How to stop biting your nails

Many children, teenagers and adults bite their nails for unknown reasons. Moreover, this happens completely spontaneously and imperceptibly even for themselves. In science, this habit is called onychophagy. Nail biting damages the nail and the skin around it. In most cases, a person bites his nails until blood appears on his fingers. This habit often manifests itself in childhood (4-5 years) and is not uncommon in adolescents who continue to bite their nails into adulthood.

1) Why do people bite their nails

  • Stressful situation.
  • Auto-aggression (as an expression of self-masochism).
  • Internal conflict (self-doubt).
  • Genes (doctors admit that this habit is inherited).
  • Brittle nails (if a person has a brittle nail plate and the nails often exfoliate and break, then the “owner” decides that the best way out is nail biting).
  • Boredom or idleness.

Why you shouldn't bite your nails

  • Under the nail plate a huge number of bacteria and fungi. In addition, there may be eggs of worms.
  • Biting your nails can damage your tooth enamel or injure your gums. This can lead to stomatitis.
  • Biting varnished nails is strictly prohibited. Lacquer contains toxic substances.
  • If you regularly bite your nails, then over time the nail plate is shortened and the nail turns into a protruding stump.

5 ways to stop biting your nails

  • As soon as you have the urge to bite your nails, distract yourself with something else or eat something. Replace the bad habit with something to do (draw, write, touch the rosary).
  • Keep your nails in order and get manicures regularly. Use varnish, if you are a man, then colorless varnish will help you with this. Also, the pharmacy sells a special transparent varnish, which tastes bitter. Many women grow their nails to avoid biting their own.
  • Think of your own punishment. For example, when you break the ban on biting your nails, sit down 50 times.
  • Calculate the periods or times of the day when you bite your nails, so it will be easier for you to stop yourself.
  • Also pay attention to your children. If you see that the child bites his nails, then there may be some problems or stressful situations. They must be discussed in a warm family circle.

Remember that biting your nails is not beautiful in the first place, and besides, this is a bad example for children. And before you try to get rid of this habit, understand yourself or change something in your life. Onychophagia, first of all, manifests itself due to psychological problems, this indicates that something does not suit you or worries you.

Finally, we suggest you watch a video on how to stop biting your nails.

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