How to create a new account on YouTube. How to create an account on your phone: step-by-step instructions. Login, delete, unlock. Filling out personal information when registering with Google

How to create an account on YouTube: what is YouTube video hosting + 4 reasons why you need a YouTube account + 6 steps to register an account + how to use YouTube + what you can do on the site.

The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. With its help we relax, communicate with friends, and work.

Many people still prefer to relax online, for example, watch movies or various funny videos. The best resource for this is by far the best resource.

In addition, to watch other people's videos, you can even shoot and post your own video. Users do this not only to show off their shooting skills or an interesting idea for a story.

You can also shoot videos to earn money. The server's capabilities are not limited, but first you need to deal with the first question - ?

What is YouTube?

The word “YouTube” itself comes from English and consists of two parts:

  1. “You” in translation is “you”.
  2. "Tube" means "pipe", "tunnel", but colloquially means "television".

If translated literally, it comes out as “your TV.”

On YouTube, users post videos, watch other people's work, and leave comments. The number of visitors is growing before our eyes:

Initially, the idea for this server was different...

Creators Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Javit Karim wanted to open a new dating site. On it, users had to post interesting videos about their lives in order to attract new acquaintances.

Using Flash video technology, all downloaded videos were of good quality, even if they were small in size. This project quickly became popular, the number of users increased daily.

Over time, the leaders of YouTube changed, and gradually it became what we see it now. Now the main thing here is not dating, but posts with new videos.

In 2006, it was acquired by Google for $1.6 billion. The site very often contains videos not only of an entertaining nature, but also with online broadcasts of various scientific lectures, lessons, various concerts, etc.

In our country, the Russian-language version of the site appeared in 2007 and immediately gained many fans:

Why do you need a YouTube channel?

Nowadays you can not only watch and upload your own videos on YouTube. Why else would you need this service?

The capabilities and goals of video hosting are significant:


    YouTube makes it easy for those who make their own videos and upload them online.

    Large companies are willing to pay to insert their advertisements into videos. The intermediary is the YouTube resource itself.

    This topic is so vast that it deserves a separate article -

    Increase your audience.

    YouTube videos are another method of promotion. Of course, it is not suitable for every business on the Internet. But, for example, a traveler’s blog or an online store of handmade goods can be promoted using video.

    To do this, you need to add a website address in your video or just talk about your business. This could be a link in the annotation to the video, the story itself about this resource, or the use of products on camera.

    If the video is interesting, users will follow the specified link or simply order your products.

    Always know about new products.

    The main goal of the YouTube audience is to always be the first, to know about everything that is happening in the world with the help of fresh videos. Subscribing to a variety of thematic channels will help you with this.

    For example, if you want to learn how to play the guitar, then you should create a subscription to a person who gives lessons online. A letter with a selection of new videos from the author will be sent regularly to

    Subscription helps save time searching for the desired video on the Internet.

Why should you create a YouTube account?

Registration on the site itself is not required. You can easily view videos without an account and share them on social networks. Why then do you need to create an account on YouTube?

There are advantages to registering on a server:

    You can create your own channel.

    On it you will post your videos, arrange video broadcasts, choose who can watch the video and who will have limited access, etc.

    You can subscribe to other channels.

    This is necessary in order to follow updates on the channels of your favorite bloggers.

    Monetize your YouTube channel.

    With this function, you can start making money on your videos, in which advertising will be inserted, thanks to the affiliate program.

    Some achieve very impressive earnings.

    If you suddenly have such a need or simple curiosity, you will have to register an account. How else will browsing data be recorded if there is no connection to the user?

Details on how to create a YouTube account

As we have already found out, YouTube is owned by Google, so it is impossible to do without an account in this system. Fortunately, you just need to register once and you will be able to use all the services of the Google system.

In addition to the YouTube platform, it has many other applications for work and entertainment - Gmail, cloud services, the Google+ social network and others.

Step-by-step instructions on how to create your YouTube account

You no longer need to register on the YouTube website itself. For Google Account users, simply click the Sign In button at the top or bottom of the screen.

How to use YouTube?

After creating an account and logging into the site, you will be offered a selection of posts recommended for viewing. The system selects them itself, based on your queries in the Google search engine.

For example, you were looking for Ani Lorak’s video a few days ago. In the “Recommendations” section, the singer’s latest popular videos will be in first place.

Recent published posts and your previously watched videos will also be presented. YouTube will also automatically prioritize videos from channels you subscribe to.

As you use the service, your feed of videos will become increasingly tailored to your interests. This makes the resource even more convenient and popular.

The service menu is very easy to use. There are no unnecessary sections, everything is concise and clear.

The catalog of existing channels will help you quickly find those recordings that you will really be interested in watching. They are usually sorted into the following sections: sports, culture, music, games, news, etc.

On the left side of the screen are your subscriptions and main sections.

Using the resource is so intuitive that you will not need any additional instructions.

Video hosting YouTube: what can you do with yourself on the site?

Some people mistakenly believe that YouTube was created only for the purpose of . This is far from true.

Today, on the site you can communicate with people, just like in other social networks, and, as we have already found out, you can even create your own channel to make a profit.

A modern website has a number of parameters similar to social networks. Actually, YouTube is a social network, albeit a unique one.

Here you can communicate, leave your comments, like, find friends, and share your favorite videos on your pages on social networks.

All these functions are needed to increase the site's audience. The creators want their service to be of interest to all target groups that exist.

But still, the main task of hosting is to upload videos of various directions.

Tip: If you are interested in a specific video topic, then it is best to subscribe to a specific channel. This is convenient because you don’t have to constantly look for updates. You will be notified by email when new videos are available for viewing.

Creating a YouTube account is very easy!

Visual step-by-step instructions in this video for you:

The main thing is to understand how to create a YouTube account, and what to do next on the hosting, everyone chooses for themselves.

All modern smartphones are linked to a specific account. For example, Android-based gadgets are registered with Google. The account helps both identify the user (and protect his phone from intruders) and synchronize data between several devices (for example, an old and new gadget). In addition, it opens up a wide range of possibilities for the owner of the gadget. We will discuss in detail how to create an account on your phone in this article.

What does an account on your smartphone give you?

Many users find it unnecessary to bother with registering their device in Google. But in vain. A Google account on your phone provides you with the following:

  • Synchronization of all recorded contacts with Google cloud.
  • Save settings for apps you download.
  • Transfer contacts and other data to a new smartphone and other Android devices.
  • Saving both history and browser bookmarks.
  • Identification in all the variety of Google services: social network Google+, YouTube, Google Drive, Play Music, Play Press, Play Movies, etc.
  • Player identification in “Play Games” - with your account you will be transferred to a new device, preserving all your achievements.
  • Access to the cloud and storage of various information in it - photos, audio, video.

How to create an account on your phone?

The procedure will be quite simple. So, how to create an account on your phone:

  1. Connect your gadget to the Internet.
  2. Go to "Settings".
  3. Find "Accounts".
  4. Click on "Add Account" or similar line.
  5. The device can offer several systems, in addition to Google, - Samsung, Microsoft, Dropbox, etc. Choose the one you need.
  6. Next, click on “Create...”.
  7. How to set up an account on your phone? First, enter your first and last name.
  8. Click on the "Next" arrow.
  9. In the next window, the password is a unique combination of numbers 0-9 and letters of the Latin alphabet of various registers (lowercase and uppercase). As for the password, you can also use a number of special characters: No., %, dash, underscore, exclamation and question marks, period, comma, etc.
  10. A password that contains at least 12 characters is considered strong. At this stage you need to enter it twice to confirm.
  11. How to set up an account on your phone? In the next window you must enter your mobile phone number. It is he who will help you recover your login and password if you forget them.
  12. A message with a special code will be sent to the specified number, the characters from which must be entered into the box on the next window.
  13. You will then be presented with the account terms and conditions. Only by accepting them will you be able to use your account in the system.
  14. Then a window will appear with your username and password - click “Next”.
  15. If you want to receive news from Google to your email, check the box.
  16. Click on "Next". Account created!

Creating an account using a PC

We've figured out how to create an account on your phone. If this method is inconvenient for you, then you can turn to the help of a computer or laptop. This is done as follows:

  1. Open the Google home page in your browser.
  2. Click on "Login", select "Register".
  3. Here, during the registration process, you will need to provide similar information - login and password (you need to remember this information - you will enter it on your smartphone to link it to your account), last name, first name, gender, date of birth, your country, mobile phone number, backup email address.
  4. As soon as the procedure is completed, go to the “Settings” of the gadget, then to “Accounts”, and link it to your account by entering your username and password in the Google system. How to do this - read on.

How to log into your account on a gadget?

We continue to figure out how to set up an account on the phone. We've discussed registration with you - booking a unique address in Google or any other system. And logging into your account means linking your smartphone to a previously created account, the login and password for which you know.

This is done like this:

  1. Connect your phone to the Internet.
  2. Go to "Settings".
  3. Select "Accounts".
  4. Click on "Add..."
  5. Select from the list provided the system in which you have already registered. For example, Google.
  6. Enter your login - email address. Click on "Next".
  7. Then enter your password.
  8. The next step is an agreement with
  9. Enable/disable backup as desired.
  10. That's all - you have linked your smartphone to your account.

Account deleting

If your phone is already linked to one, then to register it with a new one, you first need to delete the old one. This is done like this:

  1. Connect your device to the Internet.
  2. Go to "Settings".
  3. Then - "Accounts".
  4. Select the account you want to delete.
  5. Then go to its options or menu.
  6. Find in the list
  7. The system will prompt you to enter your password to confirm the action.
  8. Click on "Delete" again.

How to unlock an account on your phone?

Many users are faced with the following problem: after a hard reset, the smartphone asks to enter their Google account information to which the gadget was linked before the reset. If you have forgotten your login and password, it will become impossible to use the phone until you enter this correct information.

There are many ways to bypass this blocking on the Internet. We will offer you the easiest one:

  1. Insert the SIM card into the device and turn it on.
  2. As soon as the operator icon appears, call from another phone to the locked one.
  3. During a call, you need to go to the add a new call icon, and then reset it (the call).
  4. On the dial screen enter this: *#*#4636#*#*
  5. You will find yourself in advanced options - click on the "Back" arrow.
  6. This will return you to the default settings.
  7. Go to "Reset and Restore": disable linking the backup copy to your Google account. You can delete your credentials in Security.
  8. After that, reset the settings again.

Now you know how to create an account on your phone. We have also presented other ways to configure it.

A Google account allows you to use most Google services without having to register in each of them. By creating a Google account, you can:

  • send and receive email in Gmail;
  • get recommendations on YouTube;
  • download applications from Google Play.

Step 1: Create a Google Account

When you create a Google Account, we ask you to provide personal information. By providing accurate information, you will help protect your account and make our services better for you.

How to check if you have a Google Account

If you've already used services like Gmail, Google Maps, or YouTube, then you have a Google account. You can sign in to other Google services using the same username and password.

Don't remember if you have a Google account? Enter your email address at this page. If you don't have any Google Account associated with it, you'll see an error message.

Forgot your username or password? Visit this link and follow the onscreen instructions.

How to check which address notifications are sent to

All account-related notifications are sent to your registered Gmail address.

Step 2: Protect your account

By providing a contact phone number and a backup email address, you can always restore access to your account if they try to hack it or you forget your password.

How to create an account on your phone? This is exactly the question many users have when purchasing a new Android device, resetting the settings to factory settings, or reinstalling the OS. In this publication we will consider this issue in detail.

Registering with Google allows you to use advanced Android features:

  • by mail;
  • download new software from the Play Market;
  • save and manage files in Google Drive;
  • synchronize information from your phone and transfer it to another gadget;
  • use various developer services.

In addition, after creating an account, it is easy to log in to other resources that use the Google API.

How to create a personal Google account on your phone?

Before you make an account, you need to make sure that you have Internet access on your phone; without a connection, nothing will work. Further:

  • open “Settings” and look for “Accounts”;

  • click on add new, in the menu that appears, click “Google”;

  • select the “New” sub-item;
  • enter your personal data, FI in English or Russian. This information is displayed in letters to the recipients of your emails. If necessary, you can later change them in the settings of the service itself;

  • create a combination of characters for your account, you can only enter Latin characters, dots, numbers or dashes. This combination must be remembered;
  • after a while, the Google system checks whether the login you entered is free or whether you need to create another one;
  • enter your security PIN code.

To avoid going through logins several times, you should use original combinations. It's hard to imagine how many Google users are already registered, so try alphanumeric combinations for more uniqueness.

Security code

If we talk about the password, then it must contain Latin characters and numbers. The more difficult the pin code, the safer it is for you. After re-entering, make sure that you remember this information and click “Next”.

The most remarkable thing is that after that you will be able to configure the settings for password recovery. You can skip this step, but it is better not to do it. Click "Customize Settings". Next steps:

  • first of all, consent or refusal of Google mailing list;
  • secondly, agreement to the terms of use;

  • entering characters to protect against auto-registration, entering letters and “Next”;
  • setting payment details. Many experts recommend skipping this moment and returning to it later, because there is a risk of accidentally paying for unnecessary content. Tap “No, thanks”;

  • mark the data that needs to be sent from the storage to the new device. You want to create a new account, so no synchronization is required, just click “Next”.

As a result, the creation of a profile on the Android smartphone is completed. Now it’s easy to use Google products, transfer contacts, and various information.

How to create on a Samsung phone?

First of all, you will need to go to the settings and the accounts section, click “Samsung account” there.

  • confirm your desire to create a profile;
  • enter data (email, full name, password, etc.);

  • confirm your agreement to the terms of use;
  • confirm the creation of your account. A confirmation SMS is sent to the entered email address, so follow the link and your account will be activated. If you don't find the email, check your spam folder.

Account on Meizu phone

In devices from this manufacturer, the account is called Flyme. Therefore, look for this item in the settings and select registration in the new window:

  • first, create a password, login, indicate your email;
  • secondly, choose security questions and answers. You should choose questions to which you can quickly remember the answer;
  • thirdly, you confirm the creation of your profile.

How to create an account on your phone? This is easy to do, the main thing is not to forget your own password. If this happens, you will have to reset the device to factory settings and make an account again.

Reading time: 11 minute(s)

YouTube is a huge video content platform where billions of users from all over the world spend time every day. One part of visitors is waiting for new stories, the second part uses the site as a search engine. The created channel on YouTube will not only introduce the audience to your brand, but will also help talk about the advantages of your product.

If you doubt that your channel will be interesting to anyone, then take a book, select any word on the first page you come across and enter it into the search. The first video with the word “measured” has 33 thousand views. This is a good result, you will agree. Then let's begin the process of creating a channel.

Benefits of registering on YouTube

For users who do not have an account on the site, the functionality is limited to viewing the video and the ability to share a link to it on other social networks. networks.

    post your videos that will attract views;

    subscribe to channels of interest so as not to miss new releases;

    find an unwatched video in history;

    bookmark the video to watch it later;

    evaluate content - “like”, “dislike”, this affects the content of recommendations on the site;

    leave an opinion in the form of comments;

    conduct personal correspondence with other people.

YouTube Marketing

In 2019, YouTube is positioning itself as an effective tool for marketers. More than 300 hours of content are uploaded to the site every minute for an audience of 5 billion people.

According to GlobalWebIndex, Youtube ranks second not only among platforms in terms of the number of active users, but also among search engines, where Google takes first place.

Top 15 most popular media platforms(orange – visitors and guests, blue – registered users)

The popularity of the channel increases brand sales, develops interest among the audience, and provides the opportunity to participate in conferences in the field, while other companies themselves offer cooperation.

If you want to promote your brand, talk about the company’s work, show how cool the product you sell looks, then it’s time to register a channel.

How to create an account on YouTube

You can use the full range of video hosting functions only with a Google account. For those who have not had to create it, instructions for creating it will be provided below.

Creating an account in the Google search engine

To register go to and in the upper right corner click “Login”.

When logging into YouTube, you use your Google account email and password. If you created an email, enter your existing username and password, and proceed to the next paragraph of the article “How to create a channel on YouTube”

Otherwise, select “Create an account.” A pop-up clarifying menu will offer options for the purpose of creation - personal or for business.

Now fill out the form with basic information about yourself. It’s good if you also have Google mail, which is used for authorization in Google Drive, Google Docs and other services. Click on "Create a Gmail Account".

Choose a memorable combination of symbols for yourself. If one already exists, the system will notify you about this and offer options. Create a password of at least 8 characters. And move on to the next step.

Now ensure the security of the account you are creating. A phone number and a backup email will help limit access and restore your account. This information can be filled in later in the settings. Date of birth and gender are filled in at the current step. If you want an unusual account, then suggest your own gender option :-)

We read the agreement to the end and accept the policy.

After the work has been done, the YouTube website will open. In the upper right corner, where the “Login” button was in the first step, you can now see a thumbnail of your account avatar. By clicking on it, a menu with settings will pop up.

It is worth noting that your Google account login and password are used when logging into YouTube.

How to create a YouTube channel

To create a channel, select “Your Channel” in the account menu.

The “Login as...” form contains the first and last name from the account, which will be used as the channel name for personal use.

To promote a business or brand, it is better to use the company name. Therefore, we select the appropriate inscription.

At the current stage, write the name and click “Create”.

Your first channel has been created. Design your channel in a corporate style - this will create the right atmosphere for visitors.

How to verify a channel on YouTube

Until the channel is confirmed, you won’t be able to enjoy long and informative videos due to a limitation - newbies cannot download videos longer than 15 minutes.

Through the account icon, open the menu and select “Settings”.

A useful page will open where you can track violations and warnings, as well as available functionality for working with the channel. Next to the avatar, click on the “Confirm” button.

All that remains is to select the country of residence, the confirmation format and then enter the verification code.

You have increased your account status and the length of your videos. The channel has been created and is ready to go.

YouTube channel sections

The company’s channel grows faster as viewers learn more about it, share their impressions, and watch videos and playlists.

Tabs on a channel organize information and make it accessible to guests.

Click "Your Channel" to view the channel's appearance.

The first thing a person sees when entering a channel is the “cover”. She must be liked and interested. This is achieved by organizing the content in the sections Home, Video, Playlists, Channels, Discussion, About the channel.

Let's look at the main sections below and for what purposes they are used.

  • Home. This tab is the main one in the truest sense of the word. It opens first for all users who visited the channel and gives an overview of the content. The most recently added and popular videos are displayed here.

  • Video. A tab with all uploaded videos that are allowed for public viewing. Videos that were marked as “I liked” are also added to this section.

  • Playlists. Here the videos are combined into collections that will be easier for the viewer to navigate. Your favorite videos from other channels are also grouped into a playlist.

  • Discussion. Comments left by users.
  • About the channel. A short summary of the company that owns the channel. This shows the focus of the content, the main topics covered, and the benefits the videos will bring. The length of the text should not exceed 1000 characters, so the description should be succinct and to the point.

You can also add links to social networks and company website pages to this section by creating a “Links” subsection.
  • Community. A new YouTube feature that increases the audience and traffic to the channel. It is available provided that the channel has 1000 subscribers. When the required number of people have subscribed to the channel, within a month YouTube will send a notification to your personal account and email with an offer to try the function. This section is similar to a news feed where videos, images, GIFs, and text are published. Subscribers receive notifications when new publications are added. On the “Home” tab, you can enable the display of content from the “Community” section.


Talking about your products in a video is the best way to introduce your business to your audience. With the help of media platforms, this process has become much easier. Bloggers are popular for their openness and desire to communicate with subscribers. So grab your camera and tell us about yourself, why you should choose your company over your competitor.

Watch the video on how to create a YouTube channel:

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