Scenario toastmaster graduation at the 11th feast. Scenario graduation in a cafe. “Good luck, graduates! Obstacle dance

One of the most wonderful, important and memorable days in the life of each of us, so the entertainment program for it must be prepared especially carefully, remembering that this is a holiday for young people, which means that music, dance and game entertainment should be interesting, first of all. of all, it is for them, at the same time, not to forget that this is a holiday for the adults present in the hall: parents and teachers. To help the organizers, we offer our new author's material - Graduation celebration script for 9th and 11th grades "Graduation hit parade". The scenario is full of table and outdoor games, music, dance and video competitions in the spirit of the entertainment industry and events of the 21st century, in which guests of different generations will be able to participate. The finished video and musical design, presentations and pictures, as well as the author's explanations are attached.

(Author's note: We recommend that this entertainment program "Graduation Hit Parade" be combined with the graduation ceremony and honoring graduates in the same style - "Golden Hits of the 21st Century", especially since we tried so that the music tracks for both scenarios were not duplicated and for those who wish to bring such an idea to life and those who purchase both scenarios, have provided a bonus discount - see details under the scenario.

As in any modern youth scenario, Graduation Hit Parade has contests that require a screen and a projector (or a plasma TV), but if the technical possibilities do not allow, then, since the program is very rich, they can simply be skipped or hold as music and dance competitions, without video accompaniment - recommendations on how to do this are given)

All folders with the design of the program are located at the bottom of the full version of the script:

- Musical accompaniment of the entire scenario- in the folders "Music for the script",

- Music for competitions separate folders: "Advanced parent", "Photoshoot", "Hashtech", "Hits of the 21st century"

Pictures for the competition"Photoshoot with meaning" - in the folder "Motivators"

Scenario "Graduation hit parade"


Track 1 sounds - fanfare at the beginning (leader comes out)

Presenter: Good evening! Congratulations to everyone on the long-awaited and unique event - the graduation party for students ... (full name of the class, school) and receiving matriculation certificates! Applause to the heroes of the day - graduates!

Sounds track 2

Presenter: This event is not only for graduates, but for all those present in this hall! For teachers , who generously shared their knowledge, warmth and worldly wisdom! And this ovation is in your honor! (you can give the specific name or names of the teachers present)

Sound track 3

Presenter: And this is a very long-awaited day for parents who brought you, dear graduates, by the hand to the first grade 11 years ago and went hand in hand with you along this path, sometimes re-learning the wisdom of science and relationships with you, and together with you experiencing failures and victories! This applause is for you, dear mothers and fathers of graduates!

Track 4 sounds

(Author's note: further, the words of the presenter may sound a little different, depending on whether the presentation of certificates was held before this according to the scenario “Golden hits of the 21st century or not. The first option, if it was carried out, the second one, if not)

presenter(option 1): Do you remember that our graduates…….

- Table chant for guests"Our graduation - Hit forever!"

Presenter: And in order to be imbued with the topic and loudly declare oneself to the Universe, for a start I propose to shout in unison. To do this, we will divide into two teams. , for example, the left and right halves of the hall . I read the first three lines of a congratulatory drinking chant, I make a sign to this team (left side of the room)- its participants shout the phrase: "Our graduation", then a sign to the other team (right side of the room) and its participants shout the phrase: "Hit forever!". Together it turns out: “Our graduation is a Hit forever!” Shall we rehearse? (makes signs to the guests, they shout their phrases in unison)

Chants text(excerpt for illustration):


Now everyone is waiting for their lessons and discoveries,

Incredible and expected events in life,

Waiting for underwater reefs, mountains and new cities ....

Guests (in chorus):

Our Graduation

Hit forever!.......

- Interactive with the hall "Hits of the century"

Presenter: (referring to parents) I hope that the respected adults present at the celebration were not frightened by the prospect of holding a celebration in a modern style and to modern hits? (adults react). Do you remember what songs your graduation was held under? (adults answer). Yes, there were times, oh, how difficult, but what films were shot, what songs sounded! Real hits of all time! Whether the popular songs of recent years will become such, time will tell, but do respected adults know them?!

- Music competition for parents "The most advanced parent"

(a musical guessing game in which parents must name the artist and the name of the modern song by minus, and the audience, if desired, can sing an excerpt from each song in unison)

Tracks for illustration:

(12 ready cuts included)

(A toast to parents. A congratulatory number or words of gratitude to parents, if not provided, a musical pause)

- Musical competition for graduates "Correct the mistake in the song"

(author of the idea Natalya Cherepanova)

Presenter: And now we will hold a competition to determine the most advanced graduate. But the task becomes more complicated, it will be necessary not only to guess the performer of the late 20th century, but also to identify and correct the mistake he made: spelling, which is obvious when reproduced, or stylistic, i.e. wrong stress in a word. The competition rules are as follows....

Riddles and correct answers(excerpt for illustration):

3. But somehow it turned out that I began to notice

As for my girlfriend, you started coming.

You are the sound / niche to her home when I'm not around,

Tellme YES or NO, and give me your answer" (group Hands Up "Student") .

Correct answer - wrong accent

sv O / niche - ringing AND / sh

(A toast to graduates. A congratulatory number or parting words to graduates from parents)

- Musical entertainment "Hit with the ensemble"

(Author's note: the success of this entertainment largely depends on the artistry of the presenter, who must show or clearly explain to the participants their roles, and then conduct the created ensemble, so the organizers need to listen to the prepared (or choose their own) music track in advance and decide on the composition of the participants, if desired, excluding or adding some roles)

Props: wooden spoons, cutting board, rattle, pipe, washboard, conductor's baton.

Presenter: Dear guests, thank you, what a pleasure it is to deal with a cultured and educated public. Both the older and younger generations turned out to be advanced. So the idea came to mind: why not create a folk ensemble with such a musical people?! We have some props (shows), the rest - we'll get it with talent and imagination! I would like to emphasize right away that, while offering you entertainment in folk style, we have not forgotten about the stated topic at all - hits of the 21st century, we borrowed the idea of ​​​​fun from the most hit comedy program of recent years “Comedy Club”……......

- General dance fun "Surprise Brook"

Presenter: (participants) Masterpiece! Guys, bow, bow! When else will you hear such an ovation in your honor! (guests applaud, participants bow)

Leading: (to the audience) Thank you! After such a warm meeting, we simply must perform an encore! It will be an impromptu study on the theme “Everybody dance!” Artists, are you ready? On the first wave of my wand, all parts are performed simultaneously, on the second, everyone is silent, then the solo of the finalist (finalist) but now her (his) phrase: "Everybody dance!". And immediately, gentlemen, after the dance driver, we line up and go to the hall, gathering everyone - everyone in a train for a common dance game "Brook with a surprise"


Track 10 sounds - dance game "Brook"

(the track for the game was recorded non-stop, in the finale the transition to a dance block)

dance break


Track 1 sounds -host invites guests to take their seats

Presenter: Dear guests, you danced very incendiary, it was a pity to stop, but the show called "Graduation Hit Parade" must continue! And now the next entertainment on the theme of hits is on the program, but, first, a toast in honor of the heroes of the occasion!


Graduate! Step bolder from the school doorstep

Ahead is waiting for you - a full road of discoveries!

Let the green light burn on the way to your dreams,

And let everyone leave their bright mark in history!

For you guys! The future is yours! Go Russia!

Sounds like track 11

(short banquet break)

- Board game "Slang riddles"

Presenter: The problem of "fathers and sons" and mutual understanding of generations is an eternal theme, a hit for all time. And the popularity of each generation of their slang words and expressions only complicates the situation. Shall we enlighten each other? I make riddles about slang words, alternating the first - for the generation of the late 20th century, the second - for peers of the 21st century, and so on. You can guess in chorus.

Riddles text(excerpt for illustration):

1. To let me know that I'm fantasizing or lying,

In the 20th they would simply tell me that I drive ... (blizzard)

6. And if in the 21st you were twisted by a spiral of life,

Or something did not come true, then you will hear sad .. (pichalka)

Presenter: Turned out great, right?! Thanks!

So let no pichalka overshadow this evening!

Let our meeting be bright and hit!

And in life, let everything be cool, cool, class,

And also luxury, and just above the roof for all of you!

And we continue to study the hits of this century. I must say that now the popularity of this or that expression is mainly determined by the Internet. One wrongly spoken or written word, a cool facial expression on the video, and now .. you are already being quoted, the views are off scale, and you yourself are the hero of the global network, i.e. meme. To participate in the next entertainment, I need those who love such viral humor, 6 people are enough (those who wish to come out or the presenter herself selects the performers in advance and invites them)

- Fairy tale-impromptu "Graduation? Hypanyom!"

(The essence of entertainment: this one takes place according to the rules of the runner game, to be held in the center of the hall facing the audience, you need to put 6 chairs on which the participants sit and choose one of the cards with the role and phrase. Each time the name of their character is mentioned in the text, no matter in what number and case, the participant stands up, expressively shouts out his phrase and runs around the chairs in a clockwise direction. When the participants of the game hear the word "Graduation", they shout in chorus: "Hypanem!" and run together. The facilitator explains the task to the participants and expressively reads the text of the tale, making small pauses in the appropriate places to enable the participants to say the phrase, if desired, before conducting, you can conduct a rehearsal, prompting the participants the most successful intonation and even emotions and movements close to the original - recommendations below in brackets)

Props: cards with character names and phrases

Actors and remarks-memes:

High school graduation - "Hypanem!" (everyone runs and screams)

School years - "Gigi for steps!" (arms bent at the elbows, steps, like A. Revva in the Beeline advertisement)

Games - "Lol cake cheburek" (feigned surprise - shrug and grimace on the face)

Boys - "For myself and for Sasha!" (right hand with clenched fist up)


Impromptu text(excerpt for illustration)

In the last days of June 2020, many Boys… And Girls… celebrate a wonderful event in their lives - High school graduation…! Of course, he will be with funny Games…,


Track 12 sounds

- Cheerful table video contest "Zvezdanyutki"

Presenter: I remember that in the 20th century, when they believed that they had connected the incompatible, they used to say: "a mixture of a bulldog and a rhinoceros." And in the 21st century, they don’t talk about it, but take it and do it. For example, it is precisely by guessing an unusual hybrid, i.e. photos of a popular star and any animate or inanimate object are taken by the guests of the new television show "Studio Soyuz" (thanks to the authors of the program for the idea), raise your hands, who saw? (guests react). Amazing! And now you can participate. Especially for this holiday, we made our own versions, your task is to guess what name the proposed hybrid got and came up with our own name “Zvezdanyutki”………………..

The competition is made in Power Point format, the download link is at the end of the full version of the script, explanations and correct answers - see below.

An example of a riddle and an answer(for illustration purposes):

3. Kirkorov + Cow = KirKorova



Presenter: Applause to the participants! Take me right back to childhood! I propose to arrange a deeper and more extreme immersion - let's remember what our graduates were like at that time. And we will do it with the help of another hit of the entertainment industry of the 21st century - Karaoke……

- Music video contest "Challenge-Karaoke for Graduates"

Props: screen and projector or plasma TV and computer

presenter(addressing the participants): Guys, introduce yourself, please! (then the facilitator, addressing the participants by name, conducts a small interactive, asking each one a question, examples below)

- (Name), Are you very karaoke today? (answer) In general, how often do you sing karaoke? (answer)

- (Name), And what is the most popular song in karaoke bars now? (answer) Do you sing it? (answer) And do not indulge a cappella a couple of lines?

- (Name), What is your favorite karaoke song? (answer) How many points do you get for it? (answer)

- (Name), And how many points do you get? (answer). Do you agree with the ratings? Or do you think that the machine is suing you? (answer).

Presenter: Well, I see the experienced people gathered, and therefore, to the point! We have prepared a VERY famous song, a childhood hit, you definitely know it for sure, and I'm sure that you will perform everything for 100 points. But we have a special day today, you are graduating into an independent adult life, in which, in order to succeed, you need to have not only a store of knowledge, but also a good reaction, acting skills and much more. And therefore, we will test your skills, so to speak, your readiness to respond quickly in this cruel world, add extreme sports to the game and hold a "Challenge Karaoke" contest ....


The clip is made in video format (control, inclusion and pauses are traditional for video), the download link is at the end of the full version of the script - see below.

Presenter: Thanks to the participants, in my opinion, having gone through such a test, they won everything. Or will we determine the winner in the nomination "People's Choice Award"? (If they decide to choose a winner, then it is determined by the strength of the applause for each)

Track 18 sounds - musical pause

- Dance report "Disco to hits of the 21st century"

Presenter: And at the end of our game program, and not your graduation party, all the fun is still in full swing, I would like us all to remember all 18 years of this mobile, amazing and unpredictable 21st century, the peers and heroes of the day of which are our wonderful , charming and attractive graduates! And it will be most convenient for us to do this on our dance floor, we all go out, every single one, as they say, every voice and beat of every heart is important!

Track 19 sounds - all guests go to the dance floor

Text of the music and dance report (excerpt for illustration)

Most of you, dear graduates, were born under the broadcast of the first Star Factory and incendiary Italian rhythms

Track 1 sounds « Tu es foutu» In- grid(2002) - from the Hits of the Century folder

And learning to walk...


Yay, graduation! A new life is ahead, and the whole world is spinning around you, as in the song Monatika

Sounds track 19 "Circling" Monatic (2020)

Be happy, loved and do not change yourself and your dreams! Hugs, guys?!

Sounds track 20 "Nothing to be sorry" D. Maidanov

(Then the program goes on in free mode, dancing, fireworks, etc. If the presenter ends communication with the guests on this, then she says goodbye to the hall, if she stays, then, as necessary, she conducts additional games and entertainment on the dance floor and at the table)

Please note that the dance report has been updated for 2020 graduates. Anyone who has previously accessed the script can use the same link to download the updated version. For those who are first interested in this prom scenario, the information is below:

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to deposit a small amount (750 rubles) into the site development fund - conditions and details on the page AUTHOR'S SCENARIO

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to get the full version of this scenario.

N. G. Khudyashova, 2018

Bonus discount for congratulations script:

Such a scenario will wonderfully complement the scenario of musical congratulations to graduates, written in the same style and theme - which is offered separately (450 rubles), but for those who have purchased this script there is a bonus discount (200 rubles). And, for those who want to have both congratulations on the nominations and a graduation script, it is enough to send 1000 rubles to the site fund, if you have chosen onlyIf this scenario, then - 750 rubles.

Good evening, dear friends! Let's start the informal part of our prom. Take your seats at the festive table. Let's start the holiday, congratulate all the graduates. So the long-awaited day has come - the last day of your school life. But it seemed, quite recently, you, first-graders, crossed the threshold of the school for the first time, holding huge bouquets of flowers in your hands, and in your eyes there was a question: “What will happen next?”. And now, when I look at you - so beautiful and young, I see the same question in your eyes: "What will happen next?"
“And what will happen next? What's next?
Already beyond that line, beyond that threshold.
And then - there will be a different plot.
And the new one will end with an epilogue.
And not shying away from the plot of yesterday,

While another is being created,
The uniqueness of this moment
In some new face it will be repeated.
And again it will rain to roam the garden,
And the garden will smell fresh and moist.
And will it be with us or not dreams -
Basically, it doesn't matter that much."
And today it is important that you received certificates of complete secondary education and I propose a toast to the uniqueness of this moment! After all, tonight is the first and last such evening in your life.
Table pause.
You know, in youth, a person is not able to perceive time as a circle, he perceives it as a road leading forward to new horizons.
But in fact:
Time is running at full speed
He is calling you.
Flew year after year
It's been many days and now...
There comes a moment of goodbye
The moment of the final line ...
Here's to parting soon...
Let dreams come true!
Of course, everyone's dreams are different, but today our school, this hall, music, and mood united everyone. Tonight is a memory of the past, talks about the future, declarations of love, vows of friendship and fidelity, as well as dances, competitions, games.
Now I want to give the floor to our director Serebryansky E. A. (Director's speech. Dinner break)
Dear friends, wonderful words have now been said, but do you know that a school is a production that produces a very high-quality product, which is called “GRADUATE”. Let me read you his description and a memo on caring for him.
But whether this product corresponds to the issued certificate, we will now check.
Please state your last name:
1. Dmitry Ivanovich (Mendeleev)
2. Pyotr Ilyich (Tchaikovsky)
3. Mikhail Vasilyevich (Lomonosov)
4. Wolfgang Amadeus (Mozart)
5. Arthur Conan (Doyle)
6. Who is the author of the book "The Adventures of Chippolino"? (Rodari)
7. What was the name of the poet Yesenin (Sergey)
8. Who owns the phrase: “The most difficult thing is the demand on yourself”
(Makarenko, Fonvizin, Pushkin)
9. “The more a person knows, the stronger he is” (Chekhov, Gorky, Tolstoy).
Dear friends, I propose to go on a journey "On the Waves of Our Memory".
We are going to a distant time, when you came to school for the first time, with moms and dads, grandparents. The first solemn line, the first teacher who led you to the first grade, seated you at your desks, asked you to keep your back straight, your hands on your desk ... and from that moment your school life began. Gnarled sticks, circles, squiggles, naughty hands. Do you remember?
Friends, I invite one student from each class.
1. Do you remember the first day you came to school? What was he like?
Solar? Cloudy?
2. Do you remember any moment that would make you sad or happy in the first grade.
3. Do you remember your first teacher? what was her name?
And now I will give the floor to the teacher who met you on the first day of school, 11 years ago.
With all my heart, in low words
Who else to talk about today
How not about the one who has been with you for so many years,
Who taught you to read, count, write.
Everyone has only one time in their life
There is your first, your memorable class,
And the first teacher, and the first lesson,
And the first boisterous school bell.
The word is given: ________________________________
And now I invite one parent from each class.
1. Do you remember the day you took your child to school for the first time?
2. How did your child feel about going to school?
3. Did your children go to school willingly or under the influence of suggestion?
4. What joyful moment warmed your hearts in the first days of study?
(These are the memories of a distant happy childhood that the first class evokes)
- Many adults believe that children have non-standard thinking. You,
Certainly not children. Now we will hold a competition for erudition.
Guess what famous fairy tales we are talking about:
1. Tale of a vegetable farm (Turnip)
2. About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (Three Little Pigs)
3. On the overpopulation of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)
4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)
5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)
6. About the first victim of an unsuccessful investment of money (Pinocchio)
7. About how love turns a beast into a man (Scarlet Flower)
8. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then
still found her prince (Thumbelina)
Well done!!!
The scent of roses and lilies blows,
Reflecting in the depths of the mirrors
Girls, airy like fairies
They enter, breathing a little, into an elegant hall.
It seems that they are not more tender and more beautiful,
Only happiness awaits them ahead!
School ball, like Natasha's first ball,
Full of waiting for love.
Music and bright clothes -
Graduation night is amazing!
Believe, hopes come true
And dreams will not turn into smoke.
And teachers native faces,
And friends cheerful eyes ...
Prom night won't happen again
Noisy like a spring storm.
Dear Guys! Boys and girls! Sirs and ladies! Everyone is jealous of you today.
Your youth, your beauty, your optimism. Today is your holiday, you are the hosts of this evening, and I appeal to you with a request. So that you invite your teachers, your parents, your friends to the school waltz. With this waltz
we will open BAL. But before the music starts, I would like to announce a competition for the best name for the evening (do not suggest the name "Prom").
Think, and later we will summarize.
Waltz sounds.
Guys, our evening continues, dance, have fun! (dance break 20-30 min.)
- during a slow dance, the music suddenly stops, the partner must run around the partner and sit on his knee (a prize for the first couple ...)
- dance marathon (waltz, lambada, ducklings, tango, etc.)
Well, we are sailing further along the waves of our memory. And now they are flashing by: the second and third grades. Ripped soiled trousers, bruises, abrasions, bruises. Parents rushing to the shops in search of another pair of shoes, notebooks, a briefcase.
And here is the fifth grade, the sixth ..., cuffs to the boys, pulling the braids of girls, notes on discipline in diaries, going to meetings with parents.
Do you remember?
And I again invite one representative from each class or table, in no particular order. Answer honestly and quickly.
1. Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?
2. Where does childhood go?
3. Which teacher has the most memorable voice?
4. How often did you run away from lessons?
5. From whom did you like to cheat?
6. Who is the youngest in your class?
7. Which "5" was the most joyful for you?
8. What subject have you studied all 11 years, and for 11 years its name has not changed?
9. What is your favorite moment in class?
10. What is your favorite place at school?
Now questions for parents (if parents cannot answer, graduates help):
1. Surprise on the teacher's chair (button)
2. Bad globe (map)
3. Dating club for parents and students (parent meeting)
4. Album for autographs of parents (diary)
5. From 2 to 5 (score)
6. Place where they serve 11 years (school)
7. Signal to the beginning and end of torment (call)
8. Schoolwide President (Principal)
9. There is in every office (board)
10. Boys don't wear this (skirt)
11. All teachers are looking forward to this (vacation)
12. You can’t live on this at school (salary)
Now for the teachers:
You only need to tell the truth, something but the truth, and not quite the truth,
those. what is in the heart.
1. Where do negligent students come from?
2. What are boys and girls made of, how does this show up in the classroom?
3. Remember the new words that you took from your students' vocabulary?
4. Are there vitamins in the fruits of enlightenment?
5. What do you remember about the 11th grade?
6. Who was the best in the class?
7. If you were to lose your voice, what 5 words (only 5) would you say
disciples, before forever being silent?
8. Which student gave you the biggest headache?
9. How many steps does the staircase in front of the school have?
10. What season do you like the most and why?
Dear graduates! Your parents have been by your side all these years.
I'd like to give the floor now; members of the parent committee: ________________________
They just handed me a package for graduates, and in it ...
1. Chewing gum ... to strengthen teeth worn out during the "nibbling of science."
2. Handkerchiefs... for wetting tears in moments of sadness and mourning for an irrevocably gone childhood.
3. Tablets "Odobrin". Ingredients: kindness, love, happiness, affection. In adult life, where you enter, such qualities are necessary.
"Ozlobin" - why did they put him? Yeah, here's the summary - apply the night before the exam. Yes, then this medicine will also come in handy for you.
4. Some notebooks (or a Graduate's book). Clearly, these are notebooks of Graduates. They will lie here during the evening. Parents and graduates on their pages can leave their impressions of the evening, wishes and parting words ...
5. Water bottle - "Source of knowledge" ..., from a school drinking tank.
Dance block with competitions:
1. Pair dance on the newspaper. After each stage, the newspaper is folded in half.
2. Balloons between partners. Which pair will fall or burst are eliminated from the game.
Everyone is invited to the tables, we continue our journey.
And now the seventh, eighth grades, inscriptions flash on the walls of the school, in the corridor, on the desks: “Lena + Vasya, Kolya is a donkey, Tanya is a Fool! Etc. and so on.".
And what nicknames does the echo about you, dear teachers, in my opinion,
none of the subject teachers was left without attention. And the parents somehow began to get more nervous, to go to school more often ... by invitation.
While you reminisce, I am inviting 14 brave volunteers.
Boys and girls.
Theatrical competition.
I would like (I think that parents and teachers will also be interested to know) to see what kind of theater skills you have.
After all, you are entering a new, adult life, and as you know - "the whole life is a game, and the people in it are actors!"
Now I will distribute cards on which only one word will be written.
These are your roles, but you do not say a single word, you show everything with pantomime. (The guys should go to an impromptu stage).
Cards: Night, tree (2 people), gate (2 people), hostess, wind, dog, owner, curtain (2 people), sparrow, horse, gypsy thief.
A curtain. Night. The wind howls. Trees sway. A gypsy thief sneaks between them, he is looking for a stable where a horse sleeps. Here is the stable.
The horse is sleeping, he is dreaming of something, he is slightly moving his hooves and quietly
neighs. Not far from him, a sparrow perched on a perch, he is dozing,
sometimes opening one eye, then the other ... The dog is sleeping on the street. Trees
they make noise, because of the noise you can’t hear how the gypsy thief makes his way into the stable,
opening the gate. Here he is grabbing the horse. The dog is barking. The hostess ran out of the house, groaned, screamed. She calls her husband. The husband jumped out with a gun in his hands. The gypsy runs away. The owner leads the horse to the stable. The dog jumps for joy. Sparrow flies around. The trees rustle, the wind continues to howl...
The owner strokes the horse, throws him food. The owner calls the hostess into the house. Everything calms down. Sleeping dog. A sparrow is napping. Standing, the horse falls asleep, he occasionally shudders and neighs quietly. A curtain.
Well done! Thanks everyone!
And now I would like to replenish the knowledge of parents and give them some expressions from the "School Explanatory Dictionary":
1. Teacher and students - Alibaba and 40 thieves
2. Teacher and student - wolf and lamb
3. Student's answer at the blackboard - reporting with a noose around his neck
4. Student's notebook, checked by the teacher - scarlet sails
5. The student went home for a diary - "traveling over three seas"
6. Unit for a hint - grief from the mind
7. The writings of a student - notes of a madman
8. Sunday - a ray of light in a dark kingdom
9. A student got a "2" - an optimistic tragedy
10. The student's exit to the board - going through the torment
1. Without what, not a single exam or test can do? (spur)
2. How does the lesson begin and end? (call)
3. The most important person in the school? (director)
4. Weapons for fighting between students? (ruler)
5. What is often our enemy? (language)
6. What is a school day indispensable for? (turn)
7. How can you not call a schoolboy Gusev? (goose)
8. Is the globe the size of a ball? (globe)
9. What can get dirty at the board? (with chalk)
10. Furniture that is sometimes confused with a notebook? (desk)
11. Twelve months? (year)
12. Nine months? (academic year)
13. Where is the student looking when counting the raven? (window)
14. School cafeteria specialty? (porridge)
15. Teacher's "rapier"? (pointer)
16. A truant's refuge? (cinema)
17. "Cool excuse"? (reference)
18. What is the meaning of a student's life? (holidays)
And our journey through the waves of memory continues. Here appeared the 9th,
10th. ABOUT! These hairstyles, earrings, shoes, costumes, perfumes, and what characters ...! Resentment, independence, freedom, replicas ..., moaning parents
with their emaciated wallets. Teachers got nervous, swallow pills...
Quiz for parents:
1. How much pocket money do you think your children need?
2. Are you happy that your children have grown up?
3. Do you recognize your children with your eyes closed?
And now I ask you to fill glasses with lemonade and drink for loving parents and wonderful teachers.
Dear friends! Nothing brings friends together like choral singing. That's
now we will try to sing in chorus, divided into two teams: 1st (parents and teachers), 2nd (graduates).
You have to guess and sing the melody:
1. A song explaining the rotation of the Earth around its axis (somewhere in the world).
2. A song about a city where trains do not go and planes do not fly (the boy wants to go to Tambov).
3. Song about crazy appetite and unwillingness to work (Antoshka)
4. Song about a harmless animal that the whole house hates (Black cat)
1. Song about using a smile as electricity (from a smile...)
2. A song about a country where you can meet the firebird and the golden horse (small country).
3. A song about cheerful long-distance passengers (we are going, we are going, we are going).
4. A song about an animal that every mongrel knows (cheburashka)
- And finally, the pier is visible, and on the pier - the 11th grade. sensitive,
charming, beautiful, obedient! So we arrived at the pier, and you
the sea of ​​life awaits, and already in this voyage each of you must become a captain. How will your future fate - time will tell.
1. Do you swear to remember your native school, to respect and honor your teachers?
2. Do you swear to come to a meeting with your friends at least once every five years,
teachers and classmates?
3. Do you swear to send your future children to the school you attended
Then I ask you to raise your glasses for love, fidelity, for school, for a new life!!!
Dance break and summing up the results of the competition for the best name of the evening.
Dear friends! All good things come to an end. And our evening is coming to
Let's do it quietly, let's do it in a low voice, let's say goodbye lightly...
Dawn meeting:
- Whoever sees the sun first wins a prize!
"Dance Marathon"
Two teams - adults and graduates form two teams - lines opposite each other. In turn, each line performs the appropriate dance movements to the music recorded in advance. phonogram, going towards each other according to the "wall to wall" type.
"Musical Chair"
Girls dance around the boys to the music. The music stops, the girls jump into the guys' arms. Pairs are gradually removed. The winner pair remains.
"Competition - surprise"
Who wants to win a prize? Everyone comes out and starts counting their pockets.
Whoever has the most wins the prize.
"Farewell to Childhood"
Relay, we pass the toy - the first stage, the teams sing a karaoke song - the second stage, dance on command - the third stage.
Until the time has come for quick mobile competitions, during the festive feast it is proposed to tell fortunes about your fate. The guys take objects - symbols from a large dish, and the leader explains their meaning:
Pea - an unprecedented harvest on the plot of the parents;
The key is to become a builder;
Ring - attend a wedding;
Geographical map - travel around the world;
Coin - become a bank employee;
Heart - meet serious love;
Wallet - find a treasure;
Bay leaf - become an advanced worker;
Button - become a cutter;
Mirror - win the beauty contest;
Thread - a long road awaits you;
Wheel - get a "foreign car";
fishing hook - catch the groom (bride), this year;
Soap - star in the series;
Candy - a sweet life awaits you;
Clothespin - someone will cling;
Rusk - become a famous baker;
Birch leaf - someone will stick;
Finishing the festive feast and moving on to the "active" program of the evening, you can bring festive cakes with candles into the hall.
Before you set sail
In the sea of ​​wanderings and the life of storms,
You taste, friends, goodbye
Those sweet big pies.
To have enough strength on the road,
Try to take a deep breath
At the moment of farewell on the school doorstep
Candles you try to blow out.
May you remember this hour
Let the warmth of parting and meeting
It will stay with you for a long time.
During the dance marathon, various competitive programs are held,
where not only graduates, but also teachers and parents should be involved.
Sample contests:
1. In the style of "rap" (according to the soundtrack) to most clearly and artistically state the laws of physics (Ohm's Law, the First Law of Thermodynamics, etc.)
2. "Erasing the deuce" - the "deuce" drawn with a pencil on the Whatman paper must be destroyed as soon as possible.
Parting word:
You can expand your horizons
If you go out more often.
Adults forbid children
What they can't do on their own.
When a decision needs to be made
Act quickly and decisively.
Get help! You need to cheer for your studies!
Don't be afraid to talk about flaws
If they are strangers.
And about successes, if they are yours.
Theoretically, almost everything is possible
Actually - nothing!
Wishes to graduates.
Literature teacher. The classics not only asked eternal questions:
“What to do?”, “Who is to blame?”, “To be or not to be”, but they also tried to answer
on them. Life will pose many questions and require many answers to them. Be prepared for this.
Astronomy teacher. May yours always shine brightly in the sky
guiding star.
Biology teacher. We are all children of nature. Treat her with love
and she will repay you in kind.
Geography teacher. Our land is huge. It has many roads. I wish you to find your own and not go astray.
Mathematics teacher. The grief that a friend shared with you becomes 2 times less, and the joy that you shared with a friend becomes 2 times greater. Remember this guys!
Drawing teacher. The palette of life is bright and varied. In difficult times, remember that, in addition to black, there are many other colors and shades.
OB teacher. In the life of every person there are extreme situations. God grant that at a critical moment you have a second wind.
History teacher. You write the next page of history.
Try to make as few mistakes as possible on this page.
Final song (to the motive "We wish you happiness")
In a world full of roads
It's time for you to leave.
There will be sun, light and rain, snow and thunder,
But let each of you remember
That in any of your, even difficult times
The school will believe in you and remember you kindly.
We wish you happiness,
Happiness in this big world
Like the sun in the morning, let it enter the house.
We wish you happiness, and it should be like this
When you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others!
Hard or easy is the way,
Would still like to return
Time flying past your school years.
No matter how difficult fate
Remember, always familiar windows of light await you.

Scenario informal parts graduation evenings V 11 classroom

Good evening, dear friends! Let's start the informal part of our prom. Take your seats at the festive table in our Graduate Cafe.

Dear graduates!
You will remember more than once that kind planet,
Where sunrises meet with rays of eyes,
Where are the sunny dreams, where are the star paths,
Where chuckles and sadness are heard in the songs.

Everyone is in high spirits
Everything froze in solemn excitement
For those who have been waiting for this moment for a long time,
Let the ball roll! High score!

The right to open our prom is given to the director of the school, Elena Viktorovna Krikyants (Speech by the director. Dinner break)

You know, in youth, a person is not able to perceive time as a circle, he perceives it as a road leading forward to new horizons.

But in fact:

Time is running at full speed

He is calling you.

Flew year after year

It's been many days and now...

There comes a moment of goodbye

The moment of the final line ...

Here's to parting soon...

Let dreams come true!

Of course, everyone's dreams are different, but today our school, this hall, music, and mood united everyone. Tonight is a memory of the past, talks about the future, declarations of love, vows of friendship and fidelity, as well as dances, competitions, games.

Dear friends, do you know that the school is a production that produces a very high-quality product, which is called “GRADUATE”. But whether this product corresponds to the issued certificate, we will now check.

Blitz Poll

Please state your last name:

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev)

Mikhail Vasilyevich (Lomonosov)

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)

Elena Viktorovna (Krikyants)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)

Arthur Conan Doyle)

Valentina Vyacheslavovna (Nikolaeva)

Name the performer of the song "Regions, quarters ..."?Enable the beginning of the song

The scent of roses and lilies blows,

Reflecting in the depths of the mirrors

Girls, airy like fairies

They enter, breathing a little, into an elegant hall.

It seems that they are not more tender and more beautiful,

Only happiness awaits them ahead!

School ball, like Natasha's first ball,

Full of waiting for love.

Music and bright clothes -

Graduation night is amazing!

Believe, hopes come true

And dreams will not turn into smoke.

And teachers native faces,

And friends cheerful eyes ...

Prom night won't happen again

Noisy like a spring storm.

Dear Guys! Boys and girls! Sirs and ladies! Everyone is jealous of you today.

Your youth, your beauty, your optimism. Today is your holiday, you are the hosts of this evening, and I appeal to you with a request. So that you invite your teachers, your parents, your friends to the school waltz.

The song "School mates" sounds

We are going to a distant time, when you came to school for the first time, with moms and dads, grandparents. The first solemn line, the first teacher who led you to the first grade, seated you at your desks, asked you to keep your back straight, your hands on your desk ... and from that moment your school life began. Gnarled sticks, circles, squiggles, naughty hands. Do you remember?

Friends, I invite a boy and a girl from the class.

1. Do you remember the first day you came to school? What was he like?

Solar? Cloudy?

2. Do you remember any moment that would make you sad or happy in the first grade.

3. Do you remember your first teacher? what was her name?

With all my heart, in low words

Who else to talk about today

How not about the one who has been with you for so many years,

Everyone has only one time in their life

There is your first, your memorable class,

And the first teacher, and the first lesson,

And the first boisterous school bell.

The word is given: ________________________________

And now I invite mom and dad of any of you.

1. Do you remember the day you took your child to school for the first time?

2. How did your child feel about going to school?

3. Did your children go to school willingly or under the influence of suggestion?

4. What joyful moment warmed your hearts in the first days of study?

These are the memories of a distant happy childhood that the first class evokes

And what do the graduates want to say to their favorite school now?

1 graduate.
Oh school! My cradle!
Has anyone loved you like me!
Your trampled flower beds
In the midst of the turmoil,
broken branches of trees,
Your dried flowers
Your scribbled desks
Your broken door
Your torn cards!
How will we be without them now?
2 graduate.
How I love reading notes
written on the corners,
Throw papers and notes
Or leave them here in the tables.
Oh, school, school!
I will not forget the rubbish that, without shaking off at the entrance,
Bring to class my friends!
3 graduate.
And that window with a huge hole,
And two birches by the river.
Oh school! Long will be remembered
You are your graduates.

- Many adults believe that children have non-standard thinking. Let's check it out.

Quiz for kids

Who co-authored Newton (Apple)
Container with philosophical content (Barrel of Diogenes)
Stick carefully inserted into the wheel (Spoke)
A place where the smart won't go (Mountain)
The first cash advance to a future Nobel Prize winner. (Scholarship)
A mathematical sign that has proven itself on the positive side (Plus)
A phenomenon that can be explained by the law of universal gravitation (Falling)
Science-Based Void (Vacuum)
A child who goes to college instead of kindergarten (Wunderkind)
Purposeful Cut (Vector)
Short meter (Yard)
Free sound producing device (Rot)

You, dear parents, of course, are far from being children. Now we will hold a competition for erudition. Guess what famous fairy tales we are talking about:

1. Tale of a vegetable farm (Turnip)

2. About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (Three Little Pigs)

3. On the overpopulation of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)

4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)

5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)

6. About the first victim of an unsuccessful investment of money (Pinocchio)

7. About how love turns a beast into a man (Scarlet Flower)

8. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then

still found her prince (Thumbelina)

Well done!!!

Feast, dancing.

And I again invite one representative from each class or table, in no particular order. Answer honestly and quickly.

1. Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?

2. Where does childhood go?

3. Which teacher has the most memorable voice?

4. How often did you run away from lessons?

5. From whom did you like to cheat?

6. Who is the youngest in your class?

7. Which "5" was the most joyful for you?

8. What subject have you studied all 11 years, and for 11 years its name has not changed?

9. What is your favorite moment in class?

10. What is your favorite place at school?

Now questions for parents (if parents cannot answer, graduates help):

1. Surprise on the teacher's chair (button)

2. Bad globe (map)

3. Dating club for parents and students (parent meeting)

4. Album for autographs of parents (diary)

5. From 2 to 5 (score)

6. Place where they serve 11 years (school)

7. Signal to the beginning and end of torment (call)

8. Schoolwide President (Principal)

9. There is in every office (board)

10. Boys don't wear this (skirt)

11. All teachers are looking forward to this (vacation)

Now for the teachers:

You only need to tell the truth, something but the truth, and not quite the truth,

those. what is in the heart.

1. Where do negligent students come from?

2. What are boys and girls made of?

3. Remember the new words that you took from your students' vocabulary?

5. What do you remember about the 11th grade?

6. Who was the best in the class?

7. If you were to lose your voice, what 5 words (only 5) would you say

disciples, before forever being silent?

8. Which student gave you the biggest headache?

9. How many steps does the staircase in front of the school have?

10. What season do you like the most and why?

Dance block with competitions:

1. Pair dance on the newspaper. After each stage, the newspaper is folded in half.

2. Balloons between partners. Which pair will fall or burst, are eliminated from the game.

Everyone is invited to the tables.

Theatrical competition.

While you reminisce, I invite 14 brave volunteers

boys and girls.

I would like (I think that parents and teachers will also be interested to know) to see what kind of theater skills you have.

After all, you are entering a new, adult life, and, as you know, “the whole life is a game, and the people in it are actors!”

Now I will distribute cards on which only one word will be written.

These are your roles, but you do not say a single word, you show everything with pantomime. (The guys should go to an impromptu stage).

Cards: Night, tree (2 people), gate (2 people), hostess, wind, dog, owner, curtain (2 people), sparrow, horse, gypsy thief.

A curtain. Night. The wind howls. Trees sway. A gypsy thief sneaks between them, he is looking for a stable where a horse sleeps. Here is the stable.

The horse is sleeping, he is dreaming of something, he is slightly moving his hooves and quietly

neighs. Not far from him, a sparrow perched on a perch, he is dozing,

sometimes opening one eye, then the other ... A dog is sleeping on the street. Trees

they make noise, because of the noise you can’t hear how the gypsy thief makes his way into the stable,

opening the gate. Here he is grabbing the horse. The dog is filled with barking. The hostess ran out of the house, groaned, screamed. She calls her husband. The husband jumped out with a gun in his hands. The gypsy runs away. The owner leads the horse to the stable. The dog jumps for joy. Sparrow flies around. The trees rustle, the wind continues to howl...

The owner strokes the horse, throws him food. The owner calls the hostess into the house. Everything calms down. Sleeping dog. A sparrow is napping. Standing, the horse falls asleep, he occasionally shudders and neighs quietly. A curtain.

Well done! Thanks everyone!

Impromptu theatre.

"About the graduate"


Once you were very small, and we told you fairy tales. Do not think that this time has passed, now you will have such an opportunity - to tell a fairy tale.

All the characters, at the mention of their character, say the following phrases:

Graduate: "And what am I? I'm nothing..."

Laziness - mother: "Ba-a-ldezh!"

Headmaster: "What's going on here?"

Class teacher: "They are good!"

Mom: "Where does the school look?!"

Dad: "Get a belt!"

Classmates: "It's good to play the fool!"

Once upon a time there was a Graduate .... So he would have lived in peace, but seized the Graduate ... Laziness-mother ..... The Headmaster was the first to worry ..... And the Graduate to him ... All because she was whispering in his ear Mother Sloth…..The principal of the school...... called the Class Teacher..... The Class Teacher... ..went to the Graduate…..Yes, only Sloth Mother still whispers to him..... Then the Class Teacher ...... called Mamanya ...... Let's go Mamanya .... and the Class Teacher… the Director…..And the Director said……And the Class Teacher answered..... . And Mom said ..... To which the Graduate replied .... .Because Mother Laziness whispered in his ear ..... Mom went ... .. for Dad ...... Dad came ... .., Mamanya….., Class teacher…… and Principal…… to the Graduate…… And the Graduate to them…… And Mother Laziness to him…… And Papanya rushed.. .... for Odnoklassniki ......, because any business in a team is better solved. Odnoklassniki came running….. And I would like to tell them Mother Sloth….., but only the Director said at first…… then the Class teacher added….. Mamanya spoke…… Dad shouted loudly…..After that Odnoklassniki entered into a dispute ... .. To which the Graduate replied ......

Graduate Oath

(I read in phrases, and the children repeat in chorus)

"I, a graduate of School No. 24, solemnly swear to continue my education, to be honest and fair, not to tarnish the title of graduate of 2016. If I break this oath, then let:

    my favorite jeans are torn,

    the batteries in my player will run out,

    the laces in my sneakers get tangled,

    the wheels of my rollers will fall off,

    Spill Pepsi on my favorite suit

    my favorite TV series will suddenly end,

    I will never be lucky in lotteries!

We swear! We swear! We swear!

Feast, dancing.

Game divination

    Cuckoo, cuckoo, when will I go to college? ("cuckoo")

    Cuckoo, cuckoo, how many more years will I have to study? ("ku-ku" - as much as you want)

    Cuckoo, cuckoo, in how many years will I have a family? ("cuckoo", ...)

    Cuckoo, cuckoo, how many children will I have? ("cuckoo", ...)

    Cuckoo, cuckoo, how many rubles of scholarships will I get? ("ku")

    Cuckoo, cuckoo, in how many years will we all meet? ("cuckoo", ...)

Well, we already have the first winners, we congratulate them and continue the competition. Raise your hands, those who have never made paper airplanes. I don't think there will be many. And now those who want to remember how this is done, I ask you to come to me. Just let's limit the number of participants - no more than 7 people. Here are the sheets of paper, and now, to the music, we will first see who will make the airplane faster. So, we started.(Make airplanes). Wonderful. And now all participants will stand along this line and launch airplanes(each plane must be signed). (Planes launch.) So what? Here are our winners. We gladly reward them and invite them to take their places in the hall.
And now the Graduate Club. I want to ask you to participate in this dad competition. I see dads are already coming to our playground. Wonderful. Our game is entirely dedicated to children. So, dear dads, - our first tour, which we called "My Child". I will ask each participant two questions.
(To the first pope).
1. How much did a lined notebook cost in that memorable year your child started school?
A. 4 kopecks
B. 2 kopecks +
B. 3 kopecks
2. What was the name of your child's first teacher?
(Second Pope).
1. How old was your child when he started school?
A. 8
B. 6
AT 7
2. Where does the front door to our school open?
A. Inside.
B. Out.
(Third Pope).
1. How much did a checkered notebook cost in 1989?
A. 5 kopecks
B. 2 kopecks +
B. 3 kopecks
2. How many floors are there in the school (gymnasium)?

If one dad does not answer the question, then the other two automatically win. If two have the same chance, then additional questions are asked.
Additional questions.
1. There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are on 10 hands? (50).
2. The stick must be cut into 12 pieces. How many cuts will be needed? (eleven).

After the first round, one dad will have to leave our game. But first, we invite him to our impromptu music studio, where, to your applause, he will perform the Hit of the Year.(A popular song is taken).
So, for the first time on this stage, dad with a hit...
We thank you, and please take our souvenir as a keepsake.
And we continue with our dads. And our next competition is intellectual.
(To the first pope).
Your task is to name the unifying words.
1. Swedish, dinner, round
2. White, Andreevsky, festive
3. Blue, morning, London(fog). (Second Pope).
1. Trade, postal, German(brand).
2. Home, push-button, spoiled
3. Extraordinary, maternity, unpaid
(vacation). (Additional questions).
1. Great, responsible, No. 1
2. Black, March, scientist(cat).
3. Straight, red, fifth(corner).

So, we already understand which dad to fight in the final, and which one to go to ours. , which is also good. In front of you is a salad. You must eat it and unmistakably name the ingredients from which it is prepared.

Salad recipe: banana, orange, kiwi, apple, lemon.

Amazing. Your wife is lucky. Since you so easily guess the contents of the dish, two conclusions arise: either you yourself cook well, or you like to eat deliciously. But it is not important. The main thing is that you are not mistaken (well, only if just a little bit) and you get a prize for your great game.
And I congratulate you(referring to the 3rd pope). You are in the final. Let's start: the questions will be from different areas. Your task is to answer quickly, i.e. in 2-3 seconds. Ready? We started.
1. Every self-respecting woman in this country, having no means at hand, can make a headdress, a cold snack and a small conflict out of nothing.
England, France, Germany
2. Name your child's favorite school subject.
3. Is there November 7 in Australia?
(Yes. There are everywhere).
4. On the train, the stopcock is red. What color is the stopcock on an airplane?
(no stop valve).
5. What is the name of the famous artist Karachentsov?
Andrey, Nikolay, Alexey
6. Your maiden name.
7. Your wife's favorite color
(ask the wife after the answer). Leading.
Well, that's all the questions. Now we'll see how our finalist did.

A prize and a medal "Dad of the Evening" are awarded.

And now a new competition. There are such birds that are pink, beautiful, with a bent nose ... I forgot what they are called(Hints are heard from the audience). These three spectators, who are shouting the loudest, will come up to me now. I think you understand that I deliberately pretended to forget. But no one should be forced to leave. Volunteered themselves. Now we will play the game "Flamingo". Do you remember how flamingos walk? Raising your legs high. Now for each of you we will put five bottles in a row, and you must step over them with your eyes closed. Whoever steps over first and does not knock down, he will become the owner of the prize.

The participants are blindfolded, unwound, brought to the starting line and ... the bottles are quietly removed.

They went great. We played you a little, but we prepared prizes for everyone.

There is nothing complicated here. Here, you see, I have several pairs of multi-colored ribbons clamped in my hands. Let those who want to dance come and take hold of the ends of these ribbons. Then I will open my fist, and you yourself will determine by the ribbons who will dance with whom. Our next competition is old sayings in a new way. I will begin a well-known proverb, and you will finish it.


I agree, only one condition: the proverb should be about school.


And this is your task, try to change its ending in such a way that everyone understands that this proverb is about school. Will you try?


I'll try.

The host calls the beginning of the proverbs, and the host attaches “school” endings to them.

1. You can’t spoil porridge with oil ...

said the quick-witted one, putting an extra comma in the dictation just in case.

2. He who seeks will always find ...

the quick-witted thought, looking into his neighbor's notebook during the test.

3. Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth...

exclaimed the polite one, knocking over a glass of coffee from his comrade at recess.

4. Smoking is harmful to health ...

compassionate sympathized, telling the head teacher that his friends were smoking in the school toilet.

5. A penny saves a ruble ...

thought economically and decided not to donate money for gifts to teachers by March 8th.

6. You will know a lot - you will soon grow old ...

I decided calm when I got another deuce in the lesson.

7. Business time is an hour of fun ...

said cheerful, winding home from the music lesson.

8. Time is money…

decided sensible, who went to football, instead of doing homework.

9. If you want to be healthy, temper yourself ...

exclaimed the caring one, pushing his friend into the school pool.

10. Walk in step - do not know fatigue ...

announced a businesslike one, having loaded classmates during a hike with axes and a sack of potatoes.

In every school there comes a day when you have to say goodbye to school, forever. Do it - it's spectacular, use the prom script, it will be interesting, and most importantly, informative.

Prom Scenario - Beginning

(In the cafe, before the start of the banquet, while parents and graduates gather, music sounds. All graduates and parents in invitation cards indicate that the entrance to the cafe is only with three balloons of their favorite color.

On a table near the stage there is a large festively decorated box with the words “Prom Mail” on it, postcards and markers lie nearby. Under the plate, each participant of the banquet is a lottery ticket, the result of winning which can be found out by rubbing a coin on the protective layer.)

VED: (Festive fanfare before the appearance of the host of the banquet) Good evening, dear guests! Our door is open to all friends! Throw away your sad thoughts, Let you part, but now, A great feeling binds you Forever, wherever you had to live Good and eternal art I hope it has taken root in my heart ?! Years have been devoted to the best muse, It gives a new taste to all life. And then cherish these shoots There will be both a school and a university ...

Everything that has become dear to you at school, It will always be as dear: A pure field will surprise you with expanse, Spring water will ring.

In life, be sure to find as many colors as you can't count! And understand to great joy, There is a triumph of harmonies in the world! Accept our congratulations, Graduates and graduates! (To the music and applause, the presenter's assistants pass among the graduates with a tray on which exam tickets lie.)

VED: So that you do not forget your native school by chance, Come on, everyone answer the questions without hesitation! Graduates read questions one at a time. They can be very different, but in general they are divided into three groups: "sincere" (who is your favorite teacher), comic (who from the class encouraged to skip) and "dead end" (how many chairs are in the class).

Sample questions: Who is your favorite teacher? How many times a day does the bell ring at school? Who in your class encouraged the others to skip classes? What is missing in our school? What inscriptions did you make on the walls during your studies? What color are the curtains in the head teacher's office?

What advice would you give to the principal of the school when you leave? What class does your apartment key fit into? How much does your portfolio weigh? Who in your class will you correspond with? Where did you hide cheat sheets in exams?

What were you asked about when you entered 1st grade? Who takes care of the flowers in our school? Did your parents ever have to convince you to go to school? Does your mom use your makeup brushes? How many times have you forgotten your change of shoes? What words do latecomers usually hear from teachers? Vedas: Well, you did an excellent job with the exam! We didn't doubt it for a second! Therefore, I am pleased to invite everyone to the festive table! (Graduates and parents are seated at the tables.

The presenter suggests starting a festive banquet.) Vedas: Dear Graduates! Today on this solemn, but a little sad evening, your teachers and parents came to congratulate you! You should hear a lot of beautiful, sincere and pleasant words at this hour, so let's not torment not those who are ready to say these words, not those who will listen to them with pleasure! Vedas: I want to give the word for the first toast ____________________________ ______________________________________________________ Game block of the Graduation Ball:

VED: Today, dear Graduates, a huge game program awaits you: an amazing show with the participation of our pop stars, games with super prizes! By the way, I am now ready to announce the first competition, which will last all our performance. This is a competition of your notes with quatrains, ditties, declarations of love for our school! Table game moment:

Vedas: How many languages ​​do you know? You don't even realize that you know another language besides this. And it's sign language. You just used this language (shrugged shoulders, expressed surprise, shook your head). In Colombia, a special dictionary has even been compiled, which explains 2000 gestures.

Many gestures came to us from ancient times and have their own history. The thumb, raised up or down, as a sign of approval or disapproval, was known to the ancient Romans: so after the end of the duel, the emperor let know whether he was leaving life to the gladiators or not.

There are gestures that have become international and understandable to everyone, but some gestures of this people may be incomprehensible to another people. On our tree of curiosity - gestures-pictures. I ask a question and name 3 country options.

1. When we greet each other, we shake hands. This gesture is now clear to everyone. Although in this country, in the old days, when greeting, they shook hands with themselves. Today, the speaker greets the audience with this gesture. Countries: Korea, China (+), Ethiopia.

2. If you get to this country and the oncoming passer-by shows you his tongue - do not be upset. This will mean - "I'm not plotting anything against you. Be calm!". But for other peoples, this gesture is offensive. Countries: Egypt, Syria, Tibet (+).

3. If a resident of this country pulls the lower eyelid with the index finger of his left hand, this will mean "Beware!". Countries: Italy or Spain (+), Mexico, Australia.

4. Representatives of some peoples of this country pass a pumpkin as a sign of greeting. They hold it in the right hand, and with the left they support the right elbow. This is a sign of deep respect. Countries: Türkiye, Africa (+), Greece.

5. In this country, the finger of the tongue of a snake means that "You are a liar!". Countries: Argentina, India (+), Bulgaria.

6. Expressing admiration, we clap our hands. And in this country, admiring something, they will take up the earlobe. Countries: Brazil (+), Germany, England.

7. And here, greeting each other, they rub their noses. These are: Eskimos, Latin Americans, Laplanders (+).

8. In order to express admiration, the inhabitants of this country will put three fingers together, press them to their lips and reproduce the sound of a kiss. Countries: Spain or Mexico (+), Angola, Egypt.

9. In this country, the gesture of greeting resembles a salutation - the palm is applied to the forehead. Countries: Denmark, Egypt (+), Vietnam.

10. Well, it's time to say goodbye. Russians wave goodbye with their hands from top to bottom. But a Hispanic would take it as a gesture of invitation. But the inhabitants of these islands, in parting, bring the palm of a friend to their lips and gently blow on it. Countries: Hawaiian Islands, Andaman Islands (+), Canary Islands.


1. The happiest participant of the festive banquet!

2. Fun guessing “What kind of company are we?

3.Dance of my dreams!

4. Famous couples in love!

5. Tongue twisters. 6. Auction "What is a school?"

7. Competition of parodies of popular pop artists.

8. Competition of poems and ditties about your favorite school.

F I N A L: (To the music, all graduates and participants of the banquet are invited to the street. They take pigeons out of the box and release them into the sky. Simultaneously with this action, fireworks are lit.) Like a flock of white doves, Childhood will be carried away. But let it come back to you in the stream of days. And let our white-winged dove carry away all troubles. We continue our flight! And he will be happy!

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