How to build a photography house. Houses built according to our projects. Other techniques for decorating beautiful houses

When I was 18 years old, I got an education and immediately got a job as a mechanic at our local factory. I decided to build a house in which I will live. I didn't want to take out a mortgage. I saved some money and bought a plot for 40,000 4 km from the city.

The site was completely abandoned, but there was a house made of expanded clay blocks on it, which I later applied to a new house.

In the first year, I made a race and began to slowly raise the site. I must say right away that my friends helped me only for the first month and then merged, and so I built one after work, on vacation, on weekends, holidays for about 6 years. With paycheck money.

Marked out the future foundation 6x8, dug out 8 pillars, poured pillows there

The formwork is ready. In the photo, the old house is only 2 years old, it was just built without a foundation by the previous owner

Here is a photo of the finished foundation.

The foundation cost 40 thousand, it was 2009.

We started laying bricks. I found a bricklayer for 800 rubles a day, he lays bricks, and I prepare the mortar and carry the bricks. The summer was hot, so they worked from 5 am to 11 pm, I was just on vacation for a month. After 11 a lawn with bricks arrived, and I unloaded it, and then wore it until the evening.

Put logs and processed them.

This is me working.

The temporary floor is ready. You can see what the house will be like: brick outside, then 100mm polystyrene foam and expanded clay concrete from the old house.

At this stage, the bricklayer left me, went to work to the north, I had to hire a team to report.

Front view, gave another 40,000 rubles for work. In total, it turned out 100,000 for the material and about 60,000 for the work.

Side view.

In order to save blocks with foam, he reported himself.

Then the roof had to be made. I calculated that if you do it yourself, it will turn out 40 thousand for the material from the bar, but there was a company that promised to do it for 40 with the material, but from round timber, it was only necessary to clean the pine from the bark. They made the roof and said that they had forgotten to calculate the crate and that they had to pay another 15 thousand. I didn’t pay extra, as a result, for 40 they made me with a crate.

It was already snowing, I covered this whole thing with roofing material and left it to winter.

Summer has come and saved up money. Made a frame

Sheathed the frame with clapboard 2 cm thick.

Put an expensive door. On the second floor, he also made a door, because. planning to add a balcony

Started making the subfloor. I soaked the boards from the old house in working out for a couple of days and laid them on the floor, then a building membrane, foam plastic and again a membrane.

They brought windows.

I made lighting on the street so that after work in the winter to come and work.

He brought so many boards to the first floor that he even left on the second. And again left the whole thing until the summer.

In summer, it is cheaper to buy a stove. and began to sheathe everything with drywall.

It began to rain, the roofing material could not withstand the shrinkage of the wooden roof, I had to buy ondulin and lay the roof. 40 thousand came out.

Made a roof. goes to one side for two days.

The other side too. I put shutters on the windows so that nothing was stolen and the windows were not broken by hooligans.

This is a septic.

Buried, that's how it happened. The tractor driver was not very skillful, and therefore did not get into the level

When sheathing the walls with drywall, I ran into a problem. How to make a ceiling alone? I dug up such a thing on the net and made the ceiling in the room in one day.

I hung up heaters to keep warm while I was at work.

Get the foam. We must prepare for winter.

Toilet with bathroom combined made of pvc panels. Fast, beautiful, practical and you can always change the design.

Ceiling in the toilet, slatted under the rack

The color of the walls turned out to be trash. Wallpaper for painting.

Living room.

There was very little space left for the stairs, so I had to make almost a spiral one. I would not have mastered this myself, I bought a ready-made version for 28 thousand rubles.

Made a shed in the yard.

Cost 24 thousand, with a foundation

It was winter and I decided to make a house for my cat.

I started to make a veranda and a balcony early in the spring. Immediately with a 5x3 swing.

I made a "house" for the well from scraps of lining.

Sheathed the second floor with siding.

Inside there is laminate throughout and underfloor heating.

Illumination in the kitchen.

So we lived in the house all summer, winter, spring, and in April at 5 am I went on a business trip, my girlfriend went to work, and at 6 pm, when I was on the other side of the country, they sent me such a photo.

The car, the house and the barn were on fire.

The neighbors wanted to save the property, but there were shutters on the windows from thieves, which the firefighters pulled off only with a car and then with bricks, and the door with 12 clamps was also a car.

Consequences of a fire. Two months have passed, the cause of the fire is not known.

The construction of even the smallest house begins with design. A project prepared on paper will allow you to plan the area of ​​\u200b\u200bconstruction, the number of rooms, windows and doors, as well as calculate the cost of work and the amount of materials needed.

If you are going to build a house, you can ask for help from specialized companies to order a project, choose the right one from among the ready-made ones, or independently develop a plan for a new home.

It is more rational to create a house project with your own hands when all construction work is planned to be carried out without outside help.

The first stage is planning

The first stage of project development involves the general planning of the future house, its size, purpose, the presence of a garage or other additional buildings, as well as the geographical features of the site, the presence or absence of a sewerage and water supply system.

The second stage - sketches

At the second step, all conditions and desires are taken into account and assembled into a certain model of a house with a certain number of floors and rooms.

The draft design has the character of a sketch and depicts the future of the building from different sides: facade, side, rear and in section (transverse and longitudinal).

Here is a list of the materials used, as well as the design features of the house: the type of roof, the thickness of the walls and ceilings.

Before you start your own project at home, it is better to carefully study the photos of finished plans in order to draw ideas and experience.

Third stage - work plan

The working version of the project serves as a guide for the construction team and involves a complete description of all the envisaged works for the construction of the house: architectural, structural, engineering and design.

In an architectural type project, the location of all rooms, their area, the presence of balconies or terraces, the dimensions of windows and doors, the slope of the roof, and the thickness of the walls are outlined and drawn.

Important! Glazing and decoration of balconies can be ordered at low prices on the website "Modern Balcony" is a company with many years of experience.

The constructive type of the project involves a detailed consideration of each element of the house from the foundation, walls and ceilings to the chimney, stairs and rafters. For example, a complete decoding of the characteristics is applied to the windows, where the profile width, the type of lining, the number of layers of double-glazed windows, the presence of a window sill are noted.

Engineering and technical design is aimed at drawing up a detailed plan for the implementation of work on the establishment of sewerage, water supply, ventilation, heating, electrical wiring, grounding and security systems.

The design project makes final adjustments to the construction of the house. At this stage, they finally determine the color scheme of the facade, walls, roof and interior decoration of the room.

Timber house project

Most often, economical, strong and durable wood is chosen as the main material for construction.

However, the project of a private house made of timber requires certain conditions to be met:

  • If the construction requires beams of more than 6 m, then additional insulation of the joints of the logs will be required;
  • Joints are placed in a checkerboard pattern;
  • The number of corners must be even;
  • Particular attention must be paid to the proper distribution of the load;
  • Log partitions are placed only above load-bearing walls or on additional pillars.

brick house project

The project of a brick house must necessarily include an assessment of financial capabilities, since this type of construction is expensive and the need to create a strong and costly foundation.


When building brick houses, other features of the material should also be taken into account: the use of clay bricks on the lower floors, double waterproofing in the bathroom, reinforcing the wall for greater strength, strict adherence to horizontal masonry, laying out window and door openings with a quarter.

Terrace project

A correct and competent extension to the terrace house also requires a separate project. When compiling it, it is necessary to take into account its structure, location, degree of openness, shape and the presence of steps.

Most often, the terrace is located near one of the walls of the house or rings the entire building, less often it is installed separately from the residential building or adjacent to the pool.

As in the project of the house, the area, dimensions, materials, mass of the structure and type of foundation must be indicated in the terrace plan.

How to make a project at home with your own hands?

You need to stock up on paper, a ruler and a pencil and try to depict your future home in detail.

Reference points and assistants will be ready-made standard projects posted on the Internet, supplementing and expanding which you can get the perfect plan for a new building.


DIY house project photo


Each of us dreams of living in our own home, where you can come to relax from the bustle of the city. You can realize this dream by buying a ready-made house, but it is better to build it according to your own project, doing some of the work with your own hands. When the final decision is made, the question arises of where to start building a house. Of course, with the choice of a place for a house on a suburban area. Then you need to prepare project documentation and obtain the necessary permits.

What documents need to be issued before construction begins

It is important to complete all the documents correctly and obtain permission to build a house in the appropriate authorities. As a rule, this is the local administration or the authority authorized to issue such permits. Project documentation will be key to obtaining permits.

The construction of houses in garden plots is not regulated as tightly as in an urban residential area. As a rule, it is necessary to draw up a project that meets all the necessary requirements and provide documents for the land. At the exact location of the house, there must also be the consent of the administrative authorities.

House project

A high-quality project for the construction of a house includes all the necessary documentation. This documentation is prepared by the design organization. In most cases, the builder-contractor undertakes to perform all the work on a turnkey basis, including drawing up a complete project of the house, as well as preparing the necessary documents for administrative authorities.

Where to begin?

First you need to familiarize yourself with the projects of already built houses, having studied the photo of the construction of the house. On the Internet, you can find photos of the construction of a building at all stages of the project, from an empty site to the moment when landscape work is completed near the built house and you can live in it.

The variety of ready-made standard solutions is limitless. However, it is worth implementing your own project, although it will cost a little more than a typical house. In this case, the designers will take into account all your wishes, as well as the ideas of family members.

What to build a house from

When building a house, you need to plan in advance at what time and how long it is supposed to live in it. If it is permanent, then you need to build a reliable warm house with heating and water supply. Electricity is a must in every home.

If there is a gas main nearby, it is best to provide the home with a gas supply. In this case, there will be no problems with heating or cooking. As a rule, the price for electricity outside the city is slightly higher than in the city. All these conditions determine the choice of materials for building a house.

Traditionally, a country house is built of wood or brick. Combined options are also possible. For example, a house made of timber can be overlaid with one layer of bricks. Get a warm and beautiful home.

If the first floor is completely brick, then the second floor is good to make of wood. The space under the roof should be turned into an attic, then you get an additional residential floor.

wooden house

Such a house will organically fit into the surrounding nature. It will be a warm and reliable home that will last for many decades without major repairs. It is best to build from a solid array of wood. If you use a modern rounded log, then no additional finishing is required, both from the inside and from the outside. It is better to impregnate the facade with a special compound that will increase the life of the tree.

For interiors, the semicircular sides of the log are quite suitable without additional finishing and decoration. If you use a solid untreated log for construction - an ordinary log house, then after a while it is better to overlay its front side with a layer of decorative brick. Such a house will serve more than one hundred years.

A building made of timber, the front sides of which are processed for decorative finishing, will become quite elegant and reliable. Such a house also does not need to be finished either outside or inside.

A relatively cheap version of a wooden house is a panel building. If modern shield panels are used in the construction of residential buildings, then such a dwelling will be warm enough and will not yield to solid wood in terms of strength.

Stone house

A stone modern house can be called conditionally. Of course, now almost no one builds from natural stone. A brick house is in no way inferior to a stone building, which is used only for decorative finishes, and not for the sake of keeping the heat in the home.

Wood and stone require different construction technologies. The tree is initially processed on special equipment to facilitate the assembly process. All wooden buildings are, as a rule, the assembly of a finished house on the site. Brick - assembled directly on the site, literally brick by brick.

In suburban construction, technologies of monolithic structures are widely used, when part of the house is built from monolithic concrete. These are the most durable buildings, but expensive in price. For greater convenience, it is worth considering the option of a brick house with a garage.

Foundation of the house

With any construction, the question arises which foundation to choose. The foundation can be:

  • solid monolithic - the most reliable foundation for any home;
  • tape - a lightweight foundation made of concrete, when a minimum amount of building materials is used;
  • foundation on concrete pillars - when groundwater is located close to the surface of the earth or it makes no sense to build a solid foundation;
  • piles - are used, as a rule, at high groundwater, when it is impossible to use solid types of foundations on soft and marshy soils.

If the type of soil allows you to make a deep enough basement into which groundwater will not flow, it should be done. In this case, all auxiliary and technical premises can be placed in the lower part of the house, and your home will receive additional space.

Of course, it must be taken into account that the cost of construction in this case will increase significantly. Quality basements are very expensive.

How to choose a contractor

Of course, it is best to contact a contractor who will provide all types of high quality work. An ideal option for building a turnkey house. It should be borne in mind that finishing a brick building will cost more than a wooden one.

Particular attention should be paid to electrical work. With frequent power outages, the project must provide for an autonomous power generator. Heating, most likely, will also be autonomous, for plumbing equipment you need to build an additional room.

If a heating boiler is to be used, it will require fire safety regulations to be taken into account. An important role is played by the installation of equipment for the disposal of biological waste on the site. To do this, the project must provide a place near the house.

What points to pay attention to?

Any construction of a house on a plot outside the city requires considerable effort and will take enough time. It's no secret that the construction of some houses stretches for many years, and sometimes for decades. To prevent this from happening, it is worth carefully considering and calculating all stages from design work to settlement.

It is very demanding to approach the choice of a contractor. Trust only specialists who have proven themselves in the market. If a decision is made to build a house without finishing, then subsequent finishing work may approach the cost of the construction itself.

Photo of the construction of a private house

It is difficult to imagine how a house looks like in reality when only its project is on hand. In this article, we have collected the most popular projects of built houses from our catalog. Let's take a look at the features of the proposed options together, highlight the main thing, consider photos of houses built according to projects and floor plans.

Project No. 40-17

Two-storey cottage in a modern style with an area of ​​203 m 2 with a bay window and a terrace. Wall material - brick, finishing - facing brick and plaster. During the implementation, it was decided to replace the plaster with a facing brick of a different color.

What is good about the 40-17 project and the house built on it?

  • Columns and balconies adorn the façade;
  • The minimalistic appearance and straight lines define the contemporary style of the building;
  • European standard design of floors: the first one is reserved for the living and guest areas, the second one is for the bedrooms;
  • The monolithic foundation and floors guarantee the reliability of the structure.

Project No. 47-05

A two-storey European-style cottage with an area of ​​124 m 2 with a terrace, an attic, a garage, a bay window and a balcony. A real find for owners of small plots, since the dimensions of the house are only 11 * 12 m, and at the same time there are so many useful details. The material of the walls is brick. The client decided to replace the plaster finish with facing bricks.

What is good about project 47-05 and the house built on it?

  • Bright and memorable appearance;
  • A small space containing all the necessary functional areas on the first floor and two bedrooms on the second;
  • Exit to the terrace from the dining room.

Completed construction of a cottage house according to project 47-05:

Project No. 51-29

A two-storey European-style house of 150 m2 with a balcony, a bay window and columns. Wall material - aerated concrete, front finish - terracotta brick.

What is good about project 51-29 and the house built on it?

  • The walls are made of aerated concrete, which allows you to build faster and save on insulation;
  • On the first floor there is a spacious dining-living room, on the second floor there are three bedrooms and an additional bathroom;
  • Layout suitable for a large family: the rooms are spacious and isolated.

Photo of the built country cottage according to the project 51-29:

Project No. 51-54

A compact country house with dimensions of only 7 * 8 m. At the same time, there are 93 m 2 of usable area and an attic. Designed in a modern style. Finishing - plaster, wall material - brick.

What is good about the project 51-54 and the house built on it?

  • Convenient for a small family of 3-4 people;
  • The attic floor is reserved for the sleeping area;
  • Suitable for building on a narrow site.

This is how the project of the completed house looks like:

Project No. 54-64

Three-storey Art Nouveau house with an area of ​​229 m 2 with a basement, a garage and an attic. Wall material - aerated concrete, finishing - face brick.

What is good about the 54-64 project and the house built on it?

  • The ground floor is intended for a sauna, two garages and technical rooms;
  • The ground floor provides space for work and leisure;
  • On the second floor - three bedrooms and a large bathroom;
  • Bright and memorable architecture: arched windows, wrought iron bars, a balcony and other decorative elements.

As a result, the country mansion contains everything necessary for year-round living of a large family.

Project No. 57-00A

Popular among our clients is a project of a two-story house in a modern style with an attic, a garage, a terrace and a bay window. Area 187 m2. Suitable for a large family of 5-7 people. The project involves finishing with artificial stone, but the client preferred to get by with plaster and decorative elements.

What is good about the 57-00A project and the house built on it?

  • An interesting solution for finishing - light plaster was used, the contrast to which is created by a dark artificial stone;
  • The layout of the ground floor made it possible to efficiently use the space for the garage, technical rooms, wardrobe, guest room, dining room and living room;
  • Spacious bathroom, three bedrooms and a balcony on the second floor;
  • Unusual windows, access to the terrace directly from the kitchen, bay window - everything is combined with each other.

Project No. 57-07

Another popular country house project in a modern style, two-story, with an area of ​​115 m 2. Wall material - aerated concrete, finishing - front brick.

What is good about project 57-07, and the house built on it?

  • From the terrace you can get to the spacious kitchen, combined with the living room;
  • On the ground floor there is enough space for utility rooms - a boiler room, a pantry, a wardrobe;
  • A large family will comfortably accommodate in three bedrooms, and on the second floor there is a separate bathroom and toilet.

Project No. 57-08

The best seller on the site is a compact house for a comfortable stay of a small family with an area of ​​110 m 2 and dimensions of 10 * 9 m. This country cottage with an attic is made in the European style. Most often purchased for the construction of country houses.

What is good about project 57-08, and the house built on it?

  • Despite the small area, it contains all the necessary premises for a comfortable stay;
  • The useful area of ​​the house is increased due to the use of the attic floor;
  • Graceful windows, balconies, a terrace and decorative finishes create a unique and memorable look.

This house is a good example of what the completed projects of one-story houses and cottages with an attic look like. Despite the modest area, everything fits together without feeling cramped.

What is good about project 59-92, and the house built on it?

  • Designed to accommodate 4-5 people. When refurbishing rooms, it is possible to increase the number of bedrooms;
  • The style of the mansion is emphasized by the roof made of metal tiles of the original form;
  • The first floor accommodates all household premises;
  • The recreation area is represented by a living room, dining room and a large terrace.

The projects of the constructed houses given in the article demonstrate the main criteria for choosing future housing:

  • materials;
  • architectural style;
  • number of residents;
  • the required number and set of premises.

If the projects described in the article do not suit you, we will help you choose another project to suit your requirements, or make changes to the most suitable one. You can also perform all the necessary calculations, including the calculation of construction estimates from selected materials. After that, planning the construction will be much easier.

This will allow you to build a house according to completed projects, taking into account personal wishes regarding any of its features.

Having no financial opportunities to attract professional builders, you can, armed with special literature and patience, build a house on your own. In practice, this requires effort, but allows you to save up to half the cost of construction.

Many independent builders offer others to get acquainted with their projects and provide detailed reports, accompanying the process of building a house with detailed photographs.

Features of the layout of the house

Through the efforts of two men, a cheap house for permanent residence was built with an attached garage. Initially, the garage was not provided for in the project and was added after the completion of the house.

In general, the project, as the discussion progressed, changed on the advice of other builders and the requests of the wife. Initially, the layout of the house included 6 rooms on two floors.

During construction, it was decided to equip two bathrooms, while on the ground floor the toilet and bath should be separate. The area of ​​the living room and the location of the stairs have also changed. Relative to the initial project, the living room was too narrow and elongated. The stairs were also planned to be uncomfortable and steep. After the changes, these shortcomings are eliminated.

The cost of building a house with your own hands

In May 2010, the father of a small family planned to cheaply build a house with his own hands in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. This amount included the cost not only for materials, but also for connecting gas and electricity. The following expenses were incurred according to the budget:

  1. Concrete - 20 700.
  2. Edged and unedged timber - 70,000.
  3. Styrofoam - 31 200.
  4. Plywood - 8023.
  5. Metal profile - 16 200.
  6. Siding - 22 052.
  7. Used windows - 4000.
  8. Nails, screws, etc. — 15,000.
  9. Delivery of material and excavator services - 5200.
  10. Septic tank - 10000.
  11. Plumbing, radiators - 35 660.
  12. GKL and finishing costs - 21280.
  13. Design and installation of a gas pipeline, connection fee - 37,000.
  14. Gas equipment (stove, boiler) - 29,000.
  15. Electricity connection with materials - 3000.
  16. Water connection - 2000.

According to the builder himself, a certain number of items on the little things are missing in the estimate. However, this also requires additional costs. It should also be noted that some of the windows were received from friends and did not require financial costs. In total, 327,315 rubles were spent on building a house without trifles. This amount does not include the attached garage. He was attached later on a separate estimate. In addition, the construction of the garage required an amount of about 34,000 rubles. Taking into account unspecified expenses, the house cost no more than 400 thousand rubles.

Installation of a shallow strip foundation

A pre-planned foundation is 35 cm wide and 25 cm above the ground and 20 cm below the ground. A cutting section of 2.5x100 mm was chosen as a reinforcing element. The reinforcement of the tape was planned in 2 layers, top and bottom, with three connected die-cut sheets in each.

On the advice of experienced builders, vertical elements were added, and the number of sheets to be connected was increased to 5 pieces. Additionally, the height of the foundation above the ground increased and amounted to 45 cm.

notch reinforcement - you can’t do that!

After pouring the foundation into concrete, 20 anchor bolts were installed for mounting the lower trim.

Construction of the first floor

Before the installation of the walls of the first floor, a platform was installed and insulated and pipes for sewerage were laid. The bottom of the platform is left open, the insulation is fixed due to the fixed trimmings of the boards. As a platform insulation, 3 layers of foam plastic, 15 cm thick, were used. The draft floor is made of a board 150x50 mm.

The walls were mounted in a horizontal position. Styrofoam was laid between the posts and protection with 8 mm plywood, windows were also installed. The windows in the project were used second-hand. The installation of the assembled wall in a vertical position was carried out by two men. In the construction of the walls, it was decided to abandon the installation of jibs. The builder assumed that the rigidity of the frame would be sufficient due to the plywood sheathing.

After assembling the walls of the first floor, the installation of internal partitions was carried out. Styrofoam was also used as a heater.

The principle of assembling the second floor

After the installation of the piping, a temporary floor was partially laid from unedged boards and the horizontal assembly of the walls and their vertical installation were carried out. Second floor windows were also used.

To increase sound insulation in the interfloor ceiling, non-woven cloth was laid on the floor logs under the boards. This allows you to partially dampen the vibration from steps.

Installation of rafters and roofs

At the end of the assembly of the walls of the attic floor, a truss system was installed. The overhangs of the rafters were not lengthened. An inch board was used as a crate. The roof was covered with a profiled sheet 4 m long.

Exterior finish of the building

Siding was used for the exterior of the building. It was mounted with a ventilation gap of 25 mm. Also at the stage of exterior decoration, an extension of the vestibule was completed. The foundation for the vestibule was not mounted, the structure was installed on pieces of concrete laid on the ground and sidewalk curbs.

Features of the stairs and its installation

The location of the stairs in the project caused a lot of controversy. Initially, its location suggested excessive emphasis on the attic ceiling. After changing the location and design of the stairs, it was made without a platform with a slight turn.

The staircase is made of boards 50x150 mm, the width of the step is 30 cm. Under the upper span, a place was left for equipping a toilet there. According to personal feelings, the staircase turned out to be comfortable and compact.

Interior decoration of the house

Before the start of finishing the premises, the insulation of the interfloor ceiling and the flooring of the second floor were completed. Felt is nailed between the joists and floor boards to increase the level of sound insulation. After that, a rough finish of the interior of both floors of a cheap house was completed.

The rough finish included three items:

  1. Installation of fiberboard as a windscreen.
  2. GVL installation.
  3. Putty joints and chips GVL.

In the fine finish, staining with a water-based emulsion was mainly used. Living room, kitchen and bedrooms are painted in different colors. The floor in the rooms is covered with linoleum, the ceilings are finished with expanded polystyrene tiles.

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