How the Prophet Muhammad ate food. Rules of the diet of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Sources for Muhammad's biography

1. Watermelon.

كَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَأْكُلُ الْبِطِّيخَ بِالرُّطَبِ فَيَقُولُ: "نَكْسِرُ حَرَّ هَذَا بِبَرْدِ هَذَا ، وَبَرْدَ هَذَا بِحَرِّ هَذَا "

فَأَنشَأْنَا لَكُم بِهِ جَنَّاتٍ مِّن نَّخِيلٍ وَأَعْنَابٍ لَّكُمْ فِيهَا فَوَاكِهُ كَثِيرَةٌ وَمِنْهَا تَأْكُلُونَ.

“With the help of this water, We have grown for you palm, vine and other gardens, in which there are many fruits and fruits for you to eat” (the meaning of verse 19 of the surah "al-Mu'minun", tafsir "Al-Muntahab").

فِيهِمَا فَاكِهَةٌ وَنَخْلٌ وَرُمَّانٌ.

“They also contain various kinds of fruit, palms and pomegranates.” (the meaning of verse 68 of Surah Ar-Rahman).

Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him), using pomegranate, said: “Indeed, it has come to me that there is no pomegranate on this earth, so that it would not be fertilized by a seed from among the seeds of Paradise. And maybe these seeds are from them. (at-Tabarani).

وَالتِّينِ وَالزَّيْتُونِ.

“I swear by the fig tree and the olive tree, the fruits of which are blessed and from which people derive much benefit” (meaning of verse 1 of sura "at-Tin", tafsir "Al-Muntahab").

5. Honey.

كلوا الزيت وادهنوا به فإنه من شجرة مباركة.

“Eat olive oil and anoint your body with it, for verily it is taken from a blessed tree” (Imams Ahmad, at-Tirmizi, al-Hakim)

Oriental medicine and ancient medicine in general is an honorable science, the beginning of which comes from the Prophets, peace be upon them all. It was They who were the first to have knowledge of this science. Prophet Adam, peace be upon him, knew some of its basics. The proof of this is the speech of the Messenger of Allah Muh ammad, peace be upon Him, who said, meaning: “When Allah Almighty sent Adam down from Paradise, He gave Him Paradise fruits and God gave him knowledge of various crafts and the names of all things.” This hadith was conveyed to Imam At-T abaraniy. That is, the Prophet Adam, peace be upon him, was given knowledge about the properties of various plants. Prophets Idris (Enoch), Suleiman, peace be upon them, also added knowledge to this science. The prophets were the first to know and apply the knowledge concerning medicine.

Oriental medicine claims that in the human body there is heat, cold, moisture and dryness. On this basis, scientists have developed a whole field in medicine, considering the human body from the standpoint of mixing four types of liquids in it and, based on their ratio (the predominance of any of them), four different temperaments have been identified. The well-known theologian and expert in ancient medicine, Sheikh Osman Ibrahim, stated, meaning: “... Allah Almighty created four types of mixing liquids in the human body. Depending on their relationship, there will be health or disease will arise ... ". The human body consists of four fluids - blood, lymph, bile and phlegm. Each type of liquid has its own nature, properties and location in the human body.

The Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning: “For every disease there is a medicine. If the medicine corresponds to the disease, then there will be a treatment according to the Will of the Almighty. An-Nawawiy, a prominent theologian of Islam, in explaining the saying of the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon Him, wrote, meaning: “... The speech of the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon Him, contains a clear explanation, since He knew that the doctors gave the following definition to the disease: “A disease is the exit of the body from its normal state. Treatment is a return to a normal, initial state. And the safety of health is its continuation. The preservation of health consists in the correction of nutrition ... ”, and its return is in finding suitable medicines that resist diseases and cure them. The Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning: “Oh, servants of Allah, get treated!”.

The Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, advised people what would benefit them both in this world and in the Other World. Thus, speaking about the beneficial properties of siwak, the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, said the meaning: “Siwak is a cleansing for the mouth, and for its use a person receives a blessing from God.” The companions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, reported that when he woke up, he brushed his teeth with siwaq. The Messenger of Allah also said: “If I had not been afraid of burdening my Ummah, I would have commanded the believers to use siwak before each Namaz.” In one of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, it is said about the need for treatment, as well as the study of certain rules for eating and drinking in order to maintain the health of the body and protect it from diseases.

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, spoke about many plants and their use for the treatment of many diseases.

The Prophet Muh ammad peace be upon him, said the meaning: "Al-Kam'a is one of the gifts of God, and their juice cures the eyes." This saying was transmitted by Al-Bukhariy, Muslim, Ibn Majah and others.

Al-Kam'a - truffle - a wild plant that has neither a stem nor leaves. It is called in Arabic "kam'a" because of what is hidden from the eye, not visible on the surface.

Also, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, once said, meaning: “You should use antimony before going to bed, because it clarifies the eyes and promotes the growth of eyelashes.” Narrated by Ibn Majah, Al-Hakim, Abu Daud, At-Tirmiziy.

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon Him, said, meaning: “You should use antimony, because it grows eyelashes, removes specks, and brightens the eyes.” Transmitted by Imams At-Tabaraniy and others from a reliable chain of transmissions.

Also, the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, said that times would come when new diseases would appear that people did not know about before. Now the world is spreading one of them - "swine flu". Some people claim that this flu first appeared in pigs and then spread to humans. Basically, these statements are assumptions, and for us the main thing is to know and observe Shari’at, which clearly defines what is forbidden for us (haram) and what is allowed (halal).

One of the taboos in Islam is eating pork. This prohibition applies not only to the meat of the pig, but also to everything that is in it (including fat and skin). The pig is known to be a very dirty animal. It eats garbage, dirt, carrion, and chooses this, even if more suitable food is brought to it. Scientists confirm that bacteria have been found in pig meat that do not die even at temperatures above 100 degrees. In the human body, these bacteria multiply rapidly and are the cause of many diseases. A Muslim who observes the Creator's commands puts more trust in Allah and knows how to protect himself from various harmful things.

A Muslim believes that everything happens according to the Will of the Almighty, that Allah is the Only Creator, He Created both the disease and its cause, as well as its consequences. Therefore, speaking of infection, we must believe that the cause does not create a disease, this is exactly what the speech of the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, says that there is no infection in Islam, that is, there is no such thing that the disease will necessarily pass from one patient to another. And it is also known that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said that if someone was struck by a plague, then let no one enter or leave him. That is, it is recommended to take precautions, but this does not mean completely isolating yourself from society.

To save yourself from harm, you need to follow what the Prophet Muh ammad taught us, peace be upon him. The health of the body can be maintained by properly determining nutrition. The Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning: “There is no such container that a person fills with harm, more than his stomach. A few pieces of food are enough for a person to strengthen his body, and if he still wants to eat, then let him fill it no more than a third with food, a third with drink and leave a third for air. Imams Ahmad, At-Tirmiziy and An-Nasa'iy transmitted this saying.

Also, regarding nutrition, the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning: “If you eat dates in the morning, then no poison or magic will be terrible for a person for a whole day.” The Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, spoke about the great benefits of dates for human health. He was very fond of dates, sometimes combining them with bread. The Prophet, peace be upon him, used any variety, but of all he preferred ‘ajwa - this variety contains more sugar (fructose), which gives the body more energy reserves. It was narrated from the Prophet that whoever consumes seven dates of the ‘Ajwa variety that grows in Medina in the morning, neither poison nor magic will harm him that day.

The use of dates is the reason for filling the body with strength and protection from diseases. The Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, advised eating dates as a cure for heart disease.

Imam Al-Bukhariy reported that the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, advised the use of black cumin, since this plant contains a huge healing power against any disease. Ibn Abi Atik testified that ‘Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, told him that she had heard from the Prophet, peace be upon him, that black cumin is a cure for all diseases except death.

The Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, also repeatedly spoke about the benefits of the olive tree for humans. Imam At-Tirmiziy narrated from ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab that the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning: “Use olives for food and apply olive oil to the body, for the olive tree is blessed.”

In one of the sayings of the Prophet, peace be upon him, it is said, meaning: "Use honey and Qur'an for treatment." In this Hadith, the Prophet, peace be upon him, taught Muslims to use honey and Ayats of the Holy Qur'an for treatment. There are six verses in the Holy Qur'an that are used to cure various diseases. These Ayats are recited to the sick person, and they can also be written with clean ink on a plate and then washed off with water. After that, water must be given to drink to the patient.

If a Muslim falls ill, you can read the famous du'a, which was read by the Angel Jibril. Imam Muslim reported that the Angel Jibril approached the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, and asked, meaning: “O Muh ammad! Are you ill?" The Prophet, peace be upon him, replied, meaning: “Yes!” Then Jibril said, meaning: “In the Name of Allah, I read You du’a for protection from everything that can harm You: from harm, from the evil eye. Allah heals you. With the Name of Allah, I read You du'a for protection and treatment.

The Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning: "The evil eye will lead a person to the grave, and a camel to the cauldron." The words “and the camel into the cauldron” mean that the camel, due to the evil eye, can fall and be in a dying state. Then they rush to slaughter him and use the meat. The evil eye is the harm caused to a person by an unkind look. Many people get sick and die because of it. Sometimes the harm from the evil eye reaches such an extent that the patient, losing his mind, rises to some height and rushes down.

Most diseases that end in death are due to the evil eye. The Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning: "Most of the deaths among Muslims occur as a result of the evil eye." Children often suffer because of it. They may begin to vomit, their health deteriorates sharply, they may even die. The cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, Imam 'Ali said that one day his sons Hasan and Husayn fell ill as a result of the evil eye. Because of this, the Prophet, peace be upon him, became sad. The angel Jibril, peace be upon him, asked about the reason for his sadness, and the Prophet told about what had happened. Jibril told Him to recite the words meaning: “O Allah! Lord of all! Giver of life and mercy! Who sent Heavenly Messages, Giving an answer to the appeal! Heal Hasan and Hussein from the harm of the jinn and the evil eye of the people." The Prophet, peace be upon him, read this du'a', and Allah cured Hassan and Hussein. This is a strong prayer, which is read seven times, while the name of the patient is called. It is also recommended to read this du'a after each Namaz, without getting up.

On small children who still cannot read, you can hang special khirzas on which Ayats of protection are written, as our ancestors did. It was customary to write the Ayats of Qur'an on paper, and then sew them in the form of a triangle in a special cloth. The collection of At-Tirmiziy says that the companions of the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, hung khirz around the neck of young children.

The Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, said, meaning: “The mother of the Prophet Sulaiman, the son of the Prophet Dawood, said to her son: “Oh, my son! Do not sleep much at night, as a long night's sleep leaves a person poor on the Day of Judgment."

Namaz in the morning is of great importance for strengthening health, maintaining energy and efficiency. The time of the morning prayer is blessed and has its own secrets for those who pray or read the du'a. But the most important thing is the great reward for performing the morning Namaz. The Prophet, peace be upon him, called on to skip the fard Namaz.

Professionals from the Jordanian Heart Association have confirmed that daily morning prayer at the proper time is the best way to maintain normal heart activity and treat various cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, which leads to blockage of blood vessels, heart failure, heart attack and stroke.

This confirmation was the result of the latest scientific research on heart disease and atherosclerosis conducted by the Jordanian Association of Cardiology. Research results have shown that it is necessary to refrain from prolonged uninterrupted sleep and adhere to such a regimen that uninterrupted sleep does not exceed 4 hours in a row, after which it is necessary to wake up, move vigorously for at least 10-15 minutes. Therefore, the constant daily performance of the morning Namaz at the beginning of dawn is so beneficial for our body. And it is better when this morning Namaz is performed collectively in the mosque.

It is said in the Holy Qur'an (Sura "An-Nisa'", Ayat 103), meaning: "Allah Almighty ordered the believers to perform Namaz at a certain time, that is, on time, without delay or not prematurely"

There are many hadiths of the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, which talk about the benefits or harms of something for health.

A lot of the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, also mentioned the hijama. Jabir ibn `Abdullah narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, meaning: "Healing brings three things: hijama, a sip of honey and cauterization, but I do not like cauterization." This hadith was narrated by Imams Al-Bukhariy and Muslim.

In another Hadith it is said, meaning: "Verily, in the hijam - a cure."

The Prophet, peace be upon him, also said, meaning: “Jibril told me that, verily, hijama is the best of all that people used for treatment.”

The ways in which the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, made hijama are known. One of the authentic Hadith says that He made the hijama in the center of the head. And it was also narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him, did the hijama in place of the neck veins, on the back.

Ibn `Abbas reported that the Prophet was given hijama for headache (migraine).

It is recommended to do hijama on the 17th, 19th and 21st of the lunar month and spend it on Thursday, Monday and Tuesday, as it is said in the Hadith of the Prophet, peace be upon him, which means: “It is better to do hijama on an empty stomach, and this has a cure and barakat, and it improves brain function. Wear hijama with the blessings of Allah on Thursday and better avoid hijama on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Spend hijama on Monday and Tuesday - verily, this is the day on which Allah healed the Prophet Ayyub from his illness. Avoid hijama on Wednesday, because this is the day on which the test was sent down to the Prophet Ayyub, and neither leprosy nor scabies appear on another day except on Wednesday or Wednesday night.

Ibn Majah betrayed, meaning: “The companion of the Prophet, peace be upon him, Abu Umama, conveyed the Hadith of the Prophet Muh ammad, peace be upon him, the meaning of which is: “Treat your sick with alms.”

Almsgiving is not only the allocation of material values ​​(money or food). To impart useful knowledge to others is charity. Reading the Qur'an to dead Muslims is charity. Smiling at a Muslim brother from the heart is charity.

There are many stories about the miraculous knowledge of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and we believe in them. The Prophet gave us the knowledge that Allah Almighty gave Him.

Remember that no matter what method of treatment a person uses, only Allah will grant healing. Therefore, it is necessary to trust in Him and read du`a, hoping for healing.

  1. Prophet Muhammad is the most beautiful person in the history of mankind. Sahaba said that he is so beautiful that when you look at him, it seems that you see the sunrise.
  2. The Prophet Muhammad was of medium height, broad-shouldered, he had light but not too white skin, beautiful black eyes, long eyelashes, beautiful wavy shoulder-length dark hair, his skin was softer than silk, and a pleasant smell always emanated from him.
  3. The Prophet Muhammad walked with a quick and confident step, and it seemed as if the earth itself was moving towards him.
  4. Prophet Muhammad was very intelligent and always gave strong evidence.
  5. The Prophet Muhammad was silent more often than he spoke, and spoke only when necessary and only what was beneficial, and in his silence greatness, seriousness and dignity were manifested.
  6. Prophet Muhammad was eloquent. He spoke clearly, understandably and accessible, without unnecessary words, singled out each word and repeated it three times. When he spoke, everything around was silent. His words penetrated into the very heart and reached the depths of the soul.
  7. The Prophet Muhammad constantly repeated dhikr - he did not even get up and did not sit down without mentioning the Creator.
  8. Prophet Muhammad always spoke only the truth and never deceived, even in jest.
  9. Prophet Muhammad was the most generous. When asked for something, he never refused.
  10. The Prophet Muhammad told his friends: "Be like travelers in this world." And he himself had few things. Allah Almighty gave him the keys to all earthly riches, but he refused them and chose eternal life.
  11. The Prophet Muhammad was calm and balanced, did not get angry because of worldly matters, did not get angry when he was offended personally, but was filled with righteous anger when someone violated the commands of God, and did not calm down until justice was done.
  12. The Prophet Muhammad was generous - he loved to forgive and never took revenge. He not only forgave, but did good in return and always accepted excuses.
  13. The Prophet Muhammad did not quarrel with anyone, did not argue and was silent in response to what was unpleasant for him.
  14. The Prophet Muhammad did not look for faults in anyone and did not speak badly of the believers.
  15. The Prophet Muhammad was gentle and pleasant in communication, did not be rude or shout, even in difficult moments for him. He made remarks tactfully so as not to offend a person. His servant said: “I served the Prophet for 10 years and never once heard from him even “wow!”, And not once did he reproach me for doing something wrong.”
  16. The Prophet Muhammad did not speak praises that were not true.
  17. The Prophet Muhammad did not look the other way when he spoke to someone and listened attentively even to the last of the speakers as if he had spoken first.
  18. The Prophet Muhammad always behaved with dignity, was serious and rarely laughed, and his laughter was a smile.
  19. Prophet Muhammad is the greatest and at the same time the most humble of all people. He did not want people to rise from their seats when he appeared, did not overtake those who walked next to him, and was embarrassed when he found himself in an awkward situation.
  20. The Prophet Muhammad did not divide people into poor and rich, near and far, strong and weak - he treated everyone fairly, did not deprive or humiliate anyone.
  21. The Prophet Muhammad treated the needy with love, accompanied them on their last journey. He was interested in the affairs of ordinary people, helped them, visited the sick and spent a lot of time in the company of the poor, beggars and servants.
  22. The Prophet Muhammad dressed simply and neatly, did not like ostentatious luxury.
  23. The Prophet Muhammad was ascetic, sleeping on a hard wicker rug, and even traces of this hard bedding remained on his body.
  24. The Prophet Muhammad was adamant when it came to Shari'ah.
  25. The Prophet Muhammad often visited relatives and friends, loved them and joked with them.
  26. The Prophet Muhammad did not avoid simple work and often did it himself: he mended shoes, mended clothes, and also helped his wives around the house.
  27. Prophet Muhammad was the most courageous and brave.
  28. Prophet Muhammad was the most patient and endured hardships the most. He said: "Whatever trouble you met, it was stronger for me."
  29. The Prophet Muhammad often went hungry and from hunger even tied a stone to his stomach. Abu Hurairah said that the Prophet left this world without being satisfied even with barley bread. The Prophet Muhammad never criticized food - if he did not like it, then he did not eat it. From food he liked pumpkin, and he also liked sweets and ate honey.
  30. Prophet Muhammad was the most reliable person. He could always be trusted in everything. Even the pagans who were at enmity with him gave him their valuables for safekeeping.
  31. The Prophet Muhammad liked to start everything on the right side: when he washed, dressed, combed his hair. He lay down to sleep on his right side, heading towards the Kaaba with his chest.
  32. The Prophet Muhammad was attentive to people, at meetings he asked about those who were absent and loved his companions.
  33. Prophet Muhammad loved Allah the Most High most of all, carried out His Commands best of all and fully fulfilled his mission on earth.

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What will be Shafaat on the Day of Judgment is true. Shafaat is done by: Prophets, God-fearing scholars, martyrs, Angels. Our Prophet Muhammad is endowed with the right of a special great Shafaat. Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic will ask for forgiveness of those who have committed great sins from his community. It was narrated in a true hadith: "My Shafaat is for those who committed great sins from my community." Narrated by Ibn Kh Ibban. For those who have not committed major sins, Shafaat will not be needed. For some, they make Shafaat before entering hell, for others after entering it. Shafaat is done only for Muslims.

Shafaat of the Prophet will be done not only for those Muslims who lived during the time of the Prophet Muhammad and after that, but those who were from previous communities [communities of other Prophets].

It is said in Qur'an (Sura Al-Anbiya', Ayat 28) meaning: "They do not make Shafaat, except for those for whom Shafaat has approved Allah." Our Prophet Muhammad is the first to make Shafaat.

The story that we have already cited earlier is known, but it is worth mentioning it again. The ruler Abu Ja'far said: "O Abu 'Abdullah! When reading the dua, should I turn towards Qibla or stand facing the Messenger of Allah? To which Imam Malik replied: “Why do you turn your face away from the Prophet? After all, he will do Shafaat in favor of you on the Day of Judgment. Therefore, turn your face to the Prophet, ask him for Shafaat, and Allah will grant you the Shafaat of the Prophet! It is said in the Holy Qur`an (Sura An-Nisa, Ayat 64) meaning: “And if they, having acted unjustly towards themselves, would come to you and ask for forgiveness from Allah, and the Messenger of Allah asked for forgiveness for them, then they would receive the mercy and forgiveness of Allah, because Allah is Accepting the repentance of Muslims, and Merciful to them.”

All this is an important proof that visiting the grave of the Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic, asking him for Shafaat is permissible, according to scientists, and most importantly, the Prophet Muhammad himself in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic.

Indeed, on the Day of Judgment, when the sun will be close to the heads of some people, and they will drown in their own sweat, then they will begin to say to each other: “Let's go to our forefather Adam so that he performs Shafaat for us.” After that, they will come to Adam and say to him: “O Adam, you are the father of all people; Allah created you, giving you an honorable soul, and ordered the Angels to prostrate to you [as a greeting], make Shafaat for us before your Lord. To this, Adam will say: “I am not the one to whom the great Shafaat was granted. Go to Nuh (Noah)!”. After that, they will come to Nuh and will ask him, he will answer in the same way as Adam and send them to Ibrahim (Abraham). After that, they will come to Ibrahim and ask him for Shafaat, but he will answer like the previous Prophets: “I am not the one to whom the great Shafaat was granted. Go to Musa (Moses)." After that, they will come to Musa and ask him, but he will answer like the previous Prophets: “I am not the one to whom the great Shafa’at was given, go to ‘Isa! After that, they will come to ‘Isa (Jesus) and will ask him. He will answer them: "I am not the one to whom the great Shafaat was granted, go to Muhammad." After that, they will come to the Prophet Muhammad and ask him. Then the Prophet will bow down to the ground, he will not raise his head until he hears the answer. He will be told: “O Muhammad, raise your head! Ask, and it will be given to you, do Shafaat, and your Shafaat will be accepted! He will raise his head and say: “My community, O my Lord! My community, O my Lord!

The Prophet Muhammad said: "I am the most important of the people on the Day of Judgment, and the very first to come out of the grave on the Day of Resurrection, and the very first to make Shafaat, and the very first whose Shafaat will be accepted."

The Prophet Muhammad also said: “I was given a choice between Shafaat and the opportunity for half of my community to enter Paradise without torment. I chose Shafaat because it is more beneficial for my community. You think that my Shafaat is for the God-fearing, but no, it is for the great sinners of my community.”

Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet Muhammad said: “Each Prophet was given the opportunity to ask Allah for a special dua, which will be accepted. Each of them did this in their lifetime, and I left this opportunity for the Day of Judgment to make Shafaat for my community on That Day. This Shafaat, by the Will of Allah, will be granted to those from my community who did not commit shirk.

After moving from Mecca to Medina, the Prophet Muhammad performed the Hajj only once, and that was in the 10th year of the Hijri, shortly before his death. During the Pilgrimage, he spoke to the people several times and gave the believers a parting word. These instructions are known as the Prophet's Farewell Sermon. He delivered one of these sermons on the day of 'Arafat - in the year (9th Dhul-Hijj) in the valley of 'Uranah (1) next to 'Arafat, and the other - the next day, that is, on the day of the Eid al-Adha. These sermons were heard by many believers, and they recounted the words of the Prophet to others - and so these instructions were passed down from generation to generation.

One of the stories says that at the beginning of his sermon, the Prophet addressed the people in this way: “O people, listen to me carefully, for I do not know if I will be among you next year. Listen to what I have to say, and pass on my words to those who were unable to attend today.”

There are many transmissions of this sermon of the Prophet. Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah expounded the story of the last Hajj of the Prophet and his farewell sermon better than all other companions. His story begins from the moment when the Prophet set off from Medina, and it describes in detail everything that happened until the completion of the Hajj.

Imam Muslim narrated in his collection of hadiths "Sahih" (book "Hajj", chapter "The Pilgrimage of the Prophet Muhammad") from Ja'far ibn Muhammad that his father said: "We came to Jabir ibn 'Abdullah, and he began to get acquainted with everyone, and when it was my turn, I said:" I am Muhammad ibn "Ali ibn Hussein."< … >He said, "Welcome, oh my nephew! Ask what you want."< … >Then I asked him: "Tell me about the Hajj of the Messenger of Allah." Showing nine fingers, he said: “Indeed, the Messenger of Allah did not do Hajj for nine years. In the 10th year, it was announced that the Messenger of Allah was going to Hajj. And then many people came to Medina who wanted to perform the Hajj with the Prophet in order to take an example from him.

Further, Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah said that, having gone to Hajj and arriving in the vicinity of Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad immediately went to the Arafat valley, passing through the area of ​​Muzdalifa without stopping. There he remained until sunset, and then he rode on a camel to the valley of ‘Uranah. There, on the day of Arafat, the Prophet turned to the people, and [praising Allah Almighty] said:

“Oh people! Just as you consider this month, this day, this city sacred, your life, your property and dignity are just as sacred and inviolable. Truly, everyone will answer to the Lord for their deeds.

The times of ignorance are over, and his unworthy practices are abolished, including blood feuds and usury.<…>

Be God-fearing and kind in dealing with women (2). Do not offend them, remembering that you took them as wives with the permission of Allah as a value entrusted for a while. You have rights with them, but they also have rights with you. They should not let into the house those who are unpleasant to you and whom you do not want to see. Lead them wisely. You are obliged to feed and dress them in the manner prescribed by the Shari'ah.

I left you a clear guide, following which you will never go astray from the True Path - this is the Heavenly Scripture (Quran). And [when] you are asked about me, what will you answer?”

Companions said: “We testify that you brought this message to us, fulfilled your mission and gave us sincere, good advice.”

The Prophet raised his index finger up (3), and then pointed to the people with the words:

“May Allah be a witness!” This is the end of the hadith narrated in the collection of Imam Muslim.

In other transmissions of the Farewell Sermon, such words of the Prophet are also given;

“Everyone is responsible only for himself, and the father will not be punished for the sins of the son, and the son for the sins of the father.”

“Indeed, Muslims are brothers to one another, and it is not permissible for a Muslim to take what belongs to his brother except with his permission.”

“Oh people! Verily, your Lord is the One and Only Creator without partners. And you have one forefather - Adam. There is no advantage for an Arab over a non-Arab, or for a dark-skinned one over a light-skinned one, except in the degree of piety. For Allah, the best of you is the most pious.”

At the end of the sermon, the Prophet said:

"Let those who have heard convey my words to those who were not here, and perhaps some of them will understand better than some of you."

This sermon left a deep imprint in the hearts of people who listened to the Prophet s. And, despite the fact that many hundreds of years have passed since that time, it still excites the hearts of believers.


1 - scholars other than Imam Malik said that this valley is not included in Arafat

2 - The Prophet urged to observe the rights of women, to be kind to them, to live with them in the way that is commanded and approved by Sharia

3 - this gesture did not mean that Allah is in Heaven, since God exists without a place

The miracles of many Prophets are known, but the most amazing were those of the Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic.

Allah in the name of God in Arabic "Allah", the letter "x" is pronounced like ه in Arabic The Almighty gave the Prophets special miracles. The miracle of the Prophet (mujiza) is an extraordinary and amazing phenomenon bestowed on the Prophet in confirmation of his veracity, and this miracle cannot be countered by anything like it.

Holy Quran this word must be read in Arabic as - الْقُـرْآن- this is the greatest miracle of the Prophet Muhammad, which lasts to this day. Everything in the Holy Quran is true, from the first to the last letter. It will never be distorted and will remain until the End of the World. And this is stated in the Qur'an itself (Sura 41 "Fussilat", verses 41-42), meaning: "Truly, this Holy Scripture is a great Book, kept by the Creator [from errors and delusions], and from no direction will falsehood penetrate into it."

The Qur'an describes events that took place long before the advent of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as those that will take place in the future. Much of what has been described has already happened or is happening now, and we ourselves are eyewitnesses of this.

The Qur'an was sent down at a time when the Arabs had a deep knowledge of literature and poetry. When they heard the text of the Qur'an, in spite of all their eloquence and excellent knowledge of the language, they could not oppose anything to the Heavenly Scripture.

On the unsurpassed beauty and perfection of the text of the Quran, it is said in verse 88 of sura 17 "Al-Isra", meaning: "Even if people and jinn united to compose something like the Holy Quran, they would not succeed even if they helped each other."

One of the most amazing miracles that prove the highest degree of the Prophet Muhammad is Isra and Miraj.

Isra is a wonderful night journey of the Prophet Muhammad # from the city of Mecca to the city of Quds (1) together with the archangel Jibril on an unusual riding animal from Paradise - Burak. During Isra, the Prophet saw many amazing things and performed Namaz in special places. In Quds, in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, all the previous Prophets were gathered to meet with the Prophet Muhammad. All together they performed a collective Namaz, in which the Prophet Muhammad was the imam. And after that, the Prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven and beyond. During this ascent (Miraj) the Prophet Muhammad saw angels, Paradise, Arsh and other grandiose creations of Allah (2).

The Prophet's miraculous journey to Quds, Ascension to Heaven and return to Mecca took less than a third of the night!

Another extraordinary miracle bestowed on the Prophet Muhammad - when the moon split into two halves. This miracle is mentioned in the Holy Quran (Sura Al-Kamar, verse 1), meaning: “One of the signs of the approach of the End of the World is that the moon has split.”

This miracle happened when one day the pagan Quraysh demanded proof from the Prophet that he was truthful. It was the middle of the month (the 14th), that is, the night of the full moon. And then an amazing miracle happened - the disk of the moon was divided into two parts: one was above Mount Abu Qubais, and the second was below. When people saw this, the believers were even more strengthened in their faith, and the unbelievers began to accuse the Prophet of witchcraft. They sent messengers to distant territories to find out if they had seen the moon split apart there. But when they returned, the messengers confirmed that people had seen this in other places. Some historians write that in China there is an ancient building on which is written: "Built in the year of the split of the moon."

Another amazing miracle of the Prophet Muhammad was when, in the presence of a huge number of witnesses, water spouted between the fingers of the Messenger of Allah.

This was not the case with other prophets. And although Musa was given a miracle that water appeared from a rock when he hit it with his staff, but when water flows out of the hand of a living person, it is even more amazing!

Imams al-Bukhariy and Muslim narrated the following hadith from Jabir: “On the day of Hudaybiya, people were thirsty. The Prophet Muhammad had a vessel with water in his hands, with which he wanted to do ablution. When the people approached him, the Prophet asked, "What happened?" They replied: “O Messenger of Allah! We have no water for drinking or for washing, except for what you have in your hands.” Then the Prophet Muhammad put his hand into the vessel - and [then everyone saw how] water began to spout from the gaps between his fingers. We quenched our thirst and performed ablution. Some asked: "How many were you?" Jabir replied: "If there were one hundred thousand of us, then it would be enough for us, and we were one thousand five hundred people."

Animals spoke to the Prophet Muhammad, for example, one camel complained to the Messenger of Allah that the owner treats him badly. But it is even more surprising when inanimate objects spoke or showed feelings in the presence of the Prophet. For example, the food in the hands of the Messenger of Allah recited the dhikr “Subhanallah”, and the withered palm tree, which served as a support for the Prophet during the sermon, groaned from separation from the Messenger of Allah when he began to read the sermon from the minbar. It happened during the Jumuah and many people witnessed this miracle. Then the Prophet Muhammad came down from the minbar, went to the palm tree and hugged it, and the palm tree sobbed like a small child who is calmed by adults until it stopped making sounds.

Another amazing incident happened in the desert when the Prophet met an idol worshiping Arab and called him to Islam. That Arab asked to prove the truth of the words of the Prophet, and then the Messenger of Allah called to him a tree located on the edge of the desert, and it, obeying the Prophet, went to him, furrowing the earth with its roots. As the tree approached, it recited the Islamic testimonies three times. Then this Arab accepted Islam.

The Messenger of Allah could cure a person with just a touch of his hand. One day, a companion of the Prophet named Qatada fell out of his eye, and people wanted to remove it. But when they brought Qatada to the Messenger of Allah, with his blessed hand, he put the fallen eye back into the eye socket, and the eye took root, and vision was completely restored. Qatada himself said that the fallen eye took root so well that now he does not remember which eye he had damaged.

And there is also a case when a blind man asked the Prophet to restore his sight. The Prophet advised him to endure, because there is a reward for patience. But the blind man replied: “O Messenger of Allah! I don’t have a guide, and it’s very hard without sight.” Then the Prophet ordered him to do ablution and perform Namaz of two rak'ahs, and then read this dua: “O Allah! I ask You and turn to You through our Prophet Muhammad - the Prophet of Mercy! O Muhammad! I turn to Allah through you so that my request is accepted. The blind man did as the Prophet commanded and received his sight. Companion of the Messenger of Allah? named Uthman Ibn Hunayf, who witnessed this, said: “By Allah! We have not yet parted with the Prophet, and it was not long before that man returned sighted.

Thanks to the barakah of the Prophet Muhammad, a small amount of food was enough to feed many people.

Once Abu Hurayra came to the Prophet Muhammad and brought 21 dates. Turning to the Prophet, he said: “O Messenger of Allah! Make a dua for me so that there is barakat in these dates. The Prophet Muhammad took each date and read "Basmalah" (4), then ordered to call one group of people. They came, ate their fill of dates, and left. The Prophet then called for the next group and then another. Every time people came, ate dates, but they did not end. After that, the Prophet Muhammad and Abu Hurayrah ate these dates, but the dates still remained. Then the Prophet Muhammad collected them, put them in a leather bag and said: “O Abu Hurairah! If you want to eat, put your hand in the bag and take out a date.

Imam Abu Hurairah said that he ate dates from this pouch during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad and also during the reign of Abu Bakr and also Umar and also Uthman. And all this is because of the dua of the Prophet Muhammad. Abu Hurayrah also told how once a jug of milk was brought to the Prophet, and it was enough to feed more than 200 people.

Other famous miracles of the Messenger of Allah:

— On the day of Khandaq, the companions of the Prophet were digging a ditch and stopped when they stumbled upon a huge stone that they could not break. Then the Prophet came, took a pick in his hands, said “Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim” three times, struck this stone, and it crumbled like sand.

“Once a man from the area of ​​Yamama came to the Prophet Muhammad with a newborn child wrapped in a cloth. The Prophet Muhammad turned to the newborn and asked: "Who am I?" Then, by the Will of Allah, the baby said: "You are the Messenger of Allah." The Prophet said to the child: “May Allah bless you!” And this child began to be called Mubarak (5) Al-Yamama.

- One Muslim had a God-fearing brother who kept Fasting Sunnah even on the hottest days and performed Sunnah Namaz even on the coldest nights. When he died, his brother sat at his head and asked Allah for mercy and forgiveness for him. Suddenly the veil slipped from the face of the deceased, and he said: “As-salamu alaikum!”. The surprised brother returned the greeting and then asked, “Does this happen?” The brother replied, “Yes. Take me to the Messenger of Allah - he promised that we would not part until we met."

- When the father of one of the Sahaba died, leaving behind a large debt, this companion came to the Prophet and said that he had nothing but date palms, the harvest of which even for many years would not be enough to pay off the debt, and asked the Prophet for help. Then the Messenger of Allah walked around one pile of dates, and then around another and said: "Count." Surprisingly, there were enough dates not only to pay off the debt, but there were still the same number.

Allah Almighty granted the Prophet Muhammad a great many miracles. The miracles listed above are only a small part of them, because some scientists said that there were a thousand, and others - three thousand!


1 - Quds (Jerusalem) - the holy city in Palestine

2 - It is important to note that the ascent of the Prophet to Heaven does not mean that he ascended to the place where Allah is supposedly located, since it is not inherent in Allah to be in any place. To think that Allah is in any place is unbelief!

3 - "Allah has no flaws"

4 - the words "Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim"

5 - the word "mubarak" means "blessed"

When choosing products, we first of all pay attention to their useful properties. The use of certain gifts of nature helps to heal from diseases, improve the functioning of organs, and serves as a prevention of diseases. Separate nutritional recommendations for Muslims are also contained in the Noble Sunnah.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) paid great attention to the choice of food and called on the believers to do so. We have prepared for you a list of seven foods mentioned as beneficial in hadiths.

1. Black cumin

Black cumin, which is also called black cumin, is a herbaceous plant. In many countries it is used as a spice. The composition of its seeds includes many useful substances, which give it healing properties.

As a medicine, black cumin, as well as oil made from its seeds, has been used for centuries in Asia and Africa. It is used as a spice to add to confectionery and baked goods. In addition, they flavor meat dishes, fish and salads.

The benefits of this spice are mentioned in the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.). So, once he said: “Eat black cumin, as it is a cure for all diseases except death” (Tirmizi, Ibn Maja, Ahmad).

Research by modern scientists has confirmed the saying of the Messenger of God (s.g.v.) Black cumin really cures many common diseases and ailments of people, such as colds, tonsillitis, vascular diseases, cancerous tumors, kidney stones, intestinal worms, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, etc. It also serves as a means of preventing diseases.

2. Dates

Dates also bring considerable benefits to a person. Their main advantage is in strengthening health and longevity.

The healing properties of dates have been known since ancient times. The chemical composition of these fruits includes 23 types of amino acids, which are absent in most other fruits. In addition, the substance tryptophan is contained, which prevents the aging of the body and ensures the functioning of brain cells.

Dates are especially beneficial during observance in the month of Ramadan. That is why the Most Pure Sunnah attributes after breaking the fast with this natural dessert. Having eaten several fruits, a person immediately loses the feeling of hunger, which protects him from overeating, gives strength to perform the evening (Maghrib) prayer.

There is a well-known hadith of the Messenger of Allah (s.g.v.), who, in particular, instructed: “Dates are a cure for poisoning” (Tirmidhi).

3. Olives

The benefits of olives (olives) are already evidenced by the fact that they are mentioned in several suras of the Holy Quran. As you know, both products are the fruits of the same tree - the olive. They differ only in color and degree of maturation. Their benefits are due to the high content of vitamins and minerals.

Due to its composition, olive fruits are indispensable for certain diseases: atherosclerosis, indigestion, anemia, arthritis, arthrosis, obesity. In addition, olives improve the functioning of the human genital organs by stimulating blood circulation.

The Sunnah of the Prophet (S.G.V.) speaks of the many beneficial properties of olive oil. One of the hadiths says: “Eat olive oil, smear it on your body, for it heals from 70 diseases, including leprosy” (Tabarani). In another hadith, you can find the following advice: "Eat olive oil, anoint yourself with it, as it is from a blessed tree" (Tirmizi, Ahmad).

4. Honey

Honey serves as both a sweet treat and a healthy nectar. It is actively used for eating both raw and processed. It is indispensable in the preparation of confectionery. In addition, bee products are used in medicinal preparations.

The chemical composition of honey includes a whole storehouse of useful elements and vitamins, especially vitamin B. It improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys, stimulates blood circulation.

The great Arab healer Abu Ali Hussein (known in the Western world as Avicenna) in his work "A Treatise on Vinegar Honey" called nectar a product of longevity. He advised taking honey for digestive disorders, as well as for external use. This natural delicacy is actively used in the treatment of colds, sore throats and coughs.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) noted: “Healing power is in three things: in a sip of honey, (bleeding - approx. IslamGlobal ) and cauterization, but I forbid the latter” (Bukhari). Another hadith says: “Pay special attention to two medicines: the Qur'an and honey” (Ibn Maja).

The fact that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) consumed honey next to the Holy Quran speaks for itself.

5. Pomegranate

From time immemorial, pomegranate has been popular with the Arabs, who used its bark to heal wounds. In addition, it was taken for headaches. The composition of this fruit includes a large number of minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin C, which improves immunity.

It is recommended to take it for tuberculosis, dysentery, indigestion, circulatory problems, heart and thyroid diseases. Fetal bones are useful for high blood pressure and hormonal disruptions.

The Grace of the Worlds Muhammad (s.g.v.) also urged believers to eat pomegranate as it has beneficial properties. The Prophet (pbuh) once said: “Eat the pulp of a pomegranate, as it is a means of cleansing the stomach” (Ahmad).

6. Quince

It is a fruit that tastes like an apple and a pear. It contains a large amount of potassium, phosphorus and calcium, it improves the functioning of the brain, muscle and nervous systems, bone tissue and skin. One quince contains the daily norm of copper and iron.

In a hadith narrated from the words of Abu Dharr, the beneficial properties of quince are mentioned. “Once I came to the Prophet (S.G.V.) and saw Him with other companions. In his hands he held a quince. Handing it to me, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Oh, Abu Dharr! This is for you! It improves heart function, improves breathing, and also eliminates heaviness in the chest area ”(Nasai).

7. Watermelon and melon

The most favorite product of many people in hot weather is sweet gourds - watermelon and melon. Both fruits contain a significant proportion of the substance folate, which is recommended for pregnant women. The fact is that folate halves the risk of birth defects in a baby and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) loved to eat watermelons and melons in combination with dates, as evidenced by the hadith that has come down to our days through Aisha bint Abu Bakr. “Our Prophet ate watermelons with melons at the same time as dates and explained: “We combine the dryness of one with the moisture of the other, the cold of one with the heat of the other” (Tirmizi, Abu Daud).

Modern practical medicine claims that nutrition is the key to good health, and those who listen to the advice of nutritionists, in the end, save on treatment.

Proper nutrition has always been a universal principle of traditional medicine almost everywhere from Europe to China.

The Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings be upon him) formulated the principles of nutrition, which had a huge impact on the development of Arabic and Islamic medicine.

It is to him that the words belong:

“The stomach is the well of the body, and the blood vessels are nourished from it. If he is healthy, then health is carried through the vessels, if he is sick, then poison is carried through the vessels through the body.

Nutrition and the precautions associated with it were denoted by the word "himya". Ibn Haris, who was called the "doctor of the Arabs," said:

"Hymya is the source of all healing, and the stomach is the home of all disease."

In order to better understand the meaning that the Arabs attached to the word "himya", it is necessary to tell about one case when the Prophet and his cousin Ali were invited to a meal at the house of Umm al-Mandari.

Starting to eat, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) stopped and said to Ali: "You've been sick lately" and pushed towards him a dish of pearl barley with chard with the words: "It's better for you".

Pearl barley (barley) has long been an important part of Arabic cuisine and has been used in traditional Arabic medicine. Naturally, she was often on the table of the Messenger of Allah and companions.

Thus, the word "himya" has three meanings:

  1. it is what is eaten as medicine;
  2. it is what is eaten to maintain health;
  3. this is what is eaten in addition to medicines as an aid to a speedy recovery.

Balanced diet

One of the main concepts of Muslim medicine was the concept of "mizaj", or balance, the absence of which was considered the cause of the disease. Accordingly, the doctors prescribed the medicine, taking into account what kind of imbalance is observed in the body. Certain foodstuffs were referred to as "wet" and others as "dry", it was believed that the combination of these opposing qualities eliminated the disease.

The simplest example of the application of this principle is found in the recommendation of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him):

"Fever comes from fire, put it out with water."

Another example is rubbing olive oil into dry skin. It can even be said that these ideas are prompted simply by common sense, and not by proper medical knowledge.

But, on the other hand, it is these simple principles that eventually formed into a system of knowledge and skills that became the foundation of modern medical science. The heirs of the "medicine of the Prophet" were such outstanding medieval surgeons and healers as Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd and many others.

It seems that with the rapid development of medical science, physicians have forgotten these simple rules dictated by elementary sanity. And now we turn again to the idea of ​​a balanced diet.


Usually, speaking about the nutritional composition of products, three main types of microelements are distinguished, these are proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The cells of the body are built from proteins. The intake of proteins in the body prevents the destruction of cells and ensures their normal functioning. Any protein is a chain of alpha-amino acids linked by a peptide bond.

To produce the necessary proteins, the human body requires approximately 22 types of amino acids, of which 14 can be produced by the body itself. The rest of the body receives from food. According to the recommendations of the US National Academy of Sciences, a person should consume 0.8 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

I would like to emphasize how important balance is in nutrition. For example, until recently, the prevailing opinion among nutritionists was that the ideal source of high-quality protein is red meat.

However, recent discoveries by British scientists indicate that a vegetarian diet may, in fact, be optimal for health. The fact is that the use of large amounts of "first-class" protein from meat is inevitably associated with an increased consumption of harmful animal fats.

This was understood by the Companions of the Prophet, who said:

“Meat is the master of all human food in this and the next life”(narrated by Ibn Maja).

But at the same time, Umar warned:

"Be careful with meat, for there is harm in it, similar to the harm that is in wine."

Another companion of the Prophet said:

"Don't make your womb an animal graveyard."

The main thing is balance. “Second tier” proteins are found in grains and legumes, and when combined with meat proteins, they provide the body with benefits comparable to those of the highest quality animal proteins, but without the side effects.

Ibn al-Qayyim wrote about different types of meat and their role in maintaining balance (mizaj) in his work At-Tibb an-Nabawi (Medicine of the Prophet). He also reported on the exceptional benefits of red meat in combination with vegetables and poultry.

The second of the main trace elements is fats. Fats are fatty acids that are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Fats are responsible for producing twice as much energy as proteins and carbohydrates; contain vitamins A, D, E and K.

Fats are necessary for cell growth and repair, as well as maintaining a constant body temperature, because. have low thermal conductivity and envelop the internal organs. Fats are saturated and unsaturated.

Saturated fats stimulate the production of cholesterol, and their abuse leads to an increase in blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is a complex waxy substance necessary for the strength of cell walls, the production of vitamin D, hormones, bile acid, and the construction of nervous tissue. The synthesis of cholesterol by the liver is a natural process, and the intake of cholesterol from the outside is not required.

Thus, cholesterol that enters the body with food is superfluous and leads to imbalance. High blood cholesterol levels have been linked to an increased risk of heart attack. An easy way to lower your cholesterol is to limit your consumption of eggs and increase your intake of organ meats such as liver.

Carbohydrates are the third type of essential trace elements. They provide the body with energy, help control protein breakdown, and protect the body from toxins. Carbohydrates are of two types. Monosaccharides are the simplest carbohydrates, such as glucose.

Polysaccharides are more complex and can be broken down into simpler carbohydrates. These include, for example, starch. Carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables and grains - these foods have a high nutritional value and, in addition, are a source of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber. Polysaccharides take longer to digest, so they satisfy hunger more effectively.

The special role of digestion

One of the principles of Al-Tibb an-Nabawi is that illness can be related to nutrition and digestion. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) spoke more than once about the position in which one should eat and empty the stomach. At the same time, he pointed out the importance of oral hygiene and exercise.

The "stomach" mentioned in the quoted saying of the Prophet usually refers to the entire digestive system. It is recommended to keep the whole body in order. It is necessary to monitor nutrition and digestion in order to ensure your bodily, and ultimately mental health.

Optimal digestion means optimal health. Digestion begins with the mouth and teeth. In the oral cavity, food is crushed, moistened with saliva and only then swallowed, this stage is the first step of the entire digestion process and should take several minutes.

This first stage is negatively affected by the presence of bacteria in the oral cavity, the abuse of food with a high content of sugar and other carbohydrates. All these factors lead to the destruction of tooth enamel and the occurrence of caries. To avoid these problems, the Prophet recommends using a sivak, a stick for cleaning teeth and tongue, during ritual washing.

According to Al-Tibb al-Nabawi, oral hygiene not only ensures health, but is also an element of worship.

The chewed food then travels down the esophagus to the stomach. The ingestion of gastric acid on the mucous membrane of the esophagus causes heartburn. This can be avoided by eating while seated, says Al-Tibb an-Nabawi.

The messenger said:

"Don't eat while lounging";

"I sit like a slave and eat like a slave."

During the meal, he sat on the floor, bending his legs under him, with due respect to the Lord and companions.

The gallbladder plays an important role in the process of digestion. It accumulates bile produced by the liver, which is then released into the duodenum. Gallstone disease is one of the most common problems of the digestive tract. It can be prevented by observing "khimia", i.e. proper and balanced nutrition. A diet low in animal fats reduces the risk of gallstones.

During digestion, food enters the stomach, which is a muscular sac. In it, the food is exposed to the acid of the gastric juice, and then enters the intestines.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) called the stomach "the well of the body." It is very important to keep this "well" clean. Modern nutritionists constantly point out the harm caused to the stomach by smoking, alcohol and food that irritates its walls.

Abstinence from food in order to "rest the stomach" is a common treatment today. It is well known what role fasting plays in Islam. The obligation to fast once a year for a month benefits the soul and body of a Muslim. During the rest of the year, Muslims are advised to fast for three days in the middle of the month or on Mondays and Thursdays.

The intestine is divided into two sections. The first is the small intestine; the food that has got into it is exposed to the action of intestinal juice, bile, pancreatic juice, due to which the breakdown of fats and the neutralization of gastric juice occur. It is in this section that the absorption of nutrients occurs. The most common disease of the small intestine is duodenal ulcer.

It is well known that duodenal ulcers are provoked by alcohol, smoking and stress. The passage of food through the stomach takes four hours, another four and a half it is in the small intestine and about 12 hours in the large intestine. In the large intestine, water is absorbed, proteins are finally broken down and some vitamins are synthesized. Undigested food remains turn into feces.

The last stage of digestion is their excretion. This step is no less important than the first. The Prophet recommended defecation while squatting to avoid constipation. He repeatedly spoke about the need to observe intimate hygiene and perform the procedure of ablution. In general, ablution in Islam is inextricably linked with worship.

Having relieved himself, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Praise be to Allah, who removed from me what is harmful and left what is useful for me.”

Thus, we are convinced that all the advice of the Prophet regarding health and hygiene is aimed at achieving not only physical, but also spiritual good and is associated with a constant reminder of their Source.


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