people again appeared at the highest places of government, and when a foreigner was appointed to a secondary place, [the empress] asked: is there no Russian? A foreigner can be appointed only when there is no capable Russian.”

AND. “No matter how hard we try to reduce the disasters of this time in some particular features, it will forever remain the darkest time in our history of the 18th century, because it was not about private disasters, not about material deprivations: the people's spirit suffered, a betrayal of the basic, vital rule of the great reformer was felt, the darkest side of the new life was felt, the yoke from the West was felt, heavier than the former yoke from the East - the Tatar yoke.

verification control

Work structure


Part B

The answer to the task in part B can be word, phrase, a combination of letters or letters and numbers.

B1. Arrange the events of the Seven Years' War in chronological order. Write the letters of the events in the correct order, NOT making gaps and NOT putting commas. For example: A B C D. __________________

A) the battle near the village of Kunersdorf

B) the entry of Russian troops into Berlin

C) the battle near the village of Zorndorf

D) battle near the village of Gross-Egersdorf

B2. Establish a correspondence between historical figures and the facts of their biography. Write your answer in the left column (first the number, then the letter corresponding to it, for example 1A, 2B, 3C, 4G)

B3. Read an extract from a historical essay and name Name the person in question.

“This man inside out, whose concepts of good and evil are confused, ascended the Russian throne. Here, too, he retained all the narrowness and pettiness of the thoughts and interests in which he was brought up and raised. His mind, narrow as Holstein, could in no way expand to the geographical measure of the boundless empire that he accidentally inherited. On the contrary, on the Russian throne [he] became even more of a Holsteiner than he was at home.”


B4. Establish a correspondence between the figure of Russian history and the relationship he was with Peter I . Write your answer in the left column (first the number, then the letter corresponding to it, for example 1A, 2B, 3C, 4G)

B5. Read an extract from a historical essay and name Name ruler.

“Alive and cheerful, but keeping her eyes on herself, at the same time large and slender, with a beautiful round and ever-blooming face, she loved to make an impression ... The most legitimate of all the successors and successors of Peter I, but raised to the throne by rebellious guards bayonets, she ... built palaces in twenty-four hours and traveled the then way from Moscow to St. Petersburg in two days, regularly paying for each driven horse. "


Read an extract from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1 - C3. The answers involve the use of information from the source, as well as the application of historical knowledge and skills.

“The empress came out into the hall; standing under the canopy, she let the petitioners in and ordered them to read their petition ... Then she delivered a short speech in such force: that although the treaties of the reign were very difficult, however, believing, as she was informed, that they are required from all ranks and from the entire Russian people, she signed for the love of her fatherland. But now it is known that she was deceived by lies and flattery, for the sake of these agreements ... destroys. And having said that, she immediately tore the aforementioned letter, delivered to her hand, and threw it on the ground.

C1. Determine the time of events and the main character.

C2. What letter is the document referring to?

C3. Why did the break of the concluded agreement have no consequences for the main character?



1. Working with chronology

Fill the table.

Fill the table.

The entry of Russian troops into Berlin

Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility

Opening of Moscow University

An attempt to introduce "conditions"

Seven Years' War

The reign of Anna Ioannovna

Reign of Catherine I

The reign of Elizabeth Petrovna

Reign of John VI Antonovich

Reign of Peter II

Reign of Peter III

The era of palace coups

2. Work with personalities

Fill the table. (The right column indicates the minimum number of facts you need to know.)


Who is(s)?

What did you do? What happened to him?

The actual ruler of Russia under Catherine I

1. Under Peter II, he lost the struggle for power and was exiled, died in exile


Members of the Supreme Privy Council, who decided in 1730 to invite Anna and limit autocracy

1. Exiled and/or executed by Anna Ioannovna

Temporary worker under Anna Ioannovna, whose name is associated with German dominance

1. Won a victory near the village of Gross-Egersdorf

Russian military leader during the Seven Years' War

1. Won a victory near the village of Kunersdorf

Russian scientist and poet

1. The first Russian academician

2. Founder of Moscow University

Favorite of Elizabeth Petrovna

1. Contributed to the founding of Moscow University and the Academy of Arts

3. Working with the scheme

1 - Alexey Mikhailovich; 2 - Maria Miloslavskaya; 3 - Natalia Naryshkina; 4 - Fedor Alekseevich; 5 – Sofia Alekseevna; 6 – IvanV; 7 – PeterI; 8 - Evdokia Lopukhina; 9 - CatherineI; 10 - Ekaterina Ioannovna; eleven - Anna Ioannovna; 12 - Alexey; 13 - Anna; 14 - Elizaveta Petrovna; 15 – Anna Leopoldovna; 16 – PeterII; 17 – PeterIII; 18 – CatherineII; 19 – IvanVI Antonovich.

4. Working with the map

5. Working with concepts

1. "Conditions" - agreements signed by Anna Ioannovna at the request of the "supreme leaders" as a condition for her invitation to the throne; torn apart by the empress.

2. "Verkhovniki" - members of the Supreme Privy Council.

3. Favorite - an approximate emperor (empress), who enjoys great personal trust of the head of state and has the opportunity to influence state affairs.

4. Secularization of the land - the transfer of church and monastery lands to the state.

6. Working with sources

A - Elizabeth, B - Anna Ioannovna; B - Catherine II; G - Peter II; D - Peter III; E - Elizabeth; F - Anna Ioannovna.

verification control

Part 1

Part 2

AT 2. 1G2A3D4V

AT 3. Peter III

AT 4. 1V2G3A4D

AT 5. Elizabeth

Part 3

Note. Only brief schemes of answers are given here, they can be more detailed. The number of points for each required element of the answer and the total points are indicated in brackets.

C1. 1730, Anna Ioannovna ( Total - 2.)

C2. Conditions. ( Total - 1.)

C3. The autocracy was supported by the nobility. ( Total - 1.)

The period 1725-1762 is associated with the era of palace coups. This segment of the Patriotic history is characterized by a frequent change of rulers, the strengthening of the role of the guard, the increase in the privileges of the nobility and the deterioration of the position of the peasants. During this period, several rulers were in power: Catherine the First, Peter the Second, Anna Ioannovna, Ivan the Sixth, Elizabeth Petrovna and Peter the Third.

One of the most significant events in foreign policy is the Seven Years' War. The reasons for this war were the strengthening of Prussia, led by Frederick II, and its claim to influence in Poland and the Baltic states, which affected the interests of Russia. An important role in one of the key battles of the war, the battle of Kunersdorf, was played by P.S.

Saltykov. It was he who commanded the troops in this battle, foresaw the intentions of the Prussian army, drew up and proposed a battle strategy that helped the Russian army win this battle. As a result of the war, Prussia was significantly weakened, but Peter the Third, who ascended the throne, returned to her all the lands occupied by Russia and even paid an indemnity.

This period is characterized by the development of culture and education. An important event was the founding of Moscow University. The reason for this was that the country needed educated, literate people who could adequately carry out public service. M.V. played a big role in this. Lomonosov.

It was he who developed a detailed project of the university and proposed to make it open not only to the nobles, but also to all those who have the ability to science. Subsequently, the university will produce many talented statesmen, figures of culture and science.

During this period, there is a process of deterioration in the situation of the peasants. The reasons for this were that the rulers needed to provide a number of privileges for the nobility in order to get their support. Empress Elizaveta Petrovna played an important role in this process. It was she who issued and signed a decree on the permission to exile objectionable peasants to Siberia without trial or investigation, which increased the powers of the landowners in relation to the peasants.

During this period, an active foreign policy is being pursued: the Junior, Middle and Senior zhuzes were annexed to Russia. Russia also waged wars with Turkey and Sweden, as a result of which it returned Azov and confirmed the annexation of territories under the Nishtad peace. In domestic politics, such important events took place as the creation of the Supreme Privy Council, which was subsequently abolished by Anna Ioannovna. She, in turn, canceled the decree on uniform inheritance and reduced the term of service of the nobles to 25 years. Also, it was during this period that internal customs duties were canceled and the Noble Bank was opened.

This period cannot be assessed unambiguously. On the one hand, there were no major and significant transformations that were initiated under Peter. Due to the frequent changes of rulers, the role of the guard increased, the nobility was elevated and its privileges strengthened, as a result of which the position of the peasants became worse. But on the other hand, it was during this period that Russia was actively developing Kazakhstan, annexed new lands, returned Azov, and, as a result of the Seven Years' War, strengthened its authority in the international arena (even though all the lands were returned to Prussia). It is worth assessing the influence of the period on further history. Thus, the nobility, whose strengthening began in this period, will continue to increase its influence and privileges. Already under Catherine II, a Letter of Complaint to the nobility will be issued, which will finally determine the privileged position of this estate. Moscow University, founded under Elizaveta Petrovna, continued its activities and is still one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Russia. Due to the increasing privileges of the nobles, the situation of the peasants will become worse, which will lead to their discontent, which will result in an uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev, which will become one of the largest popular uprisings. This period of history was an important milestone in the history of the country and determined many future trends.

The era of palace coups is the period from 1725 to 1762, when several rulers changed in Russia after the death of Peter I as a result of state conspiracies and the actions of the guard, headed either by the aristocracy or by Peter's closest associates. Ekaterina I, Peter II, Anna Ioannovna, Anna Leopoldovna with her son Ivan Antonovich VI, Elizabeth Petrovna, and, finally, Peter III came to power in succession. They ruled with varying degrees of awareness, involvement in the state process and unequally in time. In this lesson, you will learn about all these events in more detail.

In the case of a palace coup, there are no qualitative changes in the political, socio-economic, or cultural structure of the state.

Causes of palace coups

  1. Expansion of powers of the state apparatus
  2. Greater financial, political and cultural independence for nobles
  3. Creation of the Guard
  4. Decree of Peter I on the succession to the throne
  5. Absence of a legitimate heir to Peter I

In 1725 the Russian emperor Peter diedIGreat. Before the imperial entourage, the question arose of who would ascend the throne. It turned out that Peter's inner circle was divided into two parts. One part is the aristocracy: Golitsyn, Dolgoruky, etc.; the other part are those people who came to power thanks to their skills and knowledge from the very bottom: HELL. Menshikov (Fig. 2), P.A. Tolstoy (Fig. 3), A.I. Osterman (Fig. 4) and other nobles and people from abroad. The aristocracy supported the grandson of PeterI, the son of the murdered Tsarevich Alexei - Peter. The natives of the "Petrov's nest" wanted to see the wife of Peter the Great - Catherine - on the Russian throne.

Rice. 2. A.D. Menshikov - the main favorite of Catherine I ()

Rice. 3. P.A. Tolstoy - favorite of Catherine I ()

Rice. 4. A.I. Osterman - favorite of Catherine I ()

When the Governing Senate was discussing who to put on the throne of the Russian Empire, Menshikov asked the guards for her opinion, and she replied that she wanted to see Catherine the ruler of RussiaI(Fig. 5). Thus, the guard decided the fate of the throne, and from 1725 to 1727. Catherine ruled the Russian EmpireI. On the one hand, Catherine was a wonderful person, a wise wife. But, on the other hand, during her reign, she did not show herself as an empress in any way. An important event was that she, together with Peter I, opened the Academy of Sciences; she herself created the Supreme Privy Council. The actual ruler of the country under Catherine I was her favorite A.D. Menshikov, who headed the Supreme Privy Council.

Rice. 5. Catherine I - Russian Empress ()

In 1727 CatherineI died. The opinions of the highest aristocracy, guards, "chicks of Peter's nest" agreed that the next ruler was to be Peter II(Fig. 6), who became the emperor of the Russian Empire at the age of less than 12 years. HELL. Menshikov decided that it was he who could control the teenager. At first, Peter II was under the actual influence of Menshikov. He planned to marry Peter to his daughter M.A. Menshikova and thus intermarry with the royal power.

Rice. 6. Peter II - Russian emperor ()

But at the peak of his fame, Alexander Danilovich fell ill, and power passed from his hands to the old tribal aristocracy. The Golitsyns and Dolgorukis quickly persuaded Peter II not to study, but to lead a wild life. After Menshikov recovered and tried to influence Peter, he was sent into exile in Siberia, in the city of Berezov. PeterIIuntil 1730 remained under the control of the aristocratic nobility. They tried to marry him for the second time to E.A. Dolgoruky. But some time before the wedding, Peter II fell ill and died very quickly.

After Peter's deathIIThe Supreme Privy Council met for a meeting to decide to whom to give power. There were no direct heirs to the throne, but Peter the Great had two daughters - Elizabeth and Anna, but they were not considered as heirs. Then the Supreme Privy Council remembered that the brother of Peter I, Ivan, had three daughters, one of whom, Anna Ioannovna, lived in Courland and was a widow.

The Supreme Privy Council decided to elect Anna Ioannovna (Fig. 7) the Empress of Russia, having previously drawn up “conditions” for her that limited her power. First she signed these conditions in order to get out of Courland and get a place as empress in Russia. But when the empress arrived in Russia, she saw that the guards and broad circles of the nobility were against the idea that the “supreme leaders” ruled the country, she, with all the highest entourage, tore the conditions, thereby showing that she was refusing the restrictions imposed on her by the Supreme Privy Council. Thus, she ruled, like previous emperors, autocratically.

Rice. 7. Anna Ioannovna - Russian Empress ()

Anna Ioannovna ruled the Russian Empire from 1730 to 1740. She dealt with the Supreme Privy Council and abolished it. Golitsyn and Dolgoruky were repressed. Characteristic for the time of Anna's reign was the so-called "Bironism" - the dominance of the Germans in public administration (after the favorite of the Empress E.I. Biron (Fig. 8), who was her co-ruler). They occupied all the main government posts: B.K. Minich (Fig. 9) was at the head of the army, A.I. Osterman was at the head of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Empress was very fond of having fun with her German favorites. For all these entertainments, large taxes were collected from the Russian population.

Rice. 8. E.I. Biron - the main favorite of Anna Ioannovna ()

Rice. 9. B.K. Munnich - favorite of Anna Ioannovna ()

During the reign of Anna Ioannovna in Russia, such transformations were made as:

  1. The introduction of fashion for balls
  2. Completion of the construction of Peterhof
  3. Introduction of the European lifestyle

A.P. Volynsky tried to somehow limit the dominance of the Germans in Russia, but he could not. For him, it ended in death.

Anna Ioannovna left the Russian throne to her niece Anna Leopoldovna(Fig. 10). But Anna Leopoldovna at the end of Anna Ioannovna's life did not please her, so the power passed to the son of Anna Leopoldovna - the recently born Ivan Antonovich VI (Fig. 11). Ivan VI became regent E.I. Biron.

Rice. 10. Anna Leopoldovna - mother of Ivan VI ()

Rice. 11. Ivan VI - young Russian emperor ()

Further, events developed rapidly - in one year there were three palace coups. Almost immediately after the death of Anna Ioannovna, the once omnipotent Biron was overthrown by Osterman's coup, which briefly seized the supreme state power in Russia. But soon Osterman was overthrown from the throne by Minich, who brought Anna Leopoldovna to power, who did not care about government. She, like Anna Ioannovna, relied on the Germans in governing the country. Meanwhile, a new conspiracy has grown up behind her.

As a result, Anna Leopoldovna and Ivan VI ruled Russia only from 1740 to 1741.

Elizaveta Petrovna ( rice. 12), the daughter of Peter the Great, was involved in a conspiracy, and with the participation of foreigners, against Anna Leopoldovna and Ivan VI. Relying on the guardsmen, having their powerful support, Elizaveta Petrovna easily carried out a coup d'état and overthrew Anna Leopoldovna And IvanaVI.

Elizabeth I reigned from 1741 to 1761 She loved balls and entertainment. Her favorite favorites were A.G. Razumovsky (Fig. 13) and I.I. Shuvalov (Fig. 14). Under Elizabeth, there were wars, victories, attempts at some reforms, and at the same time, in the last years of her life, the empress, who was often ill, could not meet with diplomats, ministers and other government officials for months. Elizaveta Petrovna got rid of the "Bironism" and expelled all the Germans from the top of the government, opened the way there again for the Russian nobility, which made her a heroine in their eyes.

In 1761 Elizaveta Petrovna died, and her nephew, the son of Anna, the second daughter of Peter the Great, Peter III (Fig. 15) ascended the Russian throne, since the empress had no legitimate husband and children. This emperor ruled the country for less than six months. Contradictory, but most often negative reviews have been preserved about Peter III. In Russia, he was considered not a patriot, since he relied on the Germans, a stupid person. After all, in early childhood, Peter was brought up as a pretender to the throne of Sweden, not the Russian Empire.

Rice. 15. Peter III - Russian emperor ()

In June 1762, Peter III was overthrown by his own wife, the future Empress Catherine II. With her, a new era of Russian history began.


  1. Alkhazashvili D.M. The struggle for the legacy of Peter the Great. - M.: Gardariki, 2002.
  2. Anisimov E.V. Russia in the middle of the eighteenth century. (Struggle for the legacy of Peter I). - M., 1986.
  3. Zagladin N.V., Simonia N.A. History of Russia and the world from ancient times to the end of the 19th century. Textbook for grade 10. - M.: TID "Russian Word - RS", 2008.
  4. Danilov A.A., Kosulina L.G., Brandt M.Yu. Russia and the world. Antiquity. Middle Ages. New time. Grade 10. - M.: Education, 2007.
  5. Pavlenko N.I. Chicks of Petrov's nest. - M., 1994.
  6. Pavlenko N.I. Passion at the throne. - M., 1996.
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  1. List the causes of palace coups.
  2. Describe the course of palace coups and its political aspect.
  3. What were the results of the palace coups for Russia?

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