Graphito plaster: main advantages. Advantages and application of decorative graphite plaster Ordinary decorated stamped concrete using the “DOMASK-BETON” technology

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Grafito plaster (grafito), plaster. buy, finishing, prices, services in Kaliningrad

"PRINTED CONCRETE" is a generalized name for similar similar technologies. This is a kind of finishing materials (from various manufacturers, which are produced and presented on the market each under their own brand). In Russia, stamped concrete began to gain popularity only recently. This material has long been widespread in Europe and the USA. Original decoration of country houses, residential and commercial premises, cafes, offices, entertainment facilities, fences, swimming pools, floors, house territory and more. etc. - all this is under the power of the "Printed Concrete" technology. For convenience and understanding by the customer what exactly we are talking about, we deliberately divided the generalized name "PRINTED CONCRETE" into two concepts: "THIN-LAYER PRINTED CONCRETE" and "NORMAL DECORATED PRINTED CONCRETE". We read about the similarities and differences between these two directions below.

Thin-layer stamped concrete using Domask-concrete technology

(analogues: Domotek, Grafito, Fleks-c-ment, Flex-beton, etc.)


  • Vertical surfaces (applied layer thickness from 0.5 cm to 3 cm) - interior walls, facades, plinths, columns, arches, vaults, fireplaces, barbecues, stoves, retaining walls, slopes, framing window and door openings, decorative borders along walls, steps and flights of stairs, decorative ponds and pools, concrete garden furniture, fences and more. others
  • Horizontal surfaces (applied layer thickness 1-1.5 cm) - floors, paths, porches, sidewalks, terraces, house territory, balconies, steps, flights of stairs, steps, blind areas, etc. The basis for finishing can be - concrete, any brick, various building block, chipboard, DSP, OSB, wood, drywall, polystyrene, stone wool, old tiles, metal, etc. The main and main requirement for the base is its integrity and immobility.

Advantages of other finishing materials:

  1. It does not require special preparation of the base (plastering, puttying, grouting, etc.), chips, ruts, irregularities, roughness, etc. are allowed, which eliminates the cost and time of the customer for these processes when preparing the surface.
  2. Decorative and protective is used both indoors and outdoors. It has the following characteristics: frost resistance (at least 300 cycles), non-combustible material (usable in the decoration of fireplaces, stoves, barbecues, with "warm floor" systems), hydrophobic (possesses dirt and water-repellent properties) while remaining breathable (vapor permeable), which is very important in facade decoration, durable (wall coating-1260kg / m3, which is comparable to the strength of red brick, coating for -1900kg / m3, which is comparable to M300 concrete), mix reinforced with fiberglass.
  3. It has a relatively low weight (in the finished dried state - a mixture for vertical coatings). For example, the weight of 1m2, on a vertical base, with a layer thickness of 1cm (and this is usually 60-70% of customer preferences) is 13-15kg, which is comparable to the weight of a clinker tile, and even then not any, not to mention any decorative (artificial) or natural stone (from 45kg/m2), which allows you to safely apply this coating on facades insulated with polystyrene or stone wool, without fear that something will fall off, “shoot off a fragment” or even fall by pulling all the insulation. Also, due to its light weight, the additional load on the foundation of the building is minimized.
  4. With the help of a decorative coating, you can imitate a different texture - wood, boards, bark, various (including clinker), all kinds of natural stone (cobblestone, paving stones, rubble, slate, sandstone, travertine, etc.), various artificial stone, brick, untreated stone slabs (granite, basalt, etc.) and many other textures. At the same time, everyone should take into account one more not unimportant factor that the customer does not always take into account when choosing finishing materials - this is the material itself! A few examples: finishing an arch, a column, a window frame, a slope, or even just a wall with some other artificial material - how much material do you need? That's right, a little more, and sometimes much more, than the actual footage of the surface being trimmed, since all artificial (and not only) materials have certain dimensions, with which problems almost always arise when laying, gluing, fitting to close the surface to be trimmed!
  5. Hence, trimming of the material and, as a result, its remnants (which, as a rule, are no longer applicable anywhere), i.e., overspending, which is expressed in extra cash costs and lost time. You also need to remember and know that the finishing of the outer corners, as a rule, is carried out by “elements”, which cost (as, for example, in the case of decorative types of stone or tiles) not very cheap, where it goes “per piece” and can reach up to 50% of the cost this type of stone for 1m2. And what then can be said about the finishing of steps (metal, concrete) and flights of stairs, and even “turning ones”, where the size of the steps is not always the same? and how to close and finish the ends and risers so that it looks beautiful? how to cut off the steps from the wall at the junction (plinth, curb), so that it is attractive and unusual? And how much material and time will be required for all this? You can not continue further, because how and how much not to count, you still never exactly calculate, but the fact that in the end such (traditional materials) will be an order of magnitude, or even more expensive than the originally calculated one, there is no doubt.

    In our case, with the use of this technology, the customer pays for the material exactly as much as it is required (in fact !!!) for finishing a particular surface, there is no overspending of the material, and also the time to complete the work is significantly reduced.

  6. The color of the finished decorative coating can be almost any. dyes - more than 20 colors that can be mixed with each other. If desired, the finished surface can be given an “aging effect”, whether it be any stone, tile or wood, it is also possible to give the effect of interspersed anthracite sand to “stone-like” surfaces, which makes the finished coating more attractive in sunny weather and when the lights are on, when from surfaces emit separate reflections of various colors. The finished coating is “closed” with a finishing impregnation, which in turn creates additional protection for the finished surface from atmospheric influences (repels dirt and water), and also protects the painted surface from fading (the impregnation includes filters from UV radiation). Floor coverings for additional protection are also covered with special varnishes (which also prevent paint fading), but at the same time, they are designed for a more intense load, are not affected by alkalis, salts, fats, oil stains, etc.
  7. The possibility of combining when finishing. Say, the customer would like to see on the same surface both a stone and a board or, for example, a granite texture of a wall covering, but with fragmentary “supposedly fallen off pieces”, under which one can see an “older foundation” made of supposedly old brick. Or let's say, Alpine-style facade decoration, where such an element as fachwerk is used. Everything can be done in one go, with one material, to imitate a brick and a board, etc.
  8. Everything is limited only by fantasy. At the same time, which is very important! search and selection of different materials, delivery of these materials to the facility, loading and unloading (during which it is often possible to break something, smash and render unusable) adjustment in size and color, joining different materials that are different in nature and characteristics are excluded, search for teams of finishers, masons, if necessary, artists and decorators who, say, do one thing, but do not work with other materials, etc.

  9. The finished coating is easy to care for. It is enough (if necessary) to wash it with a light soapy solution, cold or warm water, using a soft cloth or a brush with soft bristles. Another important point is that, if necessary, in case of any damage to the finished coating (chips, dents, etc.), which could occur with a careless attitude to the coating or in the case of operation of the coating in which this coating is not calculated, this technology makes it possible to repair and restore the damaged area in such a way that the coating will acquire almost its original appearance, both in texture and color, and the restored area will be practically invisible.
  10. In view of all of the above, it can be confidently stated that the technology of thin-layer printed concrete is currently one of the most advanced and versatile finishing materials and services on the market and is increasingly gaining popularity in Russia and the Kaliningrad region. , besides, it has long established itself from the most positive side in Western countries (it has been used in the USA for more than 25 years, in Europe for more than 10 years, in Russia for a little over 5 years). Decor workshop "Renaissance master" is the first who started to introduce this technology in the Kaliningrad region. since 2009 During this time, we have gained vast experience and developments, tested in practice the declared (manufacturers) of those. indicators, all the pros and cons are taken into account (which also have a place to be, because there is nothing perfect in the world) and as a result, today we well understand and represent the capabilities of this technology, what, where and how it can be done and what cannot be done etc.

Other possibilities in the manufacture and finishing of objects using the technology of thin-layer stamped concrete.

  • Stucco molding is one of the most interesting, exclusive and sometimes bewitching types of decoration and decor. With the help of our materials, stucco works can be easily carried out outdoors, because our materials are frost-resistant and very durable.
  • Production and finishing or just finishing of such individual objects as artificial stones, boulders, boulders, rocks of various sizes. They are made from polystyrene, foam block, gas silicate block or simply from construction waste (waste), which always remains in abundance after the construction of an object. As well as manufacturing and finishing or just finishing such exclusive objects as artificial grottoes, waterfalls, etc.
  • We also offer the finishing of such decorative elements made of polystyrene as drips, cornices, rustication, pilasters, inserts, etc., right on the object, when all these elements are already attached to the facade. With the help of our materials, they will acquire a completely different and unique look, in contrast to the variant of their coloring with ordinary facade paints.

Ultimately, the choice always remains with the customer and only he can make a decision in choosing one or another material. But we can say with firmness - come to us, you won't regret it!.

Ordinary decorated stamped concrete using the DOMASK-BETON technology

(analogues: Domotek)


  • Only on horizontal surfaces (layer thickness from 5 cm to 15 cm) - in the manufacture of floors, paths, sidewalks, adjacent territory, parking lots, garage entrances, blind areas, etc. Unlike thin-layer printed concrete, this type of coating is made " from scratch ”and it (as a rule) does not imply a ready-made base on which decorative finishing is carried out. This type of decorated printing is possible (and even more preferable) in cases where it is necessary to ennoble a territory or make “major” floors, while it must be understood that such floors can only be heated theoretically, since this is not entirely advisable, from -for the thickness of the coating.
Advantages over other materials:
  1. The most important advantage over other paving materials in stamped concrete is its strength and durability.
  2. The brand of concrete used is at least M300, with the addition of reinforcing fiber, special plasticizers and impregnations, which make the concrete even more durable, hydrophobic (water and dirt-repellent), and therefore more frost-resistant and durable.
  3. Almost the same as in the case of a thin-layer type of stamped concrete, on this type of coating it is possible to perform various and varied (including combined) textures “under the stone”, “tile”, “board”, etc., which in terms of design solutions, it is an undoubted advantage over traditional types of paving tiles, where the choice of texture (shape) usually does not exceed 8-10 options, and the color solution is even less, moreover, often after a couple of years from the original tile ( especially dark tones), practically nothing remains (there is a banal fading from the sun's ultraviolet rays). In the technology of stamped concrete, only UV-resistant dyes are used, which guarantees a stable color for the entire period of operation of this coating.
  4. The finished coating of printed concrete is a reinforced monolithic slab, which means that, unlike the same paving slabs, such unpleasant moments as subsidence of the soil base (due to washing out of the sandy base by external waters) and, as a result, an uneven, sagging "bumpy" coating are excluded . Also, the eternal struggle with the grass, which constantly climbs out at the joints of the tiles, is excluded. But the most important thing is that the “quality” of the manufactured tiles is excluded, which it makes no sense to even talk about, it’s enough to look at the streets of our cities, when after laying and not long operation (1-3 years) practically nothing remains of the original appearance and condition.
  5. Another point is that there is no need to frame the stamped concrete pavement with a curb, which eliminates additional financial costs for its purchase (where the price is per linear meter or per piece) and its installation (laying), and also reduces the time of work performed.
  6. Also, an important point is that in case of any unforeseen damage to the finished coating (chips, ruts, cracks, etc.), it can be repaired in such a way that the places (repairs) will be practically indistinguishable (as in invoice pattern, and color) from the original appearance.
  7. It is easy to take care of the decorated printed concrete coating, it is enough to periodically sweep away the debris and, if necessary, rinse with water (possible under pressure), using, if necessary, ordinary detergents (without abrasive). Once - every two years (in warm weather), after cleaning and letting it dry completely, cover the base with acrylic impregnation (water-based varnish, which is sold in hardware stores as impregnation "on stone" or "on brick") in one two layers. These impregnations at +20C dry out within 10-15 minutes. The coating renewed in this way will again acquire the “wet stone effect” and will look like new again.

We cooperate with the company "DOMASK-BETON" (being the official representative in Kaliningrad and the region), a Russian manufacturer of materials for stamped concrete. The ingredients produced by him are modified and adapted to the climatic conditions of Russia (in particular Siberia) and today they are one of the best materials produced by similar ones on the Russian market, which is confirmed by the experience and practical work of the DOMASK-BETON company itself for more than 10 years. -and years.

Call, ask all your questions, come to our office and we will gladly, together with you, find one or another solution in the decoration of various objects. And remember that in each case, our approach and the work done are individual and almost unique, since even we ourselves

We can hardly do two identical jobs.

We work not only for you, but also because we love what we do. We invite designers, architects, individual and corporate developers, finishers to cooperation.

Thin layer stamped concrete examples

Another example is thin-layer stamped concrete.


from 450 rub/m2- finishing of vertical interiors, facades, plinth, etc.
  • from 750 rub/m.p.- finishing slopes, decorative inserts, stripes, columns, etc.
  • from 550 rub./m2- finishing of horizontal surfaces with thin-layer (stamped concrete).
  • from 550 rub./m.p.. - finishing on concrete, steps, flights of stairs, etc.
  • from 1800rub./m2- decoration of fireplaces, barbecues, stoves.
  • from 950 rub/m.p.- decoration of arches, vaults, decorative elements, etc.
  • from 450 rubles/m.p.- finishing of decorative elements made of expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam already fixed on the surface of the base.
  • from 350 rubles/m2- finishing of vertical surfaces, walls, facades, plinths, etc. (similar to Graphite-Country).
  • from 35000 rub./pc. - production of turnkey decorative waterfalls. They can be corner and wall-mounted. Durability, the ability to carry.
  • Price negotiable- production of stones, boulders, rocks, grottoes, etc., of any size.

All works are carried out according to the technologies - "Domask-Concrete", "Graphito", "Domotek", "Flex-s-ment", "Flex-concrete".

For more information, you can call

7 921 608 61 43 - Sergey

Conventional Decorated Stamped Concrete Examples

More examples, plain decorated


  • from 550 rub./m2- production (construction) of garden and sidewalk paths, parking lots, adjacent territory using the "Printed Concrete" technology (excluding the cost of preparatory and materials).


Technology uniqueness

Decorative plaster Graffito is a type of finishing materials that is gaining popularity in Russia. The unique material is widely used in the USA and Europe. Graffito has been successfully used for a long time as an original decoration of country houses, commercial and residential premises, offices and entertainment centers, cafes and restaurants, swimming pools and fences - the area of ​​application of graffito is very extensive.

Graffito Coating is a white cement based mortar used to give interior and exterior walls a 3D look of finish.

The unique "Graffito" system is an opportunity to imitate:

    tiled floor and facing tiles of any texture,

size and color;

    porcelain stoneware;

    laminate board;

    silicate and facing bricks;

    any stone texture, both natural and artificial;

    tree bark;

    structural plaster.

Any surface can serve as the basis for Graffito - concrete, foam concrete blocks, brickwork, polystyrene foam, chipboard, drywall, wood, glass, metal, plastic and others.

The Graffito mixture is applied wet on any surfaces that do not require special preparation beforehand with a layer of 0.5 cm to 15 cm, while smudges are not formed.

A high degree of adhesion is characterized by a special type of filler that prevents the wet mixture from running off from inclined and vertical surfaces - this allows the mixture to be given the desired shape immediately after application to a given surface, for example: floor or wall.

The filler contains polymer particles designed in such a way that, with a certain impact, they soften, and acquire the ability to penetrate cracks, and then harden, like cold welding. Polymer particles at the molecular level ensure the interaction of the mixture even with the smallest protrusions of the surface.

The top layer of the mixture is a cellular fiber that resembles a kind of "antennae". When the solution hardens, the "antennae" are fastened together. This gives graffiti unique characteristics and performance properties, such as: high frost resistance, heat and moisture insulation properties, resistance to external influences, wear resistance.

Facade finishing

Graffito technology allows us to offer finishing of facades and basement floors from multi-storey buildings to private cottages. The widest choice of finishing options for plaster, tile, brickwork, any stone texture.

wall decoration

Implementation of works on finishing the internal and external walls of buildings. The ability to implement the most daring design solutions and projects for interior decor. Finishing complex geometries without additional time and financial costs.

Floor finishing

Possibility of finishing floors inside and outside buildings of commercial and residential real estate. Increased strength characteristics allow the floor to be used in shopping centers and places with heavy traffic. The widest variety of finishes for tiles, laminate board and natural stone. Works perfectly with underfloor heating system.

The special mixture developed for the floor is easy to apply without the formation of air bubbles and streaks. The composition includes additional ingredients that provide setting even at extreme temperatures. As a decor, graffito printed concrete can be used for flooring in various rooms (dining room, hall, baths), as well as for decorating paths, sidewalks, courtyards, pool platforms and decorative waterfalls.A mixture of graffito used as a floor covering gives surfaces unsurpassed plasticity, which helps to slow down the formation of cracks. But one of the main advantages of using graffito decorative finishing material is its low cost compared to other materials.

Graffiti finishes in bathrooms, showers, pool decks and decorative waterfalls.

Finishing a fireplace, stove, barbecue

One of the most practical solutions is to use decorative graffito plaster for finishing the fireplace. Decorative graffito plaster makes it possible not only to quickly and beautifully decorate a fireplace, garden stove, barbecue, but also to make a very beautiful and original product at minimal cost.

Using a huge collection of polyurethane molds and graffito stamps, you can finish the fireplace or stove with different textures of stone and wood trim elements. Using graffito technology, it is possible to finish not only new fireplaces, barbecues or stoves, but also restore old ones, transforming their old unsightly appearance.

In this work, with the help of graffito, a stone cave is built, inside of which there is a hearth, and a stump on the roof is a chimney.

Distinctive properties of decorative plaster Graffito:

    voluminous material that gives products a three-dimensional appearance;

    very easy and quick to apply, has high performance (fire resistance, strength, plasticity);

    has excellent adhesion - it is applied without problems on any kind of surfaces, providing the maximum degree of adhesion.

Decorative graffito plaster combines the best qualities of other finishing materials, but at the same time it is distinguished by a competitive price.

Decorative graffito plaster, a versatile finishing material that is ideal for creating exclusive interiors and exteriors. Today, many designers and finishers use graffito decorative plaster in their work. And there is a simple explanation for this. Decorative graffito plaster is not only a beautiful finishing material, but also with its help you can quickly complete a set of works on finishing the walls and facade of the task. Decorative graffito plaster is suitable for application on various types of surfaces for external and internal work. Another important factor is the speed of work.

You dreamed of an attractive facade finish - please! You really want to decorate the living room in the spirit of an old castle - there is nothing complicated! Decorative graffito plaster is ready to make your most cherished desires come true! Coatings, which were finished with decorative plaster, will serve you faithfully for many years.

Graphito is a decorative plaster of the latest generation, which can be used to form absolutely original coatings. This plaster is perfectly compatible with various bases, such as: concrete, glass, porcelain stoneware, board, foam concrete, chipboard, drywall and many others. It helps to finish not only walls, but also fireplaces, facades, paths and floors. This material is used not only for interior decoration, but also for exterior, for example, finishing of facades, concrete walls and fences, as well as facing any rough textures. At a relatively low cost, Graffito plaster looks in no way inferior to artificial and even natural stone. You can realize different design fantasies thanks to decorative plaster, which is gaining more and more popularity over time.

Advantages of decorative graphite plaster:

1. unique relief texture;

2. quick and easy application of the material;

3. suitable for most types of substrates;

4. strength, long service life;

5. affordable price.

Decorative graphite plaster: country plaster. One of the most popular varieties of Graphito is Country plaster. It looks outside the box in the interior and adds to it an extraordinary and stylish look. You are unlikely to be able to distinguish its rough texture from natural stone. This plaster is applied using an automated gun and will come out many times cheaper than natural or artificial stone. At the same time, it does not lose to them either externally or in terms of environmental indicators.

The composition of the plaster mixture. Decorative plaster Graphito is not an ordinary decorative mixture, it is a sculptural mass that allows you to model convex surfaces with different textures. A plaster mixture is created on the basis of white cement with the addition of polypropylene fibers treated with olefins. This filler guarantees surfaces frost resistance, water resistance, fire resistance, heat resistance, strength, antibacterial qualities and good vapor permeability. Graphito gained its popularity for its inherent simplicity and softness of lines, and at the same time the effect of masonry. The rustic style effect is especially good, which is quite in demand among those who want to decorate their homes.

Technology of application and finishing of graphite. Decorative plaster is swept onto the treated plane with a layer of 5 - 15 cm. In order for the plaster layer to come out as evenly as possible, it is created according to pre-exposed beacons. The surface after leveling must come out smooth. The polymer particles that make up the filler get into all the smallest pores of the surface and harden. Then, by pressing with the help of silicone molds, we approach the creation of a texture. Depending on the chosen forms, there is a chance to imitate different structures, and coloring methods make it possible to diversify the coating, bringing it to the final touches. Painting is started upon completion of the formation of the texture and the curing of the decorative plaster. Often, decorative plaster does not require additional care. The plaster resists mechanical damage well and is not afraid of rain. We can confidently say that the decor will always remain unique both in texture and in shade. Even a professional will not be able to reproduce exactly the same texture again.

Graphite decorative plaster is one of the most interesting finishing materials of the new generation, with which it is possible to recreate the effect of masonry or even original drawings. Such plaster is perfectly compatible with any bases, such as: concrete, glass, porcelain stoneware, board, foam concrete, chipboard, drywall and others. It helps to design not only walls, but also fireplaces, facades, paths and floors. This material is used not only for interior decoration, but also for exterior, for example, finishing facades, concrete walls and fences, and at the same time finishing any rough textures. At a relatively low cost, Graffito plaster in appearance is in no way inferior to artificial and even natural stone. Every day it increases its own demand, because it is great for the implementation of various design fantasies. Advantages of decorative graphite plaster: 1. unique convex texture; 2. fast and easy application of the material; 3. the likelihood of application to virtually any surface; 4. reliability, long service life; 5. low cost.

Decorative graphite plaster: One of the most popular types of Graphite is Country plaster. It looks unusual in the interior and adds an original and stylish look to it. It seems that you see a natural stone in front of you, with its rough texture, very beautiful in appearance. This plaster is applied with a spray gun and will come out much cheaper than natural or artificial stone. But neither in appearance nor in terms of environmental criteria, it is not inferior to them. The composition of the plaster mixture Graphito is not an ordinary decorative plaster, it is more correct to call it a sculptural mass because of its ability to model various textures. A plaster mixture is produced on the basis of white cement with the addition of polypropylene fibers treated with olefins. This filler gives the surface frost resistance, water resistance, fire resistance, heat resistance, strength, antibacterial properties and good vapor permeability. Graphito gained her fame for her inherent simplicity and softness of lines, as well as imitation of masonry. The imitation of the rustic style comes out especially well, which is quite in demand among those who want to decorate their homes.

Technology of application and finishing of graphite. Decorative plaster is swept onto the treated surface with a thickness of 5 - 15 centimeters. It is worthwhile to install special beacons on the wall in advance. The plane after alignment should be smooth. The polymer particles included in the contents of the filler penetrate into all the smallest pores of the surface and harden. Then, by pressing with the help of silicone molds, we approach the creation of a texture. Depending on the chosen shapes, there is a chance to copy different structures, and the coloring methods allow you to diversify the surface, adding finishing touches to it. After the texture is created, and the plaster itself is completely dry, you can start painting the surface. Additional care is often not required. The plaster resists mechanical damage well and is not afraid of rain. We can say with confidence that the decor will always be unique both in texture and color. Even a professional is not able to repeat exactly the same texture again.

Sgraffito means "scratched" in Italian. In fact, this is not a type of decorative, but a special, original type of application. The execution technique is much closer to drawing and stucco work, since the result of such a finish is a relief color image.

The plaster layer can be not only homogeneous, textured, or include a variety of interesting fillers. Plaster itself can be the basis of an artistic canvas. This is the essence of sgraffito art.

Concept and features

It is allowed to use any high quality material as a material. Moreover, both homogeneous and imitating are allowed, that is, with a filler from. The only requirement is that the latter should not include a fraction with a diameter greater than 3 mm, and for the last finishing layer it should not exceed 1.5 mm.

The main plaster for sgraffito can be:

  • brand M400 in a ratio of 1:2, 1:3, 1:4;
  • cement-lime in proportion to sand 1:0, 2:3, 4:4.5 and so on;
  • hydraulic lime - it is the most durable, in a ratio with quartz sand 1: 4.5.

Traditional sgraffito are not suitable: the pattern is formed in a “wet” state, when the plaster still retains plasticity. Gypsum dries too quickly and its working period is too short.

The essence of the sgraffito technique is as follows: several plaster layers of different colors are applied to the surface. And when the top layer sets, but has not yet dried out, they begin to create an image: they remove the upper layers of plaster with different tools to expose a layer of the desired color. As a result, a complex multi-color image or pattern is formed.

More details about the technique of sgraffito and its types will tell the form below:

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this technique are:

  • absolute individuality of design - even if the famous fresco was used as a template, its reflection on the plaster will be completely unique;
  • plaster is moisture resistant, such a finish is allowed in the most damp rooms. Can be washed even with household chemicals;
  • neither mold nor fungus finishes;
  • and of course, does not burn and does not support combustion.

Its disadvantages are related to the complexity of application:

  • the relief is especially complex and thin to some extent collects dust, as well as soot and grease, when it comes to the kitchen. Therefore, such a surface should be cleaned more often;
  • the imaging time is relatively short, but the technique itself is very laborious, so the cost of such a service is high.

Sgraffito in the interior (photo)

Role in the interior

Such a spectacular and original design rarely occupies the entire surface of the wall, and even more so all the walls in the room. This technique was used in the ceremonial halls of palaces, but in a modern, especially urban dwelling, this is unacceptable.

The relief image is a very bright detail of the interior. It is much more attractive than furniture, for example, and if overused, it will turn a living room or bedroom into a museum. The only exception is the bathroom - it is small and does not imply a sense of space, as in living rooms. But even in this case, the walls and ceiling must be connected not so much by the same motives as by the unity of the theme.

But as a fragmentary finish, sgraffito has no equal:

  • wall panels- against the background of a uniform finish, they look especially impressive, really like paintings;
  • Interesting combination of sgraffito with trim, repeating the background layer of plaster in color or texture - marble, onyx. In this case, the picture, as it were, protrudes from the wall lining;
  • highlighting architectural details- niches, for example, framing the bed, walls above the bathroom, etc. Finishing attracts attention and thereby zones the room;
  • the whole wall can be occupied panoramic image. In this case, it is made two- or three-color, and with colors of a similar shade. Here the sgraffito imitates a real fresco;
  • ceiling finish- and in a small room, sgraffito can occupy almost the entire ceiling, with the exception of a socket for a chandelier and a solid border. But in a large one, it is better to divide the ceiling into sectors, where the relief image will alternate with a more uniform structure.

This video will tell about the technology of plastering country graphite:

Possible colors

Traditionally, natural pigments are used for sgraffito. It is this feature that increases the cost of the plaster layer. The fact is that for sgraffito, the colors must be saturated, so the pigment content in the mixture is ten times greater than in the paint composition of the same shade and intensity.

Alkali-resistant pigments are used because lime is included in the composition of the plaster.

  • So, manganese peroxide provides various shades of gray.
  • Ocher allows you to get a variety of yellow and brown.
  • Chromium oxide creates bright or dense greens.
  • Ultramarine provides the purest blue color.
  • Red begets mummy and cinnabar.
  • And pink creates a completely “simple” pigment - ground red brick.

The consumption of natural colored pigment is very high: for example, to obtain blue plaster, you need 1 share, 3 shares and 0.5 of the volume fraction of ultramarine. And therefore, many modern compositions for sgraffito are made on the basis of synthetic dyes.

The advantage of this solution is cost reduction, a wide variety of colors, their intensity. Minus - for painting in the fresco style, not so much bright as natural shades are needed, which returns the master plasterer to the old proven natural dyes.

How to make a solution for her with your own hands?

The basis for finishing sgraffito are the most familiar ones with a high proportion of pigment. It is quite possible to make them yourself even for a beginner. The main difficulty lies not at all in the preparation of the mixture, but in the final surface treatment.

The compositions are quite traditional, for example, a mixture of golden color per 10 kg includes the following ingredients:

  • Portland cement (white, of course) - 600 g;
  • lime dough - 2 kg;
  • quartz sand, best of all, Lyubertsy - 7 kg;
  • golden ocher - 400 g.

Fillers and pigments may vary, while the weight of Portland cement and lime binder should vary in accordance with the weight of the other component.

The production sequence is the same:

  1. First, finely dispersed components are mixed, then the filler is added, and lastly, water, until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  2. The last layer is prepared somewhat differently. It is an aqueous solution of components. Most often applied with a brush, not a spatula.
  3. The composition of the last layer is as follows, based on 10 kg of dry mix:
    • Portland cement 400 - 2 kg;
    • fluffy lime - 1.32 kg;
    • sand - 2 kg;
    • dolomite flour - 3.34 kg;
    • pigment - no more than 1.32 kg.
  4. The final layer may include only small fractions of the filler - from 1.5 mm and below. The composition is prepared as follows: first, lime, cement and dye are mixed, then combined with sand and dolomite flour. The composition is closed with water 30 minutes before use. Liquid consistency.

Application technique

The technology itself, the technique of applying sgraffito plaster is not too different from the usual one: preparation, application of a primer layer and several thin covering layers. But the finishing stage of processing requires a lot of special tools and skills.

Required Tools

  • Trowel - a trowel with rounded edges.
  • A trowel or grater, polyurethane or wooden, for smoothing and compacting the layer - this is extremely important here. It is best to use several if the sgraffito is multi-colored.
  • Wide brushes - for thin layers of plaster.
  • Cutters - blades with different profiles for cutting through the layer.
  • Scrapers are devices for removing a layer.
  • Stencils and templates for thin-layer sgraffito.

Plastering process

  1. The leveled and cleaned surface is moistened with water. After the moisture is absorbed, a ground layer is applied - a mixture of slaked lime and sand. One of the colored solutions can be used as a primer layer. The layer is compacted and rubbed with a trowel. In no case should shells be allowed to appear. It is recommended to make notches so that the next layers hold better.
  2. After 20–25 minutes, when the first layer sets, the second one is applied - colored. Its thickness is the largest - 6-7 mm.
  3. After 15-20 minutes, a second layer is applied. It is thinner - 3-4 mm.
  4. In order for the plaster to have sufficient strength, the number of layers should not exceed 5–6. And each subsequent layer becomes thinner. At the same time, its hiding power should be sufficient: the bottom layer does not shine through through the top layer.
  5. The finish is made more liquid and applied with a brush. Its thickness is 1–2 mm.
  6. After 20 minutes, you can start cutting out images. This can be done within 5-6 hours after setting the last layer. Therefore, work on creating a drawing should be carried out continuously. For large volumes, the last coat is applied alternately on areas of such a size that can be processed in 5-6 hours.

Finishing Methods


If the image is too complex or not too much experience of the master, stencils are used. They are made of cardboard, on which the necessary pattern is applied with or without a pattern.

Then the contours of the pattern are pierced with a darning needle or partially cut through. And so that the stencil does not collapse when in contact with wet plaster, it is impregnated with drying oil and left to dry under the load for straightening.

There are 2 main ways to create sgraffito.

  • Printing pattern- the stencil is applied to the surface of the grip of the treated area, and then with a brush or swab dipped in a solution of chalk or pigment, direct weak blows are applied so that the pigment, having seeped through the holes, forms a pattern on the surface.

For each detail of a picture of a different color, a stencil is made. As soon as the grip is filled with the required image or pattern, they start cutting.

  • Sample solution- here the stencil is made in the form of each part. The elements are pinned in turn to the site in the desired sequence and cut through the top layer of plaster with a cutter along the contour. This method requires great care, because any extra notch can ruin the whole picture.

Further processing is the same: the contour is cut through completely with cutters, and then all layers of plaster are removed inside the contour with scrapers of the required shape to the layer of the desired color. The pattern is embossed because different colors are at different depths. This feature must be taken into account when planning images.

Lightweight way

When stuffing a pattern, lightweight technology is often used: the desired pigment is stuffed through a stencil, and then the resulting parts are only trimmed with a cutter. In this case, only a primer layer is applied, and then, using different stencils, a colored pattern is stuffed. Strictly speaking, this has nothing to do with sgraffito.

It also offers two processing methods:

  • the background of the picture is the top layer of plaster, in this case the image seems to go into depth;
  • the background is the first layer, and the images are formed convex.

It is very important to follow the correct sequence here so that the detail of the first plan does not turn out to be deeper than the detail of the second plan. The finished image is not processed. Moreover, over time, when individual chips and cracks appear, sgraffito only becomes more vivid and valuable.

How much does it cost?

The cost of material for sgraffito is not much higher than the price of ordinary lime-sand plaster when it comes to synthetic dyes. Mixtures with natural pigments will be more expensive.

  • The cost of the work itself depends on the area, on the complexity of the images, on the number of shades.
  • Even the simplest version of a two-color sgraffito will cost 4500 rubles. per sq. m.
  • A complex multi-color panel, especially one that reproduces a painting or a fresco, costs from 10,500 rubles. per sq. m.

Sgraffito is an interesting and completely unique finish. Moreover, its beauty and uniqueness does not depend on the materials, but only on the skill, diligence and talent of the master performing the work.

Even more useful information about the technology of applying graphito and sgraffito contains this video:

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