Write the equation of a line passing through 2 points. Equation of a line passing through a point, equation of a line passing through two points, angle between two lines, slope of a line

Properties of a straight line in Euclidean geometry.

An infinite number of straight lines can be drawn through any point.

Through any two non-coinciding points a single straight line can be drawn.

Two divergent lines in a plane either intersect at a single point or are

parallel (follows from the previous one).

In three-dimensional space, there are three options for the relative position of two lines:

  • lines intersect;
  • lines are parallel;
  • straight lines intersect.

Straight line— algebraic curve of the first order: a straight line in the Cartesian coordinate system

is given on the plane by an equation of the first degree (linear equation).

General equation of a straight line.

Definition. Any straight line on the plane can be specified by a first-order equation

Ax + Wu + C = 0,

and constant A, B are not equal to zero at the same time. This first order equation is called general

equation of a straight line. Depending on the values ​​of the constants A, B And WITH The following special cases are possible:

. C = 0, A ≠0, B ≠ 0- a straight line passes through the origin

. A = 0, B ≠0, C ≠0 (By + C = 0)- straight line parallel to the axis Oh

. B = 0, A ≠0, C ≠ 0 (Ax + C = 0)- straight line parallel to the axis OU

. B = C = 0, A ≠0- the straight line coincides with the axis OU

. A = C = 0, B ≠0- the straight line coincides with the axis Oh

The equation of a straight line can be presented in different forms depending on any given

initial conditions.

Equation of a straight line from a point and a normal vector.

Definition. In a Cartesian rectangular coordinate system, a vector with components (A, B)

perpendicular to the line given by the equation

Ax + Wu + C = 0.

Example. Find the equation of a line passing through a point A(1, 2) perpendicular to the vector (3, -1).

Solution. With A = 3 and B = -1, let’s compose the equation of the straight line: 3x - y + C = 0. To find the coefficient C

Let's substitute the coordinates of the given point A into the resulting expression. We get: 3 - 2 + C = 0, therefore

C = -1. Total: the required equation: 3x - y - 1 = 0.

Equation of a line passing through two points.

Let two points be given in space M 1 (x 1 , y 1 , z 1) And M2 (x 2, y 2, z 2), Then equation of a line,

passing through these points:

If any of the denominators is zero, the corresponding numerator should be set equal to zero. On

plane, the equation of a straight line written above is simplified:

If x 1 ≠ x 2 And x = x 1, If x 1 = x 2 .

Fraction = k called slope straight.

Example. Find the equation of the line passing through points A(1, 2) and B(3, 4).

Solution. Applying the formula written above, we get:

Equation of a straight line using a point and slope.

If general equation straight Ax + Wu + C = 0 lead to:

and designate , then the resulting equation is called

equation of a straight line with slope k.

Equation of a straight line from a point and a direction vector.

By analogy with the point considering the equation of a straight line through the normal vector, you can enter the task

a straight line through a point and a directing vector of a straight line.

Definition. Every non-zero vector (α 1 , α 2), whose components satisfy the condition

Aα 1 + Bα 2 = 0 called directing vector of a straight line.

Ax + Wu + C = 0.

Example. Find the equation of a straight line with a direction vector (1, -1) and passing through the point A(1, 2).

Solution. We will look for the equation of the desired line in the form: Ax + By + C = 0. According to the definition,

coefficients must satisfy the following conditions:

1 * A + (-1) * B = 0, i.e. A = B.

Then the equation of the straight line has the form: Ax + Ay + C = 0, or x + y + C / A = 0.

at x = 1, y = 2 we get C/A = -3, i.e. required equation:

x + y - 3 = 0

Equation of a straight line in segments.

If in the general equation of the straight line Ах + Ву + С = 0 С≠0, then, dividing by -С, we get:

or where

Geometric meaning coefficients in that the coefficient a is the coordinate of the intersection point

straight with axis Oh, A b- the coordinate of the point of intersection of the line with the axis OU.

Example. The general equation of a straight line is given x - y + 1 = 0. Find the equation of this straight line in segments.

C = 1, , a = -1, b = 1.

Normal equation of a straight line.

If both sides of the equation Ax + Wu + C = 0 divide by number which is called

normalizing factor, then we get

xcosφ + ysinφ - p = 0 -normal equation of a line.

The sign ± of the normalizing factor must be chosen so that μ*C< 0.

R- the length of the perpendicular dropped from the origin to the straight line,

A φ - the angle formed by this perpendicular with the positive direction of the axis Oh.

Example. The general equation of the line is given 12x - 5y - 65 = 0. Required to write Various types equations

this straight line.

The equation of this line in segments:

The equation of this line with the slope: (divide by 5)

Equation of a line:

cos φ = 12/13; sin φ= -5/13; p = 5.

It should be noted that not every straight line can be represented by an equation in segments, for example, straight lines,

parallel to the axes or passing through the origin.

The angle between straight lines on a plane.

Definition. If two lines are given y = k 1 x + b 1 , y = k 2 x + b 2, That sharp corner between these lines

will be defined as

Two lines are parallel if k 1 = k 2. Two lines are perpendicular

If k 1 = -1/ k 2 .


Direct Ax + Wu + C = 0 And A 1 x + B 1 y + C 1 = 0 parallel when the coefficients are proportional

A 1 = λA, B 1 = λB. If also С 1 = λС, then the lines coincide. Coordinates of the point of intersection of two lines

are found as a solution to the system of equations of these lines.

Equation of a line passing through this point perpendicular to this line.

Definition. A line passing through a point M 1 (x 1, y 1) and perpendicular to the line y = kx + b

represented by the equation:

Distance from a point to a line.

Theorem. If a point is given M(x 0, y 0), then the distance to the straight line Ax + Wu + C = 0 defined as:

Proof. Let the point M 1 (x 1, y 1)- the base of a perpendicular dropped from a point M for a given

direct. Then the distance between points M And M 1:


Coordinates x 1 And at 1 can be found as a solution to the system of equations:

The second equation of the system is the equation of a straight line passing through a given point M 0 perpendicularly

given straight line. If we transform the first equation of the system to the form:

A(x - x 0) + B(y - y 0) + Ax 0 + By 0 + C = 0,

then, solving, we get:

Substituting these expressions into equation (1), we find:

The theorem has been proven.

Let the line pass through the points M 1 (x 1; y 1) and M 2 (x 2; y 2). The equation of a straight line passing through point M 1 has the form y-y 1 = k (x - x 1), (10.6)

Where k - still unknown coefficient.

Since the straight line passes through the point M 2 (x 2 y 2), the coordinates of this point must satisfy equation (10.6): y 2 -y 1 = k (x 2 - x 1).

From here we find Substituting the found value k into equation (10.6), we obtain the equation of a straight line passing through points M 1 and M 2:

It is assumed that in this equation x 1 ≠ x 2, y 1 ≠ y 2

If x 1 = x 2, then the straight line passing through the points M 1 (x 1,y I) and M 2 (x 2,y 2) is parallel to the ordinate axis. Its equation is x = x 1 .

If y 2 = y I, then the equation of the line can be written as y = y 1, the straight line M 1 M 2 is parallel to the abscissa axis.

Equation of a line in segments

Let the straight line intersect the Ox axis at point M 1 (a;0), and the Oy axis at point M 2 (0;b). The equation will take the form:
. This equation is called equation of a straight line in segments, because numbers a and b indicate which segments the line cuts off on the coordinate axes.

Equation of a line passing through a given point perpendicular to a given vector

Let us find the equation of a straight line passing through a given point Mo (x O; y o) perpendicular to a given non-zero vector n = (A; B).

Let's take an arbitrary point M(x; y) on the line and consider the vector M 0 M (x - x 0; y - y o) (see Fig. 1). Since the vectors n and M o M are perpendicular, their scalar product is equal to zero: that is

A(x - xo) + B(y - yo) = 0. (10.8)

Equation (10.8) is called equation of a straight line passing through a given point perpendicular to a given vector .

Vector n= (A; B), perpendicular to the line, is called normal normal vector of this line .

Equation (10.8) can be rewritten as Ah + Wu + C = 0 , (10.9)

where A and B are the coordinates of the normal vector, C = -Ax o - Vu o is the free term. Equation (10.9) is the general equation of the line(see Fig. 2).

Fig.1 Fig.2

Canonical equations of the line


- coordinates of the point through which the line passes, and
- direction vector.

Second order curves Circle

A circle is the set of all points of the plane equidistant from a given point, which is called the center.

Canonical equation of a circle of radius R centered at a point

In particular, if the center of the stake coincides with the origin of coordinates, then the equation will look like:


An ellipse is a set of points on a plane, the sum of the distances from each of which to two given points And , which are called foci, is a constant quantity
, greater than the distance between foci

The canonical equation of an ellipse whose foci lie on the Ox axis, and the origin of coordinates in the middle between the foci has the form
G de
a semi-major axis length; b – length of the semi-minor axis (Fig. 2).

The equation parabolas is quadratic function. There are several options for constructing this equation. It all depends on what parameters are presented in the problem statement.


A parabola is a curve that resembles an arc in shape and is the graph of a power function. Regardless of the characteristics of a parabola, this one is even. Such a function is called even; for all values ​​of the argument from the definition, when the sign of the argument changes, the value does not change: f (-x) = f (x) Start with the simplest function: y = x^2. From its appearance we can conclude that it is both positive and negative negative values argument x. The point at which x=0, and at the same time, y =0 is considered a point.

Below are all the main options for constructing this function and its . As a first example, below we consider a function of the form: f(x)=x^2+a, where a is an integer. In order to construct a graph of this function, it is necessary to shift the graph of the function f(x) by a units. An example is the function y=x^2+3, where along the y-axis the function is shifted by two units. If given a function with opposite sign, for example y=x^2-3, then its graph is shifted down along the y-axis.

Another type of function that can be given a parabola is f(x)=(x +a)^2. In such cases, the graph, on the contrary, shifts along the abscissa axis (x axis) by a units. For example, we can consider the functions: y=(x +4)^2 and y=(x-4)^2. In the first case, where there is a function with a plus sign, the graph is shifted along the x-axis to the left, and in the second case - to the right. All these cases are shown in the figure.

The equation of a line passing through a given point in a given direction. Equation of a line passing through two given points. The angle between two straight lines. The condition of parallelism and perpendicularity of two straight lines. Determining the point of intersection of two lines

1. Equation of a line passing through a given point A(x 1 , y 1) in a given direction, determined by the slope k,

y - y 1 = k(x - x 1). (1)

This equation defines a pencil of lines passing through a point A(x 1 , y 1), which is called the beam center.

2. Equation of a line passing through two points: A(x 1 , y 1) and B(x 2 , y 2) is written like this:

The angular coefficient of a straight line passing through two given points is determined by the formula

3. Angle between straight lines A And B is the angle by which the first straight line must be rotated A around the point of intersection of these lines counterclockwise until it coincides with the second line B. If two straight lines are given by equations with a slope

y = k 1 x + B 1 ,

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