What does dried fig smell like? Why does dried fig smell like iodine? Figs in cooking and traditional medicine, recipes

The fig, or as it is also called, the fig tree or fig tree, is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the history of mankind. It has been grown for about 5 thousand years, and for the first time this plant appeared on the Arabian Peninsula, and subsequently spread to the entire Mediterranean.

The fig is the first fruit tree mentioned in the Bible.: as you know, Adam and Eve first covered their nakedness with fig leaves. In addition, figs were mentioned in the Talmud and the myths of ancient Greece.

The ancient Greek scientist Theophrastus in his writings described about a hundred varieties of fig trees. At the same time, the most prolific trees even had their own names.

Botanical characteristics

A small shrub or tree (mulberry family) no more than 10 m high having thick, slightly branched branches. The leaves are large, hard, dark green above and grayish below, attached to a thick petiole.

The fruits are velvety and sweet, about 5 cm in diameter., are pear-shaped (ranging from yellow to deep purple), and contain small nut-seeds inside.

Figs are very unpretentious, and can grow even on stony soils, however, it is very sensitive to frost, therefore, the advantage is cultivated in countries with a subtropical climate.


There are four main types of figs:

  • Afghan;
  • Colchis;
  • rock;
  • Hirkan.

How to choose the right fruits?

Truly fresh fruits can only be found where they grow., since figs are stored for a very short time. The fruit must be consumed within six hours after it has been plucked, and then fermentation processes will begin in it.

Ripe figs are deep green or deep purple. elastic to the touch and slightly yielding when pressed. Too soft fruit with a sour smell is a spoiled product which is not recommended to buy.

In our latitudes, it is best to use not fresh, but dried fruits; they should have a light brown hue without plaque and a smooth, glossy surface.

The chemical composition of figs

100 g of figs contain the following substances:

The benefits of dried figs for health and the body are also great, dried figs contain several times more protein than fresh figs, which is why dried fruits are best suited for vegetarian nutrition.

Figs have long been used to treat many diseases:

  • He known as a natural expectorant and laxative.
  • This fetus should be considered by those suffering from cardiovascular disorders. and glandular anemia in people, since figs contain a large amount of potassium necessary for the work of the heart, as well as iron.
  • Its regular use normalizes blood clotting. providing prevention of thrombosis.
  • Figs can also act as a means for external use.: It treats corns, boils and non-healing wounds, and is also used as one of the ingredients in skin and hair masks.
  • People who are prone to high blood sugar and obesity should limit the amount of figs in their diet due to their high sugar content.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of figs:

  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Cardiovascular disorders;
  • Colds and coughs (it is recommended to use foods rich in Vitamin C, such as lemon and);
  • glandular anemia;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • kidney disease;
  • Sexual impotence;
  • Pregnancy (for the prevention of anemia in a woman and a child, you can take other vitamins,.).


  • Diabetes;
  • Gout;
  • pancreatitis;
  • Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Special indications

With great care, figs should be consumed by those who are going to drive: it can release about 2% of alcohol into the blood.

But for those who are on a diet, it is better not to eat fruits daily, and arrange fasting days - eat about 5 pieces a day. plus 100-200 g of vegetables (we recommend reading the article on the Dukan protein diet, in more detail).

Commander Alexander the Great always took dried figs on all campaigns, as this fruit perfectly restores strength and does not take up much space.

Figs in cooking and traditional medicine, recipes

In cooking, figs are used mainly in desserts, but they also go well with poultry, lamb, ham, goat cheese, etc.

Baked figs with goat cheese

List of ingredients:

  • Fig fruit 12 pcs;
  • 200 g feta cheese;
  • 60 g almonds;
  • Olive oil;
  • Fresh rosemary.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fruits, dry them, cut off the tops and scrape out the pulp with a spoon.
  2. Mash half of the cheese and fig pulp with a fork, mix with chopped almonds and rosemary.
  3. Lightly salt and pepper the figs from the inside, fill with the resulting mass, place on a baking sheet, well oiled, and bake for 15 minutes.
  4. Serve immediately.
For the first time, the medicinal properties of figs were described by the legendary Avicenna: the doctor used its fruits to treat more than a dozen diseases.

Fig jam, recipe:


  • 1 kg of fresh fruits;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • 10 g lemon juice;
  • 200 g of water.

Cooking order:

  1. Dissolve sugar in water with lemon juice and bring to a boil, stirring.
  2. Dip the figs into the boiling liquid, and cook as follows: boil slightly, remove and leave for 10-12 hours.
  3. Repeat 4 times, then boil again and pour into sterilized jars.

In folk medicine, vitamin, antipyretic and expectorant preparations are prepared from figs.

Cough figs for children, recipe:

  • 1 st. milk;
  • 4-5 fruits.

Boil milk, add figs and leave covered for 20 minutes. Drink four times a day for ½ cup until relief.

antipyretic drink

  • 100 g of figs;
  • 2 tbsp. boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the figs, boil for 15 minutes, then remove and let it brew for a couple of hours. Cool and drink three times a day before meals for ½ tbsp.

Signs about figs

Popular beliefs and signs about figs are also very interesting:

  • It is believed that figs have very good energy and healing properties., and is able to bring happiness and prosperity. So, if you put a pot with this plant in the bedroom, then its owner will soon find family happiness, and indoor figs in the office will help you get promoted.
  • According to folk signs, when leaving home for a long time, you should hang a fig branch over the door - it will ensure a safe and happy return.
  • Women and men who suffer from infertility and sexual impotence, you should carry small pieces of fig tree wood with you - this will help to cope with all problems.
  • Infertile couples are advised to keep a potted fig tree in the house and take good care of it. As soon as young shoots appear on the plant, an addition will appear in the family.
According to most dream books, a fig tree seen in a dream is a very good sign, and promises a wonderful relationship or even an early marriage with a loved one.
Special mention, in the topic of healthy food, deserves.

After all, honey is the food of the gods, and the elixir of life, according to the legend, consisted of, and honey. Garlic contains a large amount of Selenium, and it is necessary for the body, in more detail about products with Selenium.

More details about figs in the video of E. Malysheva:

17 chose

Can you imagine how it smells figs? Can you describe?

I am sure that most people will remember, and even then with difficulty, only the taste of its berries is sweet and fresh at the same time, not cloying at all, very tender (it’s a pity that you can’t say “wet” about the taste).

This is the taste of the languor of a warm summer evening, the taste of a subtle pleasure that is not accessible to everyone.

A smell? He is very different. They use absolutely everything that can be taken from this plant. Fresh figs give a sweet, but light, subtle aroma. Leaves and young shoots - the smell of freshly cut grass. Bark - deep warm woody notes. Dried berries are a tart sweetness. All together sounds fantastic.

It is interesting that on different people these aromas are revealed and manifested in different ways. Some, for example, manage to keep the fresh smell of grass for several hours, while for someone it disappears almost instantly, leaving only sweet notes.

A few years ago, I started building my "fig" collection. And it turned out that this is not so easy to do: figs, despite their amazing qualities, are quite rare component, very few perfumers use it. However, we did manage to find something.

Premier Figuier Extreme L`Artisan Parfumeur

Top notes are fresh, summery, herbaceous. They are given by leaves and ripe fruits of figs. Gradually, a subtle, slightly bitter aroma of almonds and sensual notes of sandalwood are added to them. The trail is the sweet scent of coconut.

A great start, but the "aftertaste" seems too sweet and a bit rustic to me. I would take Premier Figuier Extreme with you on vacation, at sea: it helps to distract from serious thoughts, relax and not think about anything at all.

This is an absolutely fabulous, unreal fragrance. I wear it when I'm a little sad and I want something warm, dear, familiar. It has a lot of spicy and deep woody notes: cedar, sandalwood, nutmeg, cloves, laurel, cumin, frankincense, myrrh. Sweet notes come from magical tonka beans (their aroma is similar to a mixture of vanilla, almond milk and coconut), as well as dried figs.

"Mediterranean Garden" (as the name translates) is one of my favorite fragrances. No matter how trite it sounds, but it really reminds me of a trip to the Greek islands, the beaches of Sardinia with emerald water and silky white sand, flowering olives, heat, orange groves and pine trees in the mountains.

Top notes are citrus fruits: lemon, mandarin, bergamot. They are followed by light floral shades. Revealed Un Jardin En Mediterranee deep woody notes of cedar, cypress, juniper, musk and fresh fig leaves are clearly audible in it.

Blu Mediterraneo Fico di Amalfi Acqua di Parma

Fico di Amalfi Means " Figs from Amalfi". Amalfi is a small seaside town in southern Italy, not far from Salerno. Its location is unique: it is built right on the slope of a cliff descending to the sea. Instead of streets, there are stairs. There are gardens on the roofs. The houses are literally buried in greenery: they are surrounded by lemons, tangerines, olives, grapes and figs, a truly heavenly place.

Aroma Fico di Amalfi as if drenched in the Mediterranean sun. It begins with bright notes of citrus fruits: mandarin, orange, lemon, grapefruit. And it opens with the sweet aroma of fig leaves and fruits.

Aqua Allegoria Figue Iris , Guerlain

"Figs and iris". Perhaps, for me, this is the most uncomplicated and light fragrance of the entire collection. The first impression of it is fruity notes with tones of fresh herbs, fruits and fig shoots. Then notes of citrus appear, a warm woody aroma appears with a hint of milk and soft vanilla .

My friend thinks that Figue Iris immerses her in a pleasant melancholy state, when one wants to be a little sad, to put on "interesting languor". On the contrary, he brings me to a peaceful, balanced state.

If you know other fragrances with notes of figs, tell me, I will be glad!

Lilia Khafizova etoya.ru

Figs are a widely known dried fruit in our shops and markets. But not everyone thinks that figs have healing properties and serve as a good helper in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

As with any fruit, figs contain a lot of sugars, up to 70%, and this is a natural source of energy. Therefore, figs are included in the group of quick help with overwork from physical and mental stress, within a short time restores the weakened forces of the body.

B vitamins bring loosened nerves in order. Potassium, magnesium, which are abundant in fruits, will support you from stress, and also help with palpitations. Figs will help the vessels, and this is especially necessary for people who have problems with high blood pressure. The substances ficin and rutin in the composition of fruits dissolve blood clots in the vessels well, stabilize blood pressure, and gently lower cholesterol in the blood. And this is important for everyone, especially for the elderly.

The glandular compounds in fig fruits will serve well for children and in case of anemia, they will increase the content of hemoglobin in the blood. The liver, spleen, kidneys will receive the necessary nutrients for proper functioning.

Figs have disinfectant properties. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis - fig fruits will always provide their ambulance. It is enough to brew the fruits in water or milk, let the decoction brew and the medicine is ready. Kids especially like this tasty medicine. It not only cures cough, but most importantly - strengthens the immune system. This decoction has a mild laxative effect. Steamed fruits are applied to sore spots with abscesses. They dissolve the inflamed foci.

Figs contain a lot of pectin, fiber, organic acids, proteins, vitamins. It is best to eat fresh fruits, but it is easier to find dried ones in the trade.

Like any medicine, figs have contraindications. This is due to the high content of sugars in fruits. Therefore, everyone who suffers from diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, obesity, acute intestinal diseases (there is a lot of fiber in the fruits), gout (there are oxalic acids in figs), the use of figs should be approached with caution. Overeating will lead to severe gas formation in the intestines, figs can swell the stomach.

The most important commandment - do not overeat, eat delicious medicine in moderation. It is enough to eat about 10 dried fruits a day, for example, with tea. It is better not to eat figs as a dessert after the main meal.

Figs are a rather healthy fruit that grows on a fig tree and has a slightly sweet taste with a slight sourness. The fruits are mostly purple, but there are also yellow ones. Figs are one of the most amazing fruits on the planet. It is not only a valuable food product, it is also widely used in industry. Durable ropes are made from its bark, and dyes for fabrics, wine and alcohol are obtained from its juice. In addition, vitamins in figs are contained in fairly large quantities.

The content of vitamins and minerals in 100 g of figs


Vitamin A 0,008 mg
Vitamin B1 0,06 mg
Vitamin B2 0,05 mg
Vitamin B3 0,5 mg
Vitamin B5 0,4 mg
Vitamin B6 0,1 mg
Vitamin B9 0,01 mg
Vitamin C 2 mg
Vitamin E 0,1 mg

Nutritional value of figs:

  • Water - 83 g;
  • Proteins - 0.7 g;
  • Fats - 0.2 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 12 g;
  • Mono- and disaccharides - 11.2 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 2.5 g;
  • Ash - 1.1 g;
  • Starch - 0.8 g;
  • Organic acids - 0.5 g;
  • Unsaturated fatty acids - 0.1 g;
  • Saturated fatty acids - 0.1 g;

100 g of figs contain 54 kcal.

The benefits of figs

The benefits of figs for humans are as follows:

  • helps to cope with overwork;
  • Good effect on the brain;
  • Reduces cholesterol;
  • Minimizes the risk of heart and vascular diseases;
  • Indicated for anemia;
  • Useful in diseases of the thrombus;
  • Figs are also recommended for use in bronchial asthma.
  • Good diuretic;
  • Has a laxative property;
  • Helps to cope with diseases of the spleen and liver;
  • Freshly reduced blood sugar levels.
  • Helps to get rid of corns, abscesses and non-healing wounds;
  • Useful for the skin;
  • Strengthens hair well.

Figs are made useful for the human body, vitamins and nutrients that are included in its composition. It contains the enzyme ficin, which helps to normalize blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels. It is also a good means of preventing venous insufficiency. With its systematic use, the risk of blood clots is reduced, because it lowers blood clotting.

Figs contain fiber, which has a mild laxative effect on the body. The fruit is also useful for regulating the processes of digestion. The fruit helps in the treatment of colds, such as:

  • Cough with heat;
  • Chills;
  • Chest pain;
  • Cardiopalmus.

Therefore, it is recommended to use it in the treatment of tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, influenza, as well as pneumonia. The fruit has a diuretic effect, which improves the functioning of the kidneys, as well as the entire diuretic system. The use of this fruit helps to eliminate toxic substances that are present in the body of each person. It improves the activity of the spleen and liver.

Its juice removes sand from the gallbladder and kidneys, and is also very effective for viral infections that appear on the skin. Figs account for good prevention of tumor diseases. Many people know that it is an excellent source of strength and energy for the body. With its regular use, immunity is strengthened, and the body feels a surge of strength.

The benefits of dried figs

Qualitatively dried fruit is tastier than fresh. In the process of drying, the amount of protein content increases, up to 5%, sugar up to 60%, while fresh fruit contains 1% protein and 20% sugar.

Dried figs help to increase the energy produced by the body, as well as improve mood, performance and mental activity.

He is the champion among other dried fruits due to the high content of fiber. These dried fruits contain vitamins and microelements in abundance.

Dried figs are rich in: calcium, iron, magnesium, and B vitamins. Due to the high content of pectin in figs, it is a valuable product. Thanks to this substance, connective tissues heal well, which is important as a result of injury to the joints and bones. Dried fruits contribute to an increase in the antioxidant activity of blood plasma, and the ruthenic substance has a strengthening effect on capillaries, and also promotes the absorption of vitamin C.

The history of the fig

Figs were bred in Asia Minor, the mountainous region of Kariya, more than 5 thousand years ago. From there it began to spread across North Africa and Central Asia.

The fruit was very popular in ancient Rome. The fig tree for the Romans was an object of worship, and when the news spread one day that the tree began to dry out, the Romans were plunged into mourning. In Egypt, scientists have discovered bas-reliefs depicting the collection of figs, which were made in 2500 BC.

In ancient India, the fig tree grew in every village without fail; it was considered the patron and adviser of people. Sacrifices were made near the tree: they gave him flowers, baked bread, incense, poured milk diluted with water. The tree was addressed with a prayer for wealth and the gift of offspring.

The harm of figs

This fruit, despite the vitamins and all the beneficial properties that it possesses, has a downside. Due to the high calorie content of figs, they should not be consumed by obese people, and if eaten, then in limited quantities. As a result of its use in unreasonable quantities, extra pounds may appear. To prevent this from happening, it is better to eat no more than 5 fruits a day.

Autumn is just taking its first steps on the planet, and we are already missing the warm days. The sun, sea, vacation and fruits will be left somewhere behind, and they were replaced by a slight melancholy and melancholy. It's time to replenish your perfume wardrobe with the scent of Figs.

Figs have a very long and famous history. So, according to the works of art of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, it was with fig leaves that Adam and Eve covered their nakedness after being expelled from Paradise. In ancient Greece, fig groves were considered sacred, because for the capital, trade in these fruits was the main way of existence. And the ancient Greek philosopher Plato believed that these delicious fruits stimulate the intellect.

At all times, the fig has been valued for its goodness for the heart, sweetness, aroma and ease of storage. Dried and candied figs are still a delicacy today and one of the most popular dried fruits.

What does fig smell like?

The fig has a green, powdery and slightly milky aroma, and warms on cold gray days, evoking the idea that after autumn and winter spring and summer will come again. By the way, the smell of fig wood is often used in perfumery. Its ripe bitterness, crispy greens, and fragrant bark create a unique bouquet that leaves no one indifferent.

Figs in perfumery.
In perfumery, two components are used to recreate the smell of figs: stemone and octalactone gamma. The first creates a green, fresh, minty haze. For the fig aroma, it is combined with octalactone gamma, which conveys the earthy aroma of sticky green leaves and the milky juice of young fruits. To enrich the aroma of figs, Hedione and Iso-E Super are also used.

L "Artisan Parfumeur Premier Figuier
Almost a mono-aroma of figs, sweet, tart, tender, delicious and tasty. Brings the right pictures: summer, greenery, sea, burning sun, blinding eyes, a sea of ​​fruits and flowers.

Diptyque Philosykos
Anyone who loves the scent of a fig tree would fall in love with this composition from the first breath. Soften the sweetness of cedar shades and green notes.

L"Artisan Parfumeur Premier Figuier Extreme
A richer, more intense and sensual version of Premier Figuier. The composition is complemented by shades of wood (fig tree bark and sandalwood). By the way, the fragrance is available not only as a spray, but also as an aromatic candle. So creating a romantic oasis at home in the winter is not so difficult.

Satellite A la Figue
Another fragrance, the creators of which did an excellent job of conveying the scent of a fig tree. Spicy sweet and dusty green, just like the trees themselves. The composition is complemented by notes of green, tart teas. By the way, the inspiration for the creation of the perfume was the majestic villa of Emperor Tiberius on Capri.

Hermes Un Jardin en Mediterranee
The composition is inspired by a walk along a shady alley, which fascinates with the play of the soft sun and the coolness of the shadow. The aroma of fresh figs plucked straight from the branch can turn anyone's head. The aroma is bitter, pungent, slightly serene and philosophically introspective.

Jo Malone Wild Fig and Cassis
This edition combines the tartness of cassia with the sweetness of figs. The play of these two notes is the main theme of the fragrance. You will enjoy the sound of these contrasts for hours, so simple, and OBE at the same time unique.

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