Why does a girl dream about a rotten chicken egg? Why do you dream about rotten eggs? American dream book - addition to the house

Dream interpretation Rotten eggs

Sometimes in a dream you have to see unpleasant, even frightening events. They cause fear and anxiety not only for their future lives, but also for the health and well-being of loved ones. Why do you dream about rotten eggs? Are they harbingers of something bad?

Indeed, such an episode in a dream often brings bad news and prepares for various troubles. Seers and psychologists will help you understand the details.

What does the interpreter say?

What role did the dreamer have? Did he happen to see the night episode from the side, remembering the smallest details, or did he take an active part?

Be an observer

So, you were not able to change the outcome of the night's incident. The dream book will tell you why this is a dream.

Whose eggs were they?

If you dreamed about eggs

Have you ever seen chicken eggs? Be careful about your own health. Pay attention to how your loved ones feel. Now the body is most vulnerable to various infections.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a rotten egg, then she should limit herself from the slightest stress. The night episode indicates possible complications during pregnancy.

Did you see ostrich eggs? The dream book warns: the set goals will not be achieved on time. Reassess your priorities or be more diligent about your dreams and plans.

Were they from quail? Also a bad sign. This means that in the past you committed a low act that contradicted your beliefs. If you continue to act in the same immoral manner, you will lose your own and others’ respect.

Details in a dream

What circumstances awaited you in your night dreams? Remember and analyze important details.

Be a member

  1. In addition to observation, we often perform some actions in our sleep. What did you have to do?
  2. Throwing away. This is a sure sign of conflicts in the family circle. According to the dream book, misunderstandings and quarrels will happen mainly with children, and only then with the older generation. Listen to each other and make compromises, and then you can reach mutual understanding.
  3. Break up. Such an action is a sure sign of a hot tempered nature. Try to control your thoughts and actions. Otherwise, impulsiveness can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  4. Eat. Eating a spoiled product is a bad sign, especially for businessmen. Soon you will suffer significant financial losses. People involved in large projects should exercise caution when entering into transactions. If you happen to eat only chicken eggs, then you should come to terms with the collapse of your business. Any attempts to save your own business will not be successful.
  5. Throw it away. Also a sign leading to monetary losses. Most often, such an incident is dreamed of when there is a threat of loss of property.
  6. Prepare a dish. Preparing inedible food means the presence of hidden enemies. Take a closer look at your surroundings. Those people whom you consider faithful comrades can take advantage of your trust and location.

A numerology interpreter claims that a rotten egg will lead to deep depression after 93 days.

Other interpretations

What do great psychologists and seers say? They have their own interpretation about the dream phenomenon.

Miller's opinion

The famous psychologist considers the night incident a harbinger of large financial losses. Be careful with your money and start saving now.

If you dream that you are wandering through the forest and find a nest of eggs, get ready for good news. There is a high probability of receiving a large inheritance from distant relatives. However, you should carefully understand all the nuances so as not to end up deceived.

Did you serve the dish to your household and eat it yourself? Anxiety and fear will settle in your home for a long time. Try to protect your life from risk and adversity.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

This source gives a very ambiguous interpretation and pays attention to details.

So, if you broke rotten eggs in a dream, then in the future you may unwittingly commit a cruel act, perhaps even a crime. Is someone else performing this action for you? You will witness a robbery or other illegal act.

If you only happen to see a small egg, then soon you will have a small income. However, it will also result in large financial losses.

Their appearance in a dream is seen as a sign of illness, worries and grief. Sometimes a dream foreshadows meetings with very unpleasant people and constant scandals.

To understand what they mean in a dream, remember where you found a low-quality product and what happened to it next. If someone brought them, remember the person who is associated with them. This is how the dream book interprets the appearance of spoiled eggs in a dream.

Losses and illnesses

The egg stands for thoughts and ideas. Sometimes it foretells the beginning of pregnancy for a woman. If you dreamed of a spoiled egg, beware of illness.

This dream foreshadows an illness, both for the dreamer himself and for other people. There is a possibility that the person who saw him in a dream will have to care for a sick relative or friend.

Seeing it on the counter or finding it in a store among normal products means there is a danger of poisoning. Watch carefully what you eat, especially salads and the contents of the refrigerator.

Boiled spoiled eggs dream of troubles and difficulties. Sometimes the dream symbolizes poisoning, intestinal disease, stomach disease, or women's ailments. Vanga writes that eggs that are unsuitable for food are seen as a sign of great trouble and loss.

Buying them in a store or on the market is a sign of a bad deal that will result in major troubles and scandals. For some people, such a dream portends an illness.

Collecting them from under a chicken and noticing that they are not suitable for consumption is a disappointment. The dream indicates failures in business, material losses and losses, tears. After such a dream, your wish will not come true or will cause you a lot of trouble.

The dream book indicates that a rotten product in your own chicken coop is a sign of illness of animals in the house, negative magical effects, damage or the evil eye. But more often, inedible eggs foreshadow problems with children, illness, great worries and the collapse of hopes and plans for the future.

Finding them in the refrigerator means material losses. If you previously put off some idea, now it will be too late to implement it. It is possible that the reason for this will be the death or illness of someone important to you.

If the eggs have already gone rotten in the refrigerator, hurry up to do what you have been putting off for a long time. For some people, the dream foreshadows major troubles and scandals, the death of a person or the death of old people in the family.

Such a dream is especially bad for a pregnant woman, as she can become dangerously ill and even lose her child. After this dream, avoid suspicious foods and seek medical help promptly if you notice a deterioration in your condition.

Every disease has a latent period when the body begins to work incorrectly. At this time, a person may see signals in a dream that indicate ill health. The most common dreams are of spoiled food, raw meat, fish, blood, and a feeling of melancholy.

Sometimes, long before the first signs of illness, a person begins to feel disgust in his sleep and see poor-quality food. Throwing away eggs that are unsuitable for eating is a favorable sign. The body will cope with the disease or you will be able to repel the negative magical effects.

Finding a spoiled product at home means losses. Miller writes that the dreamer may unexpectedly lose a lot of money. For childless couples, the dream predicts diseases of the reproductive organs and danger to life.

Throwing away an expired product or returning it to the store with a scandal - you will cope with difficulties. Rotten eggs for whipping a sponge cake or scrambled eggs symbolize worries. Sometimes a dream predicts spoiled pleasure, scandals and quarrels, and material losses.

But most often the meaning of a dream is associated with poisoning, contagious diseases, grief and unpleasant news. Throwing away an unusable product means getting rid of adversity and difficulties.

If the egg turns out to be raw and rotten inside, be careful. Ill-wishers may seriously harm you, or the business will fail due to the illness of one of the participants in the enterprise.

Damage to property or negative magical effects

Damages and material losses dream of spoiled food supplies. They can also foreshadow illnesses and difficulties, a fatal coincidence of circumstances.

If you come to trade at the market and find that the tray of eggs is rotten, expect large financial losses, the closure of the entire event and debts.

Rotten meat in such a dream indicates the collapse of hopes for enrichment, material difficulties, creditors and troubles.

If one testicle or several of them turned out to be unusable, and all the others were not damaged, this is a favorable sign. You will only lose part of your money and material assets, but you will be able to quickly restore your balance.

Breaking an inedible egg means seeing the essence of the problem. Usually the appearance of this product is a sign of an idea, especially if there is only one testicle. Feeling that it is spoiled, but not seeing what is happening inside, leads to suspicions and a bad feeling.

Breaking it down means trying to test a guess. If it turns out to be ordinary or even with chicken, expect rare luck. When raw protein begins to stink or is of an unusual color, this means illness, failure of plans and troubles.

If a woman had this dream, she could become dangerously ill or lose a loved one.

Finding rotten meat in unusual places or with needles is a negative magical influence. Such a dream prophesies not only illness, but also the machinations of enemies.

Many magical rituals are performed with eggs, so seeing a spoiled product in your own home, among cosmetics, at the door, under a rug on the floor is an unfavorable sign.

The same thing means a dream in which you found an unedible egg in your purse, on your desk or in other places.

If someone breaks it and ruins the papers with documents, expect quarrels with colleagues and friends. Sometimes a dream foreshadows witchcraft in the workplace, sabotage, dirty gossip or rumors.

Eating it at a party means illness or poisoning. But if it was presented to you on purpose, expect unpleasant news, intrigues, insults and nasty things.

Breaking an egg and eating it in a dream, but not noticing that it is of poor quality is a bad sign. This means illness. Seeing another person bite him and observing worms there is a mortal danger. This dream foretells very serious illnesses and even death. Try to remember who ate it.

If this is a familiar person, then his health may very seriously deteriorate in the near future. Seeing that your personal belongings, underwear or the contents of your cosmetic bag are stained with raw rotten white or yolk is a sign of love troubles.

The dream hints at dangerous illnesses, great experiences and tears. Some people dream of a vision of rivalry in love, especially if the dreamer is dating a married man or has broken up a couple. In other cases, the dream indicates envy and obstacles in your career.

Using a rotten egg to do something nasty to someone is a sign of intrigue. The dream suggests that you may become dangerously ill or get into an unpleasant situation. It is possible that you will successfully take revenge on the enemy or you will be able to get away with it.

If you throw rotten eggs at someone, this means a long quarrel or scandals, hostile relationships. Throw them in the trash and wash your hands - stop trying to harm the person and go about your business.

Chicken eggs prepared in any way can appear in a person’s dreams if he goes to bed hungry. In this case, the dream does not require any special interpretation. Popular dream books will tell you why you dream of chicken eggs under other conditions.

Miller’s dream book about chicken eggs says that they symbolize prosperity and large financial profits. If the product turns out to be rotten and foul-smelling inside, it means that the sleeper is awaiting a major financial deception. If it’s broken but fresh, then you should wait for a real material gift from fate, which the dreamer will receive in the very near future.

D. Lynn’s dream book notes that the symbol being discussed from a dream promises new opportunities for a man or woman. A person will have many chances to unleash his creative potential. Watching someone else cook eggs is a sign of dramatic life changes. They can touch any area. Did you have to shell the product? In reality, you can expect an interesting acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex. In the future, strong, vivid feelings will flare up between people.

In the Mayan dream book, the information about the eggs seen is very contradictory. They symbolize both trouble and honor at the same time. Representatives of this ancient people suggested that eating a raw egg immediately after waking up would help protect oneself from possible problems.

According to the Erotic Dream Book, a large number of eggs for a free, lonely sleeper turns out to be a hint that he is subconsciously thinking about procreation. If in a woman’s dream tiny chickens are freed from their shells, this may promise her an early pregnancy.

In the Women's Dream Book, buying dirty and/or broken eggs symbolizes deception. This is exactly what you need to be wary of in real life. But this interpretation is relevant for those cases when the buyer did not notice the problem at first. If he consciously decided to purchase a low-quality product, it means that in reality he may soon make a serious mistake.

Does a family that has a girl of marriageable age dream of an egg? You can expect the appearance of matchmakers in the near future. If an egg falls from a parent’s hands in a dream, it means that his child will move far from his father’s house.

Seeing a lot of eggs in a dream

If you dream of a lot of eggs, you can be sure that great success awaits the dreamer. Luck will accompany him in any endeavor. True, this interpretation applies only to ordinary white or brown eggs. If the product is dyed, the meaning of sleeping with it changes dramatically. A large number of colored eggs portends for a man or woman disagreements with loved ones and numerous unpleasant domestic quarrels.

Rolling a lot of eggs around your summer cottage in a dream means a fertile harvest in the new season. The same plot can promise good news or large financial profits.

Did you have to collect a large number of large eggs in the chicken coop? This is a clear sign that all the efforts and labors of a person will very soon be rewarded. He didn’t waste his time and energy in vain; he periodically refused to rest and enjoy his own pleasures.

Cracked, broken egg - meaning

Broken eggs in a dream are a bad harbinger. They promise a man or woman a major family conflict. It may involve not only the other half of the sleeping person, but also relatives on both sides. To end the quarrel, it is the dreamer who will be the first to make reconciliation and offer compromises.

If a person himself deliberately breaks chicken eggs in his dream, then the meaning of the plot turns out to be different. Under such conditions, a dream promises a woman or man information that will have a significant impact on his life.

There were a lot of broken eggs by the sleeping person? Sleep should be considered an important warning for a person. The plot suggests that you will need to become more attentive and begin to take responsibility for your daily responsibilities. Otherwise, you will not be able to realize your ambitious plans.

Interestingly, a dream with broken eggs has the most pleasant meaning for representatives of the fair sex who consider themselves careerists. In reality, the girl will have the opportunity to become a favorite of the management.

Collect chicken eggs

Often in dreams, both men and women have to collect chicken eggs.

To correctly interpret such a dream, you need to remember all its circumstances and the smallest details.

For representatives of the stronger sex, dreams of collecting the product in question are harbingers of meeting and marrying a woman who has one or more children from a previous relationship. If a man puts eggs in a basket, but in the process breaks several eggs at once, he is afraid of responsibility. The sleeper has long dreamed of a family, but never dares to start one. If you don’t fight your fears and continue to live by the same principles, you can remain alone forever.

Rotten eggs

Fetid rotten eggs in a dream, which have a black shell, should be taken as a warning of impending troubles. But there is no need to worry too much about this. With the help of family and close friends, problems can be overcome much faster and easier.

Spoiled eggs are a very bad sign for the expectant mother. This is an important warning for her - it is necessary to pay special attention to the health of the fetus. It is advisable to go to the doctor immediately after waking up and tell about your suspicions. An additional examination will definitely not hurt a pregnant woman.

In a dream, does a person throw rotten eggs into a trash can? In real life, there is a risk of losing something very valuable. You need to be careful and not lend money to anyone. If a woman who recently fell in love sees a rotten egg in a dream, it means that her chosen one is not at all who he claims to be. You need to take a closer look at the young man before opening your soul to him.

Also, dreaming of rotten eggs may portend:

  1. Cheating on the dreamer's significant other.
  2. Betrayal of a close and, at first glance, very reliable friend.
  3. Serious life mistakes that the sleeper will make due to his excessive impulsiveness. He needs to learn to control himself to avoid such an outcome.
  4. The collapse of previous life priorities. A person will have to reconsider his usual values.

In a dream, fry, boil, eat chicken eggs

Frying eggs in a dream is not a good harbinger. Such a plot means that a man or woman will face major losses. Did you have to watch someone else fry the product? There is a lot of dirty gossip circulating around the dreamer, which is actively spread by his ill-wishers.

Frying rotten eggs in a dream portends serious health problems. If in the end the sleeping person eats them, it means that he will be diagnosed with a dangerous illness. If a person feeds a ready-made dish to someone else, this friend will get into trouble.

A man in a dream boiled eggs and feeds them to his beloved? This is a clear sign that in real life the sleeper should expect news of her pregnancy. Eating boiled eggs yourself and enjoying their taste means meeting an interesting, influential person who can provide the dreamer with invaluable help. But trying a bitter, tasteless product means troubles and sorrows.

A woman/man had a dream - interpretation

Both men and girls can dream of stories involving eggs of any kind. Sometimes the interpretation of night dreams depends primarily on the gender of the sleeper.

Large raw eggs promise the stronger sex a fun time with old friends. For a woman, the same dream promises a new romance. The larger the egg, the longer the new relationship will be.

Halves of a boiled egg that appear in a dream promise a man a wonderful night of love that will not end in anything serious. But for a girl, the same plot promises a quick marriage proposal.

If a man forcefully throws a chicken egg onto the floor and then tramples it under his feet, in reality he will most likely take the life of some living creature. For a woman, such a plot suggests that she will unwittingly become a witness or even a participant in a brutal murder.

Did you manage to find a nest full of eggs in your night visions? For a man it will be a harbinger of wealth, and for a woman - a happy marriage.

A dream in which you saw rotten eggs most often means a warning. It may well turn out that trouble lurks around the corner for the sleeper, or that difficult times are just around the corner. To avoid them, you need to be more careful - not to get involved in dubious scams, beware of unpleasant personalities and control your own words and actions. And, in order to understand in detail why this might happen in a dream, try to remember as many details from the dream as possible.

Some interpretations

If you saw rotten eggs in a dream, in reality the dream book advises you to check your health. If a woman dreams of spoiled chicken eggs, her pregnancy will not proceed in the best way. You should be especially attentive and careful.

In addition to health problems, rotten eggs also promise the collapse of everything planned. Try to think through your plans down to the last detail, and also understand your own desires. It is quite possible that the goal cannot be realized in any way because it is simply not yours.

Why might you dream of throwing away rotten eggs? The dream book says that in the family circle everything is not at all smooth. The sleeper may quarrel with his wife or children. It is necessary not to give in to emotions, but to assess the situation soberly. After this, you can move on to reconciliation.

Do you beat spoiled eggs in your dreams? You are too impulsive, the dream book explains. You should be more restrained so as not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Work and business

Have you seen a boiled rotten egg? Suffer losses. And if in a dream you also ate it, in reality get ready for difficult financial times. Try not to invest in new projects or make large transactions for some time, otherwise there is a high risk of going broke completely.

Do you see a rotten egg in your dream, which also broke? Reality has prepared grievances and disappointments for you, the dream book warns. Be vigilant and do not agree even to seemingly profitable offers. They will not bring benefits, but you can lose a lot.

This same dream also speaks of the low moral component of the sleeper. Even if you find yourself in what seems to be a hopeless situation, remember the principles that you adhere to and do not deviate from them under any circumstances. After all, if you stumble just once, you can harm not only your reputation, but also your self-esteem.

What might you dream about if you threw away this spoiled product? There is a possibility of losing what belongs to you, says the dream book. For example, real estate or any other property. Do not get involved in dubious matters, the likelihood of failure is very high.

Hypostases of relationships

Rotten eggs, whether raw or boiled, often indicate that those on whom he is accustomed to rely in everything and considers good friends are weaving intrigues against the sleeping person.

What does such a dream promise for couples in love? You should take a closer look at your soulmate, the dream book advises. It is quite possible that they are not being faithful to you, or they are lying to you for some other reason. Try to save the situation and discuss with your loved one what does not suit you in your joint union. Or maybe he is dissatisfied with something?

Rotten eggs from a chicken hint at two-faced and hypocritical people. They are lurking in your surroundings, so try to identify each of them. And having figured it out, try to communicate with them as little as possible, or completely reduce all meetings to nothing.

Why do you dream if you broke such an egg? It's time to end the relationship you're tired of. Don't be afraid to tell your partner about this - there's a high chance that he's as tired as you are. Give yourself freedom and set him free. Breathing will immediately become easier.


Why else do we dream about rotten eggs? In reality, difficult news is coming, the dream book explains. This could be news about the illness of those you care about, or difficult times will come into their lives. Don’t leave them in difficult times, and don’t forget to support them. Even the right words often mean a lot.

In a dream, were you unlucky enough to eat a nasty-tasting egg? A business in which you have invested a lot of time and effort will not bring the expected results.

Think the egg is fresh, but it turned out to be spoiled? The project, which seemed profitable and promising, is about to go bust. To minimize losses, try to get out of it as early as possible or stop supporting it, including financial support.

Do you want to make scrambled eggs, but find that the eggs are rotten? Somewhere in your environment there is a person lurking who wishes you harm, the dream book warns. Don't relax and be on guard all the time, because he is ready to strike.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 07/10/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is filled with activity and an abundance of varied subjects. Finding the only correct thread of meaning in this chaos is almost impossible. ...

Dreams are a special world in which everyone receives not only answers to questions, but also many new riddles and secrets.

To reveal them, it is worth interpreting the dream and understanding what it is about. Why do you dream about a lot of eggs?

It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about a lot of eggs - basic interpretation

It is worth noting that the egg is an ancient symbol, used by our ancestors. It meant the origin of life, the beginning. For many peoples, the shape of an egg was associated with a higher spiritual principle. Its top is the highest mind, its base is man.

That is why in many esoteric movements there is the use of egg-shaped objects in rituals. So, if you want to get wealth and well-being in your home, you should buy a jade egg and place it in the eastern part of the house, then with the sunrise your wealth will increase.

If you in a dream you dream about breaking an egg– you should be wary of financial losses and quarrels with loved ones. If a woman is pregnant and dreams about how she breaks many eggs, then she will most likely lose the baby, and in the future she will try to get pregnant again, but in vain.

If a woman dreams that she found a lot of eggs in a basket– she may soon become a mother in reality. If you dream that you want to transfer eggs, but break them, your hopes for profit and prosperity will also be dashed. It’s worth analyzing now what you were wrong about and trying to prevent the negative consequences of making the wrong decisions.

If you only see empty egg shells, then you are on the right path of spiritual growth and renewal. Everything old is left behind, everything has died away. It's time for you to move forward boldly and no longer be afraid of the future. Your past no longer rules over you, you are your own boss.

if you dreamed of raw eggs of regular size- you will soon acquire something very important to you. If the eggs are huge, such a dream indicates that you are not in control of your destiny. You are actually led by other people and depend on their opinions.

If you will dream of boiled eggs- intrigues and conspiracies are being woven secretly from you, you should be more attentive. If you see eggs being cooked for a very long time, you should also take a careful look at your surroundings, since for a long time you did not notice what was happening before your eyes.

If you I dream about a lot of boiled eggs and they are all incredibly tasty- all obstacles in your path will disappear, you just have to want it. If you eat eggs and they are bitter, your tears will be just as bitter because a loved one has offended you. If you see how chicks are about to hatch from eggs, a high income awaits you, and for women who are pregnant, an easy and good birth.

Why do you dream about a lot of eggs according to Maly Velesov’s dream book?

Why you might dream about a lot of eggs:

Dreaming of many eggs means profit and harvest;

If all the eggs are clean and whole, good things await you;

If the eggs are even in the nest, a quarrel cannot be avoided;

If the eggs are colored, a quarrel will break out between household members;

Red eggs - good news;

Breaking eggs means illness, death;

Eating eggs means temperature, heat;

Seeing only egg yolks is disappointing.

If a man dreams of feeding his beloved with eggs, then they should soon expect a replenishment. If a woman dreams of feeding her lover eggs, she should be wary of betrayal.

Why do you dream about a lot of eggs according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller’s dream book says that if you find a nest with eggs in a dream, you will soon become immensely rich and very successful. You just need to wait for this time. For an unmarried woman, such a dream can promise frequent romantic encounters. If you eat eggs in a dream and everything is not enough for you, anxiety and fears will settle in your house. If in a dream you see broken and fresh eggs, fate will be generous to you.

If the eggs were fresh and suddenly went rotten– you should expect a trick from your good acquaintances and even close friends. If you see a whole basket of eggs, you will voluntarily take part in a major project, and it will bring you huge profits. If you find eggs in the forest, you will soon leave your father’s house and go very far.

If you crushed eggs in a dream and got dirty- you will suffer from the machinations of enemies and ill-wishers. If you collect white eggs, profit and prosperity await you. If you eat eggs slowly in a dream, you will be confident in yourself and the result of all your actions. If you eat eggs very quickly and nervously, you will get very sick and will suffer irreparable damage.

Why do you dream about a lot of eggs according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud’s dream book says that an egg in a dream represents the masculine principle and to see many eggs in a dream, especially if a girl dreams about it, such a dream means many options for starting a new intimate relationship. At the same time, you should not count on a long-term relationship; most likely, the partners will get enough of each other and stop communicating.

If a woman dreams of eating eggs and they taste sweet– she will receive great pleasure from intimate relationships. If the eggs seem bitter to her, such a dream could mean a break in the relationship.

What should you do if you dream about a lot of broken eggs? Quarrels should be avoided. They will be empty and will greatly hurt the soul of each partner. In order to avoid them, it is imperative to reconsider your attitude towards each other. Perhaps partners do not value their relationships and feelings. They need to think about what will happen if they lose this relationship. Are they ready for this?

If a man dreams of how his lover eats eggs– they should wait for offspring. If a man is not ready to become a father, he needs to make every effort to prevent an unplanned pregnancy from occurring. If a man dreams of another man feeding his beloved eggs, she is having an affair, and she is ready to end the relationship she had with her current partner.

Why do you dream about a lot of eggs according to other dream books?

In the Idiomatic Dream Book it is said that:

Hatch eggs - you will expect an important event, event;

If you throw rotten eggs at someone, you will protest against the other person’s point of view;

If you take care of the eggs before the chicks hatch, in reality you will be running around with a problem that turns out to be petty.

In the women's dream book It is said why you dream about a lot of eggs - for profit. If you ate a lot of eggs in a dream, anxiety will settle in your house, you should be more prudent. If you dream of fresh but broken eggs, you should expect gifts of fate; you will receive what you have long dreamed of. If in a dream you find a huge number of eggs in one nest, prosperity and a happy marriage await you. A huge basket of eggs - to wonderful events in life and acquisitions. Rotten eggs dream of losses.

In Medea's dream book It is said that eggs are dreamed of as a sign of the birth of an idea, a new beginning that will illuminate a person’s life and give a lot of new and mysterious things. If you dream about chicks hatching from eggs, you should expect a new period in life. Everything in it will be spontaneous and unexpected. If you crush eggs in a dream, you should be wary of external pressure and management of the situation from the outside. Breaking a lot of eggs means a long streak of troubles and misfortunes. If you dream of an egg shell, your hopes will not come true.

In the spring dream book it is said that the appearance of many eggs in a dream symbolizes the arrival of a long-awaited guest in the house. It is also worth taking a closer look at the dream in which you will see not only fresh eggs, but also already hatched chicks. Such a dream suggests that you should pay more attention to the full and equal distribution of free time. You cannot direct it only to solving everyday issues; your loved ones also need attention.

If you hold eggs in your hands in a dream, and they suddenly turn golden, you will be able to realize a lot of ideas that until that moment seemed absolutely absurd to you. They will not only bring you fame and honor, but also good profit.

If you dream of a child breaking eggs, you should be more attentive to the needs of your family - you can lose them if you remain as indifferent to their problems.

It is worth carefully interpreting the entire dream, without missing the slightest detail. Sometimes it decides everything and allows a person to determine the further path of his development.

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