Armenian name Arsen which means. Diminutive names. Arsen name compatibility, manifestation in love

The origin of such a noble, beautiful name as Arseny (Arsen) has its roots in Ancient Greece and Byzantium. But it also has a connection with Russian, Catholic, Orthodox culture. It is now considered uncommon and even old-fashioned. The meaning of the name in Greek means “resolute”, “brave”, “courageous”, “strong”, “mature”.

Name astrology

  • Gemini
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury
  • Talisman Stone: Amethyst
  • Color: blue
  • Wood: ash
  • plant: iris
  • Animal: swallow
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

The character of Arseny is calm, balanced and rather shy. His gentleness and spiritual disposition are highly appreciated by friends and relatives. The social circle is diverse, but there are very few real friends. He is madly in love with animals and as a child often asks to buy him a cat or a dog.

The secret of the name Arseny hides a romantic, refined nature. The boy tends to dream, and he has a rich imagination. In his school years, teachers distinguish him as the best when writing essays.

The subtle world of the owner of the name Arseny is fragile. He can easily be offended by even one insulting word, resulting in isolation in the future. A negative character trait is the lack of determination, the inability to stand up for oneself in conflict situations and the inability to accomplish a feat for the sake of one's loved ones.

Winter Arseny is characterized by courage, resourcefulness, mobility. The cause of a complex and contradictory character is stubbornness. A man born in autumn is very cunning, thoughtful and prudent. He is very hardworking and demanding of himself. It happens that the fate of the parents of the owner of this name is repeated by their son. A person born in summer has a secretive nature. He is taciturn, withdrawn, often faces problems in his personal life and career. Prefers to listen more in companies than to take part in the discussion.

Interests and hobbies

Arseniy loves everything related to creativity and art: cinema, music, poetry. Often acts as a collector of rare books, ancient icons, coins. Fan of many sports.

Profession and business

Since Arseniy has a refined nature, the choice of profession often falls on creative directions. Also, an excellent specialist in the field of medicine and studies can come out of it. He suits the profession of a lawyer, artist, designer, sports coach, veterinarian, writer. Some representatives of the name give preference to serving God. They can reach heights in business, although the original goal of making a lot of money is not.


Arseny is prone to heart disease and inflammation of the intestinal tract. For prevention, it is worth using fish oil, food enzymes, and eating rice. Hot temper can lead to a breakdown, harm the heart. A vulnerable character often causes depression. In stressful situations, suffers from insomnia, early baldness is possible.

Sex and love

Arseniy knows the basics of female psychology very well. He has an attractive appearance and an erotic personality. He does not like restrictions in sexual relations and believes that everything is allowed for partners. He likes to share pleasure with a woman, and he never leaves her unsatisfied. This is a passionate man who is capable of crazy deeds.

Family and marriage

In family life, the owner of this name is not an attentive enough spouse. In relationships, in addition to sensual affection, he always seeks an intellectual relationship with his future wife and marries a simple, trusting girl. The stability and stability of the union depends to a greater extent on it. It is important for Arseniy to base relationships on trust and share common interests in art. If this is not the case, then harmony is not present, and the couple breaks up. For a very long time he chooses a companion for a second marriage. He loves his children very much.

The meaning of the name Arsen, translated from ancient Greek, is “male”. Such an interpretation of the name is very favorable for its owner. He is a real fighter - brave and resolute, ready to take risks and going to the end in any business.

This male name endows its owner with strength and courage. The meaning of the name Arsen for a boy in the early years has a special effect on the baby. He grows up as a cocky, mischievous child. In the yard he acts as a ringleader and enjoys authority among children. Parents' attempts to make upbringing stricter, as a rule, do not change the boy's behavior. He grows up as a real robber and bully.

However, as the child grows older, it changes radically and by the senior school age it is a reserved, calm boy. The meaning of the name Arsen for a child in adolescence is balance, depth in one's own interests. While still at school, he finds a passion for himself, with which his future will later be connected. It can be, for example, sports or music.

An adult Arsen has clear goals in life, has a strong character and willpower. The life of our hero, though difficult, but he achieves everything himself. Parents play an important role in the formation of a young person's personality. It is important that until complete independence he feels the support of loved ones.


Our hero is temperamental and amorous. This "means" that in his life there is no place for one single love. He quickly gets carried away, but also cools down quickly. He sympathizes with girls who are distinguished not only by their attractive appearance, but also by their intelligence. For a man, the intellectual level of a woman, the softness of her character is of great importance.

He chooses to marry a girl with whom he had been in a relationship for several years before, he is sure of her and his feelings for her. In the life of Arsen, as a rule, there are several marriages. He knows how to beautifully and patiently care for a woman. If, while in marriage, he falls in love with another, he divorces his wife and marries a new lover. Marriage for him is more of a formality, so he signs and divorces with equal ease.

Of great importance in relations with this man is to keep his attention and sharpness of feelings. Feeling that interest in the chosen one is weakening, he does not look for a replacement for her, however, he will not miss the opportunity to go “to the left”, to start new relationships on the side. But if he finds his soul mate, truly loves her, he will idolize her and never change his beloved.


Arsen marries early, but this rarely "denotes" a long happy married life. Marriages often end in divorce and remarriage. He loves his children very much and is always ready to participate in their upbringing, even if he is divorced from their mother. The financial support of the family takes over completely.

Usually he does not participate in home improvement, he is quite pleased with the homely atmosphere that his wife creates. For a man, the dwelling in which he lives is a place where you can relax from the hustle and bustle and gain strength.

Relations with the wife's parents are even, without much closeness. He loves his mother very much and is always ready to help her at the first call. For our hero, communication with friends is of no small importance. Arsen has many friends and meeting with them is always a fun feast or communication in an exclusively male company.

Rest with the family is an active pastime in nature, near the sea, in the mountains. In the family of a man named so, there must be a dog or a cat. He loves animals since childhood and gets along well with them.

Business and career

Arsen is an excellent leader and administrator. Work will be successful in the following areas: economics, management, jurisprudence, the army. A purposeful worker is quickly noticed by the authorities, and "means" a man's career growth can be rapid. Good relations develop with co-workers. He treats subordinates with understanding, tries to be fair and generous.

Often, colleagues become the best friends of our hero, which is not surprising - he spends more time in a work team than at home. Responsible and attentive attitude to their duties often makes this employee work in excess of the norm, which does not bother him. He is one of those people who are completely devoted to work, sometimes even to the detriment of weekends and vacations. The material encouragement of labor is important in the willingness of a man to spend his personal time on the performance of his duties. Otherwise, he will not tear.

Although our hero is characterized by an excellent performer and leader, sooner or later he matures for his own business. Business qualities help to organize and arrange a successful enterprise. Confidence in the business you create is of great importance. If he feels even the slightest doubt in his own abilities, then it is worth waiting until he is one hundred percent convinced of his plans.

origin of the name Arsen

The origin of the name Arsen originates from the ancient Greek word ἀρσενικός - "male". Where it came from, the story remains a mystery of the name. Often the etymology is associated with a similar name - Arseny. However, if the name Arseny is more common among Christians, then Arsen is among Muslims.

Saint Arseny the Great, whose name is revered in Orthodoxy, will be the patron of the baptized Arsen. At baptism, the boy is called Arseny.

Characteristics of the name Arsen

The characterization of the name Arsen has its pros and cons. Since childhood, our hero has been distinguished by determination and courage. His character is distinguished by prudence, goodwill and balance. He knows how to show restraint in the most stressful situations, he can quickly make correct and thoughtful decisions. Also, the man has a cheerful disposition, he is a hospitable host and a true friend.

Negative character traits include: jealousy, irascibility, windiness. Despite the fact that Arsen is a serious and conscious person, he has a weakness for the opposite sex and cheats on his wife more than once. However, if he notices any hint of infidelity from his wife, he will be very suspicious and jealous. She does not forgive women's betrayals. By nature, being a balanced person, he can still flare up strongly. In this state, he is not always able to control his statements and actions.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone: amethyst.
  • Name days: May 21, June 25.
  • Name horoscope or zodiac sign: Gemini.

Famous people

  • Arsen Galstyan - Russian judoka, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Olympic champion in 2012
  • Arsen Petrosov - pop singer, composer, songwriter.
  • Arsen Kanokov - Russian statesman, President of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

Different languages

Translation of the name Arsen from the ancient Greek ἀρσενικός - "male", "courageous". How the meaning of the name is translated into Japanese: 男性 (Dansei). How the name is written and sounds in Chinese, Japanese and other languages:

  • Chinese: 阿尔森 (a-er-sen).
  • Japanese: アルセン (a-ru-sen).
  • Arabic: أرسين (ar-se-na).
  • Hindi: आर्सेन (ar-sen).

Name Forms

  • Full name - Arsen.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Arsenchik, Senya, Ara, Arsik, Arsenyushka.
  • Declension of the name - Arsene, Arsene.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Arseny.

The owner of the name Arsen, of course, can be proud of a very beautiful and euphonious name.

The name is an integral part of the personality of every person, therefore it is so important to know what this or that name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of people who previously had it.

In ancient times, people believed that every word carries a certain charge of energy, and the naming of a person has truly magical power. This is due to the fact that each of us hears his name dozens of times a day, and, therefore, its meaning has a huge impact on our behavior, mood and hobbies.

The male name Arsen has a rich history. This name arose as an independent naming on behalf of Arseny. The naming Arseny, in turn, came to the system of world naming from Ancient Greece and, when translated into Russian, it is interpreted as "mature, courageous." This naming refers to a number of male names that glorify courage and valor, the physical and spiritual strength of a man, which are perceived by many peoples as bestowed on a “male warrior”, “male winner” by nature itself.

Due to the fact that the name Arseniy was included in both the Catholic and Orthodox names, a large number of its "national" forms arose. The variety of such names was the result of the rethinking of the specified name by representatives of various languages. So, for example, the forms Arsenty and Arsen took root in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian names; in Spanish and Italian - Arsenio, Arsenito; in Polish - Arseniusz; in Czech - Arzen, Arzenek. In France, Armenia, Bulgaria and Serbia, the name Arsen became the “folk” version of this name, in addition, it was in this form that the name settled in some Muslim states. Having firmly established itself in these countries, the naming Arsen has gained unprecedented popularity, which is explained not only by the “beautiful” meaning of the name, but also by its capacity, sonority and melody.

It is believed that the owner of the name Arsen celebrates his name day together with the bearers of the name Arseny. Thus, according to the Orthodox calendar, the well-being of Arsen is protected by several heavenly patrons, including: Archbishop Arseny of Suzdal, Rev. Martyr Arseny (Dmitriev), Metropolitan Arseny of Rostov and Yaroslavl, Arseny Pechersky, Hardworking. In the Catholic tradition, three holy martyrs named Arseny and Arseny the Great are venerated. According to church traditions, the heavenly intercessor of a person is the saint whose memory in the calendar falls on the birthday itself or follows this date, it is this day that is called the name day.

Many famous scientists, writers, athletes and statesmen glorified the name Arsen, for example: the governor of the Kharkov region of Ukraine Arsen Borisovich Avakov, the deputy of the Armenian parliament Arsen Dneprovich Avagyan, the Russian sculptor Arsen Albertovich Avetisyan, the Tajik football player Arsen Georgievich Avakov, the Ossetian Soviet writer Arsen Borisovich Kotsoev .

The name Arsen is one of the diamonds adorning the royal crown of world naming.

Sources: Ter-Sarkisyants A.E., Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world. Baskakov N.A., Directory of personal names of the peoples of the RSFSR. Petrovsky N.A., Dictionary of Russian personal names. Leontiev N.N., What is in my name for you?

Arsen is a name popular in Caucasian, predominantly Muslim regions. Let's say, while choosing what to name your baby, you looked through various boy names. "Arsen" you liked, and you decided to stay on it. In this case, you should familiarize yourself with what you will have to expect from your child in the future. Sonorous and clear, this name is associated with the courage and strength that its bearer possesses. Is it really?

origin of the name Arsen

It is not known for certain where the name Arsen came from. The origin of the name is traditionally associated, however, with the Greek word "arsenikos", which translates as "male". If you follow this etymology, then it will be related to the name Arseny. In this case, the last option is used by Christians. Whereas "Arsen" is a name mainly common in Islamic regions.


The name Arsen, whose meaning is “male”, really makes its bearer a person in whom all male features are clearly manifested. Since childhood, Arsen has been famous for his fighting qualities, courage and fearlessness. He is not afraid of risks, and he is ready to go ahead to the very end. The downside, which is not very pleasant for parents and others, is that Arsen often creates a reputation for himself as an eccentric, pugnacious and aggressive child. From time to time one has to expect troubles and not always harmless pranks from him.

The boy named Arsen, whose meaning comes down to radical masculinity, is not amenable to persuasion, and even severe punishments cannot change his temper. Only time does this - during the school years, the young man noticeably settles down, and all the fighting qualities that he latently carries in himself are clothed in clothes of prudence and calmness. He is characterized by poise, seriousness and focus on his own interests. Eccentric antics become extremely rare, and nothing betrays the former bully and robber in him. In life, he steps with a firm step, clearly realizing what he wants to achieve. Often he has problems that he overcomes quite easily, thanks to the strength of his spirit and self-confidence. In addition, parental authority is not the least important for Arsen. The young man is very attached to the family, and it is important for him to feel her support.

Personal life

Amorousness and ardor - this is what Arsen first of all shows. The meaning of the name, the character of this man are such that he chooses girls for himself who fully embody the archetype of a woman. This means that in the faces of the opposite sex, he appreciates softness, inner beauty, femininity, as well as intelligence. Beautiful pacifiers categorically disgust him. But, even having found a girlfriend to his liking, Arsen cools down to her as quickly as he falls in love. Therefore, his personal life is a series of bright, but short novels. A young man falls in love with all the force of his impulsive nature. It is important at the same time that his chosen one can constantly maintain his interest in himself. Otherwise, as soon as he feels boredom and stagnation of feelings, he will easily get carried away by another girl, without having time to put an end to the previous relationship. So the name Arsen affects his behavior. He gives meaning only to inner feelings, without binding himself to any formal obligations. Therefore, it would be correct to say about him that he is faithful while in love. And then no moral and ethical considerations can stop him.


The name Arsen, whose significance is incomparably great in personal life, naturally leaves an imprint on the family. As a rule, Arsene marries early. And it usually breaks down quickly. It is generally normal for a person with this name to marry several times, which he treats simply as some kind of formality. Nevertheless, he tries to sign with a girl in whose feelings he is more or less sure. But, if he still falls in love with another, he will not torture himself and simply divorce.

As for children, Arsen simply adores them. He takes an active part in their upbringing and fully takes care of all their material maintenance. Such things as home comfort are of little concern to him, and he does not show interest in this area, leaving all worries about the hearth to his wife. Arsen also does not show much interest in the parents of his beloved. Therefore, relations with them are quite even - without scandals, but also without family affection. He truly loves only his own mother, who means a lot to him.

A taste for fun companies and meetings with friends is another feature that characterizes the name Arsen. The nationality and traditions of the people also play a role here (after all, most often Arsen is a native of the Caucasus), but the guy himself really appreciates such a pastime. He has many friends, and he devotes a lot of time and attention to them, so his wife needs to reckon with this. In addition, Arsen, as a rule, loves animals, and in his family there will always be a place for a dog, a cat and anyone else.


Being a naturally strong, prudent person who easily achieves authority among his surroundings, Arsen has a chance to make an excellent career in the field of management and management. He shows excellent administrative qualities and quickly moves up the career ladder.

Famous people

In Russia, the most famous personalities with this name are the politician Arsen Kanokov, who is the president of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic; singer Arsen Petrosov and Arsen Galstyan, master of sports of Russia in judo.

Arsen - courageous, see Arseny. "Courageous" (Greek) Arsenii do not cause much trouble to parents. They study well, do not conflict with their peers, are sociable. Vulnerable and sensitive. They are engaged in music, but under pressure from their parents. They love animals, keep dogs in the house, and are not too lazy to take care of them. These boys only want to do what they like. They often get into ridiculous or ambiguous situations that they themselves create.

What does the name Arsen mean? fearless (name Arsen of Greek origin). Historians say that the name Arsen has Greek roots, and it was formed from the Greek name Arsenios. In this case, the meaning of the name Arsen is “courageous”, “mature”. In addition, it is often interpreted as "male", "man". Subsequently, it was on behalf of Arsen that the female name Arsenia was formed.

Short form of the name Arsen. Arsa, Ars, Arzik.

Synonyms for the name Arsen. Arzen, Arseniy.

origin of the name Arsene The name Arsen is Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian.

It is also known that the short form of the name Arseny was precisely the variant of the name Arsen, after which it began to be used independently. The name Arsen is very popular among Armenians, Bashkirs, Tatars. In Christianity, the patron of sailors is known - St. Arseniy Konevsky.

Pros and cons of the name Arsen

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Arsen? On the one hand, this beautiful, sonorous and unusual name for our country can become an ornament for a child. It goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, has several diminutive options, such as Arsenchik, Arsenushka, Arsik. However, on the other hand, many parents may be alarmed by not the best character of the owners of this name, which is very difficult to correct in the process of education.

  • Arsen's zodiac - Taurus,
  • Libra Planet - Venus
  • The color of the name Arsen is green
  • Treasured plant - periwinkle
  • The patron of the name Arsen is a dove, a bull
  • Talisman Stone
  • Arsena - emerald

Day of the angel named after Arsen: the name celebrates name days several times a year:

  • 1st of February
  • February 19
  • 28th of February
  • March 13
  • March 15th
  • 12 May
  • May 21st
  • June 25
  • July 15
  • July 25 1
  • August 3rd
  • 6 September
  • 10 September
  • 12-th of September
  • 10th of November
  • November 19
  • December 3
  • December 26

As a child, Arsen is a mobile and active child. It clearly expresses stubbornness and a desire to achieve one's goal at all costs. Sometimes even at a young age, for the sake of this, the boy goes to tricks and various tricks. Arsen is very sociable. He has many friends, acquaintances and acquaintances. Possessing a unique fantasy and creative thinking, such a man becomes very attractive to others.

This is a person with whom it is never boring. And this, of course, attracts a wide variety of people to him. At the same time, Arsen himself has a rather unclear understanding of who is a true friend for him, and who is playing a dishonest game behind his back. A young person needs to learn to stop and critically evaluate their environment.

Arsen knows how to appear to others as he is not in reality. While not really a two-faced person, he is an excellent actor and inventor, able to easily mislead anyone. Consequently, Arsen achieves great success in journalism, sales, marketing, etc. Arsen has good health. He rarely gets sick, and in those moments when the disease overtakes him, he copes with it quite easily. At the same time, emotional stress becomes a real disaster for Arsen.

If physically such a man can be called very hardy, then psychologically he is an unstable and often weak personality. Arsene needs to protect himself as much as possible from all sorts of stresses and at the same time not forget about physical activity. Of the positive character traits of Arsen, resourcefulness and courage can also be noted. Such a young man knows how to turn any situation in his favor. Not being too hardworking, he knows how to find a way out of the most difficult situations, which makes him indispensable for many.

Family relationships Arsene's are quite successful in the event that he initially does not hide his shortcomings from the chosen one. One of the main secrets of Arsene can be called his sentimentality. This is the character trait that is completely closed to others. Arsen himself considers her unacceptable and unusual for men, therefore he carefully hides even from the closest people.

The nature of the name Arsen

The meaning of the name Arsen can be deciphered according to numerology. In this science, the name is patronized by the number 5, indicating a spiritually free and independent person who appreciates the accumulated and acquired experience more than outside advice. Constant mental anxiety constantly pushes a man named Arsen to seek adventure, he gets involved in risky activities, constantly sets himself more and more new goals - this is how his life becomes more diverse.

Name Arsen- a nature full of enthusiasm, with a kind of energy, and it is very good when the latter is directed to certain goals and objectives (for example, to work). A man named Arsen is smart enough, boasts a philosophical mindset, and, perhaps, for this reason, he is easily able to acquire some new knowledge, acquire skills, and adapt to a sharp change in circumstances. Even from the most difficult situations, the name Arsen manages to emerge victorious, which is clearly facilitated by luck, as well as his cheerfulness and resourcefulness.

Unfortunately, the main problem with the name Arsen is that he constantly looks exclusively to the future and does not take into account what is happening to him in the present. This prevents the meaning of the name from assessing real prospects. The name Arsen is always directed forward, which does not allow you to see what is very close.

As a child, Arsen has a complaisant character, is very shy. Usually he grows up as a good-natured, soft-hearted person, although not without inner energy. A man named Arsen is very sociable, but he defines only the chosen ones as true friends - those whom he can trust.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Gemini or Libra. Gemini (May 21-June 21) are similar to Arsen in their inconsistency, some nervous energy and selfishness. Under the auspices of this sign, Arsen will be a sweet and cheerful person, not devoid of such qualities close to his inner world as inconstancy, audacity, dislike of routine. Libra (September 24-October 23), just like Arsen, does not like responsibility and commanding tone, they are subject to mood swings, therefore they will suit the owner of this name both in temperament and in activity.

Love and family relationships:

In family relationships, Arsen is often unlucky, because not all women can withstand his lack of independence and the desire to hang all their worries on others. As a life partner, Arsen should choose an enterprising and very energetic girl who considers it lucky to be able to take on all the obligations at home and family.

As for the relationship of a guy named Arsen with representatives of the opposite sex, it was not without difficulties. The main problem, of course, lies in Arsen's character - he needs to learn to be more flexible, tactful, kind and compliant. Otherwise, he will have incredible relationship problems with any woman.

Not a single lady can tolerate his arrogance and pride, selfishness and narcissism. And Arsen is too amorous and can fall in love even with the one that does not suit him, neither by nature nor by character. Arsene is one of those men who believe that it is not they who should conquer, but them. It is difficult to find a common language with such a person, he is too unpredictable and sometimes he can do things that only repel women. At the same time, in his soul he can and wants to become soft and more attentive, but nature will not allow him. So the meaning of the name Arsene suggests.

Arsene marries early, but it's rare " stands for» a long and happy married life. Marriages often end in divorce and remarriage. He loves his children very much and is always ready to participate in their upbringing, even if he is divorced from their mother. The financial support of the family takes over completely.

Usually he does not participate in home improvement, he is quite pleased with the homely atmosphere that his wife creates. For a man, the dwelling in which he lives is a place where you can relax from the hustle and bustle and gain strength.

Energy and Karma of the name

Arseny is one of the few names that in a diminutive form - Arsen - sounds much harder than in full, and therefore it is extremely important to know to determine the character how exactly does the bearer of the name prefer to call himself - Arseny or Arsen? In the first case, Arseniy usually grows up as a rather gentle and good-natured person, he is flexible and somewhat shy. At the same time, his inner energy usually finds expression in daydreaming and a well-developed imagination.

Arseniy is a creative and very sensitive nature, it doesn’t cost anything to offend him, and far from always he has the determination to stand up for himself in difficult times. However, there are not so many such moments in Arseny's life: after all, most often he prefers to stay in the shadows and live in the world of his own illusions.

A similar type of character was well described by one of the representatives of this name - Arseny Tarkovsky, who in the poems dedicated to his childhood has the following line: “ Was more ethereal than Moscow thieves» Very accurate and, most importantly, unlike those very thieves, it is safe from the point of view of the criminal code.

Perhaps Arseny lacks the necessary decisiveness, but his gentleness and sincerity often provide him with a sufficient number of friends, surrounded by whom Arseny wakes up cheerfulness. The rest of the time, he often prefers to go with the flow, not really caring about real existence and somewhat risking drowning in his own dreams and fantasies.

The interaction of Arsen's character with the seasons

  • Spring- a boy who received a nominal variation of Arsen at birth and was born under the auspices of the spring season, this is a practical, but very selfish guy, craving attention and care, love and tenderness. Vulnerable and touchy, but restrained, he will never throw out negativity on the people around him, even if he deserves it. You can make friends and build relationships with him, he is positive, but sometimes too unpredictable. Read more:
  • Summer- a boy of a year old origin, this is often an aggressive, receptive, quick-tempered, capricious person, always looking for a catch in everything and not trying to put up with people's shortcomings. But he is cheerful and sociable, easily finds a common language with new people, is happy to make contact. You have all the data to become a respected boss or leader.
  • Autumn- may seem impulsive and aggressive, but in fact it is not. Inside, in the soul, he is soft and vulnerable, polite and delicate, and wants peace and positive. You can easily make friends with this one. He will definitely support and help if he can. Executive and responsible, disciplined, acts strictly in accordance with generally accepted rules, disinterested.
  • Winter- and a man born in one of three months, who received the name Arsen, is a lover of being the first, an egoist, but moderate and restrained. Purposeful, hardworking, always achieves goals. A loner by nature, prefers a lonely pastime and tranquility, instead of fun and big noisy companies. This does not need fun and adrenaline to be happy.

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