Purification of water with activated carbon at home. Ways to purify water at home. Advantages and disadvantages of boiling, settling and freezing

High-quality drinking water is a guarantee of human health. In addition, the taste of cooked dishes depends on the water. Everyone knows that tap water, which is supplied to apartments and houses, has dubious qualities and purity and can harm the body. For its purification, various devices are used. But what if there is no filter in the house? Alternatively, you can use simple ways to purify water at home.

There are many ways to get purified water at home without special equipment. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.

Freezing water

The freezing method is one of the most popular due to its simplicity and accessibility. According to experts, ice water is especially useful, since during freezing it is possible to obtain a living and pure liquid. All you need is a freezer container, a regular refrigerator (freezer) and tap water.

It is desirable to take a deep container. Water is poured into it, but not to the brim, but with a margin of 1 cm, no less. This dish is carefully placed in the freezer. It is necessary to ensure that half of the water in the vessel freezes. How long it will take depends on several factors, including the volume of the vessel, the temperature set in the freezer compartment.

As soon as half of our liquid freezes, you need to carefully break through the ice crust with a sharp knife and drain the water that has not had time to freeze. It is she who is the most harmful, impurities remain in her. The remaining ice is a clean, healthy liquid that can be safely consumed or used in the kitchen for cooking.

Frozen water is endowed with a number of therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Namely:

  • positively affects the normalization of metabolic processes in the human body;
  • assists in rapid recovery after illness;
  • contributes to the rapid adaptation of the body in unexpected conditions;
  • improves the functioning of muscle tissue;
  • endowed with anti-allergenic qualities.

This method of water filtration is far from perfect, because it is only “by eye” to determine how well the water is purified. Yet the resulting liquid is cleaner and much healthier than the one served to us from the tap.


Boiling is a way to get clean water, which is used by almost everyone. High temperatures affect water - it is sterilized, cleaned of microorganisms. The desired result can be achieved only after 15 minutes of boiling, and it is not necessary to cover the container with a lid, since harmful compounds “come out” with steam.

However, this method has significant drawbacks.

Firstly, boiled water in the common people has earned the name "dead", and this is not accidental. Along with harmful impurities, useful components also evaporate, so there is no talk of any positive impact.

Not only do chlorine compounds linger in such water, they become a carcinogen - chloroform, which is dangerous for humans because of its ability to provoke oncological pathologies.

Parts of the salts linger on the walls of the container in which the liquid was boiled. The result is soft water, which can "boast" the content of salts, nitrates and heavy metals is much higher than in the tap liquid flowing from the tap.

Despite this, for the majority of the inhabitants of our country, boiling is a method used quite often due to its simplicity and accessibility. In this case, the resulting boiled liquid should be tried to neutralize.

It's easy to do. 5 liters of boiled water are poured into the dishes, ascorbic acid (0.5 grams) purchased in advance at the pharmacy should be added there. The composition is mixed until the acid is completely dissolved and left for an hour to settle.


Standing up is a simple method that many people use. The result is a better quality liquid.

Water drawn from the tap is left for 8 hours. During this period, volatile impurities, including chlorine, evaporate. It is advisable to stir the contents of the container from time to time, this will speed up the evaporation process.

But it will not be possible to get rid of salts of heavy metals, they remain in the liquid, but settle to the very bottom. After that, pour 2/3 of the contents of the dishes with settled water. This must be done carefully, make sure that the liquid does not shake up and the sediment does not mix with the already cleaned layer.

Not everyone knows, but well-known table salt can also act as a kind of home “filter”.

A vessel is filled with 2 liters of liquid from the tap. 1 full tablespoon of salt is also placed there, which should dissolve well. After 15-25 minutes, the water will already be cleared of harmful microorganisms and salts of heavy metals.

Cleansing with activated carbon

Activated charcoal is actively used as a cleansing component. By the way, most of the cleaning devices use this substance. Activated charcoal does an excellent job of neutralizing unpleasant odors. In addition, he, like a sponge, is able to absorb harmful elements from the liquid.

To achieve the expected result, the tablets of this remedy are wrapped in a piece of gauze and placed in a container filled with liquid. 1 tablet is used per 1 liter of water. Already after 8 hours, the water will become much cleaner and can be safely used.

Silver cleansing

Silver is an excellent cleanser. With the help of this element, it is possible to neutralize not only chemicals, but also get rid of many harmful elements.

In the evening, a silver coin or spoon is lowered into a dish filled with liquid. Already in the morning, after 12 hours, purified water is ready for use.

Purification of water by folk methods

In addition to the well-known household methods described above, there are many folk methods.

  1. Clusters of mountain ash can help with solving the problem. The berries are dipped in a vessel with water and left for 2-3 hours. The resulting purified liquid is no worse than the one obtained by using activated carbon or silver.
  2. Willow bark, onion peel, juniper twigs, bird cherry leaves will also do an excellent job with this task. However, filtration with such components will take longer - 12 hours.
  3. For cleansing, you can use iodine or vinegar. For 1 liter of water, you need to take 3 drops of 5% iodine or 1 teaspoon of vinegar. These components are added to the water for 2-6 hours. However, you need to know that chlorine and some of the microorganisms do not go anywhere.

All of the above methods can be used. In the absence of a quality filter, any of them will help to get water much cleaner than the one that flows in the taps of our houses.

Video: how to purify ordinary water without filters

At home, you can purify water using household filters, freezing, settling, boiling, as well as a combination of all these and some other methods.

Spring water does not flow from our taps. This problem has been going on for more than a decade, and there is still no global solution. Perhaps, somewhere in a distant country, foreign public utilities have already found a way to supply “clean tears” to homes. And we can only look for our own methods of water purification for each individual apartment.

Why can't you leave it as it is?

The quality of tap water is far from any sanitary and simply human standards. Chlorination or, at best, fluoridation relieves it of infectious agents, but does not at all save it from additives such as pesticides, nitrates, salts of heavy metals.

Although industrial methods of water purification should become more perfect from year to year, in fact, only MPC standards change. The concentrations of harmful substances that are allowed for domestic water are artificially inflated and simply legalize the chemical "cocktail" that enters our taps.

Cleaning Options

There are many home ways to purify water from harmful or simply undesirable impurities, but each of them fights with one group of substances or organisms. Therefore, to obtain the desired result, it is often necessary to take a whole range of measures.

Water purification at home is possible in several ways, but it is important to understand the physics of each process, since it is quite difficult to ideally separate liquid into drinking and technical.

Water purification by settling

This method not only allows the heavy sediment to be separated, it also gives the water time to self-purify itself of volatile ammonia and chlorine compounds. In order for the process to be as efficient as possible, the water is settled in a container with a wide top and without a lid for at least 8 hours. Then you can pour it into a clean container, trying not to mix the layers, and pour out the lower quarter altogether.

After each settling, rinse the walls and bottom of the main container with a solution of acetic or citric acid to remove lime deposits.

Filters for water

At one time, there was a boom in various filtration systems, the manufacturers of which promised trouble-free water softening at home and almost 100% cleaning results. Gradually, the less effective ones were eliminated, and the most reliable methods continue to be used in everyday life:

  • Capacitive filter jugs are quite versatile, since they can be equipped with cassettes with different degrees of water purification. The main thing is not to forget to change them regularly.
  • Multi-level filtration systems - show themselves best of all, but also cost accordingly. But they simultaneously use different methods of water purification, freeing it not only from garbage, but also from chlorine, rust suspension, some types of bacteria and viruses.


The method is as old as the world, and effective not only for the destruction of pathogens. During boiling, calcium salts are removed from the water. True, they do not disappear at all, but settle on the inner surface of the kettle, after which they have to be removed from the dishes. Other dissolved substances cannot be neutralized in this way, and water purification from odor during boiling is impossible.

For rough preparation and disinfection of at least 50-70 percent, the water should boil for at least 10-15 minutes, since most pathogens do not die immediately. A higher pathogen kill rate of 98-99% requires even more time - about half an hour. And in the case of anthrax, it will take at least an hour to boil water. So an electric kettle with auto-off is definitely not suitable for these purposes.

But boiling has a downside. Most urban water treatment plants resort to chlorination in the old fashioned way, and after boiling, the chlorine residues turn into a dangerous carcinogen - chloroform. In addition, a natural decrease in the volume of water increases the percentage of other impurities in it. So this method should be used only in conjunction with settling, and double - before boiling and after it.


Simply put, evaporation. The same boiling, but the resulting steam will have to be collected. You will need a homemade water purification device that works on the principle of a distillation apparatus. The design can be the simplest:

  • closed container for boiling;
  • steam outlet tube;
  • cooling coil;
  • container for collecting distilled water.

In this case, all harmful substances will remain in the evaporator tank, and ideally pure water will be collected in the condensing coil. Of course, it tastes unpleasant, and you shouldn’t use distillate regularly - after all, the supply of minerals in the human body is replenished, including drinking water. Moreover, the distilled liquid will dissolve useful salts already in the cells and wash out the substances necessary for normal life.

Purification with silver and copper

Our distant ancestors knew how to purify water and make it safe. At least those who were rich enough to "drink and eat on silver." The disinfecting effect of pure argentum is indeed widely known, but only the precious metal is needed not technical and not even jewelry, which comes with the addition of low-melting copper. In silver dishes, water is defended for about a day. If there is no such container, you can simply put a silver object in a regular container.

Copper kitchen utensils give a similar effect, but it is not recommended to keep water in it for longer than 4 hours. Otherwise, instead of a disinfected liquid, you will get a solution of toxic compounds transferred from copper.


A surprisingly effective way to partially get rid of pathogenic bacteria and almost completely remove dissolved salts from the liquid. In this case, no complex device for water purification is required, except perhaps a sufficiently capacious freezer.

The liquid from the tap must be poured into plastic bottles, but not to the very neck, but leaving a couple of centimeters free. As it freezes, the water will expand in volume and may burst the container. For the same reason, glass cannot be used at all.

Send the prepared containers to the freezer, but monitor the condition of the water. When half to two thirds of the volume freezes, the remains must be poured out - they contain a large amount of mineral impurities that do not allow the liquid to quickly solidify at the set 0 ° C. Ice can be thawed and used for its intended purpose, or additional water purification methods can be applied to improve the result.


Safe cleaning methods aimed specifically at water disinfection are used in modern ozonation systems. 20 minutes of operation of such a device is enough to destroy most harmful microbes. For some time, this effect persists, so it is very useful to wash food products with ozonated water so that they become safe for humans.

Infusion on minerals (flint, shungite)

The method is very similar to settling tap water in a separate container, but with the addition of minerals. Silicon for water purification should be taken smaller so that the total surface area of ​​​​the stones is maximum. It has a disinfecting effect and even benefits the body. has a rejuvenating, immunostimulating effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

You can buy this miracle mineral in a pharmacy, and it is not difficult to use it: pour it with water and leave it to infuse for a day or two. Silicon attracts impurities and pathogenic microbes, so only the upper layers of water can be used, otherwise the whole point of purification is lost. After that, the precipitate is removed and the next portion is poured. But first, inspect the pebbles so that they do not have a thin coating. If the silicon is contaminated, it must be washed under running water with a clean toothbrush.

Shungite for the same purposes is recommended to be taken larger - one 100-gram stone is needed for each liter of liquid. The preparation is almost the same as the silicon water recipe: steeping for 3 days and pouring over the top layers. The mineral needs cleaning every six months.

Shungite water should not be drunk by people prone to oncology, blood clots and with high acidity of gastric juice.

Folk methods

Many plants common in our latitudes also have cleansing properties. For example, when using rowan branches, even complete purification of water from the smell is possible - you just need to put fresh cuts into it for a couple of hours. Willow bark, juniper and bird cherry leaves give the same bactericidal effect after 12 hours.

For quick cleaning of harmful impurities, use activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per glass. After a quarter of an hour, the water can be filtered and subjected to disinfecting treatment. Alternatively, use a homemade charcoal filter by laying several layers of gauze with crushed powder. Or simply wrap the tablets in a clean piece of bandage and leave them in a container of water overnight.

Tap water passes through treatment facilities and according to sanitary standards Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation "On the Enactment of Sanitary Rules". considered drinking. The problem is that they clean it with mechanical filters and chlorine. They kill bacteria, but pass salts of heavy metals and other impurities. Water enters the apartment through water pipes, from which rust, metal filings, sand, microbes and salts of heavy metals get into the water.

All this "compote" is pouring from the tap. If you drink such water once, nothing fatal will happen. But if you drink tap water regularly, then serious health problems can appear.

In general, many factors affect the quality of tap water. For example, the ecological situation in the region, the presence of heavy industry, mining, the efficiency of treatment facilities. For example, in 2017 the cleanest tap water was State report "On the state of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population in the Russian Federation in 2017" . in St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Voronezh and Astrakhan regions. The dirtiest and undrinkable is in the republics of Mari El and Bashkortostan, the Murmansk region, Altai and Stavropol territories.

Why is tap water harmful?

Tap water contains dangerous impurities that are odorless, tasteless and colorless. They are not removed by boiling and accumulate in the human body, causing serious illness. For example, tap water may contain:

  • Residual chlorine. It remains in the water after being cleaned by Vodokanal. Residual chlorine reacts with other impurities and forms Chlorine in Drinking water. cancer-causing compounds.
  • Ions of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, zinc and others). Their water is collected through pipes. They accumulate in the body and affect Heavy Metals Toxicity and the Environment. on the work of the liver, kidneys, nervous system, cause cancer and joint diseases.
  • Rust. It also gets into the water from pipes and spoils household appliances. Due to an excess of iron in the body, Iron overload disorder: All you need to know . fade hair, break nails.
  • Toxins, nitrates and pesticides. They enter the water from the environment. They are difficult to remove from water treatment plants, so they remain in tap water after treatment. Cause Nitrate and nitrite in drinking-water. oncological diseases, allergies, diseases of the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract.

How to purify water at home

The most technologically advanced and effective way is reverse osmosis filter. Water is purified using a special membrane that does not absorb any more substances. Therefore, harmful impurities and hardness salts remain on the membrane and are washed off into the sewer. The output is bottled water, only from your tap. Soft, completely free from rust, heavy metal ions, toxins, bacteria and viruses. These filters are used by bottled water manufacturers around the world. Only at home, water will cost much less. For example, for a family of three, an average of 1.7 rubles per liter will come out in the first year after buying a filter and 70 kopecks in the future.

What to remember

  • Tap water varies in quality from region to region.
  • Drinking water should not contain impurities of heavy metals, chlorine, rust and nitrates.
  • Tap water can contain harmful impurities that cause serious illness.
  • Tap water can be purified to a drinking state with the help of filters.
  • The coolest filter is reverse osmosis. The easiest to use filter jug. He also copes with water purification, but you need to know how to check it.
  • After cleaning with a jug filter, the water still needs to be boiled to destroy the viruses.
  • Filter cartridges need to be changed on time. In order not to miss the next replacement, subscribe to

Water is an integral part of the human body. It is necessary to consume it, but the main thing is that it be clean. Therefore, various filtration systems have been invented by mankind. However, you can filter it in simple ways using improvised means. Such methods can help save money that is usually spent on replacing and installing various cartridges and filtration systems.

Filtering methods

First of all, it is necessary to consider the ways in which water can be filtered. They are simple and accessible to everyone and are options for physical impact, in addition, they do not require the use of filters. However, they have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. So, these methods include:

  1. boiling;
  2. upholding;
  3. freezing.

During the boiling process, the high temperature affects the tap liquid and sterilizes it. The main advantage of such exposure is that at this moment the death of all pathogenic microorganisms occurs. It should be noted that boiling should occur for fifteen minutes with the lid open. In this case, the water will be really clean, and harmful impurities will evaporate. However, with such an impact, the liquid becomes “dead” and no longer bears any benefit to the body. In addition, chlorine is still present in such water, changing and turning into another compound, which is even more dangerous.

In addition, you can use another simple method - settling. You should pour water into a container and defend it for eight hours. This method allows you to purify water from chlorine. and some other harmful compounds. However, some heavy metals still remain, settling at the bottom. You can eliminate them by pouring the liquid into another container, only at the same time it should not be stirred and shaken. About a quarter of the contents should be left at the bottom.

You can also use freezing. Currently, this method is considered the most effective among simple methods of physical impact on the liquid. Pour the required amount of water into the container and place in the freezer. Then it is necessary to ensure that not all the liquid freezes, but only half, and drain it - all harmful substances and salts remain in it. Next, you need to melt the frozen liquid - and you can drink it. It is considered healing.

If you choose how to purify water at home from these simple methods, then it is better to give preference to the latter, because only in this case you can control the quality of the product. The fact is that water, in which there is a large amount of mineral salts, freezes rather slowly. That's why, if there is no quality filter, then it is better to choose a similar technique.

Chemical Methods

If you are interested in how to filter water at home in other ways, then there are also some chemical methods. , which can also be used. These include:

  1. Activated carbon;
  2. silver;
  3. silicon;
  4. table salt;
  5. shungite.

Table salt is used in the following way: take two liters of liquid from the tap. It should dissolve a tablespoon with a slide of salt. The solution should be insisted for about twenty minutes, after which you can drink. This method allows you to eliminate salts of heavy metals and harmful microbes, but it is often impossible to use it.

You can also clean the liquid with pharmaceutical silicon. It is best to buy it in a pharmacy. First, this component should be washed under running water, which should be slightly warm. The ingredient is then placed in the liquid. Calculate as follows: 3 grams of silicon are taken per 1 liter of water. You should cover the container with gauze and place it in a bright place, but at the same time make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it. Cleansing will be completed in 2-3 days. Before use, pour the liquid into another jar, leaving a sediment of about 3 centimeters at the bottom.

In addition to silicon, there is another stone that allows cleaning - this is shungite. The method is similar to the previous one, only a stone is taken per liter, which weighs about 100 grams. Infuse for three days, then drain, leaving a small residue at the bottom. After some time, such a filter needs to be cleaned or replaced with a new one.

Activated charcoal cleans well. It helps eliminate unpleasant odors and absorbs harmful substances that can get from the surface of the pipes. To do this, several tablets of coal are wrapped in gauze (taken at the rate of 1 tablet per liter of liquid) and lowered into it overnight.

Another simple and effective way is to use silver. For cleansing, you need to put some silver thing in water and leave it like that for ten hours.

Folk remedies

There are also folk remedies that can help clear the liquid. However, one point should be taken into account: the effectiveness of such methods will depend on how high-quality components are used. So, you can use the following folk remedies:

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Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 9 minutes


Our careless attitude to the composition of drinking water makes the internal organs be the only barrier that protects against serious diseases. But the human body is not able to cope with all the harmful substances that can be found in the water. Like any “equipment” that is subjected to heavy loads, this natural filter will fail sooner or later.

To the natural causes of water pollution are added the consequences of active agricultural and industrial activities. And even the processed liquid supplied by city services is far from perfect in terms of performance. As a result of wear and tear of equipment, the use of old technologies, violations during processing, it is dangerous to drink tap water. It remains to independently take care of its quality - that is, clean it at home with or without special filters.

Preparation and Precautions

Improperly performed purification procedure can degrade water quality. You can avoid such situations by following a few rules.

IMPORTANT! When choosing a purification method or a combination of them, it is necessary to examine the composition of the water. The cleaning method is determined by the type of pollution and its concentration.

It is necessary to take into account the side effects of the chosen methods and not neglect the measures that neutralize their effect. The cleaning technique must be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions.

If special equipment is used to normalize the quality, before installing it, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of operation - the requirements for care, replacement of replaceable parts, the specifics of the operating mode.

Types of water pollutants

Water can contain up to 4,000 varieties of impurities that are detrimental to quality. Among the most common types of water pollution are the following types.

Coarse impurities

Represent a suspension of large, insoluble particles of rust, sand, silt, clay. In tap water, rust is most often found due to old water pipes. Such water is unsuitable for food and clogs pipelines and faucets, leading to breakdowns in plumbing equipment.

ATTENTION! The presence of pollution of this type can be determined visually - the water is cloudy, suspensions are separated by a dirty sediment or accumulate on the surface.

Chlorine and its compounds

Chlorine is added to tap water as a disinfectant. This substance can enhance the allergic reaction, can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and skin, negatively affects the metabolism, the functioning of the immune system, and the intestinal microflora. It can provoke inflammation of the kidneys and cancer.

ATTENTION! Water with a high concentration of chlorine can be distinguished by a specific smell.

Salts of calcium and magnesium

ATTENTION! Salts settle with a white coating on dishes and pipes, provoking corrosion of plumbing fixtures and household appliances.


For one liter of water, the norm of iron content is 0.1-0.3 mg. Exceeding this indicator makes the water toxic. The nervous, immune, reproductive and digestive systems suffer. The liver, kidneys and pancreas are affected. The processes of hematopoiesis and metabolism worsen, allergic reactions may occur. The process of removing toxins is disrupted.

ATTENTION! The taste of "ferrous" water is unpleasant, the hue is yellow, the smell is metallic. But a concentration of iron dangerous to health can be invisible to the senses.


ATTENTION! The water remains clear, but excess manganese can be seen as black spots appear on plumbing fixtures and dishes over time.

Heavy metals

Lead, chromium, zinc, cadmium, nickel, mercury are toxic metals. They can provoke diseases of the bone marrow, atherosclerosis, hypertension. Lead is most likely to be found in tap water. Gaskets made of this metal are used in old pipelines due to their durability.


Under this name, a number of substances are understood - nitrates, pesticides, herbicides, nitrites, which lead to oxygen deficiency in body tissues. They enter the water as a result of agricultural activities.


Water can contain both bacteria and viruses. They cause intestinal disorders, stomach diseases, hepatitis, polio and other diseases.

Table: Ways to deal with water pollution

pollutantFolk cleansing methodPollution removal filters
Coarse impurities

  • settling

  • Straining

mechanical cleaning

  • settling

  • Boiling

  • Cleansing with activated carbon

  • Cleansing with shungite

  • Silica Purification

  • Sorption

  • Electrochemical aeration

  • air aeration

Salts of calcium and magnesium

  • Boiling

  • Freeze

  • settling

  • reverse osmosis

  • Ion exchange


  • Freeze

  • Cleansing with shungite

  • Silica Purification

  • Purification with quartz

  • Electrochemical aeration

  • air aeration

  • reverse osmosis

  • Ion exchange

  • Ozone cleaners

  • Biological


  • Freeze

  • Cleansing with shungite

  • Purification with quartz

  • Electrochemical aeration

  • air aeration

  • Ion exchange

Heavy metals

  • Freeze

  • Silica Purification

  • Purification with quartz

  • Ion exchange + Sorption

  • Electrochemical aeration

  • air aeration


  • Silica Purification

  • Purification with quartz

  • Sorption

  • reverse osmosis

  • Ion exchange


  • Boiling

  • Freeze

  • Purification with silver or copper

  • Cleansing with shungite

  • Silica Purification

  • Purification with quartz

  • Ozone cleaners

  • reverse osmosis

  • ultraviolet

Video information

Folk cleaning methods without filters

The need to purify and disinfect water has long been recognized by people. To date, human experience has accumulated many effective methods of cleaning at home.


The high temperature kills the micro-organisms, and the calcium and magnesium salts form a solid precipitate that can be drained. During the boiling process, volatile substances, such as chlorine, leave.

  1. Bring water to a boil.
  2. Boil for 15-25 minutes with the lid open.
  3. After let stand.
  4. Drain without affecting the bottom layer with sediment.


Cleaning is carried out by displacing impurities from water crystallizing under the influence of low temperature. However, after a certain concentration of impurities is reached in unfrozen water, they will be embedded in the structure of the ice crystal lattice in the form of capsules. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment when you can separate clean water.

  1. Place a bowl of water in the freezer.
  2. Leave for a few hours.
  3. When half of the volume freezes, drain the liquid residue.
  4. Melt the remaining ice - this water can be used.


The method makes it possible to remove chlorine and some other volatile substances (for example, ammonia) due to evaporation, as well as to partially screen out salts that will fall to the bottom in the form of a solid precipitate.

  1. Pour water into a ceramic or glass container.
  2. Leave for 8 hours.
  3. During the first 2 hours, stir with a spoon: during this time, chlorine will evaporate, stirring will speed up the process.
  4. Then do not touch the water for 6 hours. This time is required for the settling of other impurities, so you can not mix.
  5. Pour the water, trying not to shake it up, into another bowl, leaving about a quarter of the liquid at the bottom.
  6. Freeze or boil.

Activated carbon

Coal has the ability to absorb organic compounds and gases dissolved in water, in particular chlorine. There is a special charcoal for cleaning, but you can use pharmacy activated charcoal tablets.

  1. Wrap charcoal tablets at the rate of 4 pieces per liter in gauze.
  2. Put on the bottom of the dish and pour water.
  3. Leave for 6-8 hours.
  4. Strain water and boil.

Silver and copper

Copper and silver destroy harmful microflora in water. Silver does not allow bacteria to develop later (water treated with this metal can be stored for several months), but it can be eaten in doses.

  • To clean with silver, you can put a silver spoon in the container overnight.
  • To clean with copper, it is enough to hold the water for 4 hours in a copper bowl (but no more, in order to avoid metal poisoning).


Shungite not only removes chlorine, nitrates, microorganisms, manganese and iron, but also fills it with useful trace elements. One stone can be used for about six months, you only need to clean it from plaque.

Instructions: take 100 grams of shungite per 1 liter of water, place for 3 days, then drain the top layer without touching the bottom.


Silicon disinfects, precipitates iron, mercury and phosphorus compounds and neutralizes chlorine.

Black silicon is used, the service life of which is unlimited (needs to be cleaned of plaque after each use).

  1. Rinse the silicon and put it on the bottom of a glass container with water (3 liters - 50 grams).
  2. To defend from 3 to 7 days in a dark place.
  3. Carefully, without shaking, drain the water, leaving 5 centimeters of the bottom layer.

other methods

Folk practice knows several more ways:

  • Quartz. It is carried out in the same way as cleaning with shungite and silicon: water with quartz stones (200 g per 3 liters) must be infused for 3 days. Can be mixed with silicon. This mineral is able to clear heavy metals, chlorine, iron, manganese, aluminum, nitrates and pathogens.
  • Kitchen salt. A tablespoon of salt, diluted in two liters of water and infused for half an hour, cleanses bacteria and heavy metal compounds. But this method cannot be used permanently.
  • Herbal cleaners. Ripe rowan berries, juniper twigs, bird cherry leaves, willow bark and onion peel have a bactericidal effect. To do this, any of the listed ingredients, pre-washed, is placed in water for 12 hours (except for mountain ash - three are enough for it).
  • Wine. You can purify water from harmful microflora by mixing 2 parts of it with 1 part of wine and keeping it for 15 minutes.
  • Medications. For the same purpose, iodine (3 drops per 1 liter), vinegar (1 teaspoon) and potassium permanganate (light pink solution) are used. After adding iodine and vinegar, water can be consumed after 2 hours.

Disadvantages of folk methods

Cleaning methodInefficientSide effects

  • Not all bacteria can be killed with a short boil. Some species require boiling water for 30-40 minutes to kill, and the duration of the boil exacerbates the side effects.

  • Heavy metal compounds remain in the water.

  • Chlorine is converted to chloroform (an even more toxic compound).

  • The concentration of salts increases due to the evaporation of a fraction of the liquid.

  • The concentration of oxygen in the water decreases.

Freeze- Useful salts are also eliminated from the water.

  • The heavy metal compounds remain.

  • Chlorine is not completely removed.

Cleansing with activated carbon

  • Does not have disinfectant properties.

  • Does not remove compounds of iron and heavy metals.

Cleansing with silver and copperDoes not eliminate inorganic impurities.Silver and copper are toxic metals, the method requires special care.

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Special equipment for water purification

Technological progress has contributed to the development of methods for high-quality water purification. Currently used cleaning equipment includes:

  • Filters of various types;
  • Chemical impact on water;
  • Physical and chemical processes;
  • Physical processes;
  • biological mechanisms.

The purification method is determined by the type of impurities to be removed.

Filtration systems

  • Mechanical cleaning filters. They are used to remove large particles from water, such as rust, sand, silt and others. The filter device is a liquid-permeable barrier that traps undissolved particles of impurities. This is a system of several barriers - from coarse filtration screens for large debris to fine filter cartridges for particles no larger than 5 microns. Water is purified in several stages, due to this, the load on the cartridges is reduced.
  • sorption filters. Can be used together with mechanical filters. Remove impurities due to absorbents, effective for chlorine and organic compounds. The role of the absorbent material is played by coconut charcoal (from the shell), its effectiveness is 4 times higher than that of charcoal.
  • Ozone cleaners (chemical cleaning). Designed to purify water from impurities of metals and microorganisms (spores resistant to chlorine). For work, the property of ozone is used to release oxygen during decomposition in water, which oxidizes metal impurities. Then they settle and can be removed.

Devices of the physico-chemical mode of action

  • Electrochemical aeration. They are used to remove dissolved impurities that can be oxidized - iron, manganese, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, salts of heavy metals. First of all, they are used to clean iron impurities - these filters are effective even at high concentrations, up to 30 mg per liter. Impurities are oxidized due to the appearance of free oxygen ions in water, the concentration of which increases when an electric current is passed through the water. Oxidized substances are deposited on the filter.
  • Air aeration. They are used for the same purposes, but in this case the water is saturated with oxygen in a different way - it is injected under pressure.
  • Ion exchange filters. They are used to purify water containing metal impurities - iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, as well as nitrates. Water is passed through a mass of synthetic resin containing substances that attach metal ions to themselves, extracting them from the liquid. There are devices that combine the functions of sorption and ion-exchange filters. In devices of this type, the absorbent mass consists of a mixture of ion-substituting resin granules and carbon absorbent.

Equipment using physical processes

  • Reverse osmosis. Detain almost all dissolved impurities - iron, magnesium and calcium salts, heavy metals, as well as nitrates and microorganisms. The role of the barrier is performed by a membrane with micro-holes, through which liquid is driven under pressure. These holes are so small that only water and oxygen molecules can pass through them. The removed impurities are removed from the membranes.
  • UV filters. Disinfects water when irradiated with ultraviolet rays.
  • Installations for biological filtration. Reduces the concentration of iron, hydrogen sulfide and acid in water, due to the ability of some bacteria to absorb these substances. The filter involves subsequent disinfection with ultraviolet light and the removal of waste products of microorganisms using a sorption system.

Video tips

  • To give the water a pleasant taste, it is worth using freezing and purification with activated carbon and silicon.
  • The use of coal, like shungite, allows you to remove unpleasant odors.
  • To saturate water devoid of useful trace elements (thawed water, purified by reverse osmosis), you need to add 100 ml of mineral water to 1 liter of purified water.
  • Shungite and silver will ensure the safety of water.

Weaknesses of cleaning devices

  • Reverse osmosis plants show the best result in removing impurities, but due to the specifics of the cleaning method, membrane filters get rid of not only dangerous compounds, but also useful microelements. The constant consumption of water purified in this way can lead to a deficiency of essential substances in the body, therefore, in conjunction with such filters, it is necessary to use mineralization installations.
  • When using a device for ozonation, it must be remembered that purified water is not stored for a long time. Ozone quickly destroys microorganisms, but does not have a duration of action. When ozonized, organic compounds are destroyed, which creates a favorable environment for bacteria.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet destroys the bacterial environment in water, but does not purify it from impurities of salts, metals, nitrates. It is advisable to combine UV filters with ozonizing devices.
  • Sorption filters, accumulating organic mass, create an environment for intensive reproduction of bacteria. Therefore, when using them, an additional disinfection system is necessary.
  • Ion-exchange filters are applicable to purify water, the concentration of iron in which is not more than 5 milligrams per liter. If the iron content is higher, it will not provide a sufficient level of cleaning.
  • During the operation of the ion exchange filter, large particles of oxidized iron clog the resin over time. A film forms on its surface, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. It is necessary to regularly wash the resin with a solution of table salt.

Service life of replacement parts

  • The service life of resins for ion exchange filter is 2-3 years.
  • The membrane for reverse osmosis filters becomes unusable after 18-36 months of use.
  • The carbon filter is designed for 6-9 months.

The applied cleaning methods allow to neutralize the most harmful impurities. By choosing the best method, taking into account the nature of pollution, ergonomics and economy of technology, you can provide your home with a source of living, healthy water and maintain health.

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