Otter in the tundra full version. Otter: photo and description. Patter about otters in gaiters poking cedar kernels

Leggings are knitted in the tundra,
In the cedars, the kernels ripen mortally,
How otters knit leggings,
Steal the kernels for sure!

Carl stole corals from Clara,
so that the otters don't get it.
Otters dig everything they see:
buckets, cores, spats, cedars…

Otters would steal even the tundra,
if it could fit in buckets.
Karl was taken aback with corals,
even Clara shed a tear!

What is the tundra! Even a zebra
otters tried to resist,
to drag a zebra into the tundra
in buckets steal cores!

A zebra in the tundra is something!
Otters - they are alien to fatigue.
They wanted to take a hippopotamus,
But he is a bit heavy.

And here is Greka, across the river!
He put his hands into the buckets of the Greek...
He sees the Greek - in buckets of otters!
And besides, in leggings!

The otters were not at a loss here:
They stole a boat from the Greeks.
They left the cedars in the boat
And they laughed at the Greek.

But remained with the Greeks
The cores that the otters forgot
Hiding them away, in leggings.
Threw the Greek kernels into buckets,
Pulled on leg warmers
And went to meet Clara,
with the one that stole the corals.

Well, how? Did you like the poem? It may not make much sense, but the poem is definitely funny, right?

There is an even shorter version of the development of events in the life of these otters. Here she is:

In the wilds of the proud crown of cedar
Cheerfully tibrite otter kernels.
Peeling the kernels from the cedar,
The otter rams them into buckets.
Buckets of cedar kernels in the tundra
Solded by good non -ram.
These frames are in the bowels of the tundra
They strum loudly on the dombra.
And a bucket of crushed kernels
cedars are happy negros-bards.

Undermining the roots,
A beaver roams in the wilds of cedars,
Having made a hole in the otter of the bucket,
A predetermined hail of nuclei.
Buckets in holes, otter tibrit,
And a ram cedar kernels
Breaks the edges of the buckets.
Kernels - shot to the roots of cedar.
Otter is stupid. sly beaver,
Devouring buckets of cores
Fertilizes cedar roots.

Based on these complex life experiences, the following lines were born in the life of otters:

On the gray plain of the tundra
The cedars suddenly grew.

Between the cedars on the tundra,
Drunk drunk, the janitor wanders
With a muzzle that has not seen a razor.

He asks with anguish:
"What an unkind geek
Did you scatter the kernels of these three-damned cedars across the tundra?!

I have a hip, gout...
I ruined all my health
Picking up cedar kernels…”

Suddenly he saw among the trees
An otter in tattered colorful leggings,
Fed up with nuclei.

And, forgetting that he was vdrybadan,
Cheerfully rushed to the otter
And stuck it in a bucket!

This bucket on the shoulders,
Because in the bowels of the tundra
Otters with buckets have no place.

So go ahead, wise janitor -
Let the otters tremble more!

The otter is a fairly large animal. Its body length reaches 1 m, and its weight is 14 kg. Otters live everywhere. The exceptions are Australia and Antarctica. This is a semi-aquatic animal. It can live in water.

The otter has a rounded head, a short, slightly pronounced neck, an oval flattened body, a wide powerful tail and webbed paws. The otter is good at diving. When immersed in water, the ears and nostrils of the otter close tightly due to the contraction of special muscles. These animals are awake both day and night. These predators hunt fish, frogs and some terrestrial animals, eat berries and roots of herbs, shrubs. An otter can catch young muskrat, beaver cubs.

If the otter is not hunting, she rests or frolic. Otters often gather in groups to hunt or fish together. They drive a school of fish into a narrow strait, where they are easiest to catch. If the fish is small, the otter eats it right in the water. At this time, she swims on her back. If the fish is large, then the animal takes the prey ashore. Otters are very good at distributing food resources. Therefore, they play and frolic most of the time. And they do not roam in search of food, like other animals.

The otter is a non-aggressive animal. But, if she has no other choice, she can be aggressive, vicious and will fight fiercely with enemies. During the mating season, male otters may fight among themselves for a female. This predatory mammal listed in the Red Book. Because of the valuable fur, the otter was hunted without any restrictions, which led to a significant decrease in the number of otters.

Otter tongue twisters

"In the bowels of the tundra, otters in leggings dig into buckets of cedar kernels. Having torn leggings from an otter in the tundra, wipe the otter's kernels of cedar, wipe the muzzle of an otter with a spat - the kernels into buckets, otter into the tundra."

In the wilds of the proud crown of cedar
Cheerfully tibrite otter kernels.
Peeling the kernels from the cedar,
The otter rams them into buckets.

Buckets of cedar kernels in the tundra
Solded by good non -ram.
These frames are in the bowels of the tundra
They strum loudly on the dombra.

And a bucket of crushed kernels
cedars are happy negros-bards.
Undermining the roots,
A beaver roams in the wilds of cedars,

Having made a hole in the otter of the bucket,
A predetermined hail of nuclei.
Buckets in holes, otter tibrit,
And ramming cedar kernels
Breaks the edges of the buckets.

Kernels - shot to the roots of cedar.
Otter is stupid. sly beaver,
Devouring buckets of cores
Fertilizes cedar roots.

Photos and pictures of otters

This brainwash (one of the most difficult tongue twisters of the Russian language) has given rise to many variations and humor. Get acquainted with some opuses extracted from the Internet.

Bydra - a mixture of beaver and otter -
cheerfully rubs cedar kernels
in the bowels of the tundra in buckets,

Having ottered leggings from an otter in the tundra,
wipe the otter kernels of cedar,
wipe the otter's muzzle with a gaiter -
otter in the tundra, kernels in buckets.

The beaver wiped his hips,
I tore out the buckets, chose the cores.
Passed the otters Gretchen's leggings.
Sin at Gretchen's leggings to rub!

In the tundra, otters are echoed by urks.
Urks are digging bushes in the tundra.
The Urka bushings will be soldered to the Turks.
The Turks will insert bushings into jackets.
The collar of the jacket is the muzzle of an otter.
Fashionable otter in the bowels of the tundra!

In the wilds of the proud crown of cedar
Cheerfully tibrite otter kernels.
Peeling the kernels from the cedar,
The otter rams them into buckets.
Buckets of cedar kernels in the tundra
Solded by good non -ram.
These frames are in the bowels of the tundra
They strum loudly on the dombra.
And a bucket of crushed kernels
cedars are happy negros-bards.

Undermining the roots,
A beaver roams in the wilds of cedars,
Having made a hole in the otter of the bucket,
A predetermined hail of nuclei.
Buckets in holes, otter tibrit,
And ramming cedar kernels
Breaks the edges of the buckets.
Kernels - shot to the roots of cedar.

Otter is stupid. sly beaver,
Devouring buckets of cores
Fertilizes cedar roots.

Knit otters in the tundra leggings,
In the cedars, the kernels ripen mortally,
How otters knit leggings,
Steal the kernels for sure!
Carl stole the coral from Clara to keep the otters out.
Otters steal everything they see: buckets, cannonballs, spats, cedars…
Otters would even steal the tundra if it could fit in buckets.
Karl was taken aback with corals, even Clara shed a tear!
What is the tundra! Even the otters tried to resist the zebra,
so that the zebra in buckets dragged the stole cores into the tundra!
Zebra in the tundra is something!
Otters - they are alien to fatigue.
They wanted to take a hippopotamus,
But he is a bit heavy.
And here is Greka, across the river! He put the Greek hands in buckets...
He sees the Greek - in buckets of otters! And besides, in leggings!
The otters were not at a loss here:
They stole a boat from the Greeks.
They left the cedars in the boat
And they laughed at the Greek.
But remained with the Greeks
The cores that the otters forgot
Hiding them away, in leggings.
Threw the Greek kernels into buckets,
Pulled on leg warmers
And went to meet Clara,
with the one that stole the corals.

In the bowels of the tundra, otters in leggings dig the kernels of cedars. A tongue twister that no one is able to pronounce

Well, from someone's light hand, and from the right left side, tongue twister about the bowels of the tundra, And about otters in spats has spread all over the Internet, and what kind of infection has settled in the brains of users. Now many people can't get rid of it. But it's hard to pronounce. Especially considering the fact that no one knows full text of this tongue twister, and correct word order in sentences. No matter how you tell them, everything is equally clear, right? Some generally pronounce the short form of this tongue twister, and believe that this is enough. "V". But no, most Internet users do not agree with this interpretation and more complex options were proposed, so to speak, literary processed, with the addition of all parts, according to the requirements of this genre of literary creativity. Well, to have an intrigue, then a denouement. And, of course, "evil must be punished." This is how new, more worthy titles of the laureate appear. literary prize, however, this option published under the name and surname of the most prolific author, of all times and peoples " Unknown author". The patronymic was never found out, and it is also difficult to determine gender, but, in our time of total sexual promiscuity, when all the sexes are mixed, in a system of total tolerance for minorities, this is not so important. So, here is a more complete, however, not the final version of the tongue twister:

In the bowels of the tundra, otters in leggings dig into buckets of cedar kernels.
Having ottered leggings from an otter in the tundra,
wipe the otter kernels of cedar,
wipe the otter's muzzle with a gaiter -
kernels in buckets, otter in the tundra.

In addition, now, when the manipulation of consciousness is almost in the first place, it is very important that the blowing out of the brain occurs in all categories of persons. It is well known that mankind is divided into visuals, And auditory, kinesthetics and who the hell knows what sexual minorities, type lesbian, homo and so on. So here it is for visuals and auditory, such a wonderful video appeared in which someone did not hesitate and tried to pronounce this completely unpronounceable and unbearable tongue twister for people of a certain orientation (they have pachimu-ta argasm when pronouncing). But listen and see for yourself orgasms hold back.

Many prominent experts believe that saying repeatedly " In the bowels of the tundra, otters in leggings dig cedar kernels in bucketsв", facial muscles develop, especially if pronounced with the intonation of Vera Serduchka, and wrinkles are smoothed out (though they didn’t say where?). Others believe that the patter "in the bowels of the tundra" is good for developing coordination of movements, especially if you say it out loud many times in the kitchen when your wife fries cutlets. How many times to say for the effect should not be said, but the effectiveness is guaranteed.

In general, we will not bore you with our stories for a long time, I hope everything will work out for you, and the tongue twister (or pan) will spin in your head (or on your head) for a long time. If everything works out, then we will offer you a new tongue twister - specially created for women

Well, how? Cooler than the otter of the tundra or not?

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