Drilling rigs and their main elements. General information Drawing of a lamp in the form of an oil rig

Well drilling is carried out with the help of drilling rigs, equipment and tools.

Drilling rig is a complex of surface equipment necessary for performing well drilling operations. All drilling rigs are divided into 11 classes for deep exploration and production drilling. The class of the drilling rig is selected according to the conditional depth of drilling of wells with a weight of 1 m of the drill string of 30 kg.

* The most widely used in cluster drilling is the rig BU-3000EUK(With uh electric drive, at universal mounting ability for To mouth drilling. Drilling rigs are also used: Uralmash-3D-76, BU 5000/320 ESK-BMCH, BU 3900/225 ECHK-BM-3, ZJ-40(50), MBU-125, UPA-100, ARB-100, TD- 125 etc.

Depending on the purpose of the well, its depth, the geological and climatic conditions of the area, transport communication, drilling rigs are equipped differently, while in all cases they strive for the simplest set of drilling equipment that provides high-quality, trouble-free, with minimal time and money, construction wells.

All drilling rig equipment can be combined into several main blocks:

1 - drilling rig with traveling system, lifting winch, controls and flooring for assembly, acceptance, storage of drill and casing pipes;

2 - power unit, consisting of several diesel or electric motors, designed to drive the rotor and lifting winch, including a system of transmissions, gearboxes, cardans and pulleys;

3 - pumping unit for washing the wellbore, including one, two or three mud pumps with electric or diesel drive.

4 - circulation system, including several tanks for storing drilling mud, electric agitators, a block for preparing and controlling the properties of drilling mud, a block for cleaning cuttings, gutters with valves for manipulating the fluid flow leaving the well during drilling.

The drilling rig includes:

1. Oil rig.

This structure above the well for carrying out tripping, placement of drill stands, serves as the basis for placement and installation of drilling equipment.

Distinguish two types of towers: tower And mast. They are made from pipes or rolled steel. tower tower is a regular truncated tetrahedral lattice pyramid. Mast towers there are single-support and double-support (A - figurative). The latter are the most common. A - shaped towers are more labor-intensive to manufacture and less stable, but they are easier to transport from place to place and assemble / dismantle.

The main parameters of the drilling rig- carrying capacity, height, capacity of the "store" for installing a drilling tool, the length of the candle to be placed, the weight of the tower.

Derrick or mounted with the help of lifts and jacks in separate sections with their subsequent connection, while the upper chord with the crown block is mounted first, and the lower chord is the last, or it is assembled horizontally on the ground, and then rises to a vertical position.

After installing the tower on foundations or platforms, it is strengthened with stretch marks, then a lifting winch is installed.

next step mount the power unit for winch and rotor drive, transmission system, pneumatic clutch and hydraulic brake system, control panel. The winch is equipped with a traveling rope, the other end of which is passed through the crown block and traveling block pulleys ( chain hoist) and attached to the base of the tower with a special device ( dead end). The rotor is installed and connected to the engines by a chain drive through a pneumatic clutch.

Simultaneously or sequentially mount the pump unit and compasstional system. The drive of the pumps from the engines is carried out by V-belts and pulleys. The circulation system is connected to the drilling pumps by pipelines and equipped with vibrating screens for separating relatively large particles of drill cuttings (sludge) from the flushing agent, sand separators and desilters for finer cleaning of the flushing agent, and a degasser for cleaning the drilling mud from gas.

Mechanical and hydraulic mixers, centrifugal pumps ( booster pumps), supplying fluid to the drilling pumps. Separately, a unit for preparing a flushing agent is installed and tied with manifolds with a circulation system ( BDP).

2. Drill winch.

The drawworks is designed for lowering and raising the drill string, screwing and unscrewing pipes, lowering casing strings, holding a fixed string by weight or slowly lowering (feeding) it during drilling.

In some cases, a drawworks is used to transfer power from the engine to the rotor, pull loads and other auxiliary work.

3. Descent - lifting complex of the drilling rig (figure). It is a chain hoist mechanism consisting of a crown block 4, a traveling (moving) block 2, a steel rope 3, which is a flexible connection between the drawworks 6 and the mechanism 7 for fastening the fixed end of the rope. The crown block 4 is installed on the upper platform of the drilling rig 5. The movable end A of the rope 3 is attached to the winch drum 6, and the fixed end B is attached to the base of the derrick through fixture 7. Hook 1 is attached to the traveling block, on which a pipe elevator or swivel is suspended on slings. At present, the traveling block and the lifting hook are combined into one mechanism - hook block.

The tackle (poly-spast) system of drilling rigs is designed to convert the rotational movement of the winch drum into translational (vertical) movement of the hook and reduce the load on the rope branches and the drilling rig.

A steel traveling rope is passed through the rope sheaves of the crown block and traveling block in a certain order, one end of which ("dead") attached to the frame beam of the tower, and the other, called running (leading)- to the winch drum.

According to the carrying capacity and the number of branches of the rope in the equipment, traveling systems are divided into various sizes. In drilling rigs with a carrying capacity of 50-75 tons, a traveling system with a number of pulleys 2\3 and 3\4 is used; in installations with a lifting capacity of 100-300t - a traveling system with a number of pulleys 3\4, 4\5, 5\6 and 6\7. In the designation of the rigging system, the first digit indicates the number of rope sheaves of the traveling block, and the second - the number of rope sheaves of the crown block.

crown block represents a frame on which axles and supports with pulleys are mounted. Sometimes the frame is made as one piece with the top of the tower.

traveling block is a welded housing in which pulleys and bearing assemblies are placed.

Traveling ropes are steel round, six-row ropes of a cable structure of a cross lay. The strands twisted into a rope around an organic or metal core are made of high-strength high-carbon and high-manganese steel with a number of wires from 19 to 37. Taking into account the attachment point of the running end of the rope in the direction of its winding on the drum, right-handed wire ropes with diameters of 25 are used for drawworks , 28, 32, 35, 38 mm. The most common ropes with organic and plastic core diameters of 28 and 32 mm. At depths of more than 4000 m, ropes with a metal core are used.

Drill hooks and hook blocks are designed for suspension of drilling tools and elevators on them during tripping operations.

hook blocks(hooks connected to traveling block) have a number of advantages: lower overall height than traveling block and hook combined, more compact design. The disadvantages include their large mass.

Hooks are available with a lifting capacity of 75, 130, 200, 225 tons.

.Drilling slings- these are the links connecting the hook to the elevator, on which the drilling tool or casing string is suspended. The lifting capacity of the slings is 25, 50.75, 125, 200 and 300 tons.

). The drilling tool also includes a shock rod 2 and a rope lock 3. It is suspended on a rope 4, which is thrown over a block 5 mounted on a mast (not shown conventionally). The reciprocating motion of the drilling tool is provided by the drilling machine 6.

Rice. 4.7.

As the well deepens, the rope is lengthened. The cylindricity of the well is ensured by turning the bit during operation.

To clean the bottom from the destroyed rock, the drilling tool is periodically removed from the well, and a bailer is lowered into it, similar to a long bucket with a valve in the bottom. When the bailer is immersed in a mixture of liquid (reservoir or poured from above) and drilled rock particles, the valve opens and the bailer is filled with this mixture. When the bailer is raised, the valve closes and the mixture is taken up.

Upon completion of bottomhole cleaning, the drilling tool is lowered into the well again and drilling continues.

In order to avoid the collapse of the walls of the well, a casing pipe is lowered into it, the length of which is increased as the bottomhole deepens.

Currently, when drilling oil and gas wells, impact drilling is not used in our country.

Oil and gas wells are constructed using the rotary drilling method. With this method, the rocks are not crushed by impacts, but are destroyed by a rotating bit, which is subjected to an axial load. The torque is transmitted to the bit or from the surface from the rotator (rotor) through the drill string (rotary drilling) or from the downhole motor (turbodrill, electric drill, screw motor) installed directly above the bit.

A turbodrill is a hydraulic turbine driven by a drilling fluid injected into the well. An electric drill is a liquid-proof electric motor powered by a cable from the surface. A screw motor is a type of downhole hydraulic machine in which a screw mechanism is used to convert the energy of the flushing fluid flow into mechanical energy of rotational motion.

Drilling rigs, equipment and tools

Well drilling is carried out with the help of drilling rigs, equipment and tools.

Drilling rigs. A drilling rig is a set of ground equipment required to perform well drilling operations. The drilling rig includes (Fig. 4.8):

  • derrick;
  • equipment for mechanization of tripping operations;
  • surface equipment directly used in drilling;
  • actuator;
  • drilling fluid circulation system;
  • accustomed buildings.

enlarge image
Rice. 4.8.

Domestic drilling rigs are produced:

A drilling rig is a structure above a well for lowering and raising drilling tools, downhole motors, drilling and casing pipes, placing drill stands (connecting two or three drill pipes to each other 25-36 m long) after lifting them from the well and protecting the drilling crew from the wind and atmospheric precipitation.

There are two types of towers: tower and mast. They are made from pipes or rolled steel.

The tower tower is a regular truncated tetrahedral pyramid of a lattice structure. Its main elements are the legs, the gate, the balcony of the upper worker, the crown block platform, the goats, the transverse belts, the couplers, the flight ladder.

Mast-type towers are single-support (Fig. 4.9) and double-support (L-shaped). The latter are the most common (Fig. 4.10).

A-shaped towers are more labor intensive to manufacture and therefore more expensive. They are less stable, but they are easier to transport from place to place and then mount.

The main parameters of the derrick are the carrying capacity, height, capacity of "stores" (storages for drill pipe stands), dimensions of the upper and lower bases; candle length, mass.

The lifting capacity of the tower is the maximum allowable vertical static load, which should not be exceeded during the entire well drilling cycle.

The height of the tower determines the length of the candle that can be removed from the well and the duration of tripping operations depends on the size of which. The longer the stand, the fewer parts it is necessary to disassemble the drill string when changing the drilling tool. The time of subsequent assembly of the column is also reduced. Therefore, with increasing drilling depth, the height and carrying capacity of the towers increase. So, for drilling wells to a depth of 300-500 m, a tower is used with a height of 16-18 m, a depth of 2000-3000 m - a height of 42 m and a depth of 4000-6500 m - 53 m.

The capacity of "magazines" shows what the total length of drill pipes with a diameter of 114 168 mm can be placed in them. In practice, the capacity of "stores" shows to what depth drilling can be carried out using a particular tower. The dimensions of the upper and lower bases characterize the working conditions of the drilling crew, taking into account the placement of drilling equipment, drilling tools and means of mechanization of tripping operations. The size of the upper base of the towers is 2x2 m or 2.6x2.6 m, the bottom 8x8 m or 10x10 m.

The total mass of drilling rigs is several tens of tons.

Equipment for the mechanization of tripping operations includes a traveling system and a winch. The traveling system consists of a stationary crown block (Fig. 4.11) installed in the upper part of the drilling rig, a traveling block (Fig. 4.12) connected to the crown block with a traveling rope, one end of which is attached to the winch drum, and the other is fixed, and a drilling hook. The tackle system is a chain hoist (a system of blocks), which in a drilling rig is mainly designed to reduce the tension of the tackle rope, as well as to reduce the speed of the drilling tool, casing and drill pipes.

Targetwork: To study the purpose, arrangement of the main components and assemblies of drilling rigs for deep drilling of oil and gas wells, the technical characteristics of the rigs, the main parameters, the procedure for conducting wells, select the rig class, and also consider the main designs and parameters of drilling rigs, the use of rigs and the calculation of their parameters.

Basic provisions: An oil and gas well (Figure 1) is a vertical or inclined-horizontal development in a rock mass with a depth of 500-8000 m to the surface of the productive formation, while the axial length of the well significantly exceeds its diameter. The search, exploration and extraction of oil and gas in more than 90% is carried out through wells that are created by drilling rigs by rotary or rotary percussion drilling. The intervals of the well (direction, conductor, technical intermediate strings, production string) are cased after drilling to prevent collapse of the walls with special casing strings (Figure 2).

Figure 1 - Well design:

a - profile; b - concentric arrangement of casing strings in the wellbore; c - graphical representation of the design of wells; d - working scheme of the well design

A drilling rig (Figures 2a, 2b) is a technical system that includes a set of ground equipment (rig, superstructures, power drive, winch, traveling system with crown block and traveling block, rotator-rotor, drilling fluid equipment, swivel), which, interacting with submersible equipment (drill string, tool - bit), carries out the technological process of well drilling.

Well drilling was invented BC in China and later forgotten. In different parts of the world, the principle of drilling has been used since ancient times to extract salt and drinking water. But in the 19th century drilling was adopted by oil producers and revived again. This was not a fundamentally new industrial mining method, but rather borrowed from salt miners and water well drillers as a method that provided deeper penetration into the bowels of the earth and more efficient extraction of "ground oil" (oil).

Figure 2a - Drilling rig

The history of oil production itself begins with the drilling of the first industrial wells for oil.

The first, truly oil well, purposefully drilled for the extraction of "black gold", is considered to be a well drilled in the USA in 1859 in the town of Titusville (Pennsylvania) by prospector Edwin Drake on behalf of businessman George Bissel.

In Russia, the first oil well was drilled in 1865 in the Kudako river valley in the Kuban.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the beginning of the industrial development of its reserves is considered April 29, 1911, when, after a year since the start of drilling at the Dossor field in the town of Karashungul, well No. 3 produced oil from a depth of 225 m. The well gushed for 30 hours and produced 16700 poods of oil.

Drilling techniques and technology are constantly being improved. The main method of drilling on land and on the shelf of the sea is rotary (rotary, submersible drills, top drive) using cone bits. The deepest production well for oil drilled on land has a depth of 6300 m (USA, California), and the one drilled offshore, including the water column, is 7700 m (Gulf of Mexico). The deepest gas production well - 8900 m (USA, Texas). The maximum depth of the well reached is 12100 m (Russia, Kola Peninsula). One of the most important technological achievements of recent years is the development of directional and horizontal drilling: if in 1988 200 horizontal wells were drilled in the world, then in 2010 - more than 6,000. At the same time, the length of the wells reached 10 km.

Figure 2b - Scheme of a drilling rig for deep rotary drilling: 1 - drilling line; 2 - traveling block; 3 - tower; 4 - hook; 5 - drilling hose; 6 - leading pipe; 7 - gutters; 8 - drilling pump; 9 - pump motor; 10 - pump piping; 11 - receiving tank (capacity); 12 - drilling lock; 13 - drill pipe; 14 - hydraulic downhole motor (not installed in rotary drilling); 15 - chisel; 16 - rotor; 17 - winch; 18 - winch and rotor motors; 19 - swivel

Figure 3 - Functional diagram of the drilling rig (numbers indicate transmission elements)

1 - sub and centralizer; 2, 3 - Kelly sub and swivel; 4 - drilling hook; 5 - leading branch of the rope; 6, 7, 9 - transmission of the winch and rotary rotator (rotor); 8 - high pressure line for supplying drilling fluid to the well; 10 - clamps (wedge liners) of the rotor

The main parameters of drilling rigs are the allowable load on the drilling hook of the traveling system and the depth of drilling of the well. According to these indicators, CIS drilling rigs (manufactured by the Volgograd Drilling Equipment Plant and Uralmash) are divided into 11 classes (Table 1)

Table 1. Specifications of CIS drilling rigs


Rig type

Nominal drilling depth, m

Estimated power on the input shaft of the lifting unit, kW

Estimated rotor drive power, kW

Mud pump power

Hook lifting speed when the column is walking, m/s

Elevator lifting speed (no load), m/s

Base height (rig floor mark), m

Clearance for installing the shaft part of preventers, m

Installation weight, t

Permissible drilling depth, m

Note: BU-10000 and BU-12500 units are manufactured by Uralmash by special order.

Purpose of the main components and assemblies of the drilling rig

Derrick - this is a structure above the well for lowering and lifting drilling tools, drill and casing pipes, downhole motors, placing drill stands (connections of 2-3 drill pipes) after lifting them from the well, as well as to protect the drilling crew from atmospheric influence.

oil and gas well drilling rig

Travel system designed to reduce the tension of the drilling line, reduce the speed of movement of the drilling tool, casing and drill pipes and consists of a fixed crown block (Figure 6) in the upper part of the tower, a traveling block (Figure 7) connected to the crown block with a traveling rope, one end of which is attached to the drum winches, and the other is fixed at the bottom of the drilling rig and the drill hook.

Drawworks serves to perform the following operations:

descent-raising of drilling and casing pipes;

holding on the weight of the drilling tool;

lifting of various cargoes and equipment.

Swivel is a mechanism that connects a non-rotating traveling system with a drilling hook to a rotating drill string and provides the supply of drilling fluid to cool the drilling tool and carry cuttings from the bottom of the well.

mud pumps are used to inject drilling fluid into the well. Deep drilling uses double-acting twin-cylinder piston pumps or single-acting multi-cylinder pumps. Washing fluid under pressure is supplied from the pump through the pressure hose to the moving swivel and further through the Kelly and drill string to the tool.

Rotary rotator (rotor ) transmits rotation to the drill string and tool through the kelly, supports the string of drill pipes or casing pipes and perceives the reactive torque of the drill string, when equipped with a downhole motor (turbodrill, electric drill, propeller drill).

Actuator (electric, diesel, diesel-electric) ensures the operation of the drilling rig. The electric drive from DC or AC motors is easy to install and operate, but is applicable only in electrified areas. Diesel drive is applicable in areas not provided with electricity. Diesel - The electric drive consists of a diesel engine that drives a generator that powers an electric motor.

The total drive power of the drilling rig is 1000-4500 kW and is distributed to the drives of the drawworks, pumps, rotor, automatic drilling tong, wedge grippers.

TO attached structures relate:

premises for placing a drive and a drawworks;

pump room;

receiving walkways for supplying drilling technological equipment;

transformer site;

racks for drilling and casing pipes.

Tripping operations (SPO) lifting and lowering of drill pipes and casing strings take 18-20% of the drilling time, and to reduce them, special mechanisms such as MSP, ASP, AKB-ZM, wedge grips, etc. have been developed.

Shop (candle receiver) Designed to accommodate and hold drill stands and drill collars that are installed vertically on the drilling rig platform on the stand and into the magazine. The store is a frame divided into sections in the form of a comb. In installations with manual arrangement of candles, at a certain height of the tower, a platform for a riding worker is mounted, and in installations with ASP, a mechanism for arranging candles is located.

Guides. In recent years, in connection with the development of top drive systems, drilling rigs are equipped with special removable guides along the height of the drilling rig, the length of which is determined by the stroke length of the rotator (top drive). They are made of pipes or profile rolled products.

Drilling process consists of the following operations:

installation of a leading pipe with a bit into the swivel and rotor and drilling a well to its length (13-15m);

lifting the kelly from the rotor, unscrewing the bit from the kelly and the kelly from the swivel, and installing the kelly into the hole;

lifting the drill pipe on the elevator with a hook, screwing the bits on it, installing the drill pipe with the bit on the elevator or on the wedges of the rotor, screwing the kelly on the drill pipe coupling and fixing it on the swivel, lowering the drill pipe and kelly into the rotor and fixing the kelly in the rotor ;

start of the rotor and mud pump for pumping drilling fluid;

as the well deepens, the drill string is built up with standpipes of 2-3 pipes, the kelly is reinstalled on the swivel and the rotor, and the drilling fluid and the rotor are started.

The rise of the column consists of repetitive operations, which consist in lifting the candles, placing them on a special candlestick inside the tower.

After drilling each interval of the well, it is fixed with casing pipes and cemented (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Cementing

Drilling a well on the site is a large-scale task. Not every owner of a house can afford the services of a professional team, and hiring “handicraftsmen” is, in most cases, just throwing money away.

It is easier to do all the work yourself: you work more diligently for yourself, and there are fewer expenses. In addition, if a do-it-yourself drilling rig is made, the costs will seem literally ridiculous compared to the real drilling prices.

We will tell you how to make a machine for manually driving a water intake on the site. The information presented by us is based on the practical experience of independent drillers. To complete the perception of a difficult topic, the proposed information is supplemented with useful diagrams, photo collections, and videos.

A novice driller needs to be patient and get ready to do not the easiest job.

You will also need improvised means and inexpensive materials for the manufacture of a rig and a drill, as well as common sense and a couple of friends to help.

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Well drilling is a work akin to art, since the result is unpredictable, and each structure is unique. The task is to make a long and narrow shaft in the ground to the aquifer and lower a casing pipe into it to strengthen the walls of the working.

In the process, you will have to extract a lot of soil, and this soil can be very different: from pieces of granite to sand mixed with water.

Much depends on the depth of the aquifer. Sometimes you need to walk to it less than 10 meters, and sometimes it reaches several tens or even hundreds of meters. All this affects the methods of drilling and its timing. To arrange a well, there are two main methods: shock-rope and rotary, in the modern interpretation of the screw.

In the first case, with the help of a narrow and heavy projectile called a bailer. It is hung on a rope or cable, which is thrown over a block fixed on a tripod. A winch with a motor is used to pull the drill out of the mine, although this can also be done manually if desired.

The projectile is dropped several times to the bottom of the working from a height of several meters. It loosens the soil, part of which falls into the cavity of the bailer. After deepening into the ground by about 0.5 m, the drill is removed from the trunk. The projectile is cleaned and thrown back into the mine. The process is repeated until they reach the water.

The percussion rope method is very old, having been used for centuries, if not millennia. It is relatively easy to make a bailer, you will need sheet steel 4-5 mm thick or a thick-walled pipe Ø 110-120 mm, as well as skills in working with a welding machine. And you can even work as a bailer alone, although with an assistant, things will go much faster.

The advantages of percussive drilling are not only in its availability. The bailer is reliable, it passes almost any soil except rocks. If it is necessary to overcome a layer of sandy loam or loam, the bailer is replaced with an appropriately sized glass - a narrow cylinder without a valve at the bottom.

The bailer is used to lift all types of non-cohesive soils: sands, crushed stone, gravel and pebble deposits. It is used to clear the bottom of the well and during the operation of the mine to remove silt deposits.

The glass effectively destroys clayey rocks, which, due to their ability to compact and stick to the walls, are retained in its cavity.

As soon as the penetration of the bailer is significantly reduced, it means that it has met the roof of loam or sandy loam, which is why it is changed to a glass. As soon as the soil destroyed in the well ceases to linger in the cavity of the glass, it is changed to a bailer.

In one “session” it is possible to deepen the shaft by a meter, although more often this figure is more modest, about 20-40 cm. This is the disadvantage of the shock-rope method - a long time of work. On clay plastic soils, it is more efficient to use an auger or otherwise a serpentine drill.

In manual drilling, it is most often necessary to combine shock-rope methods with rotational ones, therefore it is better to stock up on the minimum set of shells shown in the diagram.

The working tool of the screw installation is a column of rods with a drill at the lower end. The tool is literally screwed into the ground, which is partially held on its blades.

Periodically, the auger, together with the loosened soil, is removed to the daylight surface, and the face with the collapsed moldboard is cleared with a bailer. Then again, taking root deeper into the ground with each turn.

The rods are gradually built up as the mine deepens. First, the length of the drill string is increased by fastening one rod. When its upper part is almost aligned with the wellhead, a second one is attached, then a third, etc.

You can rotate the drill manually or with the help of an electric motor rotor. To keep the rod in the correct vertical position, industrial mobile drilling rigs use a vertical frame fixed to the frame. According to this principle, you can make your own machine.

The diagram shows a variant of a do-it-yourself drilling rig, as well as the result: a relatively compact device for drilling wells

Simultaneously with the deepening, the wellbore is cased, i.e. a pipe is installed in the drilled working, the diameter of which is 1-2 cm larger than the similar size of the projectile. Casing links are connected into a single structure by screwing or welding.

If a large amount of water is fed into a cased well under pressure, the bottom can be cleaned without the use of a bailer. This method has been successfully used by professional teams. Water erodes loosened soil and washes it to the surface.

The drilling fluid speeds up the work several times, but everything around will be flooded with water mixed with mud. Yes, and stony soils in this way will not pass. All this must be taken into account even before proceeding with the manufacture of your own drilling rig. In addition, you need to decide on your goals and objectives.

If you need a unit for the construction of only one or two wells, you can not particularly pore over the thoroughness of execution. But a solid and durable drilling rig can be a good reason to start your own well drilling business.

Production of percussion drilling rig

A tripod with a bailer is a simple design, like everything ingenious. Its dimensions can be estimated “by eye”, especially precise engineering calculations are not needed here. For example, the height of the tripod on which the bailer will be fixed should be about a meter more than this drill.

If carried out in the basement of the house, the dimensions of the structure will be limited by the height of the ceiling.

Percussion drilling is carried out with the help of a heavy projectile - a bailer. It is thrown down from a height, the soil collapses and fills the cavity inside the bailer, after which the device is removed and cleaned

In an open space, the bailer can be hung higher to increase the impact force. But do not make it too high, it is not effective. The bailer itself should be quite heavy. To effectively loosen the soil, it is better to make notches on its sole or grind off a sharp edge.

The optimal length for drilling is considered to be the length of the projectile in the range of 1.8 - 2.2 meters, so that the driller can freely reach the top of the drill to attach or detach the cable. However, in manual drilling, 1.0 - 1.2 m is considered the best length of the bailer. This size allows you to reach the bottom of the projectile with your hand if it does not empty when loam sticks, for example.

In shock-rope drilling, a bailer with a length of about 1.2 - 2.0 meters is used. The projectile must be heavy enough to break the ground and pull it to the surface in large quantities.

The bailer is most often made from a piece of metal pipe, the desired thickness of the metal is 4 - 6 mm.

To make such a drilling device, you must perform the following operations:

  1. Prepare a piece of pipe of a suitable size.
  2. Make a valve at the bottom of the projectile.
  3. Weld a protective mesh on top.
  4. Boil the handle or “lugs” to secure the rope.
  5. Sharpen the lower part of the projectile or weld a few "teeth" from pieces of metal or from pieces of thick wire.
  6. Make a tripod out of metal pipes.
  7. Install a block, winch and engine to lift the projectile from the mine.
  8. Tie a rope to the bailer and assemble the structure.

The bailer valve deserves special attention. Small diameter projectiles use a ball valve. A metal ball with a diameter slightly more than half the diameter of the bailer is suitable for its role.

If a suitable ball was not found, it can be made from improvised materials. For example, a mixture of lead shot and epoxy resin is often used for these purposes; some kind of children's ball made of plastic or rubber plays the role of a casting mold.

The flap valve of the bailer consists of a round piece of metal that covers the gap at the bottom of the glass, as well as a spring that keeps it closed

A washer with a hole is welded from below, the diameter of which is smaller than the dimensions of the ball so that it does not fly out. For the same purposes, at the top, at some distance from the protective grid, a stopper is placed - a piece of metal that limits the upward movement of the ball. The wire grate prevents large pieces of soil from falling out of the bailer.

The valve ball must not fall below the level of the sharp edge or metal teeth, otherwise it will dampen the impact force. On the other hand, the "teeth" should not be made too long, otherwise they will not allow part of the soil to get inside the bailer.

A window is cut out in the upper third of the body of the bailer. It will be needed when the full bailer needs to be cleaned of soil that has accumulated inside.

For the manufacture of the ball valve of the bailer, a metal ball with a diameter of about 60 mm is needed. Such an element can be obtained from a large bearing

Another version of the valve is petal. It is made from a piece of metal. The petal valve looks like a round door, mounted on a spring at the bottom of the bailer. When the projectile moves down, the valve opens under the pressure of the soil, and then the spring closes it and holds the soil inside. Sometimes such a valve is sealed with a piece of rubber, but this is not necessary.

If, when drilling, it turns out that it captures too little soil, it may just be necessary to slightly correct the structure. Sometimes you need to squander the clearance at the bottom of the device a little. If the projectile is too light, it should be made heavier.

To do this, the upper part of the bailer is sometimes poured with concrete. But you can simply attach an additional load on the movable connection from above.

A tripod for cable percussion drilling can be made from a metal pipe, but durable wood, such as a 150-200 mm beam, is also suitable for short-term use.

On viscous soils, a type of bailer without a valve may be effective. Dense soil is stuffed into the projectile and held there naturally. Clean out such a device through a narrow vertical hole on the side.

If possible and necessary, two different bailers should be made to use them on different soils. The bailer is also used to clean the finished well from sand and dirt. But in this situation there is no need to make such a large projectile, a device with a length of about 0.8 -1.0 meters is also suitable.

Construction of an auger drilling rig

The frame of such an installation can be made in the form of a tripod, but more often it is made of vertical guides fixed on a stand and connected from above by a horizontal structure. The frame of the machine must securely hold the working string of and extendable rods when extracting them from their wells.

The diagram clearly shows the device of a drilling rig on a metal frame with a swivel, a drill, an electric winch and a geared motor (+)

The drill is made as follows:

  1. A pair of turns of a metal strip is welded to a segment of a narrow metal pipe about 1.5 meters long to make it look like a screw thread.
  2. Knives are attached to the edges of the screw, the cutting edges of which should be at an angle to the horizontal.
  3. Knives are sharpened.
  4. A tee with an internal thread is screwed or welded to the upper edge of the drill.
  5. Pieces of a metal pipe of the same diameter are prepared. as the auger pipe, in order to further increase the length of the drill string. These are rods.
  6. Threads are cut on these pieces of pipe to connect them or a hole is drilled for fixing with a locking pin.

However, to increase the length of the drill rod, a coupling or lock connection is also quite successfully used. The drilling rig can be made of metal pipes, channel bars or wood. The main thing is that it securely holds the drill string.

A block is installed in the upper part of the frame, which is connected to a winch for lifting a pipe string with a drill string. It is believed that the tower is necessary only at a depth of more than eight meters. A small structure can be drilled without it, but the work will still be difficult.

Increasing the length of the drill rod significantly makes the string heavier, therefore, an electric motor with a winch is used to lift it. If it is supposed to perform "wet" drilling, the rotation of the drill is also carried out using an electric motor.

Experts consider the best option for these purposes is a typical device with a power of 2.2 kW at 60-70 revolutions, which can be powered from a conventional 220 V outlet. Models such as 3MP 31.5, 3MP 40 or 3MP 50 may be suitable.

A swivel is an element by which the driving moment is transmitted from the electric motor to the drill rod. Through it, drilling fluid is also fed into the mine. Drill rods are fixed on the movable part of this device. A special hermetic pipe is designed for drilling mud.

The diagram shows the design of a swivel for a small drilling rig. Flushing fluid is supplied through the side pipe into the shaft (+)

Since the swivel is constantly moving during drilling, if it is of poor quality, it can break very quickly. To prevent this from happening, two rules should be observed: use only high-strength steel for its manufacture and ensure a minimum gap between the static and moving elements of the device.

As already mentioned, there are no super-strict rules for installing self-made drilling rigs for wells. Most often, a hybrid design is constructed, which allows the simultaneous use of both the shock-rope method and rotary drilling.

In this design, the same frame is arranged, which allows you to switch from one method to another without making any structural changes.

If there is a desire to do it professionally, then it is better to purchase all the details on the side, and not do it yourself, or rent it. You can order all these elements from an experienced turner. You will need to buy a reliable electric motor with a gearbox, and a motor pump, sleeve and hose, if you plan to perform work using hydraulic pressure.

It is better to make a frame and a drill after a swivel, electric motor and winch are purchased. This will allow you to correctly and quickly fit all parts of the installation to each other. To be able to build longer rods on the drill, it is recommended to make a frame with a margin of about 3.3 m.

Quality steel should be used for the manufacture of the swivel and locks, since these parts of the structure endure the highest loads during the drilling process.

A swivel for a self-made drilling rig can also be made independently, but it will be easier and more reliable to use an industrial model of such a device

Hardened steel is not very suitable for making homemade drilling rigs, because after processing it needs additional grinding, it is better to take ordinary steel. It is best to use trapezoidal rather than tapered threads on rods.

It has sufficient strength characteristics, and any turner can handle such a thread. But for the manufacture of a rod with a conical thread, you will have to look for a specialist.

For drilling to a depth of more than 30 meters, it is recommended to make rods from pipes with a wall of 5-6 mm thick. Ordinary pipes with a wall of 3.5 mm may not withstand such loads. For the manufacture of a drill, it is better to take not alloyed steel, but ordinary, so that there are no problems during the welding process.

For drilling hard soils, it makes sense to use a high-strength industrial drill bit. A good effect is the use of a projectile with three blades. During its operation, cyclic rotation is used, which allows loosening the soil as efficiently as possible.

Drilling tools for manual work are of different designs. There are spoon and coil models, as well as a drill bit. Spoon drills are effective on plastic soils: sandy loam, loam, clay. The cutter of such a drill is usually made in the form of a bucket. Such a drill can be made independently from a pipe of a suitable diameter.

On dense loams, you can also use a serpentine drill. This device is similar in design to a corkscrew, and the cutting element is forked, the so-called swallow's tail. As an alternative to the kite drill, you can use an analogue of the ice drill, but it may not be as effective.

On hard rocks, a drill bit with a taper angle of 110-130 degrees shows itself best. The chisel can have a very different shape, since they are calculated on the destruction of rocks of various degrees of hardness.

The drill bit is suitable for working on hard and soft soils. Such a drill can be made from improvised materials

For drilling complex geological sections, it is sometimes better to use drilling in two stages with two different drills. First, drilling is carried out with a narrow drill, with a diameter of about 80 mm. After such exploratory drilling, work is carried out with a larger diameter drill in order to obtain a well of the desired size.

The lifting capacity of the winch must be at least one ton. In addition to the electric winch, some craftsmen immediately install another, mechanical one. It copes more effectively in some cases, for example, if the casing is jammed. It is recommended to use two different control panels for the electric motor and winch.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video #1 A visual overview of a do-it-yourself drilling rig:

Video #2 A variant of a combined type drilling rig for percussion and auger drilling:

Video #3 Using a percussion bailer:

A home-made well drilling rig is not a very complicated unit, leaving room for engineering work. But it should be remembered that the components and mechanisms of such a device during the drilling process experience significant loads. Therefore, the materials must be durable, and the work must be done as best as possible.

Today it is quite expensive, which is why not everyone can afford such a pleasure at their summer cottage. The final price largely depends on the depth of the object. The larger this parameter, the more expensive such a source of clean and cold water will cost you. Nevertheless, a do-it-yourself drilling rig is made quite simply. Thus, you can make a well not only for yourself, but also earn some money. Let's talk about everything in order.

Rig classification

To date, there are only 4 types of drilling rigs that are used in one way or another. Some of them are more popular, others less. For example, an installation operating according to the shock-rope principle of operation is the easiest to manufacture. In fact, this is a triangular-shaped frame to which a cable and bailer are attached.

Screw installations are more popular. The screw is used as a working part throughout the process. It is noteworthy that the borehole is not washed with water during drilling.

Rotary units are even more difficult to manufacture. They work on the principle of hydraulic drilling, which already complicates the design. There is also a rotary manual hydraulic drilling rig. It is relatively simple to make such a unit with your own hands, we will talk about this a little lower.

About the advantages of homemade installations

Of course, there are a large number of advantages of a self-assembled drilling rig. First, it is cost savings. Of course, you will have to buy some components, but this does not compare in price with ready-made equipment. In any case, you will keep approximately 40-50% of your assets and gain experience in the process. Secondly, a homemade drilling rig will have the same technical characteristics as a factory-type product. This is a rather important point, since you can assemble a completely productive device. Typically, the weight of the unit is relatively light, and it can be quickly dismantled and reassembled. Along with decent mobility, this will allow you to drill wells even in the most inaccessible areas. As you can see, at least take away the merits. Let's move on to the practical part and talk directly about the assembly.

What do you need to get started?

Naturally, just taking and making a drilling rig will not work. To do this, you first need to prepare. It is desirable that by the time of assembly you have a minimum experience with welding. This will greatly facilitate your life, since you will not need to involve specialists or acquaintances. Also at hand should be an electric drill and a grinder. Why all this is needed, we will consider a little later.

But this is not the whole list of tools. It will be difficult for you to do without a device for creating an external thread, as well as an adjustable wrench and a plumbing cross. As a material, we need a galvanized pipe and a ½ inch drive. A special coating in our case is necessary, since if there is no zinc, the pipe will quickly rust. There is nothing good in this, since replacing it is a very problematic task. Well, now let's move on to the practical part of this article.

The first stage of assembly work

At the very beginning, we need to prepare the pipe sections of the drilling rig, which are its main part. Their connection is realized by means of drives and crosses. To avoid any problems, a 2-centimeter external thread is provided at the ends of each pipe section. A metal plate is welded to two segments, it will be a tip. Such an installation will be effective only if water is constantly supplied to the drilling site. This will remove the soil, and thereby gradually deepen the hole. To supply water, you can use a regular hose that connects to the hole in the cross blank. In priority, the connection must be made using a suitable adapter. Well, now let's go further.

Do-it-yourself mini-drilling rig: we continue to work

At this stage, you should deal with threaded connections. It is necessary to ensure that they are durable, since the duration of the operation of the drilling rig depends on this. The equipped tip should be connected to the lower end of the pipe, that is, to the one that will be in direct contact with the surface to be treated. The connection should be made with the help of a drive.

You should have several tips on hand. This is necessary so that in the process of work they can be changed. That is, at the very beginning of drilling, the shortest one is used, and after we get a hole 1 meter deep, we set a longer one. At the same time, you must understand that the length of the tip and the workpiece are different. Drilling is carried out by rotating the working unit. The sharp tip and water will do the rest of the work for you. In general, this stage is quite simple, the main thing is that the connections are of high quality and the tips are strong. By the way, the latter must be changed periodically, as they will break, become dull, etc.

How to make a drilling rig with your own hands?

We have already done about half of the work. But then there were the most responsible and important stages. The basis of the drilling structure is assembled from a square section profile. By and large, this is a rack with the constituent elements of our design. To connect the supports to the racks, you must use the transition platform. It is quite natural that in this case it is problematic to do without welding. If you can, then cook it yourself, if not, call someone who will do it well.

The platform and the motor are attached to a square profile. The latter is mounted on a rack in such a way that it can move along it, that is, pivotally along the guides. It is desirable that the dimensions of the profile at least slightly exceed the dimensions of the rack. Any self-made, must have a suitable electric motor or gasoline engine. Regardless of the type of power element, its power must be at least 0.5 liters. With. This will be quite enough for the drilling process to proceed normally. It is desirable that it be possible to adjust the power; for this, an intermediate shaft must be installed between the engine and the working body.

Completing work

Now we turn on the water. Please note that it must be fed to the drill during the entire period of work. If this simple rule is not observed, then drilling efficiency will decrease significantly. High-performance drilling rigs with a high number of revolutions often imply the presence of water cooling. In our case, this is not necessary at all, but it is necessary to remove the soil from the well in any case. If you follow all the above rules, then everything will be fine. In any case, homemade drilling rigs require care and periodic maintenance. With your own hands, you will repair them, change the tip, change the lubricant in the gearbox, etc.


Currently, there are a huge number of varieties of home-made rigs for drilling wells. Some of them are really good and have high efficiency, the design of others leaves much to be desired. For example, if you decide to make a drilling rig with a cartridge, then the weight of the latter should be as large as possible. This is due to the fact that it is they who will carry out drilling. As a blank, you can take a pipe with a diameter of 10-12 cm and a length of 10-20 cm. This should be quite enough for effective work.

Now you know how a do-it-yourself drilling rig is made. During the assembly process, it is desirable to use popular drawings, which will allow you to observe the dimensions and design features. Your homemade drilling rig will be no worse than any factory, and maybe even better.

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