HPV type 35 in women. Preventing infection when living with a sick person

HPV type 35 in women - what is it? This is a special type of human papillomavirus, infection with which creates a risk of developing a malignant tumor of the cervix in women. If it is detected, treatment and systematic observation by a doctor are mandatory. It is not so easy to recover from the virus, therefore it is much more reliable to adhere to measures to prevent infection with HPV (human papillomavirus).

What is type 35 of the female papillomavirus?

Modern medicine knows more than 120 types of HPV - a group of viruses that cause the development of tumors on the skin and mucous membranes. Most of them provoke the development of papillomas - papillary-like outgrowths that are benign. About 40 types of HPV can cause the development of cancer of the female genital organs, in particular cervical cancer.

These viruses have special DNA, which, in turn, contains a gene that regulates cell division processes. Under its influence, this process is disinhibited, cells divide uncontrollably, forming a tumor.

Depending on the severity of these properties, there are 3 degrees of oncogenicity in different HPV genotypes:

  1. High, when the virus is found in 85-90% of cancer cases, these include types 16, 18, 45, 56.
  2. Average, detection of the virus in 60-75% of cancer patients: types 31, 33, 35, 51, 52, 58.
  3. Low, in which the virus is detected in 35-40% of women with cervical cancer.

Infection with genotype 35 virus creates an average degree of cancer risk, that is, this gives the right to consider the pathology caused by this genotype of the virus to be a precancerous condition. Men are also infected with it, but it is for women that it poses the greatest danger.

How does infection occur?

Oncogenic viruses from the HPV group, as a rule, enter the body during sexual contact through the mucous membranes of the genitals, rectum, and oral cavity. There are very rare cases of household infection, when there are defects and damage to the skin and mucous membranes, and the human papillomavirus penetrates through them through direct contact with the patient’s body, his underwear, and toiletries. Not everyone develops the disease. With a sufficiently strong immune system, the body immediately sends antibodies to the site of entry of the virus, which neutralize it.

There is another option for infection: the virus still penetrates the body, but is suppressed by the immune system and is in an inactive state.

The so-called carriage of the virus develops, which, with a decrease in immunity, can develop into a disease.

The third option when a virus hits is the worst. When a woman’s defense system is weakened, and this happens in the case of chronic diseases, intoxication, infections, pregnancy, and in women who smoke, the disease develops. The human papillomavirus begins its development cycle unhindered when, upon completion, symptoms of the disease appear.

In physically healthy women who lead a healthy lifestyle, including intimate ones, diseases caused by HPV occur extremely rarely.

What pathology does type 35 of the virus cause in women?

Once on the skin and mucous membranes, the activated virus causes the development of genital warts in both women and men in these same places. Condylomas are thin, pointed growths, often located in groups, forming a surface reminiscent of a cockscomb or cauliflower. They grow very quickly, occupying more and more surface area.

Since infection occurs through sexual contact, condylomas are located in the perineal area, on the external genitalia, in the anal area, as well as in the oral cavity - on the tongue, the inner surface of the cheeks.

As they grow, condylomas create inconvenience, cause maceration (irritation), create problems with hygienic care, and complicate sexual intercourse. Often their loose surface can bleed, become damaged, and there is a high probability of a secondary infection - fungal or bacterial.

But the most dangerous for women are human papillomaviruses that get on the mucous membrane of the cervix.

They can cause the development of polyps, papillomas, dysplasia, erosion with epithelial restructuring. All this is a precancerous condition, which without timely treatment can develop into cervical cancer.

Early signs of trouble are spotting discharge from the genital tract of an urinary nature, if there is a polyp or erosion. Metaplasia does not manifest itself in anything. It’s just that the epithelial cells at the site of virus entry cease to be normal, but do not yet become malignant.

All these changes are detected by a gynecologist during a colposcopy, examination of the cervix, taking a piece of tissue for examination, as well as a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) blood test to identify the genotype of the virus.

Condylomas located in the oral cavity should also cause concern. Frequent injury during eating causes their irritation and growth, which also creates the possibility of transformation into a cancerous tumor of the oral mucosa. In addition, they can be a source of infection for another person through kissing, sharing utensils, or a toothbrush.

If you find the slightest irregularities or roughness on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is how condylomas can begin, which grow very quickly.

What is the treatment for women infected with HPV?

Despite the variety of modern antiviral drugs, for the sake of truth it should be said that none of them guarantees getting rid of the human papillomavirus, or rather, does not destroy viruses. The most “scary” thing for this type of virus is the body’s natural immune bodies. This is exactly what the treatment program is aimed at - increasing protective properties, strengthening the body, treating chronic diseases and other sexually transmitted infections.

The treatment plan for women with HPV, regardless of its genotype, includes:

  1. Antiviral drugs.
  2. Strengthening the immune system.
  3. Local treatment - removal of condylomas.

The following drugs are used against the human papillomavirus: “Panavir” (injections and externally), “Isoprinosine” in tablets, “Allokin-alpha” in injections, “Epigen” - externally. There are other similar drugs, their range is constantly being replenished, but they are all prescribed in combination with immune stimulants.

To strengthen the immune system, drugs from the interferon group are widely used: Isoprinosine, Panavir, Immunal, Polyoxidonium, Reaferon and other analogues. All of them are used as antiviral drugs, but to enhance immunity. You can additionally use home remedies: echinacea, aloe, mumiyo, pollen, garlic and other medicinal plants in the form of infusions and decoctions. Vitamin complexes in combination with minerals are also prescribed.

Condylomas of any location must be removed.

Depending on their location, shape, and quantity, various removal methods are used:

  • surgical - recommended when condylomas are broad-based and need to be completely removed;
  • electrocoagulation is effective, but leaves a burn surface, so it is effective only in small areas;
  • cryodestruction - freezing with liquid nitrogen, also used in small areas;
  • laser coagulation is a universal and most reliable method; in addition to removing condylomas, the laser also has an antiviral effect on surrounding tissues;

  • chemical method - use external agents: “Condilin”, “Duofilm”, “Solcoderm”, preparations from celandine and other products. Their effectiveness is not very high; they are used in case of refusal of removal by other methods or contraindications to them.

Changes in the mucous membrane of the cervix are treated with similar methods.

You should not try to treat condylomas at home. Only treatment by a doctor is effective, and it must be comprehensive.

What are the preventive measures?

There should be no skepticism regarding the prevention of disease with papillomavirus type 35, as well as with other types.

Preventive measures give results, and they are as follows:

  • Normalization of sexual contacts: avoid casual and excessive relationships, early onset of sexual activity.
  • Getting rid of bad habits - especially smoking.

  • Timely treatment of chronic diseases, genital tract infections.
  • Balanced diet.
  • A healthy lifestyle, sufficient physical activity, proper rest.
  • Regular preventive examinations by a gynecologist.
  • Preventive vaccinations against human papillomavirus.

HPV type 35 in women is always a risk of developing cervical cancer. Preventive measures are mandatory for all women, and for those infected with the virus, courses of comprehensive treatment and regular examination are necessary.

HPV 35 can appear in various types of new growths on the genitals and other areas of the body.


On the genitals, the tumor is a pointed neoplasm (condylomas), which are located in groups similar to cauliflower. Such growths multiply intensively and affect a large area of ​​the genital organs, anus, cervix, and oral cavity. The most dangerous are formations on the cervix.

HPV type 35 in women: manifestations and treatment

Currently, scientists have studied approximately 80 strains of the papilloma virus, but there are many more. Some of them have a low oncogenic index, which means they cannot transform into cancer, while others, on the contrary, lead to the development of malignant tumors.

The 35 strain of papillomavirus is characterized by an average risk of malignancy; it rarely leads to cancer, but it cannot be called safe. The papilloma virus is a class of pathological microorganisms that contain DNA that has a gene that can influence the rate of cell division.

Characteristics of papillomavirus and features of its DNA

The DNA of this strain, like other strains of papillomavirus, when introduced into the human body, leads to changes in the epidermis at the cellular level. At the same time, cells begin to divide rapidly, resulting in growths appearing on the skin and mucous membranes. The 35 strain of papillomavirus is potentially oncogenic, and in 60% of all cases can cause the development of cervical cancer.

Despite the fact that the 35 strain of papillomavirus does not always provoke cervical cancer in women, it is necessary to treat and monitor it, since there is still a risk of dangerous consequences.

The danger of human papillomavirus, what kind of disease is it

Human papillomavirus is a virus that causes pathological changes in skin cells in the form of warts and papillomas. It can manifest itself not only by the appearance of neoplasms, but also by other more dangerous diseases.

The insidiousness of this virus lies in the fact that there are many ways of infection, and the incubation period takes quite a long time. Unfortunately, at the moment there are no methods of complete cure, so you need to at least know exactly what HPV type 35 is in women.

According to doctors, the number of people infected with HPV is 70-80% of the population. It is not difficult to become infected with papillomaviruses. To prevent this from happening, you need to be extremely careful.

It is not just HPV that leads to dangerous diseases, but certain types of it. Today, more than 100-150 types are known and their number continues to grow.

How can you become infected with type 35?

Even if warts and papillomas are not visually visible, or they are absent altogether, a person is still a carrier of the virus and can infect others.

Infection with this type occurs in childhood. The virus enters the body through small wounds and scratches. Since children's immunity is not yet very strong, they rarely develop warts.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) type 35 is part of the group of highly carcinogenic genotypes of human papillomavirus infection and can cause significant harm to the body (male and female). Thus, HPV type 35 in women can affect not only the mucous membranes of the external genitalia, but also cause the formation of warts on the walls of the vagina and the surface of the cervix.

HPV is a very common infection and, in terms of the breadth of coverage of the population, diseases from the STD category are second only to genital herpes.

Methods of infection with HPV genotype 35

The main type of transmission of human papillomavirus infection is unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of the virus. In this case, infection is possible both during classic sex and oral sex. Quite often a person heals himself. As a rule, the virus goes away on its own within the first year after infection, provided that the immune system is good.

The second, less common method is household. Indeed, cases of infection with genotype 35 of the virus in this way are quite rare, but still occur. As a rule, household infection is possible:

  • in case of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene in public places - baths, saunas, swimming pools;
  • using other people's personal hygiene items - washcloths, soap, towels, slippers.

The third method of infection is vertical, from mother to child during the baby’s passage through the birth canal. Of particular danger in this case is papillomatosis, a disease in which warts develop on the mucous membrane of the larynx. The main causes of infection with HPV genotype 35 are:

  • early sexual life;
  • lack of a permanent sexual partner;
  • weakening of immune defense.

Symptoms of HPV type 35

A typical sign of infection is the formation of characteristic warts on the surface of the mucous membrane of the genitals - genital warts (genital warts).

Outwardly, they resemble heads of cauliflower, and after merging they look like a cockscomb. Main locations:

  • genitals;
  • anal area;
  • anal zone.

HPV type 35 in women - what is it? This is a special type of human papillomavirus, infection with which creates a risk of developing a malignant tumor of the cervix in women. If it is detected, treatment and systematic observation by a doctor are mandatory. It is not so easy to recover from the virus, therefore it is much more reliable to adhere to measures to prevent infection with HPV (human papillomavirus).

What is type 35 of the female papillomavirus?

Modern medicine knows more than 120 types of HPV - a group of viruses that cause the development of tumors on the skin and mucous membranes. Most of them provoke the development of papillomas - papillary-like outgrowths that are benign. About 40 types of HPV can cause the development of cancer of the female genital organs, in particular cervical cancer.

These viruses have special DNA, which, in turn, contains a gene that regulates cell division processes. Under its influence, this process is disinhibited, cells divide uncontrollably, forming a tumor.

Depending on the severity of these properties, there are 3 degrees of oncogenicity in different HPV genotypes:

  1. High, when the virus is found in 85-90% of cancer cases, these include types 16, 18, 45, 56.
  2. Average, detection of the virus in 60-75% of cancer patients: types 31, 33, 35, 51, 52, 58.
  3. Low, in which the virus is detected in 35-40% of women with cervical cancer.

Infection with genotype 35 virus creates an average degree of cancer risk, that is, this gives the right to consider the pathology caused by this genotype of the virus to be a precancerous condition. Men are also infected with it, but it is for women that it poses the greatest danger.

How does infection occur?

What is HPV type 56 in women? Skin lesions occur in women along with other viral diseases. Neoplasms that have different shapes and origins can be localized in different places and bring discomfort and suffering to their owner.

One of these dangerous diseases is human papillomavirus 56, which can develop into a malignant tumor in a woman’s body.

Definition of the concept

Symptoms of the disease

The main danger of human papillomavirus type 35 in women is the active proliferation of genital warts. Outwardly, they resemble a rooster's comb or cauliflower. They can be localized separately or grow together into clusters. A massive accumulation of condylomas is present on the intimate organs, around the anus and inside the mouth. The location largely depends on the method of infection.

Once on the cervix, HPV also causes active cell division, uncontrollable by the person. As a result, polyps, erosions, dysplasia and other precancerous conditions form in the cervical canal and on the flat epithelium of its vaginal part. The culmination of the pathological process is malignancy.

At the initial stage, there are no obvious signs of the disease. If the immune system is strong enough, the virus does not detect itself for many months or even years.

As a result of changing conditions, harmful microorganisms begin to develop, and in most cases there is no pain, and the color of the outer skin also does not change. This means that with a developing virus it is also difficult to make a diagnosis based on external signs.

If the papillomas are not deformed, they do not cause inconvenience. Pain does not appear, and the shade of the tissue at this stage also often does not change. However, it all depends on the type of education. The color of the growth varies from neutral (flesh) to dark brown. When infected with HPV type 35, genital warts often appear pink.

In the case when the formation is deformed, for example, during sex, provided that the papilloma is located on the mucous membrane of the genital organs, pain is felt. Active cell division during the formation of excess tissue leads to itching and a burning sensation in the area where the papilloma has already formed.

Due to infection with the HPV virus type 35, genital warts on the genitals are often the cause of the development of an inflammatory disease. This occurs when the integrity of the growth shell is compromised when loads are regularly applied to it.

Symptoms of the inflammatory process: redness of tissues, burning sensation in the affected area, pain. In rare cases, the temperature rises, but there are no other symptoms of a viral or bacterial infection.


Despite the practically absent symptoms of the disease, the virus can still be detected. To do this, it is necessary to undergo a series of tests that will help determine the DNA of the virus, as well as the HPV 35 genotype, which will help doctors determine the type of virus and understand how dangerous the infection is for human health in a particular case.

  1. A visual examination in a doctor’s office using a colposcope will reveal visible changes in the epithelium of the genital organs, after which additional examination methods will be required to help confirm the diagnosis. A routine blood test can also determine whether a person has an inflammatory process that accompanies the development of the virus in the body.
  2. At the medical institution, the patient will be prescribed to undergo PCR diagnostics. This research method helps determine how severely the body is affected by papillomavirus, which is necessary in order to prescribe effective, effective treatment. PCR diagnostics is a fairly accurate research method, however, there are errors in it.
  3. In addition, the doctor may order a culture, which will help diagnose the virus with almost one hundred percent certainty. For this study, a piece of biomaterial is taken from the patient, which is placed for a certain time in a special environment. Cultures also determine which medications the infection is resistant to.
  4. Doctors may also resort to performing a biopsy. This diagnostic method is prescribed only if the patient is diagnosed with a neoplasm. This is done in order to determine whether the tumor is malignant.

If a pathology is detected on the cervix, an extended colposcopy followed by a biopsy is required. Diagnostics makes it possible to determine at what stage of development the human papillomavirus is and whether there is currently an oncological process in the cervix.

If the neoplasms are not treated, the disease continues to develop, and papillomas continue to spread more and more. Therefore, at the first signs of roughness and unevenness of the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to identify the disease.

A gynecologist may prescribe the following types of examination:

  • visual inspection;
  • PCR diagnostics (smear or blood test);
  • colposcopy of the cervix;
  • cytological examination of a vaginal smear;
  • histological examination of tissues;
  • blood for the presence of antibodies to HPV;
  • scraping from the vaginal mucosa for the Digene test.

It is easy to determine the presence of infection in the body thanks to the use of modern diagnostic methods. The very first of them is PCR diagnostics (polymerase chain reaction). This analysis makes it possible not only to establish with 100% accuracy the presence of the agent, but also to determine the degree of harm caused to the immune system, the oncogenic risk, and to make a projection of the development of the disease.

For research, scrapings of the epithelium from the cervical canal and cervix are taken from the woman. Molecular diagnostics are carried out and ready-made results are provided immediately.

Additional examination methods include:

  • general blood analysis;
  • a smear from the back wall of the vagina.

Based on the data obtained, having established the degree of harm that the virus has caused to the human body, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Transmission routes

The human papillomavirus spreads very quickly. This happens due to the fact that the main route of transmission of infection is sexual, and the virus instantly passes from one partner to another, which is why there are more and more people carrying HPV.

However, HPV 35 can be transmitted in other ways. For example, domestic, when infection occurs as a result of contact with personal hygiene items, bed linen or bath accessories of an already infected person.

The social route is also common - interaction with the infection occurs in public places (swimming pool, toilet, solarium). There is also the birth canal, when HPV is transmitted from mother to child during childbirth.

When entering the human body, the papillomavirus infects the cell. As it multiplies, it begins to negatively affect the body, changing the human DNA structure. The following factors contribute to the activation of this virus:

  • hormonal diseases;
  • weakened immunity;
  • frequent viral infections;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • unprotected sexual contacts;
  • genital injuries;
  • pregnancy (the body’s protective functions weaken);
  • bad habits.

People who are promiscuous and have a low level of immunity, smokers, alcoholics and drug addicts immediately fall into the risk group. Sometimes the virus begins to progress as a result of damage to the body by other infectious diseases.


What to do if you have been diagnosed with papillomavirus? Despite the fact that the pharmacological industry is very widely developed, a medicine that completely cures the human papillomavirus has not yet been invented.

Most of all, this infection is afraid of the antibodies that the human immune system produces, so therapeutic treatment of HPV is aimed at increasing the body’s defenses and treating chronic diseases and STDs.

The doctor prescribes the following treatment regimen: antiviral drugs plus drugs to boost immunity. To strengthen the immune system, drugs containing interferon are used (Isoprinosi, Panavir, Immunal, Polyoxidonium, as well as their analogues).

Folk remedies are also widely used: echinacea, aloe, mumiyo, and other herbal and homeopathic preparations that can improve well-being and raise the body’s protective level.

The doctor must prescribe vitamin complexes containing various beneficial microelements and substances that act as a stimulant for the immune system.

Neoplasms of any location must be removed from the mucous membranes and body. For this purpose, various methods of influence are used.

It is necessary to remove all growths that appear. Under unfavorable conditions, papillomas will continue to develop.

Removing growths

Among other strains of papillomavirus, HPV type 35 has an average risk of developing cancer, but is not absolutely safe. If this virus is detected, it is necessary to remove tumors on the skin and, if necessary, undergo complex drug treatment.

Characteristics of HPV type 35

The DNA of HPV type 35, like other strains of the virus, causes changes in the cells of the epidermis when a person is infected. This is manifested by excessive cell division, which provokes the formation of growths on the skin.

Based on the degree of oncogenicity, HPV type 35 is considered to have an average risk of developing cancer. There are three types of strains:

  • highly oncogenic;
  • potentially oncogenic;
  • not oncogenic.

Highly oncogenic strains of the virus are those that are diagnosed in more than 90% of women with cervical cancer. Most often, HPV types 16 and 18 are detected in oncology. They are easily transmitted sexually and are quite common, so doctors recommend that girls be vaccinated before puberty to avoid contracting these types of virus.

The worst thing for the human papillomavirus is the body’s natural immune bodies. Therefore, treatment of infected patients comes down mainly to increasing their own defenses and treating chronic diseases. For these purposes, the doctor prescribes antiviral, immunomodulating drugs, and balanced vitamin complexes.

The following drugs have proven effective against the pathogen: Panavir and Allokin-alpha - in injections, Isoprinosine - in tablets, Epigen - externally. To strengthen the immune system, the following drugs are added to the above drugs: Immunal, Reaferon, Polyoxidonium.

Infection with human papillomavirus infection (PVI) has been known in humans since ancient times, since it is the cause of the formation of warts. However, specialists managed to isolate and differentiate the pathogen only in the 60s of the twentieth century.

Currently, about 60 types of this infection are known in the medical world, and there are even more strains of pathogens - about 130. Recently, HPV types 51 and 56 have attracted special attention.

The prevalence of human papillomavirus detection in human blood reaches more than 60% of the entire population. Some of the isolated pathogens do not pose a threat to the health and life of the subject (papillomavirus types 1–10), but there are also those whose presence can provoke over time the development of malignant processes of varying severity in the body (in particular, HPV 51, 52, 56).


To combat HPV, complex treatment is used, which is aimed at suppressing the disease, stopping development and eliminating symptoms. The therapeutic complex is as follows:

  • prescription of antiviral drugs;
  • increasing a woman's immunity;
  • removal of papillomas.

Antiviral drugs

Boosting immunity

To enhance the body's defense, vitamin complexes and drugs that stimulate the immune system are used. Among them:

  • Immunal;
  • Amiksin;
  • Reaferon;
  • Polyoxidonium.

You should not ignore folk methods of fighting the disease, which can increase the body’s natural defenses. These include decoctions of nettle, currant leaves, and dandelion root. You need to take the decoction 3 times a day. To prepare, pour boiling water (220-230 ml) over a tablespoon of crushed plant material, cook for 5-7 minutes, filter after cooling.

Secrets of traditional medicine

In addition to the main treatment of HPV, folk remedies can be used. Since the main goal of therapy for papillomatosis, both type 35 and others, is to increase the body’s natural defenses and suppress the vital activity of the virus, it is recommended to use herbal decoctions that strengthen the immune system.

They are prepared from nettle, dandelion root, and currant leaves. The ingredients can be combined.

Pour a teaspoon of the dry mixture into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes. It is recommended to drink the decoction three times a day warm.

You can also remove papillomas on the face and body using traditional medicine. For example, the following:

  1. Garlic mixture. To prepare it, you need to chop two cloves of garlic and mix with Vaseline. Apply to the papilloma at night, covering with a band-aid.
  2. Table vinegar. Directly drip onto the neoplasm (make sure that the concentrate does not get on the healthy skin around it).
  3. Green walnut tincture. The nut is crushed and placed in a glass container (you need to fill it 2/3 full). The remaining free space in the jar is filled with kerosene. The product must infuse for 3 weeks. Afterwards, they should lubricate the papillomas three times a day.

Human papillomavirus is a dangerous disease, but with an integrated approach it can be overcome. The main thing is not to start the problem, but to contact a competent doctor and follow all his instructions.

Preventive actions

Prevention of the disease consists of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, supporting your immune system, avoiding bad habits, good nutrition and timely rest. Having reached biological adulthood, it is necessary to monitor the health of the sexual sphere, treat chronic diseases in a timely manner, and prevent hormonal levels from decreasing.

It is also important not to engage in promiscuous sexual relations and to use means of protection.

Women must undergo regular examinations by their gynecologist; human papillomavirus type 35 can have irreversible consequences for the fair sex.

Women who are already infected should be careful about their health and lead a healthy lifestyle. Those patients who have not yet encountered the pathogen must adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid casual sex;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • treat diseases of the genital tract in a timely manner;
  • eat well;
  • engage in moderate physical activity.

Medicine offers reliable protection against the human papillomavirus - vaccination.


HPV is one of the common viruses that infects about 80% of the world's population. The human papillomavirus leads to the formation of benign tumors on the human body, which turn into malignant ones. This is explained by the fact that the virus has many strains, about 120 in total, some of which are oncogenic, while others are not.

Most HPV strains contribute to the development of papillomas, but about 40 types of the virus lead to cancer of the female genital organs. HPV types 16 and 18 are considered dangerous, but type 35 of the virus also poses a serious danger to the female body. It provokes the appearance of papillomas and condylomas in the genital area and on the genitourinary organs, which leads to dysplasia and the development of cervical cancer. Let's look at HPV type 35 in women: what is it and how to get rid of it?

Infection with HPV type 35

The appearance of genital warts is the main sign of infection with the 35th strain of the virus

The human papillomavirus may not manifest itself for a long time, but the infected person remains a viral carrier, infecting the people around him. Often, people over 40 years of age may experience genital papillomas, which are the main sign of the presence of HPV type 35 in the body. The 35th strain of the virus is transmitted through unprotected sexual contact, and therefore poses a clear threat to health. This strain is especially dangerous for females.

To become infected, it is not necessary to have sexual contact; the virus can be transmitted through mutual caresses, kisses and touching. And yet, the main cause of infection with type 35 of HPV is promiscuous sex life or constant sexual relations with a sexual partner infected with papillomavirus.

In most known cases, the immune system fights off the infection immediately after it enters the body, so the disease does not have time to develop. But, if the immune system is suppressed, the infection settles in the tissues of the body and begins to progress, actively developing.

HPV type 35 enters the human body during sex through any, even the smallest, cracks and scratches in the skin and mucous membrane of the genitals, both externally and internally. After entering the body, the papillomavirus leads to the formation of genital warts, which can form in any person, regardless of gender.

Condylomas acuminata are thin growths with sharp ends that generally appear in groups, together forming a surface similar to cauliflower florets. Condylomas reproduce quickly, so in a short time their number will increase several times.

Infection with human papillomavirus type 35 occurs through sexual contact; the growths are localized in the genital area, anus, on the genitals, as well as in the oral cavity, for example, on the tongue. A large number of condylomas cause discomfort and a lot of inconvenience: irritation on the skin, difficulty performing sexual intercourse, problems with taking hygiene procedures.

Situations arise when condylomas become injured and begin to bleed, which is an ideal condition for the penetration of additional fungal or bacterial infections. But a greater threat to women is the entry of HPV 35 into the mucous membrane of the cervix. This can lead to serious consequences:

  • cervical dysplasia;
  • erosion with restructuring of epithelial cells;
  • development of papillomas;
  • the appearance of polyps.

All phenomena are considered harbingers of benign formations; without the necessary treatment they lead to cervical cancer.

The course of the disease in women

It takes about 30 years from the moment of infection to the appearance of a malignant tumor.

Human papillomavirus genotype 35 in women can occur in a latent form, or can manifest itself as a result of the formation of pointed papillomas on the genitals. Basically, condylomas are observed in infected women aged 15 to 30 years. Condylomatosis is detected in 10% of sexually active women. It is recommended to be tested for the presence of the virus in the body at the age of 25-30 years.

A woman may not be aware of her infection until after menopause, when the virus begins to malign cells and lead to cervical cancer, which reduces life expectancy by 25 years. But, the development of cancer is caused by an infection that lives in the body for more than 1 year.

Therefore, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations in medical institutions and take good care of your health.

Causes of HPV type 35 in women

Infection with papillomavirus type 35 is most often transmitted through sexual contact, but sometimes it can be contracted through household contact, and in some cases the virus is transmitted from mother to child during childbirth. Therefore, virgins may have strain 35 of papillomavirus. After infection, the virus does not develop immediately. The virus does not progress if a woman has a strong immune system that is able to cope with the disease on its own.

Human papillomavirus type 35 can remain in an incubation period for a long period of time, which can reach several years. But it appears under the influence of conditions favorable for its development:

  • hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • frequent drinking and smoking;
  • infection with infections that are transmitted through sexual contact;
  • weakened immune system;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

From the moment of infection to the development of a malignant tumor, more than one year will pass; this can happen over 30 years. By starting treatment early, you can prevent the occurrence of cancer. Common causes of HPV type 35 in women are:

  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • neglect of health;
  • the presence of advanced cervical erosion;
  • weakened immune system.

Symptoms of HPV 35 infection

Symptoms of infection may not appear for a long time

During the penetration of HPV type 35 into the female body, some characteristic signs may appear:

  • increased body temperature;
  • itching in some parts of the body;
  • irritation;
  • feverish condition.

Signs of infection may not appear immediately, but may take some time. If the body was unable to overcome the virus and began to actively develop. Small pedunculated papillomas begin to appear on the female genital organs. They have an unreliable fastening, so they can be injured, leading to inflammation and bleeding. Inflammation must be treated immediately, otherwise tissue necrosis will develop. This also applies to men, for whom infection with HPV 35 leads to serious consequences.

Diagnosis of HPV strain 35 in the female body

In order to begin treatment and prevent the formation of a cancerous tumor, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in time. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically check for the presence of HPV in the body, because this is a mandatory procedure that will warn about the likelihood of developing cancer. Immediately after the appearance of neoplasms in the genital area, you must consult a doctor for tests and tests.

The body is infected with papillomavirus type 35 if:

  • genital warts appeared on the external or internal part of the female organs of the reproductive system;
  • complications of cervical diseases have arisen;
  • the analysis shows the presence in the blood of cells that fight HPV;
  • The results of studies and analyzes are disappointing.

To detect strain 35 of the virus in the body, several effective methods are used:

  • polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This is an effective method of detecting the virus. The analysis allows you to determine the presence of HPV genotype 35 in the body, but if the analysis is carried out incorrectly, it can give false results. To carry out PCR, material is taken from the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix;
  • digene test. It determines the concentration of the virus in the body and helps to determine the degree of oncogenicity of viruses;
  • gynecological or urological examination;
  • taking tissue for histological examination;
  • cytological examination. During a gynecological examination, a smear is taken, which helps to identify the presence of pathologies in the cells and detect a precancerous condition.

Treatment options for HPV 35

At the initial stage of virus development, the doctor prescribes complex treatment

It is impossible to completely get rid of HPV, but you can get rid of its manifestations and strengthen the immune system, which is able to cope with the infection. Depending on the situation, treatment is selected individually. Treatment of women for HPV type 35 is complex and combines several areas at the same time:

  • removal of papillomas using a suitable method: surgical, radio wave, chemical or laser;
  • prescribing antiviral drugs that prevent the development of cancer;
  • prescription of immunomodulators, vitamins and minerals. This is an important aspect of treatment, because strong immunity can prevent the active development of the virus.

The course of treatment is under constant medical supervision and can lead to various consequences. This depends on the individual characteristics of the body and on the stage of development of the disease at which time the woman sought medical help.

The appearance of growths and new growths of warts on the skin is the main external manifestation of the human papillomavirus, the infection rate of which is more than 70%.

Papillomas often appear in older people and bother women during menopause and pregnancy, which is due to hormonal changes and weakened immunity. To date, about eighty strains of the virus have been studied, the total number of which is more than one hundred.

HPV type 35 is one of the oncogenic viruses. Infection with this type of infection causes the appearance of pointed papillomas on the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals. Late detection of HPV and lack of treatment lead to cervical dysplasia, pathological tissue degeneration, and the development of malignant neoplasms.

What it is

So, HPV type 35 in women - what is it, what are the features and main dangers of this strain?

HPV type 35 is a papilloma virus with a moderate oncogenic risk. That is, theoretically, infection can cause the development of cancer, but in practice this is not observed in all clinical cases.

The main manifestation of HPV of average oncogenic risk is the appearance of growths, warts, condylomas, which can be located on the mucous tissues and skin of the genital organs. With timely removal of tumors and the use of immunomodulatory therapy, the risk of developing malignant tumors is minimal. However, prolonged absence of treatment can cause the degeneration of healthy cells and the development of uterine dysplasia, which is characterized as a precancerous condition.


How to treat HPV

Reasons for development

It is generally accepted that oncogenic types of HPV are transmitted exclusively by the parenteral route, that is, through contact with the mucous membranes and biological fluids of an infected person. This opinion is fundamentally wrong; in reality, the range of causes of HPV 35 is much wider. Infection can occur through household or vertical means, which is why papillomas can also appear in children.

After entering the body, HPV type 35 can remain in a state of suspended animation for a long time, that is, it cannot manifest its presence in any way. But against the backdrop of favorable conditions, the viral flora is activated, leading to a number of problems. The following factors can provoke infection activity:

  • The period of gestation and natural feeding.
  • Having bad habits.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Weakening of immune forces.
  • The presence of chronic diseases.
  • Elderly age.
  • The presence of foci of inflammation in the body.

It should be noted that HPV type 35 can remain in the blood for more than one year.

If factors that are favorable for the activity of the virus are absent, self-healing occurs, which is characterized by the suppression of pathogenic flora by the protective functions of the body.

Characteristic symptoms of the disease

Against the background of HPV type 35 infection, a woman may be bothered by certain signs that appear only against the background of reduced immunity and increased activity of pathogenic flora. The main clinical manifestations are:

The main clinical manifestation of HPV type thirty-five is the development on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs of small growths with a large, rough head located on a relatively thin base. Neoplasms of this type have a tendency to bleed and develop inflammation.

How is it transmitted?

As noted above, the virus can be transmitted through sexual contact, that is, sexual intercourse, which is the most common route of infection. There is also a possibility of infection of the fetus by the mother during the process of natural delivery, transmission of pathogenic flora through personal hygiene items, when visiting public places. HPV type 35, as well as other strains of pathogenic flora, is highly resistant to negative external factors and can retain the ability to live for a fairly long period of time.


To determine the presence of HPV type 35 in the body, the following diagnostic procedures are used:

  • Physical examination of the patient followed by a medical history, blood test, smear, that is, standard preventive procedures.
  • Polymerase chain reaction. This method of detecting HPV type 35 is quite informative and is used especially often. However, when conducting it, there is a risk of obtaining false positive or false negative results if any violations were made during preparation for the study or during the collection of biological material.
  • Daijin test. One of the newest research methods that allows you to determine the presence of oncogenic type HPV, as well as the degree of viral load, duration of invasion, and sensitivity of the infection to drugs.
  • Cytological examination. This method is used to identify atypical cells and determine pathological changes in cervical tissue.

To obtain objective results and select the optimal treatment option, two or more diagnostic options can be used simultaneously.


Questions regarding what it is - HPV type 35 in women were discussed above. Next, it is necessary to highlight methods of treating this unpleasant disease and eliminating its external manifestations. Therapy for oncogenic type HPV is complex, including the use of drugs that suppress the activity of the virus, methods that help eliminate papillomas, as well as drugs that increase immune strength. The peculiarities of female treatment are that the patient needs constant medical supervision, which will allow timely detection of possible deterioration of the condition and determine the development of cancer in the early stages.

Removing growths

Removal of pathological neoplasms on the skin and mucous tissues is a mandatory component of the complex treatment of HPV type 35. To solve this problem, the following methods can be used:

In the presence of small single growths, local antiviral drugs can be used, which include, for example, oxolinic ointment.

Taking medications

To effectively eliminate papillomas and suppress the activity of HPV type 35, antiviral drugs are required. The most popular medications are:

The choice of a drug, as well as its dosage regimen and dosage, is made individually after the patient has undergone the necessary diagnostic procedures. Complex treatment is more often practiced, including removal of papillomas by invasive methods and the use of antiviral therapy.

Traditional methods

Removing external manifestations of HPV type 35 through the use of folk remedies is somewhat problematic due to the low effectiveness of the latter. However, the combined use of home-made medicines with medications is quite acceptable. To remove papillomas on mucous tissues, it is recommended, for example, to regularly treat the growths with a mixture of olive oil and tea tree oil.

In addition, you can use regular laundry soap, which has antiviral properties, for daily hygiene.

Human papillomavirus is a common type of virus that is sexually transmitted. Modern medical science identifies 120 types of papillomavirus. HPV type 35 in women and men is one of 40 types of papillomavirus that causes the development of cancer. HPV enters the body in the form of pathological growths on the skin and genitals. Caring for yourself and starting treatment on time helps to avoid cancer complications. Treatment is carried out through a complex of procedures.

A person diagnosed with HPV type 35 is at risk of developing cancer.

What is papillomavirus?

Doctors have described 120 HPV genotypes. Papillomaviruses are a class of pathological microorganisms that provoke the formation of growths on the skin and mucous membranes. A characteristic difference between HPV is the structure of the DNA, which contains a gene that affects the rate of cell division. Under the influence of such a gene, the body's cells begin the process of constant division, resulting in the formation of a tumor. Approximately 40 types of HPV (HPV) cause the formation of cancer, most often manifesting as cervical cancer. Doctors consider HPV 35 detected in the body to be a precancerous condition. More often, the virus poses a danger to the female body, although men are also susceptible to infection. Based on the likelihood of developing cancer, the following types of papillomas are distinguished:

  • non-oncogenic;
  • oncogenic medium risk;
  • high-risk oncogenic.

How does infection occur?

Papilloma virus carriers make up 80% of the world's population under 30 years of age. Most carriers do not know that the virus is in the body, so there are no symptoms of pathology. For this reason, the virus is widespread among people. Children become infected with HPV in childhood through damaged skin, but symptoms do not appear for a long time. Outside the human body, the papillomavirus continues to survive for almost 2 months.

Most often, HPV type 35 infection occurs through sexual contact.

The appearance and nature of the course of the disease depends on the state of immunity; if a person has a strong immune system, then pathogenic microorganisms cannot multiply and cause the formation of growths and papillomas. When the immune system is impaired or weakened, the virus cells begin to actively reproduce, causing the appearance of condylomas and warts. The incubation period is from 6 months to 2-3 years and longer.

HPV is most often detected in semen and secretions secreted by the prostate gland.

Transmission of type 35 virus occurs through sexual contact (even if barrier contraception is used), when using someone else's underwear and personal hygiene items (razors, epilators). Activation of human papillomavirus type 35 causes the formation of genital warts and warts. Factors that make it easier for HPV to enter the body:

  • hormonal disorder;
  • transferred acute forms of viral and bacterial diseases;
  • bad habits - smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • trauma to the tissues of the external and internal genital organs and mucous membranes;
  • oral sex;
  • The presence of the disease in the mother causes the child to become infected.

Symptoms in women and men

Symptoms of human papillomavirus entering the body practically do not differ from each other depending on the type that caused the disease. The first signs of the introduction of the papilloma virus are the appearance of pinkish pathological growths on the skin of various morphologies, which rise above the skin level. Neoplasms formed when papillomavirus cells invade the human body:

Type of skin tumora brief description of
WartsMore often, the appearance of warts occurs in children who become infected with type 35 of the virus after contact with the skin of a sick person.
Condylomas acuminataNeoplasms shaped like a chicken comb that form in adults. Formations are formed mainly on the external genital organs and in the perianal area. Such neoplasms quickly transform from a small plaque into a large spot. Transmitted during sexual contact.
Flat condylomasThey appear more often when type 66 of the virus is introduced, but there is a high risk of occurrence also when infected with HPV 35. Appearing on the outer surface of organs, pathological neoplasms penetrate into the deep internal layers of the epidermis. The formation of flat condylomas is a dangerous sign of the development of cancer.

The main signs of penetration of human papillomavirus type 35

  • Itchy rashes and the appearance of hyperemic areas of the skin.
  • An unexplained rise in body temperature to 39 degrees, accompanied by chills, while there are no other symptoms of a viral or bacterial infection.
  • In women, inflammation occurs in the organs of the genitourinary system, including the cervix.
  • In men, growths form in the chest, neck, eyelids and armpits. Weeping red spots with clear outlines are visualized on the penis; brown dense crusts often appear on the damaged skin.

What is the danger?

HPV type 35 provokes the growth of condylomas in the intimate area, which can become cancerous.

The main problem of HPV in the body is the formation of condylomas (pointed formations that often appear in several pieces, shaped like a chicken scallop or broccoli). Neoplasms have a high growth rate, affecting large surfaces of the skin. Such neoplasms appear in the genital area, perineum and in the oral cavity (on the tongue and inner surface of the cheeks).

Growing growths cause discomfort and irritation, especially if they form in areas of friction with clothing. The appearance of condylomas often leads to the development of psychological problems, embarrassment and, accordingly, disturbances in sexual life. The loose surface of pathological growths often bleeds, becomes wet and is damaged. Damage to condylomas causes symptoms of fungal and bacterial infections.

It is dangerous for HPV 35 cells to enter the endometrium. The papilloma virus provokes the appearance of polyps, papillomas and causes the development of dysplasia, cervical erosion and metaplasia. Doctors classify such manifestations as precancerous conditions, which, if ignored, lead to the formation of a cancerous tumor. Condylomas in the oral cavity are injured when chewing food and during hygiene procedures. Frequent disruption of the integrity of the neoplasm causes accelerated growth and irritation of the skin surface.

Human papillomavirus type 35 in men causes a dangerous complication - bowenoid papulosis, which is accompanied by damage to the skin of the penis and scrotum. Ignoring the appearance of such symptoms leads to the formation of cancer affecting the epidermis in the intimate area and the organs of the urinary system. Growths on the penis cause psychological disorders.


The study of HPV type 35 is carried out by analyzing blood, smears, and tissue particles of the patient.

Doctors determine the presence of HPV in a person's body by ordering tests and blood tests. Timely diagnosis and correctly identified genotype of the virus will allow timely treatment of the pathology, which will reduce the risk of transformation of the pathology into cancer. The doctor makes the initial diagnosis by visually examining the patient if the growths are formed in easily accessible places. Then the doctor prescribes additional diagnostics.

  • general clinical blood test;
  • a smear from the vaginal cavity, from the cervical canal and urethral canal;
  • digest test, which determines the viral load on the body;
  • histological examination of a tissue sample of the growth to confirm or refute the development of cancer.

The main method for diagnosing human papillomavirus is PRC diagnostics (polymerase chain reaction). The method determines the type of HPV that caused the pathology and its concentration in the body. The PRC method detects virus cells even with a minimal amount of biological material. Also, using the method, you can find out how the virus entered the body and the oncogenic risk of formation. If the diagnostic result is positive and HPV type 35 is confirmed, then based on the data obtained, the doctor selects treatment.

At home, traditional medicine suggests distinguishing condyloma caused by HPV from other skin pathologies by applying vinegar to the affected surface. To do this, take a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad soaked in vinegar and press it to the surface of the tumor. If the condyloma becomes discolored or turns white, this confirms the presence of HPV.

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